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A study is presented on the distribution and mobilization of the natural U isotopes (238U and 234U), 230Th, and 226Ra in the sediments of a small river crossing an uranium mineralized zone where a disused uranium mine is located. Due to the preferential directions for surface run-off waters and to the mine's situation, one sampling point along the river bed was identified as a point of accumulation of radionuclides. The average values of the activity concentrations (Bq/kg) in this sediment sample were 5,025, 5,055, 5,915 and 1,694 for 238U, 234U, 230Th and 226Ra, respectively, while the respective average values of the activity concentrations (Bq/kg) for the sediment sample considered to give the background level were 125, 124, 131 and 370. Isotopic ratios between the descendants of 238U served to clarify some paths of distribution, involving the soils nearest to the sampling points and the location of these points with respect to the disused mine. The differences in behaviour found between the uranium, thorium and radium isotopes were associated to the mobility of these radionuclides in the fluvial system studied. Correlations between the radionuclide activity concentration ratios and stable element concentrations in the sediment samples were also investigated.  相似文献   
DNA probes have been developed for subsequent use in monitoring the exposure of animals to heavy metal pollution in terrestrial environments using metallothionein (MT) gene expression in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus). Three different bank vole sequences were characterised corresponding to the cDNA and the genomic DNA for MT-I and the genomic DNA for MT-II. Nucleotide sequence analysis indicates that the coding sequences of the bank vole MT-I and MT-II genes exhibit a very high degree of similarity (greater than 92%) to the corresponding genes of the Chinese hamster, the mouse and the rat. In common with other mammalian MT genes, both the MT-I and MT-II genes in the bank vole are interrupted by two introns, which are at identical positions as those in other rodent MT genes; furthermore, the sizes of these introns are similar to those in other rodents with the first intron being larger than the second and those in the MT-I gene being larger than those in the MT-II gene. The predicted amino acid sequence for the proteins shows that both proteins contain 20 cysteine residues at positions identical to those in other known mammalian MTs. The availability of these DNA sequences now provides a good opportunity to investigate MT gene expression and possible gene amplification in bank voles exposed to metal pollution.  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of soil organic matter heterogeneity on equilibrium sorption and desorption of phenanthrene, naphthalene, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (1,3,5-TCB), and 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) by soils and sediments. Two estuary sediments, a Pahokee peat (PP; Euic, hyperthermic Lithic Haplosaprist), and two subsamples (base- and acid-treated peat [TP] and acid-treated peat [FP]) of the peat were used as the sorbents. The contents of black carbon particles were quantified with a chemical extraction method. Petrographical examinations revealed the presence of the condensed soil and sediment organic matter (SOM) in Pahokee peat. The Freundlich isotherm model in two different forms was used to fit both sorption and desorption data. The results show that the sorption and desorption isotherms are generally nonlinear and that the apparent sorption-desorption hysteresis is present for phenanthrene and TCB. Detailed analysis of sorption data for the tested sorbent-sorbate systems indicates that black carbon is probably responsible for sorption isotherm nonlinearity for the two sediments, whereas the humic substances and kerogen may play the dominant role in nonlinear sorption by the peat. This investigation suggests that the microporosity of SOM is important for the hydrophobic organic contaminant (HOC) sorption capacity on the peat.  相似文献   
Soil depletion and degradation have been increasingly recognized as important environmental issues in many parts of the world. Over the last decade a number of political and legislative measures have been introduced to encourage and enforce sustainable soil management in New Zealand. Application of the new legislation has highlighted gaps in our knowledge of soil quality and a lack of scientific methods to assess and monitor soil quality. This paper describes the legislative measures and outlines the sdentific response to the needs of regulatory agencies responsible for maintaining environmental quality. The research recommended a set of indicators to assess soil quality. Each soil quality attribute has an associated "target range" defining the acceptable value for the attribute. The paper also discusses the communication of results to end-users, including the development of a computerized assessment tool. The legislative measures and scientific response have fostered a closer relationship between the policy and science communities, leading to more well-focused research, but greater collaboration is still required.  相似文献   
Rolling microcosm experiments were conducted to determine whether suspended particles affect the survival and viability of a model pathogen, Salmonella choleraesuis, serotype typhimurium (American Type Culture Collection no. 23567), in a freshwater microbial community. Water from the Duluth, MN harbor of Lake Superior (including native microorganisms) was inoculated with clay, silt, or flocculent organic particles in a range of concentrations and a streptomycin-resistant strain of S. typhimurium. Microcosms (incubated at 20 degrees C) were rolled horizontally (3 rpm) and sampled periodically for total bacteria and total, viable, and culturable S. typhimurium. Total S. typhimurium abundance decreased rapidly in all experiments (8.5-73.1% d-1). Total bacteria did not decrease as rapidly as the S. typhimurium population in any experiment, suggesting that a microcosm effect was not responsible for the decline in S. typhimurium populations. Loss rates of attached and free cells were similar, indicating that attachment to particles did not enhance the persistence of Salmonella cells beyond our minimum detectable differences. After eight days, only 0.1 to 11.9% of the initial S. typhimurium inocula were detected by direct counts. Suspended particles had a minimal effect on the survival and viability of S. typhimurium; the losses of total, viable, or culturable Salmonella were generally the same across particle treatments and concentrations. Silt and flocculent particles affected loss rates of total and viable S. typhimurium similarly to inorganic particles (clay). It appears unlikely that suspended particles would provide a means for S. typhimurium to persist at hazardous levels in freshwater.  相似文献   
