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The activated sludge process is performed by a variable and mixed community of microorganisms in an aerobic aquatic environment, in which bacteria constitute the majority and represent the main microorganisms responsible for the degradation process in a plant. In this work, we monitored bacterial charge in different wastewater treatment plants by flow cytometry, also evaluating chlorination effects on bacterial viability, both by flow cytometry and traditional plate counts. Maximum values of bacterial charge were registered in the aeration tank of all plants monitored. Cell viability did not show significant differences (p > 0.05) in samples collected in "before chlorination" and "wastewater effluent" treatment steps; this suggests that the chlorination was not able to decrease total viable bacterial charge. In this work, we discuss the need to improve microbiological analyses, both in terms of measuring other potential pathogens and of using new methodological approaches in the traditional evaluation of the microbiological quality of effluents.  相似文献   
A concept is proposed to assess in situ petroleum hydrocarbon mineralization by combining data on oxidant consumption, production of reduced species, CH4, alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) with measurements of stable isotope ratios. The concept was applied to a diesel fuel contaminated aquifer in Menziken, Switzerland, which was treated by engineered in situ bioremediation. In the contaminated aquifer, added oxidants (O2 and NO3) were consumed, elevated concentrations of Fe(II), Mn(II), CH4, alkalinity and DIC were detected and the DIC was generally depleted in 13C compared to the background. The DIC production was larger than expected based on the consumption of dissolved oxidants and the production of reduced species. Stable carbon isotope balances revealed that the DIC production in the aquifer originated mainly from microbial petroleum hydrocarbon mineralization, and that geochemical reactions such as carbonate dissolution produced little DIC. This suggests that petroleum hydrocarbon mineralization can be underestimated if it is determined based on concentrations of dissolved oxidants and reduced species.  相似文献   
Ko koe ki tēnā, ko ahau ki tēnai kīwai o te kete (you at that, and I at this handle of the basket). This Māori (New Zealanders of indigenous descent) saying conveys the principle of cooperation—we achieve more through working together, rather than separately. Despite decades of calls to rectify cultural imbalance in conservation, threatened species management still relies overwhelmingly on ideas from Western science and on top-down implementation. Values-based approaches to decision making can be used to integrate indigenous peoples’ values into species conservation in a more meaningful way. We used such a values-based method, structured decision making, to develop comanagement of pekapeka (Mystacina tuberculata) (short-tailed bat) and tara iti (Sternula nereis davisae) (Fairy Tern) between Māori and Pākehā (New Zealanders of European descent). We implemented this framework in a series of workshops in which facilitated discussions were used to gather expert knowledge to predict outcomes and make management recommendations. For both species, stakeholders clearly stated their values as fundamental objectives from the start, which allowed alternative strategies to be devised that naturally addressed their diverse values, including mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge and perspectives). On this shared basis, all partners willingly engaged in the process, and decisions were largely agreed to by all. Most expectations of conflicts between values of Western science and Māori culture were unfounded. Where required, positive compromises were made by jointly developing alternative strategies. The values-based process successfully taha wairua taha tangata (brought both worlds together to achieve the objective) through codeveloped recovery strategies. This approach challenges the traditional model of scientists first preparing management plans focused on biological objectives, then consulting indigenous groups for approval. We recommend values-based approaches, such as structured decision making, as powerful methods for development of comanagement conservation plans between different peoples.  相似文献   
Phenylureas such as diuron are major herbicides used worldwide to control undesirable weeds. The environmental fate of phenylureas is of great interest because massive amounts of those herbicides are used. It is known that abiotic degradation of phenylureas in soil–water systems is catalyzed by humic acids. However, due to the chemical heterogeneity and large molecular sizes of humic acids, the specific effects of functional groups during catalysis have not been elucidated. Therefore, we studied here for the first time the kinetics of diuron degradation in the presence of low molecular weight humic acid-like compounds such as benzoic acid derivatives. Experiments were carried out at various pH and temperature, and monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography. Results show that all benzoic acid derivatives efficiently catalyzed diuron hydrolysis. The catalytic efficiency decreased in the following order: 0.88 M?1 day?1 for 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, 0.72 M?1 day?1 for 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 0.23 M?1 day?1 for phthalic acid, 0.11 M?1 day?1 for 2-hydroxybenzoic acid, and 0.09 M?1 day?1 for 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid. These differences in the catalytic efficiency are explained by steric hindrance affecting the accessibility of reactive sites and hence influencing the rate of the overall process. Steric factors are therefore expected to control the catalytic activity of humic acids because of the chemical similarities between humic acids and low molecular weight humic acid-like compound. Our results should help predict more accurately the fate and abiotic degradation mechanism of phenylureas in the environment.  相似文献   
