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通过同田对比试验,本文对郫县水稻土小麦施用硅肥进行了初步研究.结果表明,小麦施硅获得了增产效果;施硅对小麦穗粒数、株高和基部节间体积等具有生长效应;郫县水稻土有效硅含量为127±39mg·kg-1(n=12),变异较大,与土壤粘粒(<0.001mm)呈极显著正相关(r=0.79);发育于第四系岷江灰色冲积母质的郫县水稻上,粘粘含量普遍较低,因此,郫县小麦施硅具有较大增产潜力.  相似文献   
乌鲁木齐市东南部荒山植被类型及其特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用典型样地法对乌鲁木齐市东部荒山植被进行了调查.依据中国植被和新疆植被分类的原则,遵循群落学-生态学原则,用重要值优势度分类方法确定各层片优势种.将此地区自然植被划分为5个植被型,8个植被亚型、20个群系和24个群丛.并对植被型的基本特征进行了分析和描述.  相似文献   
Collaboration has taken root in national forest planning, providing expanded opportunities for stakeholder participation in decision-making, but are these processes considered meaningful by key stakeholders? Do the processes result in increased participation by key stakeholders? We present results of a study of stakeholder perspectives of a collaborative planning process on the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests in Western Colorado, U.S.A. The stakeholders were stratified by participation levels in order to explore a possible relationship between participation and perceptions of the collaborative process. We used a Q-methodology approach to compare and contrast perspectives across participant levels in the North Fork Valley Landscape Working Group process. The results demonstrate four distinct perspectives on the collaborative process: 1) The collaborative process is valued by the Forest Service and will directly influence planning decisions; 2) The Forest Service, the collaborative process, and other stakeholders are not to be trusted; 3) The collaborative process is most effective when emphasizing place-specific dialogue that primarily involves stakeholders educating the Forest Service about issues; and 4) Forest planning involves issues requiring the application of scientific knowledge and expertise rather than collaboration. These perspectives were not strongly associated with participation levels, with time constraint being the primary mediating factor affecting participation. There are several possible actions policymakers and planners can take to enhance participation and overcome high rates of nonparticipation.  相似文献   
The growth properties and biodegradation mechanism of a Gram-negative bacterium, Pseudomonas nitroreducens TX1 that was able to grow on branched octylphenol polyethoxylates (OPEO(n), average n=9.5) as the sole carbon source over a wide concentration range (1-100,000 mgl(-1)) were studied. Analysis of growth factors indicated the highest specific growth rate (micro) of 0.53 h(-1) was obtained at an initial concentration of 5,000 mgl(-1) OPEO(n). An optimal C/N ratio of 12 was obtained for (NH(4))(2)SO(4) as the nitrogen source in a cultivated medium at pH 7. The kinetic analysis demonstrated that bacterial growth and OPEO(n) degradation followed the Monod equation and were based on a substrate concentration inhibition model and pseudo-first-order reaction, respectively. The substrate inhibition coefficient was over 18,000 mgl(-1) and this indicates that the strain has an ability to sustain growth at high concentrations of OPEO(n) and use it as the sole carbon source under such a stress condition. Furthermore, LC-MS analysis showed that the biodegradation mechanism of dodecyl octaethoxylate (AEO8) by P. nitroreducens TX1 was the sequential cleavage of the ethoxylate chain.  相似文献   
