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The importance of socially imposed costs for the evolution and maintenance of honest sexual signals has received less attention than other costs. Here I show that male-male competition can increase the honesty of sexual signaling in relation to male parental ability in a species with flexible signaling. When four three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) males were allowed to court a female first separately and then in competition, red nuptial coloration under competition reflected male parental ability more accurately than red coloration when separated. Parental ability was determined as the ability of the male to raise a clutch of eggs to the hatching stage under interaction with other breeding and non-breeding males. The increased honesty under competition was probably due to subordinate males of poor parental ability decreasing their color expression under interaction to reduce the risk of fights with superior males. However, socially imposed costs of signaling were probably not the main factors maintaining honest signaling, as red coloration reflected male parental ability also in the absence of competition, although less accurately. Nevertheless, the small-scale differences that male-male competition induced can significantly facilitate adaptive female choice and have large impacts on sexual selection. Received: 7 July 2000 / Revised: 31 August 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to optimise rooting in stem cuttings of the mangrove tree species Bruguiera parviflora, Cynometra iripa, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomes and Thespesia populnea. Cuttings were girdled or non-girdled and treated with the auxins indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and naphthalene-acetic acid (NAA) and amylase, IAA-oxidase, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities were measured. The best rooting performance (in terms of root number) was in stem cuttings of E. agallocha followed by C. iripa and H. fomes when treated with IBA + NAA. IAA and IBA combinations were more effective in T. populnea and B. parvifolia. Variations in rooting response were markedly reflected in amylase, IAA-oxidase, peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities. Sharp increases in amylase and polyphenol-oxidase activities were associated with enhanced rooting in E. agallocha, C. iripa and H. fomes. On the contrary, lowered IAA-oxidase and peroxidase activities favoured rooting in T. populnea and B. parviflora. A higher number of roots occurred in pre-girdled cuttings in comparison to non-girdled cuttings. Received: 30 March 1999 / Accepted: 6 October 1999  相似文献   
Natural resources are important assets for sustainability of rural livelihoods and economic development. The objectives of the study were to assess linkage of environmental change to emerging water scarcity, livelihoods insecurity and decline in wildlife biodiversity and hydropower generation in the Great Ruaha ecosystem, and to discuss policy lessons for sustainable development. Literature survey, participatory assessments, collection of records from stakeholders, participatory observations and a questionnaire survey were used. Participatory assessment found that increasing water scarcity is associated with degradation of land, vegetation cover and change in rainfall intensity and duration. Rainfall change is supported by 83% of respondents and rainfall trends analysis. About 42% of variation in cereal production is described by the rainfall amount variability. Analysis of trends for per capita cereals production from district records showed a significant (p < 0.05) decline over the years. Changes in water flows in the Great Ruaha River have been evident since 1993, and have affected wildlife diversity in the Ruaha National Park and power generation from the Kidatu hydroelectric plant downstream. Human livelihood activities, exclusiveness, weak coordination and collaboration between sectors and institutions in policy formulation and implementation have played a role. The pro-poor policy formulation through integrated planning, strong coordination and collaboration is recommended for sustainable development.  相似文献   
Indoor dust samples were collected from 40 homes in Kocaeli, Turkey and were analyzed simultaneously for 14 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and 16 poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) isomers. The total concentrations of PBDEs (Σ14PBDEs) ranged from 29.32 to 4790 ng g?1, with a median of 316.1 ng g?1, while the total indoor dust concentrations of 16 PAHs (Σ16PAHs) extending over three to four orders of magnitude ranged from 85.91 to 40,359 ng g?1 with a median value of 2489 ng g?1. Although deca-PBDE products (BDE-209) were the principal source of PBDEs contamination in the homes (median, 138.3 ng g?1), the correlation in the homes was indicative of similar sources for both the commercial penta and deca-PBDE formulas. The PAHs diagnostic ratios indicated that the main sources of PAHs measured in the indoor samples could be coal/biomass combustion, smoking, and cooking emissions. For children and adults, the contributions to ∑14PBDEs exposure were approximately 93 and 25 % for the ingestion of indoor dust, and 7 and 75 % for dermal contact. Exposure to ∑16PAHs through dermal contact was the dominant route for both children (90.6 %) and adults (99.7 %). For both groups, exposure by way of inhalation of indoor dust contaminated with PBDEs and PAHs was negligible. The hazard index (HI) values for BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-153, and BDE-209 were lower than the safe limit of 1, and this result suggested that none of the population groups would be likely to experience potential health risk due to exposure to PBDEs from indoor dust in the study area. Considering only ingestion + dermal contact, the carcinogenic risk levels of both B2 PAHs and BDE-209 for adults were 6.2 × 10?5 in the US EPA safe limit range while those for children were 5.6 × 10?4 and slightly higher than the US EPA safe limit range (1 × 10?6 and 1 × 10?4). Certain precautions should be considered for children.  相似文献   
