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A short account is given of the events leading to the creation, after Alfred Nobel's death 1896, of the Nobel Foundation for the management of the funds, and of the Nobel committees in charge of the selection of the Prize winners in the five areas mentioned in the will. The impact of the various and partly recently added activities of the Nobel organizations on contemporary international scientific and cultural life is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The reproductive history of 45 couples at increased risk for neural tube defect (NTD) who came for genetic counselling in 1970 and 1971 were compared with a similar number counselled in 1975 and 1976, when prenatal diagnostic tests were freely offered. They were subsequently interviewed in their homes and had their reproductive history recorded to the end of 1973 and 1978 respectively. Nearly all had a previous child with an NTD and none of the women were pregnant at the time of counselling. The effect of prenatal diagnosis was to speed somewhat the decision about further pregnancies, but the number of couples deciding on no further children and on having further pregnancies were almost identical in the two groups. The average number of pregnancies was 2·8 per family, with only 1·2 surviving children. The pregnancy outcomes are discussed as are the reasons for not attempting further pregnancies in both groups, which included very high risk of recurrence, a surviving spina bifida child, inability to accept the tests or its implications. Ninety per cent of the second group had tests. Their reactions to the tests were favourable but all complained of the waiting time between amniocentesis and obtaining the results. They all would have tests again in any future pregnancy. The reason for women not having prenatal diagnostic tests included inability to accept termination. It is concluded that couples in South Wales decide either to have no more children or to have further pregnancies regardless of tests. but tests speed a decision and enable the women to enjoy the pregnancy after obtaining the results, and that an NTD greatly reduces the number of children per family. A termination for an NTD is much more acceptable to most than an NTD at term. The reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   
HLA typing of amniotic fluid cells has been used for the prenatal diagnosis of the HLA linked diseases congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21-OH-deficiency (21-OH-def) type) and complement C4 deficiency and it has also been used for the prenatal de termination of paternity. There are, however, technical difficulties in this test associated with the weak expression of some B locus antigens on amniotic fluid cells, and theoretical difficulties related to associations between particular HLA antigens and the 21-OH-def allele. Since certain HLA-B locus antigens are found in significantly increased frequencies among patients with 21-OH-def, there is a relatively high incidence of HLA-B homozygosity among the patients and over 40 percent of the parents of these patients share one or more HLA-B locus antigens. Results of some prenatal HLA typing tests may thus be difficult to interpret, and supplementary tests should be used whenever possible. HLA typing of amniotic cells is, however, the only available procedure for prenatal diagnosis of C4 deficiency and it is the best available procedure for prenatal determination of paternity. A modification of our original procedure allows HLA typing to be performed with increased numbers of HLA typing sera, and sera with optimum reactivity for amniotic fluid cells have now been selected for the definition of most of the more commonly expressed HLA antigens. Although amniotic fluid cells do not express DR antigens, amniotic fluid cells can be typed for the HLA-linked marker glyoxalase I (GLO) and this may be the informative for prenatal diagnosis in some cases.  相似文献   
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