Sperm storage is widespread in many vertebrate groups, and it is frequently associated with promiscuous mating systems. Chelonian species are one of the most outstanding examples of a promiscuous group capable of long-term sperm storage; specialized structures have evolved within the oviducts of these vertebrates to ensure sperm vitality across reproductive cycles. Thus far, few studies have investigated the factors regulating multiple paternity, sperm usage by females and paternity distribution in successive clutches. This study aimed to investigate the effect of mating order on male mounting and reproductive success in Testudo hermanni hermanni, combining behavioural and genetic data. A series of planned matings were performed, within which experimental females were mated sequentially to two different males under controlled conditions. Observations conducted during experimental matings revealed that courtship displays did not significantly differ between the first and second males to mate with a female. Interactions ending with a mount were characterized by a significantly higher intensity and occurrence of determinate courtship behaviours, for example biting and running after the female. Paternity analysis performed on hatchlings produced from experimental females revealed that 46 % of the clutches were multi-sired. A significant contribution of previous years' partners was still found, thus confirming the long-term sperm storage within the female oviduct in this species. Finally, mating order did not significantly affect the reproductive success of experimental males during the on-going reproductive season.  相似文献   
Lake Temsah is one of the main wetlands in the Suez Canal region, and the main source for fish for the area. The lake is the end-point of several wastewater effluents. In the present study, residues of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were monitored in the sediment of the lake. Samples were collected from six different sampling stations around the lake using a box-corer sampler, then kept frozen. Samples were extracted and cleaned up before residue determination was conducted using an HRGC/HRMS. An HP 6890 plus gas chromatograph was coupled to a Micromass Autospec Ultima mass spectrometer operating in EI mode at 35 eV and with a resolution of 10.000 (5% valley). PCDDs and PCDFs were detected in all sediment samples collected from various sampling stations. Results showed some progressive increase in PCDDs concentrations relevant to increase in chlorination. In the PCDD group of congeners, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 octa-CDD had the highest detected concentrations in all samples, while 2, 3, 7, 8 tetra-CDD showed the lowest concentrations. The World Health Organization toxicity equivalents ranged from 0.387 to 11.20 ng kg?1 d.w. For PCDD homologues, hexa-CDD was the most dominant homologue in all sediment samples analysed. Regarding dioxin-like PCBs, results showed that IUPAC No. 118 congener, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, pentachlorobiphenyl was the most concentrated of all detected congeners, with concentrations ranging between 0.039 and 43.201 µg kg?1. For polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzo(b+k+j)fluoranthene had the highest concentrations in almost all sampling stations. However, fluorene was the smallest detected concentration in almost all stations. This result would indicate that PAH contamination of the lake seems to be coming from one main source in all sampling stations. The present work is the first record of PCCDs, PCCFs, and dioxin-like PCBs in the Temsah lake. The concentrations of the contaminants monitored in this study, especially those of PAHs, are rather alarming. Efforts should be made to stop point sources that contaminate the lake.  相似文献   
In modern aquaculture, animal-production technology is used to increase aquatic food sources. Such controlled rearing of seafood can, in principle, shift the pressure off wild stocks and aquatic ecosystems by reducing fishing activities, which may advance marine conservation goals. We examined resource displacement—the reduced consumption of a resource due to its replacement with a more environmentally benign substitute—in fisheries. We employed panel regression techniques in an analysis of time-series data from 1970 through 2014 to assess the extent to which aquaculture production displaced fisheries captures for all nations for which data were available. We estimated 9 models to assess whether aquaculture production suppresses captures once other factors related to demand have been controlled for. Only 1 model predicted significant suppression of fisheries captures associated with aquaculture systems within nations over time. These results suggest that global aquaculture production does not substantially displace fisheries capture; instead, aquaculture production largely supplements fisheries capture.  相似文献   
The abundance of trophic sources on the intertidal zone is discontinuous and their supply can vary both in a predictable or unpredictable way. The Mediterranean semi-terrestrial crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus, is known, as adult, to entirely rely on the intertidal trophic sources, and, consequently, it faces the fluctuations of nutritional sources and quality. To clarify the relationships between the feeding habits of an Italian population of P. marmoratus and the temporal variation of its food sources, we carried out a 2-year sampling protocol. Data on seasonal variation in composition of intertidal food item assemblages, on the average content in N and C of the commonest algae, on seasonal changes in crabs feeding habits were collected and compared using a suite of multivariate and univariate techniques. Results showed that P. marmoratus takes advantage of the recruitment phase of the most common invertebrates, affecting and controlling the abundance even of those species whose adults are out of its reach. It can act both as a herbivore, and as a carnivore that shifts between bivalves, more abundant in spring/summer, and the periwinkle Melaraphe neritoides, during winter. In conclusion, we provide evidences on the food choice of this common rocky shore species, which is very plastic and capable of relying on many trophic sources, possibly influencing the abundance and/or the population structure of a number of intertidal populations.  相似文献   
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