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以校园餐厨垃圾为原料,利用根霉和枯草芽胞杆菌进行糖化预处理,再接种啤酒酵母发酵产乙醇。通过单因素实验,以乙醇产量为响应值,对发酵条件进行优化。实验结果表明:乙醇产量最佳的发酵条件为:当底料含水率为22.79%,啤酒酵母接种量为15%,30℃培养条件下,经过5 d发酵,乙醇产量最高可达到6.67%。选用餐厨垃圾丰富了燃料乙醇的取材途径,实现了原材料的多元化,采用微生物预降解原材料为实现高产乙醇奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Methylglyoxal(CH3COCHO,MG),which is one of the most abundant α-dicarbonyl compounds in the atmosphere,has been reported as a major source of secondary organic aerosol(SOA).In this work,the reaction of MG with hydroxyl radicals was studied in a 500 L smog chamber at(293±3) K,atmospheric pressure,(18±2)% relative humidity,and under different NOx and SO2.Particle size distribution was measured by using a scanning mobility particle sizer(SMPS) and the results showed that the ad...  相似文献   
煤矸石制取聚羟基氯化铝的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了用煤矸石制取聚羟基氯化铝的方法,研究了酸浸、调整盐基度等过程的最佳工艺过程。  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) are important components of soil microbial communities,and play important role in plant growth. However, the effects of AMF phylogenetic groups(Glomeraceae and non-Glomeraceae) on host plant under various heavy metal levels are not clear. Here we conducted a meta-analysis to compare symbiotic relationship between AMF phylogenetic groups(Glomeraceae and non-Glomeraceae) and host plant functional groups(herbs vs. trees, and non-legumes vs. legumes) at three heavy metal levels. In the meta-analysis, we calculate the effect size(ln(RR)) by taking the natural logarithm of the response ratio of inoculated to non-inoculated shoot biomass from each study. We found that the effect size of Glomeraceae increased, but the effect size of non-Glomeraceae decreased under high level of heavy metal compared to low level. According to the effect size, both Glomeraceae and non-Glomeraceae promoted host plant growth, but had different effects under various heavy metal levels. Glomeraceae provided more benefit to host plants than non-Glomeraceae did under heavy metal condition, while non-Glomeraceae provided more benefit to host plants than Glomeraceae did under no heavy metal. AMF phylogenetic groups also differed in promoting plant functional groups under various heavy metal levels.Interacting with Glomeraceae, herbs and legumes grew better than trees and non-legumes did under high heavy metal level, while trees and legumes grew better than herbs and non-legumes did under medium heavy metal level. Interacting with non-Glomeraceae, herbs and legumes grew better than trees and non-legumes did under no heavy metal. We suggested that the combination of legume with Glomeraceae could be a useful way in the remediation of heavy metal polluted environment.  相似文献   
变频控制DO下SBR硝化反应控制参数及节能的中试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据微生物好氧反应的需氧量调节曝气量在当今能源紧缺的形势下具有十分重要的意义.为了研究曝气量大小对SBR实时控制参数pH、DO的影响,采用变频器调节曝气量以控制系统不同的DO浓度,以60 m3中试SBR反应器处理北京市北小河污水处理厂城市污水,考察了硝化过程中pH值、DO与有机物去除及硝化过程的相关性,并引入了新的控制参数--变频频率f.试验结果表明,控制溶解氧浓度较低时,pH值不能作为硝化结束的控制参数,但可根据变频频率f的特征点判断硝化反应的结束;控制溶解氧为3.0 mg/L和4.0 mg/L时,DO、pH值、变频频率f都可作为硝化结束的控制参数,同时,变频控制可有效降低单位时间内风机的能耗.  相似文献   
VFAs、TOC及COD作为生物除磷能力指标的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实际生活污水的处理中,研究了通过A/O运行模式对生物除磷过程中磷的变化情况及在厌氧释磷过程中COD、TOC与VFAs变化之间的关系。结果表明,在厌氧释磷过程中VFAs的变化更能准确地反映系统内释磷进程,实际生活污水中能直接用于磷释放的有机物含量占COD的13.33%,并且释放1 mg P所需VFAs为1.401 mg,此值明显低于前期研究结果。通过对COD、TOC和VFAs 3种组分的分析,可将实际生活污水中的有机底物分为3类:易生物降解含碳有机物、难降解的含碳有机物和水中存在的无机性还原物质,含量分别占COD的13.33%、31.7%和54.97%,其中只有13.33%的含量对生物释磷有直接作用,并可对实际生活污水除磷有指导意义。  相似文献   
模拟酸雨对浙东北红壤中盐基离子和铝的淋失影响研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
通过对浙江省东北部杭州至宁波地区两个红壤剖面的模拟酸雨淋溶实验研究表明,随着时间的延续,盐基离子的淋失浓度会在某一时期出现一个峰值。该峰值的出现与酸雨的pH值并不简单相关,Al^3+的淋失浓度只是在酸雨pH值=2.5左右才显增高并在淋出液pH=4.0时有一个阈值,经pH=2.5-3.0模拟酸雨10余年降水量的淋溶,红壤中淋出液的pH值下降不超过0.8。  相似文献   
为使操作人员行为更安全,对组织管理失误进行分析,归纳为管理控制失误、组 织规程失误、组织安全管理失误、安全监督失误、教育培训不足5个方面,运用结构方 程模型(SEM)分析对操作人员行为安全的影响,使用AMOS软件对模型求解。运用直觉 三角模糊数对模型中指标进行评价并采用TOPSIS法对不安全行为进行排序。研究表明: 管理控制和组织规程对建立安全监督体系有正向作用;管理控制和组织规程对组织安全 管理实施有正向作用;管理控制和组织规程对有教育培训正向作用;建立安全监督体系 、组织安全管理实施和教育培训对操作人员安全行为有正向作用。进行风险排序有利于 企业对关键工种提出改进措施,提高企业效益。  相似文献   
High-pressure homogenization (HPH) technology was applied as a pretreatment to disintegrate sewage sludge. The effects of homogenization pressure, homogenization cycle number, and total solid content on sludge disintegration were investigated. The sludge disintegration degree (DDCOD), protein concentration, and polysaccharide concentration increased with the increase of homogenization pressure and homogenization cycle number, and decreased with the increase of sludge total solid (TS) content. The maximum DDCOD of 43.94% was achieved at 80 MPa with four homogenization cycles for a 9.58 g/L TS sludge sample. A HPH sludge disintegration model of DDCOD= kNaPb was established by multivariable linear regression to quantify the effects of homogenization parameters. The homogenization cycle exponent a and homogenization pressure exponent b were 0.4763 and 0.7324 respectively, showing that the effect of homogenization pressure (P) was more significant than that of homogenization cycle number (N). The value of the rate constant k decreased with the increase of sludge total solid content. The specific energy consumption increased with the increment of sludge disintegration efficiency. Lower specific energy consumption was required for higher total solid content sludge.  相似文献   
洋河水库轮虫群落用于水质评价的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
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