In outdoor tanks enclosed monocultures of Thalassiosira rotula showed partly synchronized cell divisions during exponential growth. The changes in division activity showed a characteristic frequency, which also could be found for cell length (pervalvar axis) and assimilation rate as well as for concentration changes of dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) and ammonia. Excretion of DFAA occurred preferentially during periods of reduced cell division activity, when assimilation was at a higher level. The concentration of ammonia decreased during these periods. The rates per hour of these parameters showed significant multiple correlations. The release of six individual amino acids (ala, -ala, gly, lys, orn and ser) seemed to be controlled by the physiological status of the diatoms. These amino acids amounted to a portion of about 70–80% of the total DFAA. Uptake and release rates of DFAA nitrogen and ammonia were in the same range with maxima of about 350 ng at nitrogen dm-3 h-1 and litre. These dynamics pointed to strong fluxes of organic bound nitrogen in marine micro-heterotrophs.  相似文献   
Temporal trends of five tetra- to hexabromodiphenyl ethers [BDE47, BDE99, BDE100, BDE153 and BDE154) and two methoxy-tetraBDEs [6-methoxy-2,2',4,4'- tetraBDE (6-MeO-BDE47) and 2'-methoxy-2,3',4,5'- tetraBDE (2'-MeO-BDE68)] in pike from Lake Bolmen for the years 1967-2000, are presented. All BDE congeners show increasing trends up to the mid-1980s (Sigma5PBDE from 60 to 1600 pg/g wet weight in 1989, i.e. a more than 25-fold increase), and then decrease or level off. The decreasing trends of PBDEs after the 1980s were considerably slower in the present study than was found in a study of an environmental matrix from the Baltic Proper covering the same time period. This difference suggests local sources near Lake Bolmen. The MeO-BDEs show initially decreasing concentrations, which for 6-MeO-BDE47 continues until the early 1990s. The concentrations of 6-MeO-BDE47 in herring from five locations along the Swedish coast increased from south to north in the Baltic Sea. No correlation between the concentrations of the BDE congeners and the MeO-BDEs was observed, indicating sources other than PBDEs for these compounds. The presence of MeO-BDEs in fish from lakes with different characteristics suggests a natural production not favoured by eutrophication, or dependent on sampling season and geographical location.  相似文献   
In this study it was evaluated whether the ECOPATH with ECOSIM software could be used as a platform to facilitate the construction of models and study of transport and accumulation of radionuclides in aquatic food webs. The evaluation was based upon a food web model of carbon (C) and carbon-14 ((14)C) flow for a coastal area in the Baltic Sea, the ECOPATH, the ECOSIM and the ECOTRACE models. The original carbon flows and assumptions were easily incorporated into the ECOPATH and ECOSIM modelling environment. The new model was also well suited to drive a (14)C flow model (ECOTRACE) for each of the organisms included. ECOTRACE estimated steady-state concentrations of (14)C that were between 73 and 142% of the original flows. The results clearly show that there is great potential for a successful development of this approach for integrating scientific knowledge about food webs and radioecological models for aquatic systems.  相似文献   
A system is presented which uses a Hall sensor and an adjacent magnet, attached close to the cloaca of penguins, to record defecation, respiration and heart rates for both free-living birds and those in captivity. The output of the Hall sensor depends on a magnetic field, the strength of which is influenced in the presented scenario by the proximity of the magnet, which varies with movement of the cloaca. The elasticity of the cloaca results in minute, but perceptible, movements associated with the heart, respiration and defecation, although placement of the magnet and sensor is critical, and not all parameters can be measured all of the time. The system, incorporating a logger that can record at frequencies of 50 Hz, was tested on 17 captive and 4 free-living Magellanic penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus, in Argentina. It showed increased defecation rate associated with feeding, the expected trends in bradycardia and tachycardia associated with diving, and appeared to record some movement of air sacs associated with breathing. The concept of measuring minute changes in relative exterior body positions as a cue to internal processes may be important in future studies for both free-living and captive animals, particularly since it is non-invasive and relatively easy to deploy.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   
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