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案头有这样一份资料,2003年全国共发生道路交通事故66.7万多起,死亡人数约10万余人,是5年前30万起的一倍多,比5年前死亡近7万人的幅度明显上升。平均每天有285人在车轮下丧生,相当于每天从空中摔下一架大型客机。  相似文献   
浏览金陵古城,自然会去中外闻名的侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆参观凭吊。纪念馆外观呈纪念性的大型陵墓状建筑物,座落在南京城西江东门,这里既是侵华日军江东门集体屠杀的遗址,也是遇难者的埋葬地。  相似文献   
The experiments on pollutant movement in surf zone were conducted on the two gentle beaches(with slope of 1:100 and 1:40, respectively), for diverse wave cases. The movement contours and direction of pollutants, under the action of regular and random waves with diverse wave amplitudes, were provided and studied in this paper. It was shown that, due to complicated hydrodynamics in surf zone, the pollutant movement state is quite complicated and different from that in pure current zone.  相似文献   
湘江水体中重金属的化学形态及分布特征的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
水体中重金属的生态效应和迁移转化规律与其化学形态密切相关。本文结合湘江重金属水容量与背景值的研究,较系统地研究了铜、铅、镉和锌的化学形态及其在全江段水中的分布特征。应用阳极溶出伏安法,得到湘江水中重金属总量、溶解态含量和悬浮态含量的分配与分布特征,还有溶解态所包含的金属的主要存在形态及与之共存的其它多种形态(包括悬浮态)共十种,该文对其形成、分配和相互转化进行了综合分析。  相似文献   
乐山大佛景区景云亭危岩灾害分析及其防治研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
何思明  张晓刚  沈均  罗渝 《灾害学》2009,24(3):39-45
乐山大佛景区离堆山景云亭危岩地处大佛景区乌尤寺附近陡崖地带.危岩严重威胁省级文物保护单位"离堆"、乐山巨型睡佛的"睫毛"-景云亭及"中流砥柱"浮雕等重要景点的安全.通过现场调查、测绘、坑探等手段,结合赤平投影、楔形体稳定性分析,系统地研究了离堆山景云亭危岩体的区域地质环境条件、危岩基本特征及类型、演化发展趋势、影响因素及其稳定性,在此基础上提出了以锚固为主体工程,辅以排水、嵌补工程,对危岩体进行综合工程整治.  相似文献   
哈尔滨市城市内涝监测预警系统建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了哈尔滨市城市内涝监测预警系统的主要组成部分、核心技术及理论基础、重要应用价值及意义,并通过在一次强降水实例中的检验,证明该系统具有较高的精确度.在系统核心环节--积水仿真模型的建立中,该项目突破了传统规则网格的划分法,而是根据城市地形地貌特点独创了无结构不规则网格技术.此外,仿真模型中对排水工程设施进行了数字概化,首次实现了地面积水与管道水体模拟之间的结合;初步解决了哈尔滨特有的陆地泵排水模拟问题;将监测雨量信息和数值天气预报信息带入仿真模型,实现了气象学与水文学的结合.通过运行该系统,可以提高对积水预报的准确度.  相似文献   
Activity development of key groups of enzymes involved in municipal refuse decomposition was measured in laboratory landfill bioreactors with and without leachate recycling and inoculation for about 210 days.The results showed that the enzymes(amylase,protease,cellulase,lipase and pectinase)were present in fresh refuse but at low values and positively affected by leachate recycling and refuse inoculation.The total average of cellulase activity in digesters D3 operated with leachate recycling but no inoculation,D4 and D5 operated with leachate recyling and inoculation was much higher than that in digesters D1 and D2 without leachate recycling and inoculation by 88%-127%,117%-162%and 64%-98%.The total average of protease activity was higher in digester D4 than that in digesters D1,D2,D3and D5 by 63%,39%,24%and 24%,respectively,and the positive effect of leachate recycling and inoculation on protease activity of landfilled refuse mainly was at the first two months.The total average of amylase activity was higher in digesters