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Photosynthesis and respiration of 4 species of the marine red algal genus Polysiphonia were evaluated under a variety of light, temperature and salinity conditions. The manometric results were compared with the local distribution and abundance of each species. The species can be separated into two distinct categories based on their overall distribution and temperature optima: (1) cold water plants [P. lanosa (L.) Tandy and P. elongata (Hudson) Sprengel], with peak photosynthesis at 21° to 24°C, but with active photosynthesis as low as 5°C; (2) plants with warm-water affinities [P. nigrescens (Hudson) Greville and P. subtilissima Montagne], having photosynthetic optima at 27° to 30°C, and exhibiting little or no photosynthesis below 10°C. The plants from the first group exhibit thermal injury at temperatures of 25°C and show a narrow tolerance to low salinities during periods of high temperatures. The plants from the second group show thermal injury at 30°C and have a wider tolerance to low salinities. The horizontal distribution of the 4 Polysiphonia species within the Great Bay Estuary System of New Hampshire, USA, is primarily governed by their tolerances to high temperatures and low salinities. The temperature optimum for each of the species corresponds to its particular estuarine distribution. Thus, P. subtilissima, having the highest temperature optimum, penetrated furthest into the Estuary, while P. lanosa, having the lowest temperature optimum, was restricted to the more coastal stations. There was a good correspondence between the natural distribution patterns and the manometric results.Published with the approval of the Director of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Contribution No. 731.Scientific Contribution No. 4 of the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory.  相似文献   
Bioleaching of metals can be achieved in sewage sludge using Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, which obtains its energy requirements from the oxidation of added ferrous iron. The purpose of this study was to verify the presence of indigenous T. ferroxidans and to evaluate their adaptive capacity and leaching potential. Nineteen sludges (primary, secondary, aerobically and anaerobically digested, oxidation pond) were tested and all of them contained indigenous iron-oxidizing bacteria. The acclimation of these organisms by successive transfers allowed a rise of sludge redox potential over 450 mV and a decrease of sludge pH between 3.8 and 2.2 over a 10-day incubation period. The metal solubilization efficiencies were Cd: 55-98%, Cr: 0-32%, Cu: 39-94%, Mn: 71-98%, Ni: 37-98%, Pb: 0-31% and Zn: 66-98%, were reached with these indigenous strains. The results obtained show that the metal bioleaching may be easily realized by direct acclimation of sludge microflora.  相似文献   
Wings from woodcock (Philohela minor) were first monitored for organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the eastern U.S. in 1971. Regional differences in these compounds were clearly demonstrated and baseline residue levels were obtained for later comparisons. An expanded sampling of wings in 1972 revealed that residues in wings of adult woodcock may differ significantly from those in immatures, and that residues of several important agricultural insecticides and PCBs had declined significantly. More extensive sampling was undertaken in 1975 to determine if changes in residue levels had taken place in the intervening years. PCBs, mirex, and heptachlor epoxide increased significantly between 1972 and 1975 in adult woodcock wings. In immature woodcock wings mirex, dieldrin, and PCBs increased significantly between 1972 and 1975, but DDT residues decreased significantly.  相似文献   
Surface swarms of the stomatopod Oratosquilla investigatoris (Lloyd, 1907) were observed in the Gulf of Aden and the equatorial western Indian Ocean during 1967. Collections from inshore and offshore swarms were made in both areas, and from demersal trawl catches in the equatorial area. O. investigatoris was also collected from the stomachs of several species of oceanic pelagic and inshore fish from 1965 to 1967, and was also reported in the stomach contents of the lesser frigate bird. Further collections were made from strandings on two oceanic islands in the equatorial area. Indirect observations on the occurrence of the species resulted from increased predation on pelagic longline baits during seasos of apparent abundance of O. investigatoris in the equatorial region. At the surface, predation by the species was observed on fast-swiming fish, and the swimming behaviour was noted. A size range of 6 to 37 mm carapace length (CL) was recorded for the 4000 specimens collected, and there was no size difference between the sexes. Length-frequency analysis of the samples indicated a major mode at 19 to 21 mm CL and an increase in length of 3 mm over 3 months. The sex ratio was weighted in favour of females in the majority of collections. It was concluded that the pelagic swarming of O. investigatoris is an important ecological phenomenon, but not regular in the area, and the factors affecting it could not be deduced from the available data.  相似文献   
