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The great spatial and temporal variability in hydrological conditions and nitrogen(N)processing introduces large uncertainties to the identification of N sources and quantifying N cycles in plain river network regions. By combining isotopic data with chemical and hydrologic measurements, we determined the relative importance of N sources and biogeochemical N processes in the Taige River in the East Plain Region of China. The river was polluted more seriously by anthropogenic inputs in winter than in summer. Manure and urban sewage effluent were the main nitrate(NO-3) sources, with the nitrification of N-containing organic materials serving as another important source of NO-3. In the downstream, with minor variations in hydrological conditions, nitrification played a more important role than assimilation for the decreasing ammonium(NH+4-N) concentrations.The N isotopic enrichment factors(ε) during NH+4utilization ranged from- 13.88‰ in March to- 29.00‰ in July. The ratio of the increase in δ18O and δ15N of river NO-3in the downstream was 1.04 in January and 0.92 in March. This ratio indicated that NO-3assimilation by phytoplankton was responsible for the increasing δ15N and δ18O values of NO-3in winter. The relationships between δ15N of particulate organic nitrogen and isotopic compositions of dissolved inorganic nitrogen indicated that the phytoplankton in the Taige River probably utilized NH+4preferentially and mainly in summer, while in winter, NO-3assimilation by phytoplankton was dominant.  相似文献   
采用DAX-8树脂和732氢型阳离子交换树脂将山口湖沉积物中溶解性有机氮(DON)分成亲水组分和疏水组分,在室内培养条件下,研究了其对羊角月牙藻的可利用性。结果表明:通过DAX-8树脂后,N4和N14沉积物DON回收率分别为98.96%和104.34%。原水和亲水DON组分通过阳离子交换树脂后会吸附类蛋白物质,降低藻类生物量。培养过程中,N4原水和亲水组分DON消耗量分别为0.34 mg·L-1和0.36 mg·L-1,低于N14原水和亲水组分DON消耗量0.94 mg·L-1和0.82 mg·L-1,表明N14亲水组分藻类可利用较N4亲水组分多。由于阳离子交换树脂对N4原水和亲水组中DON去除率较高,其藻类的生物量低于N14原水组和亲水组。N4疏水性组分DON的利用量和藻细胞生物量分别为0.80 mg·L-1和15×104个·mL-1,高于N14组,这是因为N4接收了长水河农场生活污水和周围农田径流中易降解DON。利用PARAFAC模型对培养过程中三维荧光光谱数据解析出1种类蛋白物质和2种类腐殖质物质。培养初期,类蛋白物质先被藻类所利用导致其含量降低,而随着藻类生长进入对数期,释放到水体中类蛋白物质导致其相对荧光强度的增加。在整个培养过程中,类腐殖质物质相对荧光强度的增加主要来源于死亡藻类的释放。  相似文献   
污水生物除磷若干影响因素分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
在系统阐述污水生物除磷机理的基础上,深入分析了微生物群体平衡、城市污水水质、环境因子以及工艺运行参数和运行方式等方面对生物除磷效果的影响.分析结果表明:生物除磷系统的溶解氧浓度不宜太高,一般好氧区DO<2 mg/L,厌氧区DO<0.2 mg/L;厌氧段存在硝酸盐对生物释磷有负面影响,缺氧段存在一定浓度的硝酸盐有利于生物聚磷;碳源必须充分、易降解;TKN/COD<0.1的城市污水有利于生物除磷;pH偏碱性可提高生物除磷效率;低温对生物除磷效果影响不明显.  相似文献   
内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗污水净化厂采用恒定水位运行的CWSBR工艺,经过接近两个月的污泥培养和试运行,出水水质达到城镇污水排放一级A标准。针对低C/N进水的实际状况,CWSBR系统通过采用单个周期多步进水及时序的可控调整,强化了系统的脱氮除磷性能。稳定运行阶段出水NH4+-N为3 mg/L以下,TN为15 mg/L以下,TP为0.5 mg/L以下。另外,该厂出水通过中水储池及升压提升,能够满足市政及工业回用需求,回用率达到80%以上。  相似文献   
The trophic status assessment of lakes in different lake regions may provide important and fundamental information for lake trophic state classification and eutrophication control. In this study, a region-specific lake eutrophication assessment standard was established through a frequency distribution method based on chlorophyll-a concentration. The assessment standards under the oligotrophic state for lakes in the Eastern plain, Yungui Plateau, Northeast Plain and Mountain Mongolia-Xinjiang regions are total phosphorus of 0.068, 0.005, 0.011, 0.005 mg/L; total nitrogen of 1.00, 0.16, 0.37, 0.60 mg/L; Secchi depth of 0.60, 8.00, 1.55, 3.00 m; and CODMn of 2.24, 1.00, 5.1 l, 4.00 mg/L, respectively. Moreover, a