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The blowfly Lucilia bufonivora shows high host specificity for toads despite the host’s toxic skin secretion, which consists mainly of bufadienolides. These toxins are effective blockers of the Na+, K+-ATPase, an enzyme that is essential for many physiological processes in animals. Whereas common toad (Bufo bufo) toxins were identified in the larvae of the fly, few toxins were found in the pupae and empty puparia as trace amounts, while adult flies were entirely free of these toxic compounds. Similar results were obtained when larvae of generalist necrophagous blowflies (L. sericata, Calliphora vicina) fed on toad carcasses. Analysis of the Na+, K+-ATPase gene revealed no amino acid substitution at positions known to mediate resistance to bufadienolides in other systems. Alternative mechanisms of resistance such as efficient excretion of the compounds may enable the flies to use this poisonous food source.  相似文献   
Uran in Wässern     
The study presents 172 measurements of the uranium238U and234U isotopes in ground water and 21 measurements of these substances in the rivers of Eastern Germany. The uranium concentration in the ground water ranged from under 0.1 mBq/l to over 1000 mBg/l with a mean of 12 mBq/l. The respective activity relationships of234U/238U ranged from 0.85 to 12.6 with a mean of 1.66. A comparison of these values with those in the literature demonstrates an agreement with more recent measurements obtained from water in Thuringia and Saxony which were seen to have a mean value of 19 mBq/l. The activity relationships of234U/238U which were seen to be substantially over the equilibrial value of 1.0 and which were found in a quite high proportion of the samples must be taken into consideration when evaluating these. The measurements of river water demonstrated values for the Elbe river which are related to the periods of extensive uranium mining in Saxony and Thuringia. Measurements performed in the catchment regions going into the Baltic Sea revealed substantially higher values than would be expected from the distribution of uranium in these areas. A number of reasons are discussed here in an attempt to explain these findings.  相似文献   
This paper describes the statistical methodology applied to evaluate the performance of the long-range dispersion models that were used in the modelling activities of ETEX (European Tracer EXperiment). The availability of a large number of models makes this exercise rather unique. These models are used for the practical purpose to quantify the contamination effects over a vast area, following a hypothetical accidental release of harmful material. This makes the quality judgement that could be attributed to the results of each model particularly important.The statistical indicators considered to be the most effective for the evaluation of long-range dispersion models are introduced and commented, with specific examples in the frame of ETEX simulations. The importance of using several indices and critically interpreting the results is discussed.  相似文献   
Effects of calibration on L-THIA GIS runoff and pollutant estimation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Urbanization can result in alteration of a watershed's hydrologic response and water quality. To simulate hydrologic and water quality impacts of land use changes, the Long-Term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) system has been used. The L-THIA system estimates pollutant loading based on direct runoff quantity and land use based pollutant coefficients. The accurate estimation of direct runoff is important in assessing water quality impacts of land use changes. An automated program was developed to calibrate the L-THIA model using the millions of curve number (CN) combinations associated with land uses and hydrologic soil groups. L-THIA calibration for the Little Eagle Creek (LEC) watershed near Indianapolis, Indiana was performed using land use data for 1991 and daily rainfall data for six months of 1991 (January 1-June 30) to minimize errors associated with use of different temporal land use data and rainfall data. For the calibration period, the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.60 for estimated and observed direct runoff. The calibrated CN values were used for validation of the model for the same year (July 1-December 31), and the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.60 for estimated and observed direct runoff. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient was 0.52 for January 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991 using uncalibrated CN values. As shown in this study, the use of better input parameters for the L-THIA model can improve accuracy. The effects on direct runoff and pollutant estimation of the calibrated CN values in the L-THIA model were investigated for the LEC. Following calibration, the estimated average annual direct runoff for the LEC watershed increased by 34%, total nitrogen by 24%, total phosphorus by 22%, and total lead by 43%. This study demonstrates that the L-THIA model should be calibrated and validated prior to application in a particular watershed to more accurately assess the effects of land use changes on hydrology and water quality.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the role of minerals in the Integrated Programme for Commodities and the objectives and problems of the Second Account of the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC). It focuses on the least developed countries in Africa, providing specific suggestions for R&D to improve mineral exploration techniques in rain forest and savanna regions; to reduce mine exploration costs; to design equipment suitable for mining narrow veins; to improve concentrating methods for certain ores and to optimize byproduct recovery; to reduce environmental impacts; and to use the waste products of mining. It also discusses demand oriented CFC projects and their policy implications.  相似文献   
In this study, metals (Be, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd, Pb and Hg) in the fine-grained fraction (<63 microm) from 12 sites at different locations in northern San Francisco Bay over a year period from March 2000 to March 2001 were analyzed after acid extraction. The results showed that metal concentrations in the sediments varied from site to site, whereas some of them were found elevated with respect to the sediment of Tomales Bay, CA, which has little contamination history, indicating an enrichment of the metals in the sediment samples analyzed. Sediment toxicity and bioaccumulation evaluation by a clam species, Macoma nasuta, exposed to the sediment samples collected from the six sampling sites was carried out. The results showed that the sediment samples tested significantly reduced clam survival. Toxicity of the sediments to the clam was, in part, related to elevated metal concentrations in the sediments. In order to examine geochemistry of the metals and to understand potential correlations between metal concentrations and geochemical matrix elements of the sediments, bioavailability and toxicity of the metals, detailed analysis of metal concentrations associated with total organic carbon and the Fe-oxy-hydroxides in the sediment samples was performed. The analysis showed that sediment geochemistry appeared to influence metal bioavailability and may have important impacts on the toxicity of these metals to the clam.  相似文献   
Summary Young chicks were offered a choice of warningly coloured black and yellow and non-warningly coloured green (or olive) prey. Unfed chicks were given palatable painted mealworms on their first day. They directed their first peck at both colour types at the same probability; however, they ate the warningly coloured ones at a much lower rate. This is due to an inhibition of attack which becomes effective after pecking. Chicks which were a few days old showed the same behaviour. Since the control prey was in this case painted with an olive mixture containing the same colours as the warningly coloured mealworms, it can be concluded that the inhibition is caused by the black and yellow coloration. With accumulating positive experience of the chicks, the inhibition decreased. For permanent avoidance it must therefore be supplemented by unpleasant experience. Accordingly, chicks handled the unpalatable black and yellow ringed caterpillars of Tyria jacobaeae only a few times and always for a short period when offered repeatedly. The inhibition caused by the black and yellow pattern is attributed to a genetically fixed predisposition to avoid warningly coloured black and yellow prey which is the result of evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   
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