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Organochlorines are highly hydrophobic, synthetic organic pollutants that accumulate in the environment and in food webs. The primary route of human exposure to organochlorines is through food-mainly fat-rich food of animal origin such as meat, fish, and dairy products. Here we determined the presence and concentration of organochlorine residues in pasteurized milk from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, to monitor consumer exposure to these contaminants. Organochlorine pesticides in milk samples were analyzed using solid phase extraction in octadecyl silica-prepacked columns and identified by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector. Of the 100 composite samples analyzed, more than 90% contained residues of organochlorine pesticides: aldrin was present in 44% of the samples, followed by ∑DDT (36%), mirex (34%), endosulfan (32%), chlordane (17%), dicofol (14%), heptachlor (11%) and dieldrin (11%). Compared to the values established by law, the concentration of the compounds in some samples was above the reference values. Given the importance that milk and its products have in the human diet, it is essential to know whether the levels of pesticide residues are kept well below the recommended levels to minimize the risk to human health.  相似文献   
The ability of certain white-rot fungi (WRF) inocula to transform heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide and its application in artificially contaminated soil were investigated. Fungal inoculum of Pleurotus ostreatus eliminated approximately 89 % of heptachlor after 28 days of incubation, and chlordene was detected as the primary metabolite. The fungal inoculum of Pleurotus ostreatus had the highest ability to degrade heptachlor epoxide; approximately 32 % were degraded after 28 days of incubation, and heptachlor diol was detected as the metabolite product. Because Pleurotus ostreatus transformed heptachlor into a less toxic metabolite and could also effectively degrade heptachlor epoxide, it was then selected to be applied to artificially contaminated soil. The spent mushroom waste (SMW) of Pleurotus ostreatus degraded heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide by approximately 91 and 26 %, respectively, over 28 days. This finding indicated that Pleurotus ostreatus SMW could be used to bioremediate heptachlor- and heptachlor epoxide-contaminated environments.  相似文献   
Ruditapes philippinarum, a species native from the Indo-Pacific region, was introduced in Europe at the beginning of the 1970s for culture purposes, leading to a massive decrease of the native species Ruditapes decussatus and a high increase of R. philippinarum yields in Europe. Bivalves can accumulate high amounts of metals and thus easily reach concentrations that are toxic not only to themselves but also to consumers. Since differences in the accumulation of pollutants may exist between bivalve species, different health risks may be overcome. For this reason, the level of metals in seafood raises public health concerns, and international organisations like European Food Safety Authority, United States Food and Drug Administration, and Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) set maximum levels (MLs), above which edible seafood cannot be marketed. In order to evaluate the risk associated with the consumption of R. philippinarum and R. decussatus, both clam species were collected in the same site in Ria de Aveiro and the concentration of eight elements determined in organisms before and after a 48-h depuration period. Results evidence that even at low contaminated areas, the MLs for some elements can easily be achieved. The concentrations of As were above the reference values for FSANZ, and the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) is exceeded for As when more than 0.5 kg of R. decussatus and 0.9 kg of R. philippinarum clam flesh is consumed, in 1 week, by an adult (70 kg). When comparing with other systems worldwide, consumers of depurated clams from this coastal system have a similar or lower risk of exceeding the PTWI for Cd, As, Pb, and Hg. The recently introduced clam, R. philippinarum, accumulates lower amounts of the most health-threatening elements (less than 71 % of Cd, 40 % of As, and 20 % of Hg) than the native R. decussatus, except for Pb. R. philippinarum also reduces more the element burden when subjected to depuration than R. decussatus. Moreover, R. philippinarum allocates a lower proportion of the accumulated elements in the soluble fraction, where they are readily available. Thus, it is safer to consume R. philippinarum than R. decussatus, except when clams come from areas heavily polluted by Pb.  相似文献   
This study aims to verify the effects of the clomazone concentration used in rice fields on acetylcholinesterase (AChE), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), protein carbonyl and catalase activity in tissues of piava (Leporinus obtusidens). LC(50)-96h was 5.0 mg L(-1) and the fish were exposed to 1/10 of LC(50)-96 h: 0.5 mg L(-1) of clomazone for 96 and 192h. The same parameters were also assayed after a recovery period of 192 h in clean water. AChE activity was reduced only in the brain and heart of fish exposed for 96 h. AChE activity was decreased in the brain, muscle and heart tissues after 192 h of exposure. After 192 h of recovery period, AChE activity remained diminished in brain and muscle and showed a decrease in eye. However, after 192 h of recovery, AChE activity in heart was recovered. Fish showed increased TBARS levels in brain at all experimental periods. TBARS levels decreased in liver and muscle tissues after 192 h of exposure. The increase in muscle TBARS persisted in fish transferred to clean water. Protein carbonyl in the liver was increased in all periods studied including the recovery period. Catalase activity was reduced during all periods. The present study demonstrates the occurrence of disorders in AChE, TBARS, protein carbonyl and catalase activity in piava. The results also show changes in fish after exposure to an environmentally relevant concentration of clomazone. Most effects observed persisted after the recovery period. Thus, these parameters may be used to monitor clomazone toxicity in fish.  相似文献   
Landform-based physiographic maps, also called land systems inventories, have been widely and successfully used in undeveloped/rural areas in several locations, such as Australia, the western United States, Canada, and the British ex-colonies. This paper presents a case study of their application in a developed semi-urban/suburban area (Segovia, Spain) for land use planning purposes. The paper focuses in the information transfer process, showing how land use decision-makers, such as governments, planners, town managers, etc., can use the information developed from these maps to assist them. The paper also addresses several issues important to the development and use of this information, such as the goals of modern physiography, the types of landform-based mapping products, the problem of data management in developed areas, and the distinctions among data, interpretations, and decisions.  相似文献   