region-specific comprehensive trophic level index was developed to provide an understandable assessment method for the public. The results indicated that the frequency distribution analysis based on chlorophyll-a combined with trophic level index provided a useful metric for the assessment of the lake trophic status. In addition, the difference of eutrophication assessment standards in different lake regions was analyzed, which suggested that the sensitivities of algae to nutrients and the assessment standard of trophic status possessed significant regional differences for the four lake ecoregions. Lake eutrophication assessment standards would contribute to maximizing the effectiveness of future management strategies, to control and minimize lake eutrophication problems.  相似文献   
炼化企业低温余热利用技术探讨*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目前炼化企业有大量的低温余热需要回收,了解低温余热的来源、回收途径和技术,对提高低温余热利用效率十分重要。文章对炼厂低温余热的主要来源、利用途径和技术进行综合分析,提出炼厂低温余热回收利用的一些建议。  相似文献   
机动车污染排放模型研究综述   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
过去几十年,为了掌握机动车污染排放的规律和特征,向决策者提供科学有效的机动车污染控制措施,研究者们致力于研究机动车污染物排放的物化原理和影响机动车污染的主要因素,并据此建立多种尺度的机动车排放模型,以模拟城市区域或者街道的污染物排放.为了分析机动车的瞬态排放特征,目前的机动车排放模型研究正逐渐从宏观向微观发展,排放测试方法注重获取逐秒的排放数据,排放模型模拟的时间尺度和空间尺度逐步趋向微观.此外,机动车模型研究正趋向与交通模型进行耦合,从而揭示机动车在实际道路交通流中的排放特征.从机动车排放的主要影响因素、机动车排放测试、机动车排放因子模型及机动车排放清单等4个方面综述了国内外机动车排放研究现状和发展动向,对比并评价各种机动车排放模型方法的优缺点和适用范围,对我国的机动车排放模型发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   
为弄清楚非烃 +沥青质热演化过程中的生烃情况 ,对未熟非烃 +沥青质进行了低温模拟生烃实验 ,实验结果表明非烃 +沥青质在低温条件下 (<2 5 0℃ )生成烃类气体量很少 ,主要以生成液态烃为主 ,液态烃转化率最高可达 388mg/g ,所生成的液态烃表现出明显的奇碳优势 ,为未熟 低熟油。原始母质类型不同的非烃+沥青质模拟产物特征有所不同。非烃 +沥青质对未熟 低熟油的生成有重要意义。  相似文献   
镇江市征润州水源地水质自动监测网络的建设及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年2月3日,韩籍货轮苯酚泄漏造成镇江市自来水异味,造成市民的恐慌,严重影响着镇江市市民的正常生活,也引起镇江市市委市政府的高度重视。为了进一步实时动态监控水质变化状况,镇江市在征润州取水口上游新建两个水质自动站并结合原有的征润州水源水水质自动站,形成三点一线的长江沿岸的水质预警监测网络机制。在此着重介绍水源水水质自动监测系统的建设发展和应用,重视自动监测信息建设与数据共享问题,加强监控管理,质控管理体制和运行机制。  相似文献   
Eight commonly occurring polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), including BDE 28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154, 183, 207, and 209, were investigated in water samples from seven major inflowing rivers of Lake Chaohu to determine the distribution characteristics, potential sources and inputs to the lake. The sum of 8 BDE congeners (Σ8PBDEs) had a concentration varied from 0.31 to 84 ng L−1, with those of BDE 209, BDE 47, BDE 99, and BDE 153 being 0.31–83, <0.012–0.36, <0.012–1.3, and <0.012–0.77 ng L−1, respectively. These levels were in the high range of the global PBDEs concentrations in the water environments. The highest concentrations of Σ8PBDEs were detected in the western rivers, of which the main pollution sources were strongly related to human activities in urban centers, such as automobile-derived wastes. A sewage treatment plant was likely an important source of the lower brominated BDEs input to one western river. The correlation analyses (all < 0.05) between PBDEs and DOC, TN, TP, and EC, suggested that the distributions and sources of PBDEs in rivers might also be related with the soil erosion by heave floods. Σ8PBDEs input to Lake Chaohu from the rivers outlets was estimated at 344 kg yr−1 during the flood season. BDE 209 was the dominant contributor with an input of 340 kg yr−1, followed by BDE 99 (1.3 kg yr−1), BDE 47 (0.83 kg yr−1) and BDE 153 (0.60 kg yr−1).  相似文献   
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