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通过厌氧毒性测定试验,研究模拟废水及猪场原水氨氮对厌氧微生物活性的影响。结果表明,模拟废水氨氮对厌氧颗粒污泥产甲烷活性的影响具有多重性,当氨氮浓度低于400mg/L时,表现为促进产甲烷作用。当氨氮浓度为800mg/L时,开始表现为抑制产甲烷作用,并且随着氨氮浓度的升高,抑制作用增强。猪场原水在进水浓度下均表现为抑制作用。模拟废水50%抑制浓度为1900.1mg/L,猪场原水50%抑制浓度为1725.9mg/L;在相同的抑制程度下,模拟废水氨氮浓度均高于猪场原水,平均相差594.1mg/L。  相似文献   
单爱丽  王帆  严红 《环境工程》2010,28(3):91-94
堆肥过程中氮素损失比较严重,而氨气挥发是氮损失的主要途径。利用城市生活垃圾进行好氧堆肥,研究其堆肥过程中氨气变化规律及其对堆肥性质的影响。结果表明:在堆肥期间,氨气含量先增加后减小,最后基本稳定在5 mg/kg左右;而全氮含量先降低后增加;硝态氮含量先降低后增加;铵态氮是先快速增加,后缓慢减小至稳定;pH值先下降后升高,最终稳定在中性范围内;w(C)/w(N)先增加后下降;有机质含量显著下降。  相似文献   
通过分析水泥炉窑氮氧化物(NOx)生成机理、脱除技术以及国内外水泥炉窑脱硝现状并结合我国具体情况,探讨适合我国的水泥炉窑切实可行脱硝技术,为"十二五"期间我国水泥炉窑开展烟气脱硝整治工作提供技术性方向。  相似文献   
杨红  戴桂香  赵瀛  丁骏  陈健 《海洋环境科学》2012,(6):893-896,905
以长江口外海域为研究区域,基于2008年秋季该海域2个峰面断面的海洋环境调查走航数据,以海水水质指标、浮游植物多样性指数及叶绿素a浓度为评价指标,运用BP人工神经网络的方法评价该海域生态环境质量状况,结合该海区的地形及水动力情况分析,结果表明:2008年秋季长江口外海域生态状况总体处于亚健康状态;31°N断面受长江冲淡水影响,生态状况近海劣于远海,但20号站位逆趋势好转,据监测,夏季其附近海域为赤潮高发区;30°N断面近岸受浙江沿岸上升流影响,生态状况好于31°N,但5号站位逆趋势恶化;5号和20号站位反映了上升流与长江口冲淡水的交汇区域的生态状况。BP人工神经网络用于生态环境评价,具有一定的客观性和通用性。  相似文献   
本文介绍了活性焦特点、活性焦联合脱硫脱硝技术的反应机理及工艺流程、活性焦联合脱硫脱硝技术的优缺点及发展方向。指出了活性焦联合脱硫脱硝工艺具有可以实现同时脱除S02、NOx和粉尘,脱除效率高,投资小等优点,通过加热再生活性焦,可获得高浓度的SO2气体,用于生产硫酸、液体二氧化硫或硫磺,有效回收硫资源。该技术具有流程简单、占地面积小、无二次污染、费用低、应用范围广等特点。  相似文献   
原油管道储运行业地域辽阔、点多线长、易燃易爆,职业危害因素种类繁多,人员接触广泛,职业卫生工作难度较大.笔者结合工作实际,就原油管道储运企业职业健康监护谈谈工作体会.  相似文献   
Steroid oestrogens (SE) are released by humans and animals into the environment. In the Mekong Delta animal excrement is directly discharged into surface water and can pollute the water. Only a few animal production sites are currently treating the excrement in either biogas plants or vermicomposting systems. The concentration of SE in manures from pigs and cattle was monitored in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Fresh cow faeces had an oestrogen concentration of 3.3 ng E2 eq/g dry weight. The SE concentration in effluent from biogas plants fed with animal manures was 341 ng E2 eq/L. Most of the SE were in the solid phase (77.9–98.7%). Vermicomposting reduced SE to 95% of the original input.  相似文献   
In this paper, the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in biota (reed, grass, mussel, fish, and red-crowned crane) and sediments collected from seven locations in the Zha Long Wetland. PAHs were recovered from the sediments and biota by ultrasonic extraction and then analyzed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The total PAH concentrations were 244–713 ng/g dw in sediments, 82.8–415 ng/g dw in plants and 207–4,780 ng/g dw in animals. The total sediment PAH concentrations were categorized as lower to moderate contamination compared with other regions of China and the world. In the plant samples, the accumulation abilities of reed roots and stems for PAHs were higher than those of grass roots. In addition, the concentration of individual PAHs in mussel muscles was the highest in all of the animal samples, followed by fish, feeding crane fetuses, and wild crane fetuses. Compositional analysis suggests that the PAHs in the sediments from the Zha Long Wetland were derived from incomplete biomass combustion. Risk assessment shows that the levels of PAHs in sediments are mostly lower than the effects range mean value (effects range mean), whereas only naphthalene in all sample sites was higher than the effects range low value. It is worthwhile to note that benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene were detected in crane fetal, which have potential carcinogenicity for organisms from the Zha Long Wetland.  相似文献   
A wide range of waste biomass/waste wood feedstocks abundantly available at mine sites provide the opportunity to produce biochars for cost-effective improvement of mine tailings and contaminated land at metal mines. In the present study, soft- and hardwood biochars derived from pine and jarrah woods at high temperature (700 °C) were characterized for their physiochemical properties including chemical components, electrical conductivity, pH, zeta potential, cation-exchange capacity (CEC), alkalinity, BET surface area and surface morphology. Evaluating and comparing these characteristics with available data from the literature have affirmed the strong dictation of precursor type on the physiochemical properties of the biochars. The pine and jarrah wood feedstocks are mainly different in their proportions of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, resulting in biochars with heterogeneous physiochemical properties. The hardwood jarrah biochar exhibits much higher microporosity, alkalinity and electrostatic capacity than the softwood pine. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis also show a good correlation between CEC–BET–alkalinity, and alkalinity–ash content. These comprehensive characterization and analysis results on biochars’ properties from feedstocks of hardwood (from forest land clearance at mine construction) and waste pine wood (from mining operations) will provide a good guide for tailoring biochar functionalities for remediating metal mine tailings. The relatively inert high-temperature biochars can be stored for a long term at mine closure after decades of operations.  相似文献   
When microalgae are simultaneously applied for wastewater treatment and lipid production, soluble algal products (SAP) should be paid much attention, as they are important precursors for formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs), which have potential risks for human health. Chlorella sp. HQ is an oleaginous microalga that can generate SAP during growth, especially in the exponential phase. This study investigated the contribution of SAP from Chlorella sp. HQ to DBP formation after chlorination. The predominant DBP precursors from SAP were identified with the 3D excitation-emission matrix fluorescence. After chlorination, a significant reduction was observed in the fluorescence intensity of five specific fluorescence regions, particularly aromatic proteins and soluble microbial by-product-like regions, accompanied with slight shifting of the peak. The produced DBPs were demonstrated to include trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids. As the algal cultivation time was extended in wastewater, the accumulated SAP strengthened the formation of DBPs. The trend for DBP formation was as follows: chloroform>dichloroacetic acid>trichloroacetic acid.
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