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通过梳理分析环境影响评价相关法中公众参与的规定,对照UNEP有效的公众参与五要素,剖析环境影响评价中公众参与机制的不足,并提出完善环境影响评价中公众参与机制的对策。  相似文献   
Determination of N-nitrosodimethylamine in drinking water by UPLC-MS/MS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method for detecting N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in drinking water using ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was improved by optimizing the clean-up procedure to remove the matrix interference in pretreatment process, and was then applied to a survey of NDMA in both raw and finished water samples from five water treatment plants in South China. The NDMA concentrations ranged from 4.7 to 15.1 ng/L in raw water samples, and from 4.68 to 46.9 ng/L in finished water. The NDMA concentration in raw water was found to be related with nitrite concentration, and during the treatment, the NDMA concentration increased following ozonation but decreased after subsequent activated carbon treatment.  相似文献   
Microwave (MW) hybrid processes are able to disrupt the flocculent structure of complex waste activated sludge, and help promote the recovery of phosphorus as struvite. In this study, to optimize struvite yield, (1) the characteristics of matter released in MW-hybrid treatments were compared, including MW, MW-acid, MW-alkali, MW-H2O2, and MW-H2O2-alkali. The results showed that selective release of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, Ca2 +, and Mg2 + achieved by sludge pretreatment using MW-hybrid processes. MW-H2O2 is the recommended sludge pretreatment process for phosphorus recovery in the form of struvite. The ratio of Mg2 +:NH4+-N:PO43 −-P was 1.2:2.9:1 in the supernatant. (2) To clarify the effects of organic matter on struvite recovery, the composition and molecular weight distribution of organic matters were analyzed. Low molecular weight COD was found to facilitate the removal rate of NH4+-N and PO43-P via crystallization, and the amorphous struvite crystals (< 1 kDa) from the filtered solutions had high purity. Therefore, the present study reveals the necessity of taking into consideration the interference effect of high molecular weight organic matters during struvite crystallization from sewage sludge.  相似文献   
Exposure to engineered nanomaterials(ENMs), such as graphene oxide(GO), can potentially induce the response of various molecular signaling pathways, which can mediate the protective function or the toxicity induction.Wnt signaling pathway is conserved evolutionarily in organisms.Using Caenorhabditis elegans as an in vivo assay model, we investigated the effect of GO exposure on intestinal Wnt signaling.In the intestine, GO exposure dysregulated Frizzled receptor MOM-5, Disheveled protein DSH-2, GSK-3(a component of APC complex), and two β-catenin proteins(BAR-1 and HMP-2), which mediated the induction of GO toxicity.In GO exposed nematodes, a Hox protein EGL-5 acted as a downstream target of BAR-1, and fatty acid transport ACS-22 acted as a downstream target of HMP-2.Functional analysis on HMP-2 and ACS-22 suggested that the dysregulation of these two proteins provides an important basis for the observed deficit in functional state of intestinal barrier.Our results imply the association of dysregulation in physiological and functional states of intestinal barrier with toxicity induction of GO in organisms.  相似文献   
