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目的研究密闭充氢环境下固态电化学氢气传感器效应。方法设计能模拟低氧、低氢和压力变化的密闭充氢环境,并在此环境中进行一系列氢气传感器效应试验,分析、评定试验数据。结果得到了不同环境下氢气、氧气浓度随时间变化的规律,提出固态电化学氢气传感器的有效工作环境,并预测了其在不同贮存环境下的工作寿命。结论密闭充氢环境内压力和温度的变化对固态电化学氢气传感器影响较大,湿度影响较小,注气检定合格的氢气传感器,在密封容器内扩散式检定,不合格率高,检定数据误差大于±5%FS。  相似文献   
构建土地利用碳储量数据库,基于InVEST模型Carbon模块,得到广东省1990~2020年碳储量时空分布情况.用Moran’s I指数和Getis-Ord Gi*分析格网尺度下碳储量时空分布特征,用Anselin Local Moran’s I得到LISA集聚图.然后运用PLUS模型和14个土地利用驱动因子预测2050年土地利用及其碳储量分布.结果表明,土地利用变化直接影响区域碳储量高低,林地、草地等具有生态服务功能地类碳密度最高,分别是188.44,329.34Mg/hm2.碳储量空间格局整体呈现出中部低、北部高、东西中等的特点.碳储量空间分布特征与土地利用特征一致,碳储量显著高值集聚区域分布在建设用地少、生态用地多且连片的粤北地区,显著低值区域分布在国土开发强度和生态用地破碎化程度高的珠三角地带.在自然发展情景下,到2050年广东省土地利用碳储量将减少4327.21万Mg,随着国土空间进一步开发,环珠江口沿岸城市碳储量持续下降.增加植被生态系统碳储量,是实现碳中和的重要手段之一.要继续维持粤北山区生态保护屏障的重要地位,减缓珠三角城市土地开发强度,提高建设用地集约节约能力,形成平衡协调的土地利用和碳储量格局.  相似文献   
Sulfonamides (SAs) are one of the most widely used antibiotics and their residuals in the environment could cause some negative environmental issues. Advanced oxidation such as Fenton-like reaction has been widely applied in the treatment of SAs polluted water. Degradation rates of 95%-99.7% were achieved in this work for the tested 8 SAs, including sulfisomidine, sulfameter (SME), phthalylsulfathiazole, sulfamethoxypyridazine, sulfamonomethoxine, sulfisoxazole, sulfachloropyridazine, and sulfadimethoxine, in the Fe3O4/peroxodisulfate (PDS) oxidation system after the optimization of PDS concentration and pH. Meanwhile, it was found that a lot of unknown oxidation products were formed, which brought up the uncertainty of health risks to the environment, and the identification of these unknown products was critical. Therefore, SME was selected as the model compound, from which the oxidation products were never elucidated, to identify these intermediates/products. With liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS/MS), 10 new products were identified, in which 2-amino-5-methoxypyrimidine (AMP) was confirmed by its standard. The investigation of the oxidation process of SME indicated that most of the products were not stable and the degradation pathways were very complicated as multiple reactions, such as oxidation of the amino group, SO2 extrusion, and potential cross-reaction occurred simultaneously. Though most of the products were not verified due to the lack of standards, our results could be helpful in the evaluation of the treatment performance of SAs containing wastewater.  相似文献   
Microbial application is an efficient, economical, and ecofriendly method for remediating black-odorous rivers. In this study, the field treatment effect and microbial community changes were monitored during remediation by the acclimated complex microorganisms of a typical black-odorous stream. After the treatment, the total phosphorus and ammonia contents decreased by 74.0% and 76.3% and the concentrations of dissolved oxygen increased from 1.65 to 4.90 mg/L, indicating the effectiveness of the acclimated composite microorganisms. The proportion of Bacteroidetes decreased significantly by 48.1% and that of Firmicutes increased by 2.23% on average, and the microbial diversity index first increased and then tended to be uniform. Redundancy analysis demonstrated that the pH, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation-reduction potential together determined the composition of the microbial communities (p < 0.05). These findings showed that the acclimated composite microorganisms can effectively remediate the black odor.  相似文献   
