Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are toxic, bioaccumulative, persistent, and ubiquitously present in the environment. CPs were analyzed in humus and needle samples, which were taken within the Monitoring Network in the Alpine Region for Persistent and other Organic Pollutants (MONARPOP) at sampling sites of 7 different altitude profiles in the Alps. Gas chromatography combined with electron ionization tandem mass spectrometry (EI-MS/MS) was used for the determination of total CPs (sum of short, medium and long chain CPs). CPs were found in all samples; the concentrations varied between 7 and 199 ng g−1 dry weight (dw) and within 26 and 460 ng g−1 dw in humus and needle samples, respectively. A clear vertical tendency within the individual altitude profiles could not be ascertained. Within all altitude profiles, elevated concentrations were observed in humus samples taken between 700 and 900 m and between 1300 and 1500 m. In the needle samples no similar correlation could be observed due to higher variation of the data. 相似文献
Biomarkers and low-molecular weight polyaromatic compounds have been extensively studied for their fate in the environment. They are used for oil spill source identification and monitoring of weathering and degradation processes. However, in some cases, the absence or presence of very low concentration of such components restricts the access of information to spill source. Here we followed the resistance of high-molecular weight sulfur-containing aromatics to the simulated weathering condition of North Sea crude oil by ultra high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. The sulfur aromatics in North Sea crude having double bond equivalents (DBE) from 6 to 14 with a mass range 188-674 Da were less influenced even after 6 months artificial weathering. Moreover, the ratio of dibenzothiophenes (DBE 9)/naphthenodibenzothiophenes (DBE 10) was 1.30 and 1.36 in crude oil and 6 months weathered sample, respectively reflecting its weathering stability. It also showed some differences within other oils. Hence, this ratio can be used as a marker of the studied crude and accordingly may be applied for spilled oil source identification in such instances where the light components have already been lost due to environmental influences. 相似文献
The noble gas radon has a strong affinity to non-aqueous phase-liquids (NAPLs). That property makes it applicable as naturally occurring partitioning tracer for assessing residual NAPL contamination of aquifers. In a NAPL contaminated aquifer, radon dissolved in the groundwater partitions preferably into the NAPL. The magnitude of the resulting radon deficit in the groundwater depends on the NAPL-specific radon partition coefficient and on the NAPL saturation of the pore space. Hence, if the partition coefficient is known, the NAPL saturation is attainable by determination of the radon deficit. After a concise discussion of theoretical aspects regarding radon partitioning into NAPL, related experimental data and results of a field investigation are presented. Aim of the laboratory experiments was the determination of radon partition coefficients of multi-component NAPLs of environmental concern. The on-site activities were carried out in order to confirm the applicability of the "radon method" under field conditions. 相似文献
Monitoring of immission of persistent organic pollutants in the industrialized area of Volta Redonda (V.R.) and in the National Park of Itatiaia (PNI) in southeast Brazil was performed using an endemic Bromeliad species as biomonitor and measuring total deposition rates on funnels covered with polyurethane foams. Samples were collected during 78 days in V.R. and 95 days in PNI in winter (dry season, June-August 2003) and during 114 days in both areas in summer (rainy season, December 2003-February 2004). The PCDD/PCDF deposition rates ranged from 0.10 to 1.9 pg WHO-TEQ/(m2 day) in winter and from 0.11 to 2.2 pg WHO-TEQ/(m2 day) in summer. Deposition rates found in V.R. in summer were four- to ninefold higher than those measured in PNI, while in winter deposition rates in both regions were in the same range. Deposition rates in V.R. in summer were about five fold lower than those measured in 1996. PCDD/PCDF levels in biomonitor samples were between 0.95 and 14.6 ng WHO-TEQ/kg d.m. in winter and between 2.2 and 5.2 ng WHO-TEQ/kg d.m. in summer. In winter, concentrations found in V.R. were up to 11 times higher than those found in PNI, while in summer the levels measured in both areas were comparable. The homologue and isomer profiles found in the deposition as well as in the biomonitor samples from V.R. indicate that steel production is the main source of contamination in the region, whereas in PNI, the long range transport of these pollutants is the predominant contamination pathway. 相似文献
The paper focuses on current mechanical waste processing technologies and out-of-the-box processes linked to the processing of coal and mineral resources, to ensure high-quality feedstock recycling of polyolefin-rich post-consumer plastic fractions. Moreover, the study aims to provide the basis for the technical and economic feasibility of the chemical recycling route of this plastic fraction. When evaluating common mechanical processes, either dry or wet ones, sink–float separation in a cylindrical centrifugal force separator achieves the best results. It combines the advantages of a simple, robust apparatus of low complexity and high capacity with selective separation through the accelerated settling of particles in the centrifugal field. Furthermore, the disconnection of the separation medium feed from the solid input increases residence times. Based on the above findings, a pilot-scale plant was constructed which consists of a centrifugal force separator and a hydro jig for the pre-separation of heavy waste components. Several test campaigns were conducted to separate polyolefins from various waste fractions. Two-stage processing in the centrifugal force separator rendered almost 90 wt% of polyolefin content in the produced lightweight fraction and of polyolefin recovery. One-stage processing, on the other hand, resulted in reduced polyolefin content in the lightweight fraction.
Under 502 nm turquoise light combined with 590 nm yellow light and in total darkness, European robins, Erithacus rubecula, no longer prefer their migratory direction, but exhibit so-called fixed direction responses that do not show the seasonal
change between spring and autumn. We tested robins under these light conditions in the local geomagnetic field of 46 μT, a
field of twice this intensity, 92 μT, and a field of three times this intensity, 138 μT. Under all three magnetic conditions,
the birds preferred the same easterly direction under turquoise-and-yellow light and the same northwesterly direction under
dark, while they were oriented in their seasonally appropriate direction under control conditions. “Fixed direction” responses
are thus not limited to a narrow intensity window as has been found for normal compass orientation. This can be attributed
to their origin in the magnetite-based receptor in the upper beak, which operates according to fundamentally different principles
than the radical pair mechanism in the retina mediating compass orientation. “Fixed direction” responses are possibly a relict
of a receptor mechanism that changed its function, now mainly providing information on magnetic intensity. 相似文献
Passerine migrants require light from the blue-green part of the spectrum for magnetic compass orientation; under yellow light, they are disoriented. European robins tested under a combination of yellow light and blue or green light showed a change in behavior, no longer preferring their seasonally appropriate migratory direction: in spring as well as in autumn, they preferred southerly headings under blue-and-yellow and northerly headings under green-and-yellow light. This clearly shows that yellow light is not neutral and suggests the involvement of at least two types of receptors in obtaining magnetic compass information, with the specific interaction of these receptors being rather complex. 相似文献