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This study quantifies metal concentrations in washed and unwashed feathers of feral pigeons (Columba livia). The material was collected in two different sites: Goiania (capital of Goiás State), with high anthropic activities, and Jataí (a city in Goiás), with low anthropic activities. Results revealed that metals such as Pb, Cr, and Cd were deposited in the feathers originating from air and soil (exogenous process). Other metals such as Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, which are part of the tissue constitution of a living being, were absorbed through the pigeons' diet (endogenous process). There was a statistically significant difference between mean values of Cd, Pb, and Cr in the three collection sites. The order of metal concentrations were Civic Square > Zoo > Jataí, which shows highest levels of metal contamination in anthropic environments. Significant differences between Cd, Pb, and Cr in washed and unwashed feathers suggest that metal concentrations are directly related to exposure time due to exogenous sources. We concluded that it is possible to quantify and monitor metal levels in the environment by analyzing the feathers of urban feral pigeons. Furthermore, unwashed feathers were especially efficient to investigate endogenous and exogenous absorption of the metals in our study.  相似文献   
Metallurgic industry is a source of serious environmental pollution related to the emission of heavy metals. Freshwater systems are focal points for pollution, acting as sinks for contaminants that may end up in fish and humans. The Pasvik watercourse in the border area between Finland, Norway and Russia is located in the vicinity of the Pechenganickel metallurgic enterprises, and the lower part of the watershed drains the Nikel smelters directly through Lake Kuetsjarvi. Heavy metal (Ni, Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb and Hg) concentrations in environment (water and sediments) and whitefish Coregonus lavaretus tissue (gills, liver, kidney and muscle) were contrasted between five lake localities situated along a spatial gradient of increasing distance (5-100 km) to the smelters. The heavy metal concentrations, in particular Ni, Cu and Cd, were highly elevated in Kuetsjarvi, but steeply declined with increasing distance to the smelters and were moderate or low in the other four localities. The study demonstrates that the majority of metal emissions and runoffs are deposited near the pollution source, and only moderate amounts of the heavy metal contaminants seem to be transported at further distances. Bioaccumulation of Hg occurred in all investigated tissues, and higher Hg concentrations in planktivorous versus benthivorous whitefish furthermore indicated that pelagic foraging is associated with higher levels of Hg biomagnification. Potential population ecology impacts of high heavy metal contaminations where mainly observed in whitefish in Kuetsjarvi, which showed depletions in growth rate, condition factor and size and age at maturation.  相似文献   
Bias originating from intrinsic nonlinearity in nonlinear models is caused by excess curvature in the solution locus of parameter estimates derived from least squares procedures. Bias due to intrinsic nonlinearity varies according to sample size as well as model specification. This paper analyses consequences of fractionising data into smaller sub-samples. Based on measurements of stem diameter and total tree height from the first Danish national forest inventory, it is demonstrated how data splitting at random may cause the intrinsic nonlinear curvature to exceed the critical F-value. Application of a Taylor-series expansion shows that, for all practical purposes, the bias in predictions of individual tree volume (based on stem diameter and tree height) is negligible. To minimize residual variance, intrinsic curvature and, in turn, prediction bias, it is recommended that data be stratified according to site conditions, stand characteristics or other relevant criteria. Finally, the preferred model should exhibit close-to-linear behaviour.  相似文献   
Summary The social organization of the pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) was studied by means of bat boxes in southern Sweden. The males set up territories around a roosting site in the beginning of the summer at the same time as the females formed nursing colonies. After breeding, the females joined the single males in their day roosts establishing transient mating harems. Subsequently, immatures arrived at the mating grounds. The immature females, which probably attained sexual maturity during their first autumn, were admitted to the day roosts of the harem males, in contrast to the immature males. The size of the harem was dependent on the total number of females present on the mating grounds. The size, however, was also restricted by some factor, presumably the quantity of food resources in the surroundings of the specific roost site, or the capability of the harem male for mating. The mating system in the pipistrelle bat is best characterized as a resource defence polygyny. Available data on other related temperate species indicate a similar social organization in Pipistrellus nathusii and Nyctalus noctula.  相似文献   
<正>由国家安全生产监督管理总局主办的中国国际安全生产及职业健康展览会(以下简称五届安展)将于2010年9月1~3日在中国国家会议中心如期举行。近年来,在党中央、国务院领导对安全生产和  相似文献   