Emissions trading in the European Union (EU), covering the least uncertain emission sources of greenhouse gas emission inventories (CO2 from combustion and selected industrial processes in large installations), began in 2005. During the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (2008–2012), the emissions trading between Parties to the Protocol will cover all greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and SF6) and sectors (energy, industry, agriculture, waste, and selected land-use activities) included in the Protocol. In this paper, we estimate the uncertainties in different emissions trading schemes based on uncertainties in corresponding inventories. According to the results, uncertainty in emissions from the EU15 and the EU25 included in the first phase of the EU emissions trading scheme (2005–2007) is ±3% (at 95% confidence interval relative to the mean value). If the trading were extended to CH4 and N2O, in addition to CO2, but no new emissions sectors were included, the tradable amount of emissions would increase by only 2% and the uncertainty in the emissions would range from −4 to +8%. Finally, uncertainty in emissions included in emissions trading under the Kyoto Protocol was estimated to vary from −6 to +21%. Inclusion of removals from forest-related activities under the Kyoto Protocol did not notably affect uncertainty, as the volume of these removals is estimated to be small.  相似文献   
A solid-phase microbiological assay was used to determine the changes in genotoxicity associated with sequestration or biodegradation of carcinogenic compounds in contaminated soils. The concentration of six carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) did not change in 59 d in sterile soil, but the genotoxicity declined markedly. In a soil undergoing bioremediation in the field for 147 d or biodegradation in the laboratory for 180 d, the concentrations either changed little or declined at different rates, but the genotoxicity increased followed by a decline. The genotoxicity of a second soil declined as a result of biological treatment. The data show that genotoxicity of contaminated soils may be unrelated to the concentration of carcinogenic PAHs because of aging or new mutagens formed during biological treatment.  相似文献   
Concentrations of eleven metals (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) were determined in the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus collected from the Archipelago of Stockholm. Several factors which influence the metal content in the seaweed have been studied, including errors caused by epiphytes, sea exposure and differences depending on which part of the seaweed is analysed. It is concluded that, if all these factors are considered, Fucus vesiculosus plants are excellent bio-indicators of metal pollution. This is also demonstrated by a significant increase in metal content in transplanted Fucus vesiculosus near the city of Stockholm. The results from this investigation also indicate increasing metal concentrations, especially Cd, in samples from the northern parts of the Archipelago and the reason for this is discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The X-ray fluorescence method was used to analyze trace metals collected in particulate form on filter papers and from the ionic state by ion exchange filter papers. The samples were prepared by allowing water to pass through these filter papers. The procedures necessary for using the X-ray fluorescence method are described. A number of samples were taken from the Great Miami River in Dayton, Ohio over one year showing the presence of the following metals, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe, Cu, Zn, Sr, and Cd. Elements in the periodic table between Ti and Cs were detectable to a sensitivity limit of the order of 30 ppb for metals in the particulate form and 0.4 ppm for metals in the ionic form.  相似文献   
The lipids of 2 species and 1 group of copepods, 4 species of euphausiids, 2 species of mysids, and 6 species of decapods, taken from different depths in the North-eastern Atlantic Ocean and Western Mediterranean Sea, have been analysed specifically for their wax ester content. The mid-water animals living below 500 m contained large amounts of wax ester (30 to 80% total lipid), while those animals living in the upper 600 to 700 m or on the sea floor had only small wax ester fractions (5 to 10% total lipid). It is suggested that the wax esters are laid down by those animals living in areas of low food density, where energy conservation is important, partly to achieve a more neutral buoyancy. In addition, it would appear that wax esters can function as energy reserves.  相似文献   
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