设计了一种高效实用的钻井防污土建结构,该结构与原结构相比能杜绝处理渣泥流入废水沉砂池参与废水循环,也可防止废弃钻井液和掏罐泥浆水直接进入沉砂池,因此能更好地控制钻井废水浓度,一定程度上提高钻井废水处理达标率,同时该结构具有对处理水进一步隔油、净化等优点,现场推广应用后得到证实。  相似文献   
The relationship between tourism development and vegetated landscapes is analyzed for the Luya Mountain Nature Reserve (LMNR), Shanxi, China, in this study. Indices such as Sensitive Level (SL), Landscape Importance Value (LIV), information index of biodiversity (H’), Shade-tolerant Species Proportion (SSP), and Tourism Influencing Index (TII) are used to characterize vegetated landscapes, the impact of tourism, and their relationship. Their relationship is studied by Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). TWINSPAN gives correct and rapid partition to the classification, and DCA ordination shows the changing tendency of all vegetation types based on tourism development. These results reflect the ecological relationship between tourism development and vegetated landscapes. In Luya Mountain Nature Reserve, most plant communities are in good or medium condition, which shows that these vegetated landscapes can support more tourism. However, the occurrence of the bad condition shows that there is a severe contradiction between tourism development and vegetated landscapes.  相似文献   
以白碳黑、硅灰、硅藻土和硅胶筛选硅质原料,并与钙质原料电石渣制备了水化硅酸钙。借助XRF、BET、FTIR等表征手段,通过多次重复除磷实验,研究了硅质原料特性对水化硅酸钙回收磷性能的影响。结果表明,白碳黑具有极高的反应活性,因此可作为制备具有磷回收特性的水化硅酸钙的硅质原料。结合XRD等表征发现,白碳黑的有效利用率是影响水化硅酸钙回收磷性能的关键,该利用率取决于白碳黑与电石渣的摩尔配比以及水热反应温度。当电石渣与白碳黑的摩尔比为1.6:1,反应温度为170℃时,白碳黑具有最佳的利用效率。该条件制备的水化硅酸钙可作为晶种,在其表面结晶形成羟基磷灰石,从而达到磷回收的目的,磷回收后固体物质中的磷含量为19.05%。  相似文献   
研究了以丝瓜络作为生物膜载体的曝气浸没固定生物膜反应器在处理化粪池出水时的可行性以及运行性能。结果表明,丝瓜络生物膜反应器可以在2周内成功启动;水力停留时间(HRT)对COD和氨氮的去除效果有显著影响,在水力停留时间为4 h的条件下,系统对COD和氨氮的去除率分别达到了78.5%和96.4%。另外,系统有较强抗有机污染物冲击负荷的能力,当COD和氨氮的进水浓度分别为59.3 mg/L和15.9 mg/L时,系统对有机污染物的去除效果较佳,去除率分别达到了80.0%和98.9%。  相似文献   
多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)是一种全球性的新型持久性有毒污染物,沉积物中高浓度的PBDEs是水生态系统的巨大风险源,2,2’,4,4’-四溴联苯醚(BDE-47)在PBDEs同系物中,目前分布最广,生物毒性最强。为评价沉积物中BDE-47向底栖动物体内转移的潜力及其对底栖动物的潜在繁殖毒性,将实验室培养的铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)暴露于BDE-47加标沉积物中,研究了BDE-47在铜锈环棱螺体内的毒代动力学特性及其对铜锈环棱螺潜在繁殖力的影响。结果表明,铜锈环棱螺对沉积物中BDE-47吸收较快,代谢速度相对较慢,BDE-47在铜锈环棱螺体内具有较强的生物积累性。生物积累达理论平衡时,铜锈环棱螺体内BDE-47浓度为1440.67ng·g-1(以样品干质量计)。BDE-47在铜锈环棱螺体内的生物积累和生物净化过程较好地符合一级动力学模型,摄入速率常数、清除速率常数和生物-沉积物累积因子分别为0.10、0.038和2.75,生物半衰期为18d。铜锈环棱螺体内BDE-47达到90%稳定状态所需的理论时间约为60d。低浓度BDE-47(160ng·g-1)暴露对铜锈环棱螺的潜在繁殖力没有影响,但当浓度≥640ng·g-1时,铜锈环棱螺的繁殖力下降50%,这表明BDE-47对铜锈环棱螺具有繁殖毒性。铜锈环棱螺可作为指示沉积物中底栖生物长期暴露于BDE-47的良好检测模型。  相似文献   
2010年广州亚运会期间灰霾天气分析   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
使用广州地区气象资料,重点研究了 2010 年广州亚运会期间的灰霾天气特征. 结果发现,2010 年 11 月广州出现灰霾天气 5 d,较近年平均水平明显偏少,但 2008—2010 年的污染气象条件分析表明,2010 年的扩散条件较 2008 和 2009 年均较差,说明 2010 年广州亚运会前期的各项减排措施取得了明显成效. 作为对照,自 20 世纪 80 年代初开始,广州地区的能见度急剧恶化并导致灰霾天数增加,每年 10 月至次年 4 月的旱季灰霾天数较多,改革开放以来,每年 11 月份的灰霾天气大幅增加,并于 1994 和1999 年分别出现了最多的17 d. 2000 年以后,11 月份灰霾天气最多为 12 d,出现在 2005 年; 最少为 3 d,分别出现在 2002 和 2003 年. 广州市空气质量逐年恶化的趋势不容乐观,珠江三角洲复合型新型空气污染日趋严重的态势非常严峻; 且区域性特征明显,治理难度加大; 广州周边的佛山、清远、东莞、江门的灰霾天气都比广州多,对广州治理灰霾天气形成了压力. 因而 2010 年 11 月灰霾天气的明显减少,更说明区域联动、机动车单双号限行、重点工业污染源调控、严控垃圾秸秆焚烧等减排措施效果明显.  相似文献   
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