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Environmental Sensitivity Indices (ESI) composed of many field-data are essential for monitoring and control systems. At the beginning of the last decade an ESI of the German Wadden Sea was developed for use by the relevant authorities. This ESI was derived by experts semi-manually analysing the extensive field data-set. An algorithm is presented here which emulates human expert-decisions on the classification of sensitivity classes. This will permit the necessary regular updates of ESI-determination when new field data become available using automated classifications procedures. After tuning the algorithm parameters it generates decisions identical to those of human experts in about 97% of all locations tested. In addition, the algorithm presented also enables erroneous or extremely seldom field data to be identified.  相似文献   
Surveys were completed on Tutuila Island, American Samoa, to characterize reef development and assess the impacts of non-point source pollution on adjacent coral reefs at six sites. Multivariate analyses of benthic and coral community data found similar modern reef development at three locations; Aoa, Alofau, and Leone. These sites are situated in isolated bays with gentle sloping foundations. Aoa reefs had the highest estimates of crustose coralline algae cover and coral species richness, while Leone and Alofau showed high abundances of macroalgae and Porites corals. Aoa has the largest reef flat between watershed discharge and the reef slope, and the lowest human population density. Masefau and Fagaalu have a different geomorphology consisting of cemented staghorn coral fragments and steep slopes, however, benthic and coral communities were not similar. Benthic data suggest Fagaalu is heavily impacted compared with all other sites. Reef communities were assessed as bio-criteria indicators for waterbody health, using the EPA aquatic life use support designations of (1) fully supportive, (2) partially supportive, and (3) non-supportive for aquatic life. All sites resulted in a partially supportive ranking except Fagaalu, which was non-supportive. The results of this rapid assessment based upon relative benthic community measures are less desirable than long-term dataset analyses from monitoring programs, however it fills an important role for regulatory agencies required to report annual waterbody assessments. Future monitoring sites should be established to increase the number of replicates within each geological and physical setting to allow for meaningful comparisons along a gradient of hypothesized pollution levels.  相似文献   
The concentrations of seven toxic metals (cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn)) were determined in sediments and the soft tissues of a bivalve species (Meretrix lyrata) collected from the Tien Estuary in Tien Giang Province, South Vietnam. The total metal concentrations in sediments (mg/kg dry weight) increased as Cd (0.06) < Cu (5.0) < Pb (13.9) < As (16.3) < Ni (24) < Cr (50) < Zn (62). Speciation analysis revealed that these metals existed mainly in the residual fraction (43–94%), followed by the Fe-Mn oxide-bound (5–35%) and organic/sulfide-bound (0.6–9.2%) fractions. The metal concentrations in M. lyrata (mg/kg dry weight) were in the ranges of 1.3–1.9 (Cd), 1.5–2.8 (Ni), 1.8–3.4 (Cr), 11–16 (As), 0.3–0.6 (Pb), 6.9–8.7 (Cu), and 95–128 (Zn), which are safe for human consumption. The order of the mean biota-sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) of the metals in the non-residual fractions of the sediment for M. lyrata was Cd > Cu > As > Zn > Cr > Ni > Pb. The Risk Assessment Codes (RACs) suggest that the highest mobility of Cd (with RAC = 37%) poses greater environmental risk to aquatic biota. Correlation analysis results show that M. lyrata can be used as a biomonitor of Cd and Cu pollution in the exchangeable, acid-soluble, and non-residual sediment fractions.  相似文献   
In this study, a very promising way of treating and recycling spent nickel catalysts of fertilizer plants in Vietnam was proposed. Firstly, nickel was recovered from spent catalyst using HNO3—leaching process. Results show that nickel recovery of over 90% with a purity of over 90% can be achieved with HNO3 2.1–2.5 M at 100?°C in 75 min. The residue after leaching is not considered as a hazardous waste according to the Vietnamese regulations. Then, the leachate solution was used as a precursor to prepare a model catalyst for exhaust gas (CO, HC, NOx) treatment. In comparison with the catalyst prepared from the commercial nickel nitrate solution, the catalyst synthesized from recovered nickel exhibits similar properties and activities. The influence of Ni loading of Ni/alumina catalyst as well as the modification of active phase by some metals addition (Mn, Ba, Ce) was also investigated. It is feasible to modify active phase by transition metals such as Mn, Ba, and Ce for complete oxidation of CO and HC at 270?°C and a reduction of NOx below 350?°C at high volumetric flow condition (GHSV?=?110.000 h?1).  相似文献   
