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Organohalogenated pollutants in human serum from Iassy, Romania and their relation with age and gender 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Dirtu AC Cernat R Dragan D Mocanu R Van Grieken R Neels H Covaci A 《Environment international》2006,32(6):797-803
Human serum samples (n=142) from Iassy county (Eastern Romania) collected in 2005 were analyzed for p,p'-DDT and its metabolites, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers, chlordane and metabolites and 14 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners. In all samples, p,p'-DDE (principal metabolite of p,p'-DDT) and beta-HCH (most persistent HCH isomer) were the most abundant organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) with median concentrations of 1975 and 923 ng/g lipid weight (lw), respectively. Hexachlorobenzene and p,p'-DDT were also detected in all samples, but at a lower median concentration of 30 and 340 ng/g lw, respectively. The large variation of the ratio p,p'-DDT/p,p'-DDE (range between 0.02 and 0.80) suggests various degrees of exposure to DDT, including recent exposure, at least to some subgroups of the population. Chlordane and its metabolites were in most cases close to the limit of quantification suggesting a very low use of chlordane formulations in Eastern Romania. Unexpectedly, PCBs were present in all samples at sometimes considerable levels (up to 4970 ng/g lw for sum of 14 PCB congeners) indicating a higher exposure of the Romanian population than previously reported. The PCB profile consisted of persistent congeners such as 138, 153, 170 and 180 which contributed for approximately 75% to the sum PCBs. Concentrations of most pollutants correlated significantly with age (r>0.86, p<0.01). Except for p,p'-DDT and gamma-HCH, the mean levels of OCPs in females were statistically higher than in males, while, except for octa-CBs, no gender differences were found for PCBs. Levels of p,p'-DDE, penta-CBs, hexa-CBs and hepta-CBs were significantly higher in individuals with a rural main residence. In a pooled serum sample, 6 polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners were measured at a level of 1.04 ng/g lw. Compared to results available from Central and Eastern European countries, human serum samples from Romania contained higher levels of contamination. This emphasizes that an extensive and rigorous program for the monitoring of OCPs and PCBs in Romanian population is highly needed in the light of possible adverse health effects acknowledged for these pollutants. 相似文献
NaCl和KCl对厌氧污泥抑制的动力学研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在厌氧颗粒污泥和厌氧絮状污泥系统中,进行盐质量浓度(NaCl或KCl质量浓度,下同)对厌氧污泥抑制动力学的研究,得到不同拟合的COD降解动力学方程及参数.实验结果表明:当盐质量浓度为10~30 g/L时,KCl对厌氧污泥的COD比降解速率的抑制程度大于NaCl;当盐质量浓度由0 g/L增至10 g/L时,半速率常数逐渐增加;当盐质量浓度由10 g/L增至30 g/L时,半速率常数逐渐减小;在厌氧污泥系统中,NaCl抑制作用下的盐抑制常数高于KCl,且颗粒污泥的盐抑制常数高于絮状污泥. 相似文献
青藏高原典型高寒草甸区土壤有机碳氮的变异特性 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
本研究应用地统计学的基本原理与方法(半方差分析)对青藏高原典型高寒草甸区0~10 cm土壤有机碳和全氮空间变异性进行了分析.结果表明,0~10 cm的土壤有机碳和全氮的平均含量分别为11.45 g·kg-1和1.02 g·kg-1,平均变异系数分别为0.23和0.21,反映出该植被区土壤肥力较为贫瘠.土壤有机碳和全氮随机因素的变异占总空间异质性变异的比率分别为44.7%和49.9%,变异尺度分别为210.9 m和200.1 m,随机因素的影响主要发生在采样尺度<10 m的范围之内.在该研究区域上土壤有机碳和全氮均表现出空间自相关因素大于随机因素的变异格局;在空间结构的变异上,由土壤内在属性如土壤矿物质、地形等空间自相关因素和人为因素如放牧及工程施工等对土壤表层的践踏引起的随机因素共同起作用,影响程度呈中等水平. 相似文献
珠江广州河段着生藻类的群落结构及其与水质的关系 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11
于2007年6月、7月和9月,采用玻璃挂片法对珠江广州河段9个断面处着生藻类的分布状况进行了调查,同时测定了叶绿素a、总氮、总磷、溶解氧、pH等环境因子.本调查共观察到着生藻类35种,主要以丝状绿藻占据优势,其中毛枝藻是绝对优势种,其最高数量百分比达97.4%;而附着在绿藻藻体的一些硅藻,如异极藻、脆杆藻也是常见优势物种.着生藻类数量丰富,为3.16×104-3.06×106cells·cm-2;种类多样性较低,Shannon-Weaver种类多样性指数为0.15~2.68.从总氮和总磷含量来看,珠江广州河段水质为Ⅲ类至Ⅴ类之间.调查期间,2007年7月12日举行了广州市万人游珠江活动,由于活动期间采取的一些截污治理措施,6月、7月水质特别是广州市区河段水质有所好转;但活动过后,营养盐特别是总磷浓度迅速上升,叶绿素a含量和着生藻类数量急剧增加.研究结果说明,珠江广州河段水质能够得以改善,但需要采取持续而有效的措施防止水质的进一步恶化,才能保证珠江水资源的可持续发展. 相似文献
Hong Wang Jay Gao Li-Liang Ren Yan Kong He Li Ling Li 《Regional Environmental Change》2013,13(1):115-123
As wildlife habitat is in constant evolution, periodic monitoring is essential to assess its quality. In this study, the change to the red-crowned crane habitat in the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve was detected from multi-temporal remote sensing data from 1992 to 2008 in a geographic information system. Habitat fragmentation was derived from both physical constraints and human disturbance. The changing habitat quality was assessed against five landscape indices. The results obtained from Landsat TM images indicate that potential habitat shrank 37.9 % during 1992–2001, but recovered 99.4 % by 2008. Suitable habitat shrank by 4,329 ha to a level below that of 1992 despite an increase of 4,747 ha in potential habitat due to an increase of 9,075 ha in fragmented areas. Both landscape indices and the red-crowned crane population reveal that suitable habitat was the most fragmented in 2001, but the least fragmented in 1992. Therefore, it is inadequate to just restore wetland through artificial diversion of channel flow to the Reserve to preserve the crane habitat. Commensurate efforts should also be directed at improving habitat quality by minimizing human activities and spatially juxtaposing water and reed marshes harmoniously inside the Reserve. 相似文献
针对我国网民日益增长,电脑取代纸媒介,公众从网上了解国家大事、撷取科学知识渐盛的态势,中国地震局、共青团中央、科技部于2003年7月28日至9月20日,联合在网上首次开展"全国地震·防震知识有奖答题活动",中国地震局地震信息中心宣传教育部承办了这次活动,并获得圆满成功. 相似文献