研究孕哺期 BDE 209 暴露对母鼠胎盘和子代脑组织甲状腺激素脱碘酶(deiodinase, DI)基因表达的影响,及其在子鼠神经发育毒性效应中的作用。将 75 只雌性昆明小鼠随机分为对照组、低剂量组和高剂量组,暴露 BDE 209 10 d 后,与雄鼠合笼,每组选取怀孕时间相近(相差不过 2 d)的 8 只母鼠孕期持续染毒至子鼠断乳。采用实时荧光定量 PCR 检测孕 17~18 d 胎盘、出生后 60 d 子鼠脑组织 3种类型脱碘酶基因相对表达; 利用 Morris 水迷宫评价出生后 60 d 子鼠学习记忆能力; 测量第 2、16、30 和 60 天子鼠体重,观察孕哺期BDE 209 暴露对子代生长发育的作用。结果显示,BDE 209 对子鼠出生时体重未见明显影响; 出生后 30 d,高剂量 BDE 209 暴露组雌性子鼠体重显著低于对照组子鼠体重(p <0.05),而低、高剂量暴露组雄性子鼠体重均显著低于对照组子鼠体重(p < 0.05,p < 0.01); 出生后60 d,BDE 209 对子鼠体重影响不明显。BDE 209 暴露能够显著延长出生后 60 d 雌、雄性子鼠逃避潜伏期(p < 0.05 或 p < 0.01)。BDE209 暴露显著降低母鼠胎盘中 3 种类型脱碘酶(主要是 DI-3)基因表达(p <0.05 或 p <0.01); 同时,BDE 209 暴露可诱导出生 60 d 后雄性子鼠脑组织中 DI-1 基因表达(p <0.05 或 p <0.01),抑制雄性子鼠脑组织中 DI-3 基因表达(p <0.05); BDE 209 暴露对出生后 60 d 雌鼠脑组织脱碘酶未见明显影响(p >0.05)。研究结果表明,孕哺期 BDE 209 暴露可能通过影响母鼠胎盘组织脱碘酶(特别是 DI-3)基因表达,导致子鼠神经发育毒性效应-学习记忆能力障碍。  相似文献   
正渗透技术是一种以渗透压差为驱动力的新型膜分离工艺。温度是影响正渗透过程的关键因素。为考察温度在工艺运行中的重要作用,研究了温度对正渗透膜特性及工艺性能的影响,探讨通量衰减机制。结果表明,温度影响汲取液动态稀释、浓差极化和膜污染等的效应程度,进而影响正渗透性能。高温能够明显增加水通量和回收率,且汲取液温度影响比原料液显著。因此,合理优化温度条件是降低能耗提高正渗透性能的有效途径。  相似文献   
电解锰渣无害化处理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
电解锰渣是湿法电解金属锰工艺产生的废渣,环境危害性大、治理难度大。为消除锰渣的污染性,实验研究了锰渣浸出液中污染物种类,并分别采用生石灰和氢氧化钠作处理剂,从成本、处理效果方面进行比较,确定处理剂以及最佳运行条件。得出结论:锰渣中主要污染物为锰和氨氮(分别超过相关标准453倍和26倍),选取生石灰做处理剂,处理后的锰渣,浸出液中锰离子和氨氮的减排量分别达到99%和97%以上,水溶性锰离子浓度低于5 mg/L、氨氮浓度低于25 mg/L,均达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中的排放标准;反应时间30 h以上、避免雨淋、不通风、无日照为最佳反应条件。  相似文献   
污泥浓缩作为污泥处理的关键环节之一,开发高效的污泥浓缩工艺对于降低污泥含水率、提高脱水设备的运行效率、降低脱水能耗具有十分重要的意义。针对MBR污泥浓度高、污泥粒径小、污泥沉降性能较差等特点,故采用传统的重力浓缩和机械浓缩技术很难有效实现污泥浓缩。因此,尝试采用气浮浓缩技术降低污泥含水率的可行性。从气浮浓缩的中试结果来看,较适宜运行参数为:固体负荷为15 kg/(m2· h),水力负荷为1.5 m3/(m2· h),回流比为1,PAM投配率2‰(w/w干固体),溶气压力为0.4 MPa,气固比为0.03。经过中试设备进行气浮浓缩后,污泥含水率降低至96%左右。此外,还研究了采用气液多相泵系统对剩余污泥的浓缩效率,结果显示,该设备的使用相对于传统溶气气浮工艺,其优点表现在占地小、工程造价低以及运行成本低等方面。  相似文献   
铝是国民经济建设和发展的关键基础材料,然而由其生产过程所产生的大量温室气体排放也逐渐成为政府关注的焦点.本研究计算了我国原铝生产不同年度的生命周期能耗和温室气体排放量,并分析了资源消耗和生产工序能耗等影响因素与温室气体排放的关联性.结果表明,在各年原铝生产的温室气体排放总量中,电力和阳极效应导致的排放所占比重分别为68.5%和7.9%,其他影响因素所占比重均低于6%;与温室气体排放关联度最高的3个影响因素依次是电耗、煤气燃烧和石灰石煅烧,其值分别为0.937、0.899和0.893;在目前铝电耗和阳极效应控制水平提升空间有限的情况下,降低煤气的消耗,提高石灰石的使用效率,是实现原铝生产温室气体减排的有效途径.  相似文献   
Wastewater reclamation and reuse has been proved to be an effective way to relieve the fresh water crisis.However, toxic contaminants remaining in reclaimed water could lead to potential risk for reuse, and the conventional water quality standards have difficulty guaranteeing the safety of reclaimed water.Bioassays can vividly reflect the integrated biological effects of multiple toxic substances in water as a whole, and could be a powerful tool for evaluating the safety of reclaimed water.There...  相似文献   
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