The Storm Water Management Model was used to simulate runoff and nutrient export from a low impact development (LID) watershed and a watershed using traditional runoff controls. Predictions were compared to observed values. Uncalibrated simulations underpredicted weekly runoff volume and average peak flow rates from the multiple subcatchment LID watershed by over 80%; the single subcatchment traditional watershed had better predictions. Saturated hydraulic conductivity, Manning's n for swales, and initial soil moisture deficit were sensitive parameters. After calibration, prediction of total weekly runoff volume for the LID and traditional watersheds improved to within 12 and 5% of observed values, respectively. For the validation period, predicted total weekly runoff volumes for the LID and traditional watersheds were within 6 and 2% of observed values, respectively. Water quality simulation was less successful, Nash–Sutcliffe coefficients >0.5 for both calibration and validation periods were only achieved for prediction of total nitrogen export from the LID watershed. Simulation of a 100‐year, 24‐h storm resulted in a runoff coefficient of 0.46 for the LID watershed and 0.59 for the traditional watershed. Results suggest either calibration is needed to improve predictions for LID watersheds or expanded look‐up tables for Green–Ampt infiltration parameter values that account for compaction of urban soil and antecedent conditions are needed.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the private and social profitability of current strategies for managing processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in Portuguese pine forests, looking at economic and environmental costs and benefits. Costs include the expenses for forest treatment and the social costs of threats to human health (dermatitis amongst others); benefits are assessed in terms of both revenue and social benefits such as carbon fixation and recreation. The evaluation was done using Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) as an analytical framework. While this tool is currently applied to forest and environmental assessment and specific applications to pest management strategies are to be found in agricultural economics, rather few attempts have been made in the field of forest pest management. In order to assess and compare with--without options, a case-study was analysed for the Setúbal Peninsula, south of Lisbon, an area where extensive stands of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) grow. The exercise has shown that CBA can be a valuable tool for assessing the economic and social profitability of pest management. The results demonstrate that the loss of revenues in the no-management option is not sufficient to make pest management profitable for private forest owners in the short-term. Conversely, a social profit is gained as pest management minimizes health risks for humans and avoids possible recreational losses.  相似文献   
Rapid and reliable methods for documenting soil erosion associated with forest harvest operations are needed to support the development of best management practices for soil and water conservation. To address this need, the potential for using 7Be measurements to estimate patterns and amounts of soil redistribution associated with individual post-harvest events was explored. The 7Be technique, which was originally developed for use on agricultural land, was employed to estimate soil redistribution associated with a period of heavy rainfall within a harvested forest area located in the Lake Region of Chile (39 degrees 44'7' S, 73 degrees 10'39' W; 22% slope; and mean annual rainfall 2300 mm yr(-1)). The results provided by the 7Be technique were validated against direct measurements of soil gain or loss during the same period obtained using erosion pins. The information produced by the two approaches was similar. The results of this study demonstrate the potential for using 7Be measurements to document event-based erosion in recently harvested forest areas.  相似文献   
For more than two decades a number of frameworks for scientific knowledge production are being proposed by science and technology researchers. They all advocate an extended involvement of non-specialists, in particular when it comes to knowledge production applicable to practical societal problems. We look to what extent these new frameworks have taken ground within a particular research community: the ACCENT Network of Excellence which coordinates European atmospheric chemistry and physics research applicable to air pollution and climate change. We did so by stimulating a debate through a “blog”, a survey and in-depth interviews with ACCENT scientists about the interaction between science, policy making and civil society, to which a great deal of ACCENT member contributed in writing or verbally. Most of them had interactions with policy makers and/or the general public, and they generally believe that interactions with spheres other than the scientific are needed. While such interactions give personal insight and satisfaction, they seem to have little impact on the goals and the practice of the scientific work itself. Extended frameworks of science production that go beyond the disciplinary mode seem to emerge at the level of individual scientists, yet they still need to find their way to the level of scientific project management. In this paper we discuss the justifications and barriers to implement a higher degree of extended knowledge integration in applied science projects such as ACCENT. It is felt that the community of atmospheric chemists and physicists is mature for such an implementation and recommendations are given to help and make this happen.  相似文献   
Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is one of the most used pharmaceutical drugs, due to its antipyretic and analgesic properties that turn it into a primary choice in varied pathologies and conditions. However, and despite its massive use, acetaminophen is not exempt of adverse effects, especially when administered in over dosage, which are related to the formation of toxic metabolites by oxidative pathways. It is thus possible to observe that toxicity caused by acetaminophen is usually mediated by reactive oxygen species and can result in multiple effects, ranging from protein denaturation to lipid peroxidation and DNA damage. The occurrence of acetaminophen has been reported in the aquatic environment, being important to address the potential exertion of toxic effects on nontarget environmentally exposed organisms. The present study intended to characterize the effects of acute acetaminophen exposure on physiological traits (antioxidant defense, oxidative damage) of two species of bivalves, namely, the edible clams Venerupis decussata and Venerupis philippinarum. Results showed a significant increase in all oxidative stress biomarkers, evidencing the bioactivation of acetaminophen into a deleterious prooxidant, triggering the onset of deleterious effects. Furthermore, strong interspecific differences were observed among responses of the two tested species, which was a major issue due to intrinsic ecological implications when one considers that both species share the same habitat.  相似文献   
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