及时掌握污染场地修复过程中所关注污染物和修复后再利用土地类型信息对深化建设用地环境管理具有重要意义. 本文基于文献调研和信息公示平台资料查询等途径获取了我国537个污染场地案例信息数据,分析了我国近10年来污染场地修复与再利用的变化情况. 统计分析结果表明:我国537个污染场地中约有66%集中在北京市、上海市、浙江省、江苏省和重庆市等先行地区;从2016年《土壤污染防治行动计划》颁布实施开始,场地修复管控数量增势凸显,2018年污染场地修复管控数量达到峰值;原用地类型归属化学工业、金属制品、冶炼等行业的比例较大,且重金属、苯系物为主的再利用挥发性有机物、多环芳烃类为主的半挥发性有机物和总石油烃是典型污染物;在GB 36600—2018《土壤环境质量 建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》实施前后,包含苯系物、多环芳烃类和总石油烃等污染物的出现频次增加趋势最为明显,而有机农药类和多氯联苯(总量)的出现频次有所减少;污染场地用途大部分是敏感用地类型中的居住用地,且这类场地的原行业类型为化学工业、金属制品等特征污染物危害较大的行业. 研究显示,利好政策和标准的颁布与实施促进了我国经济欠发达地区污染场地的修复管控工作,以多环芳烃类为主的半挥发性有机物是我国未来场地土壤环境治理工作的重点,需要进一步提升对再利用类型为敏感用地类型场地的关注.   相似文献   
目的 在不同热流条件下,通过调整SiO2气凝胶的孔隙率、涂层厚度等,以满足合适的隔热要求。方法 针对中短程飞行器飞行时外壁面承受短时高热流的特点,在分析孔隙率对SiO2气凝胶热导率影响规律的基础上,通过数值仿真研究不同气凝胶孔隙率、气凝胶厚度及热流作用下的温度响应。结果 得到了不同条件下满足隔热要求的气凝胶最小厚度,以及气凝胶表面的最高温度。高温情况下,气凝胶孔隙率为96%时,有效热导率最低,孔隙率超过96%时,隔热性能变差。结论 当飞行器内壁面温度满足要求时,增大气凝胶的孔隙率,则需要减小气凝胶的厚度,相应的气凝胶表面温度会升高,但升幅很小。当飞行器外壁面承受长时间大热流时,仅调整气凝胶的厚度和孔隙率不能达到结构的隔热要求。  相似文献   
土壤重金属污染导致土壤环境质量显著降低,影响食品安全、水源水质和空气质量等,严重威胁人类的生存和发展。汞(Hg)作为一种全球性的重金属污染物,广泛分布于多种环境介质中,其中土壤是全球汞最大的储存库。土壤中的汞可通过多种暴露途径进入人体,危害人类健康。伴随着全球气候变暖和人为活动加剧,全球土壤汞污染问题日益严重。然而,目前有关土壤汞污染的基础数据较为缺乏,大范围的土壤汞污染空间分布特征分析相对较少,对于土壤汞污染主控因子的分析方法缺乏系统的阐述。因此,本文基于文献调研的方法,分析了全球的土壤汞污染分布特征,发现全球土壤汞污染主要集中在矿区及工业聚集区,阐述了人为因素、气候条件和土壤环境因素等对土壤汞含量变化的影响,并总结了可应用于土壤汞污染主控因子分析的常用方法及其优缺点。同时,本文对未来土壤汞污染调查和研究进行了3方面的展望,以期为更加科学合理的解决土壤汞污染问题做出贡献。  相似文献   
The coke-slag mixture discharged from water-air generators not only causes a serious environmental problem, but also is a potential resource. In order to obtain a high economic return, separation of fine binary mixtures in a vibrating fluidized bed with dense media was experimentally investigated. The effects of volume ratio (mono-component volume to dense medium volume or binary mixture volume to dense medium volume), the fluidization velocity and vibration parameters on separation efficiency are discussed. The experimental results show that vibration can prevent the coalescence and growth of bubbles and improve fluidization properties of particles and the stability of bed density. The major factors associated with separating efficiency are discussed. Based on the experiments, the ratio of the volume of particles to bed volume and the vibration conditions are also reported. It was found that the separation efficiency for a fine coke-slag mixture was greater than 70% and close to 80% under optimal conditions.  相似文献   
李彤  李适宇 《环境科学学报》2012,32(6):1424-1435
基于拉格朗日油粒子模型、溢油风化模型以及三维水动力、泥沙和吸附质模型构建了溢油双层数学模型.模型不仅能够模拟油膜的运动轨迹、岸边吸附与冲刷、油品性质变化过程,而且通过耦合泥沙吸附及沉积动力学过程,能够更加客观地模拟溢油从水体向底泥环境的迁移过程,更全面地反映溢油在环境中的归宿.此外,本文以假设溢油事故为背景,模拟和分析了洪、枯季节条件下珠江广州段溢油事故对河网陆地边界、河网水质及底泥环境的影响.  相似文献   
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