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Effects of calibration on L-THIA GIS runoff and pollutant estimation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Urbanization can result in alteration of a watershed's hydrologic response and water quality. To simulate hydrologic and water quality impacts of land use changes, the Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) system has been used. The L-THIA system estimates pollutant loading based on direct runoff quantity and land use based pollutant coefficients. The accurate estimation of direct runoff is important in assessing water quality impacts of land use changes. An automated program was developed to calibrate the L-THIA model using the millions of curve number (CN) combinations associated with land uses and hydrologic soil groups. L-THIA calibration for the Little Eagle Creek (LEC) watershed near Indianapolis, Indiana was performed using land use data for 1991 and daily rainfall data for six months of 1991 (January 1-June 30) to minimize errors associated with use of different temporal land use data and rainfall data. For the calibration period, the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.60 for estimated and observed direct runoff. The calibrated CN values were used for validation of the model for the same year (July 1-December 31), and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.60 for estimated and observed direct runoff. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.52 for January 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 using uncalibrated CN values. As shown in this study, the use of better input parameters for the L-THIA model can improve accuracy. The effects on direct runoff and pollutant estimation of the calibrated CN values in the L-THIA model were investigated for the LEC. Following calibration, the estimated average annual direct runoff for the LEC watershed increased by 34%, total nitrogen by 24%, total phosphorus by 22%, and total lead by 43%. This study demonstrates that the L-THIA model should be calibrated and validated prior to application in a particular watershed to more accurately assess the effects of land use changes on hydrology and water quality.  相似文献   
For (134/137)Cs, and many other soil contaminants, research into transfer to plants has focused on particular crops and phytoremediation candidates, producing uptake data for a small proportion of all plant taxa. Despite the significance of differences in uptake between plant taxa, the capacity of soil-to-plant transfer models to predict them is currently confined to those taxa for which data exist, there being no method to predict uptake by other taxa. We used residual maximum likelihood (REML) analysis on data from experiments (including 89 plant taxa from China plus 32 phytoremediation candidates) together with data from the literature, to construct a database of relative (134/137)Cs concentrations in 273 plant taxa. The REML (134/137)Cs concentrations in plants are not normally distributed but significantly clustered. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), coded with a recent ordinal phylogeny for flowering plants, showed that plant taxa do not behave independently for (134/137)Cs concentration because 42 and 15% of inter-taxa differences are associated with phylogeny above the species and ordinal level, respectively. In general, Eudicots, and especially the Caryophyllales, Asterales, and Brassicales, have high (134/137)Cs concentrations, while the Fabales and Magnoliids, in particular Poales, have low (134/137)Cs concentrations. Plants of the stress-tolerant ruderal (S-R) growth strategy sensu Grime have, in general, high concentrations of Cs, while those of the competitive (C) and generalist (C-S-R) strategies have low concentrations, although these effects are less pronounced than those of phylogeny. Plant phylogeny and growth strategy might thus be used to predict a significant portion of inter-taxa differences in plant uptake of (134/137)Cs.  相似文献   
企业可持续发展评价指标体系的选定原则及构建框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了制定企业可持续发展的战略决策,须制定可持续发展的指标体系,并依据这一体系对数据和资料进行收集、整理和分析,从而确定可靠而有效的政策方针。文中论述了可持续发展指标体系的定义、选定标准、原则和可持续发展的评价指标体系,提出了压力-状态-响应框架模型以及不同层次的指标体系框架。该指标体系分为总体层、系统层、状态层、变量层和要素层五个等级。对于持续发展的表征指标及对目前发展的可持续性评估,还需要长时间和切合实际的探讨。  相似文献   
新型活性炭固定化产品的制备及其处理焦化废水的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决优势菌种工程应用,研究不同固定化方法、载体和结构的固定化产品对焦化废水的降解特性。用活性炭粉末吸附菌种后,与聚乙烯醇和海藻酸钠混合制备了新型固定化球;用聚乙烯醇和海藻酸钠包埋吸附菌种的活性炭纤维毡,与立体弹性塑料填料连用,制备出3种不同形状的活性炭纤维膜片固定化产品复合填料。将游离菌和制备的4种活性炭固定化产品投入A/A/O工艺系统平行实验,考察处理焦化废水的效果。结果表明,活性炭纤维膜片固定化产品复合填料对焦化废水的降解能力优于其他固定化产品:缺氧池出水硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度分别稳定在1.96 mg/L和0.49 mg/L,未产生氮的累积现象,COD去除率可达到60.92%。好氧池COD和氨氮降解效率分别为78.83%和85.52%,苯酚、氰化物降解效率均为97%以上。  相似文献   
在明、清两代,皇宫曾有过几次毁灭性的火灾,每次都给老百姓带来了沉重的负担。  相似文献   
秘鲁大雪崩 秘鲁位于南美洲西部,拥有一望无际的海岸线.长达3000多公里。它又是一个多山的国家,山地面积占全国总面积的一半,著名的安第斯山脉的瓦斯卡兰山峰,  相似文献   
秋冬季节降水偏少.风干物燥,加上秋冬季农事野外生产生活用火多,稍有不慎就会引发森林火灾。因此,必须加强火源管理.做好森林防火.  相似文献   
政府部门的应急响应能力在城市防灾减灾中的作用   总被引:5,自引:10,他引:5  
铁永波  唐川  周春花 《灾害学》2005,20(3):21-24
城市是人口、经济密集的地区,城市自身的特点决定了抢险救灾必须快速果断,当城市发生灾害时,当地政府部门是抢险救灾的主力军,在这一过程中,政府部门对灾害的应急反应能力成了救灾、减灾成功与否的决定性因素.文章探讨了政府部门的应急响应能力的组成及其在城市防灾减灾中的重要性.政府部门的灾害应急能力主要从应急反应、应急指挥、应急救援、应急信息的发布和应急避难五个方面体现出来.  相似文献   
任何天灾都比不上地震,它能在短促的时间,波及广大的范围,造成巨大的损失,因此,地震是群灾之首。对于地震,人们既恐惧它,又想了解它,更想抵御和战胜它。266年前银川与平罗间大地震留给人们的记  相似文献   
经过连续几天的暴雨冲洗,早已湿透、不堪重负的地面形成了纵横交叉的地下水流,这些水流在几个小时内迅速汇集成河,形成一股来势汹汹的激流,所向披靡,把地面打得千疮百孔,伤痕累累。当7位洞穴学者准备进入法国西南部格拉玛附近的维塔赫尔洞穴时,他们根本没料到几小时后,这里将变成一片汪洋。  相似文献   
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