D3,D4 and D5 than that in digesters D1 and D2 by 83%-132%,96%-148%and 81%-129%.During the early phase of incubation,the stimulatory effect of inoculation on lipase activity was measured,but refuse moisture was the main factor affecting lipase activity of landfilled refuse.The inoculation,initial and continuous inoculation of microorganisms existing in leachate,was the mainly stimulatory factor affecting pectinase activity of landfilled refuse.  相似文献   
PM10作为大气污染物监测的主要指标之一,探究大气PM10浓度对大气环境质量和人体健康评价具有重要意义。黄、渤海滨海带包括京、津和辽、冀、鲁、苏等工、农业大省,区域大气PM10污染的时空分布和来源特征具有复杂性和典型性。在锦州、北京、天津、烟台、青岛、连云港和盐城7个城市布设10个采样点,含7个城市点和3个农村点,开展为期一年的大气颗粒物的采样;同时,于冬季1月和夏季7月在锦州、天津和烟台进行合计60 d的加密采样,藉以确定研究区域大气PM10的时空分布和来源特征。结果表明,黄、渤海滨海带大气年均PM10总浓度为(129’18)"g·m~(-3),单月最低值出现在2015年7月盐城农村样点15"g·m~(-3),最高值为2015年3月北京城市点307"g·m~(-3)。盐城大气PM10浓度(城市点(85’27)"g·m~(-3)和农村点(66’35)"g·m~(-3))显著低于其他样点大气PM10浓度。渤海滨海带中西部的京(140’68"g·m~(-3))、津(169’60"g·m~(-3))两市大气PM10年均浓度显著高于东部的锦州(125’41"g·m~(-3))和烟台(109’31"g·m~(-3));而且黄海滨海带大气PM10年均浓度(114"g·m~(-3))显著低于渤海滨海带年均浓度(136"g·m~(-3)),总体上表现出西高东低、北高南低的特征。黄、渤海滨海带城市点和农村点年均浓度分别为(129’18)"g·m~(-3)和(112’30)"g·m~(-3);农村点春冬季大气PM10浓度和城市点浓度相当,无显著差异,夏秋季大气PM10浓度略低于城市浓度,表明农村地区大气颗粒物污染情况也较为严重,需受到关注。区域内PM10浓度季节变化整体表现为春冬高、夏秋低。利用多元回归分析初步判断黄、渤海滨海带PM10属于复合来源,大气PM10浓度约30%的变化与降水、人均能耗和沙尘天气相关。黄、渤海滨海带大气PM10浓度的昼夜变化不大,大气PM10浓度与气温呈现正相关,与风速和降水呈现负相关,表现为受各种气象因素综合作用的影响。  相似文献   
厌氧升流式污泥层反应器在较高的COD容积负荷和水力负荷下稳定运行的关键是要有良好的固液分离,而固液分离的必要条件是污泥的沉降速度大于混合液在三相分离器的沉降区的最小断面上的向上流速。通过小型装置的试验表明,污泥的沉降速度与污泥的性状和浓度有关,使反应器内的污泥颗粒化能改善污泥沉降性、提高固液分离效果,使反应器能在相当高的COD容积负荷(20—30kgCOD/m~3·d)和水力负荷(0.8m~3/m~2·h)下稳定运行。本文叙述了厌氧升流式污泥层反应器内的污泥颗粒化过程,并简要地讨论了培养颗粒污泥的基本条件。  相似文献   

The exploitation of mineral resources plays an important role in promoting national economic development. Mining is an essential component of China’s industrial economy. Using grey correlation method to analyze the correlative effect of mineral resources exploitation to relevant industries, using national income method to calculate the pulling effect of mineral resources exploitation to economic growth and using graphs as well as tables to analyze the income distribution effect, the article obtains active economic effect of mineral resources development in Bijie, Guizhou. Moreover, from the view of resources-cored effect, the article analyzes negative effects such as single industrial structure brought by mineral resource development. Through analysis, we find that mineral resources exploitation to some extent brings active effects including gross domestic product growth, local financial revenue growth and relevant industries development; however, its negative effects should not be ignored. The negative effect can be lightened by diversifying industrial structure and prolonging industrial chain.  相似文献   
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