Shortly after initiating a Management of Change instance, the owner develops a list of action items that need to be accomplished in order to successfully complete the MOC. This activity is termed “scoping the MOC”. A well-scoped MOC is efficient and lower risk; a poorly-scoped MOC is inefficient and higher risk.The quality of MOC scoping depends largely on the methodology used, with different sites using anything from no scoping at all, guesswork approaches, checklist approaches, to very sophisticated asset-based scoping.This paper reviews the various scoping methodologies using examples from actual MOC processes currently in use at chemical plants and refineries. The scoping techniques are then evaluated in terms of cost and error susceptibility of the resulting MOCs, using quantitative assessment tools. The results of this research provide specific guidelines on how to optimize scoping for small, medium and large MOCs.  相似文献   
It is a common practice in the midwestern United States to raise swine in buildings with under-floor slurry storage systems designed to store manure for up to one year. These so-called "deep-pit" systems are a concentrated source for the emissions of ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and odors. As part of a larger six-state research effort (U.S. Department of Agriculture-Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems Project, "Aerial Pollutant Emissions from Confined Animal Buildings"), realtime NH3 and H2S with incremental odor emission data were collected for two annual slurry removal events. For this study, two 1000-head deep-pit swine finishing facilities in central Iowa were monitored with one-year storage of slurry maintained in a 2.4 m-deep concrete pit (or holding tank) below the animal-occupied zone. Results show that the H2S emission, measured during four independent slurry removal events over two years, increased by an average of 61.9 times relative to the before-removal H2S emission levels. This increase persisted during the agitation process of the slurry that on average occurred over an 8-hr time period. At the conclusion of slurry agitation, the H2S emission decreased by an average of 10.4 times the before-removal emission level. NH3 emission during agitation increased by an average of 4.6 times the before-removal emission level and increased by an average of 1.5 times the before-removal emission level after slurry removal was completed. Odor emission increased by a factor of 3.4 times the before-removal odor emission level and decreased after the slurry-removal event by a factor of 5.6 times the before-removal emission level. The results indicate that maintaining an adequate barn ventilation rate regardless of animal comfort demand is essential to keeping gas levels inside the barn below hazardous levels.  相似文献   
Odors emitted from US Midwest hog production facilities present farmers, residents, and state regulatory agencies with a set of complex challenges. To predict odor exposure from multiple swine production sources simultaneously, and to determine siting recommendations for proposed new or enlarged hog facilities, researchers at Iowa State University designed the community assessment model for odor dispersion (CAM). A three-county citizen survey conducted in Iowa examined the level of hypothetical social acceptance of the modeling process, and level of trust in CAM results. While 69 % of respondents approved of modeling as a way to determine the most socially appropriate location for production sites, only 35 % would trust the results if potential odor exposure from a new facility were proposed to be built near their home. We analyzed approval of the CAM model, and level of trust, across a number of demographic, attitudinal, and belief factors regarding environmental quality and the hog industry. Overall, trust in CAM was uneven and varied across respondents. Those residents who would not trust CAM tended to be more concerned with environmental quality and less inclined to believe that the hog industry is critically important economically. Those who would not trust CAM results also had significantly more direct experience with odors. Findings point to predominantly positive, yet equivocal acceptance of CAM results among the citizenry, which is not unexpected given conflict typical of siting decisions in industry and waste disposal arenas. Recommendations are offered regarding the interaction of trust, beliefs and attitudes and the utility of CAM.  相似文献   
The Swedish System for Quality Assessment of Agricultural Soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil quality assessment is based on the concept of soilfunctions. The performances of three soil functions, cropproduction, biological decomposition and matter exchange withthe atmosphere and groundwater, are used as quality criteria.Soil properties that can be used as indicators for the degreeof functional performance were identified. Each soil propertyselected was graded into five classes – from best (class 1) toworst (class 5). Grading was based biological on boundaryconditions as well as on statistical distribution. The systemoutlined can be used to interpret the quality state ofagricultural soils, provides for a relative comparison betweensoils, and may be helpful in an environmental monitoringprogram to assess trends in data.  相似文献   
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