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This paper presents a large eddy simulation of mass transfer in the flow around a surface-mounted finite-height circular cylinder. The study was carried out for a cylinder with height-to-diameter ratio of 2.5 and a Reynolds number based on the cylinder diameter of 44000. The approach flow boundary layer had a thickness of about 10% of the cylinder height. A tracer was released at various levels upstream of the cylinder. The effect of the release position in the subsequent spreading and dilution of the plumes is analyzed. It is found that a tracer released at the top or at mid-height is entrained into the recirculation zone behind the cylinder, and therefore presents similar plume evolution in the far wake in both cases. If the tracer is released at around three-quarters of the height of the cylinder, it is not significantly entrained by the main recirculation region, leading to smaller rates of spreading of the plume. Finally, if the tracer is released near the floor, the plume is entrained by the horseshoe vortex that wraps around the cylinder, leading to a large lateral spreading of the plume, remaining always near the floor.  相似文献   
Increasing evidence—synthesized in this paper—shows that economic growth contributes to biodiversity loss via greater resource consumption and higher emissions. Nonetheless, a review of international biodiversity and sustainability policies shows that the majority advocate economic growth. Since improvements in resource use efficiency have so far not allowed for absolute global reductions in resource use and pollution, we question the support for economic growth in these policies, where inadequate attention is paid to the question of how growth can be decoupled from biodiversity loss. Drawing on the literature about alternatives to economic growth, we explore this contradiction and suggest ways forward to halt global biodiversity decline. These include policy proposals to move beyond the growth paradigm while enhancing overall prosperity, which can be implemented by combining top-down and bottom-up governance across scales. Finally, we call the attention of researchers and policy makers to two immediate steps: acknowledge the conflict between economic growth and biodiversity conservation in future policies; and explore socioeconomic trajectories beyond economic growth in the next generation of biodiversity scenarios.  相似文献   
The behavior of 20 PAH in the organic layers of a L mull, an Of mull and a mor was assessed by a combined approach of a soil profile study, and the analysis of particle-size separates. Increasing PAH concentrations with depth in the mor profile (L, 866 μg kg−3; Of, 2902 μg kg−1; Oh, 10489 ug kg−1) were assigned to selective enrichment during organic matter decomposition. PAH were further highly enriched within the finer separates. For the L horizons, significant positive correlations were established between the enrichment of individual PAH (as observed from the decomposition gradient between the >2-mm fraction and the < 0.05-mm fraction), and the KOW for each compound. The slope of the regression line, m, described the degree of differentiation between low- and high-molecular PAH during litter decomposition. Since m was greatest in the most biologically active humus type (L mull, 0.33) and smallest in the most inactive (mor, 0.20), microbial breakdown was assumed as the dominating process for this differentiation. The results also indicated that decomposition processes had already taken place in the L horizons, leading to morphological and chemical changes of organic matter, and to an enrichment of high molecular PAH.  相似文献   
Summary The dance communication of honeybees was studied using the short-winged mutant diminutive wings. The wing area of the mutant is reduced to 67% that of the wild type. This reduction in wing area leads to increases in both the wing beat frequency and the frequency of the sounds emitted during the dances. At the same time the amplitude of the sound signals is reduced. These changes have a strong effect on the recruitment success of the dances, which is reduced to less than 50%. Thus, the acoustical signals emitted by dancing bees play an essential role in the bees' dance communication.  相似文献   
The shores of many Central European lakes located in the hinterland of large conurbations are heavily endangered by intensive settlement, traffic, sewage input, manipulation of the water level, tourism and recreation. This increasing impact has negatively affected the function of the lake shore in respect to conservation and species protection, to water protection and its importance for recreation. This paper describes the overlap of the multiple uses and the precautions planned since 1981 on the national and international level to guarantee the essential multiple functionality, e.g. as drinking water reservoir for the conurbations in the northern part of Baden-Württemberg, as supraregional centre for water sports and tourism, and as an important environment for endangered plant and animal species. Management measures include regional planning as well as the international water protection and preservation with many contributions from non governmental international organisations Given a high agreement concerning these aims, many indispensable actions could successfully be realised on the political and administrative level. On the basis of 14 topics we follow the development since 1981, most recently also driven by the EU (FFH/Natura 2000), Water framework directive). Backlogs became obvious for four topics: 1. The lack of efficient reviews on completed measures, 2. gaps in basic understanding, 3. The dragging harmonisation of an intergrated shore protection program across the borders, and 4. the lack of concepts for a sustainable development including plans for monitoring.  相似文献   
Phosphorus (P) fertilizer recommendations in most European countries are based on plant-available soil P contents and long-term field experiments. Site-specific conditions are often neglected, resulting in excessive P fertilizer applications. P fertilization experiments including relevant site and soil parameters were evaluated in order to analyze the yield response. The database comprises about 2000 datasets from 30 field experiments from Germany and Austria. Statistical evaluations using a classification and regression tree approach, and multiple linear regression analysis indicate that besides plant-available soil P content, soil texture and soil organic matter content have a large influence on the effectiveness of P fertilization. This study methodology can be a basis for modification and specification of existing P fertilization recommendations and thus contribute to mitigate environmental impacts of P fertilization.  相似文献   
We present estimates of the vehicular contribution to ambient organic carbon (OC) and fine particle mass (PM) in Pittsburgh, PA using the chemical mass balance (CMB) model and a large dataset of ambient molecular marker concentrations. Source profiles for CMB analysis are selected using a method of comparing the ambient ratios of marker species with published profiles for gasoline and diesel vehicle emissions. The ambient wintertime data cluster on a hopanes/EC ratio–ratio plot, and therefore can be explained by a large number of different source profile combinations. In contrast, the widely varying summer ambient ratios can be explained by a more limited number of source profile combinations. We present results for a number of different CMB scenarios, all of which perform well on the different statistical tests used to establish the quality of a CMB solution. The results illustrate how CMB estimates depend critically on the marker-to-OC and marker-to-PM ratios of the source profiles. The vehicular contribution in the winter is bounded between 13% and 20% of the ambient OC (274±56–416±72 ng-C m−3). However, variability in the diesel profiles creates uncertainty in the gasoline–diesel split. On an OC basis, one set of scenarios suggests gasoline dominance, while a second set indicates a more even split. On a PM basis, all solutions indicate a diesel-dominated split. The summer CMB solutions do not present a consistent picture given the seasonal shift and wide variation in the ambient hopanes-to-EC ratios relative to the source profiles. If one set of source profiles is applied to the entire dataset, gasoline vehicles dominate vehicular OC in the winter but diesel dominates in the summer. The seasonal pattern in the ambient hopanes-to-EC ratios may be caused by photochemical decay of hopanes in the summer or by seasonal changes in vehicle emission profiles.  相似文献   
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