Physical principles applied to remote sensing data are key to successfully quantifying vegetation physiological condition from the study of the light interaction with the canopy under observation. We used the fluorescence-reflectance-transmittance (FRT) and PROSPECT leaf models to simulate reflectance as a function of leaf biochemical and fluorescence variables. A series of laboratory measurements of spectral reflectance at leaf and canopy levels and a modeling study were conducted, demonstrating that effects of chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) can be detected by remote sensing. The coupled FRT and PROSPECT model enabled CF and chlorophyll a + b (Ca + b) content to be estimated by inversion. Laboratory measurements of leaf reflectance (r) and transmittance (t) from leaves with constant Ca + b allowed the study of CF effects on specific fluorescence-sensitive indices calculated in the Photosystem I (PS-I) and Photosystem II (PS-II) optical region, such as the curvature index [CUR; (R675.R690)/R2(683)]. Dark-adapted and steady-state fluorescence measurements, such as the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm), steady state maximal fluorescence (F'm), steady state fluorescence (Ft), and the effective quantum yield (delta F/F'm) are accurately estimated by inverting the FRT-PROSPECT model. A double peak in the derivative reflectance (DR) was related to increased CF and Ca + b concentration. These results were consistent with imagery collected with a compact airborne spectrographic imager (CASI) sensor from sites of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) of high and low stress conditions, showing a double peak on canopy derivative reflectance in the red-edge spectral region. We developed a derivative chlorophyll index (DCI; calculated as D705/D722), a function of the combined effects of CF and Ca + b content, and used it to detect vegetation stress.  相似文献   
A chemical survey of 69 high-altitude lakes in seven national parks in the western United States was conducted during the fallof 1999; the lakes were previously sampled during the fall of 1985, as part of the Western Lake Survey. Lakes in parks in the Sierra/southern Cascades (Lassen Volcanic, Yosemite, Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks) and in the southern RockyMountains (Rocky Mountain National Park) were very dilute; medianspecific conductance ranged from 4.4 to 12.2 S cm-1 andmedian alkalinity concentrations ranged from 32.2 to 72.9 eqL-1. Specific conductances and alkalinity concentrations were substantially higher in lakes in the central and northernRocky Mountains parks (Grand Teton, Yellowstone, and GlacierNational Parks), probably due to the prevalence of more reactivebedrock types. Regional patterns in lake concentrations of NO3 and SO4 were similar to regional patterns in NO3 and SO4 concentrations in precipitation, suggestingthat the lakes are showing a response to atmospheric deposition.Concentrations of NO3 were particularly high in Rocky Mountain National Park, where some ecosystems appear to be undergoing nitrogen saturation.  相似文献   
Development, characterization, and preliminary results of a recent technique capable of local measurements of pore-size distribution by a spatially resolved low resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique are described. Potential environmental uses include studying the change in pore-size distribution caused by surface compaction, which influences surface runoff, and obtaining information on the physical state of non-aqueous compounds in porous materials, which should aid the selection of appropriate soil remediation methods. Stray field (STRAFI) imaging is an NMR technique that allows distortion-free imaging of materials with short NMR relaxation times. The sample is placed in the strong axial fringe field gradient of a superconducting NMR magnet. We report on a new, unique, large 5-cm-diameter STRAFI probe, and its use for three preliminary test cases: water in ceramics of known pore size, paraffin wax and oil in sandstone rock, and water in soil at different matric potentials. The imaging is confined to one dimension with a spatial resolution of the order of 100 microm for protons. The optimum position for imaging occurs at 2.62 T and a gradient of 12.1 T/m. Water relaxation decay curves can be measured at any position in the 8-cm-long sample. These curves are decomposed into a series of terms each corresponding to a different pore size. Preliminary results show continuum fits to decay curves for a soil drained to three different matric potentials. Such information will be useful for interpreting water retention curves and will lead to understanding of the behavior of fluids in the vadose zone.  相似文献   
Mass movements at an environmentally sensitive but very popular leisure site in Malta were investigated in order to establish whether they were naturally occurring or whether they might in some way have resulted from the chronic long-term degradation of the site. Field surveys of the slopes were undertaken and physical and geotechnical properties of the Maltese Blue Clay Formation, which forms the slopes, were determined from laboratory analysis of samples. Slope stability was analysed using the infinite slope model; analysis of two 1996 mudflows indicates that these mass movements are natural processes. A landslide hazard analysis based on this finding suggested that whilst future mudflows constitute a small hazard, the risk of harm arising from them is even smaller. The implications of this for conservation management of the site are important, given the objective of restoring and then maintaining a natural ecological environment at the site. The mudflows are integral components of this natural environment, shaping the landscape and the ecological communities. The provision of information to visitors constitutes a valuable education and management tool that should further reduce the risk of harm and promote responsible recreational use of the site. However, it is essential that managers understand the nature of all relevant components of an environmentally sensitive site, in order that appropriate management strategies are devised. In the case discussed, these might include avoiding unnecessary future intervention on the clay slopes.  相似文献   
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