Cypress needles collected at the edge of the Malvési uranium facility (SW France) exhibit enhanced activities of actinides and some decay products (uranium, americium, plutonium, (230)Th, (226)Ra) compared to a remote site. These enhanced activities resulted from the release of U via smokestacks and passive release from former artificial ponds located inside the nuclear site. Enhanced activities are also observed in selected produce (wheat, lettuce, fruits) sampled from the edge of the site. However, excess actinides measured in wheat grains in 2007 are inconsistent with the activities and the uranium ratio measured in the soils. This result suggests that the studied annual crops were contaminated mainly through the short-term release of airborne actinides, and that other transfer pathways, such as, uptake through the roots or adhesion of soil particles, were negligible.  相似文献   
The action spectrum for the hatching ofArtemia cysts and the results of illumination experiments with decapsulated cysts suggest that a haempigment may be involved in light-induced hatching. The screening role of haematin is proposed. Starting from the assumption that haematin and the photoreceptor are both haempigments, we can attribute a hatching delaying or photoreceptor protective function to haematin.This work is part of F.K.F.O. Project No. 2.0012.82  相似文献   
Total lipids, hydrocarbons, wax esters, triacylglycerols, and phospholipids were determined for 22 major biomass species of zooplankton and fish in an Antarctic mesopelagic community that were collected in 1982 and 1983. Lipid levels were similar to levels in more temperate mesopelagic species. Total lipid concentration was depth related, with all lipid-rich species being collected at depths greater than 230 m. Wax ester content in copepods (60 to 70% of the total lipid) was generally higher than in subtropical species. Lipids indicated three predator-prey relationships (Parandania boecki-Atolla wyvillei, Thysanoessa macrura-Calanoides acutus andEurythenes gryllus-Atolla wyvillei). These were confirmed by gut content analyses. The mesopelagic fishBathylagus antarcticus, Pleuragramma antarcticum, andProtomyctophum bolini stored most lipid intramuscularly, whereasElectrona antarctica andGymnoscopelus nicholsi contained extensive stores in subcutaneous lipid sacs. The intramuscular lipids inP. antarcticum and the subcutaneous lipid sacs ofE. antarctica were primarily wax esters, possibly used for increased buoyancy or long-term energy storage. Unlike the odd-carbon preference of aliphatic hydrocarbons which typifies terrestrial plants and temperate marine organisms, even-carbon chain-length paraffins predominate in 80% of the Antarctic species analyzed. Although the source of these even-carbon n-alkanes cannot be determined from our data, their dominance in the species analyzed suggests that an unusual biochemical pathway may be responsible for their synthesis in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Environmental and energy crises are a major threat to the sustainable growth of the human society, calling for greener technologies such as photocatalysis. Photocatalysis is a solar-driven approach that converts photon energy into chemical energy, yet the conversion efficacy of classical photocatalysis is usually restricted and controlled by the charge carrier’s separation and migration. Enhanced conversion requires suppressed recombination rate and superior redox abilities. From this aspect, the manipulation of heterojunction allows to overcome the drawback of classical photocatalysis. The cascade mechanism follows a dual direct charge migration route, resulting in enhanced redox abilities and efficient mineralization of pollutants. Here, we review photocatalytic material aspects in improving redox ability by cascade charge transfer. We describe the mechanisms and applications of three cascade systems: two type-II cascade systems, mediator-based cascade systems, and dual direct Z-scheme. We highlight the superiority of the direct dual cascade route with a prolonged lifetime of carriers, higher quantum yield, and enhanced redox abilities. Applications to carbon dioxide reduction, hydrogen production by water splitting and pollutant degradation are discussed.

Chitinase andN-acetyl--D-glucosaminidase activity were quantified inPalaemon serratus (Pennant) integument and midgut gland during the moulting cycle. Studies were performed on specimens collected near Concarneau, France, in July 1989. The changes in specific activity are different in the two organs: in the midgut gland enzymatic activity is high throughout the whole moulting cycle with a weak peak at the early premoult Stage D1, whereas in the integument the activity of both enzymes is very low throughout post- and intermoult stages and rises only after premoult Stage D1. The highest specific activity is reached in D1 for chitinase and somewhat earlier (D1) forN-acetyl--D-glucosaminidase. The increase in specific chitinolytic activity coincides with an increase in ecdysteroids.  相似文献   
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