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医疗废物中有机质的热解动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在空气气氛下,对医疗废物中几种有代表性的有机质进行非等温热解实验。分析实验结果发现,热解失重曲线与N2气氛下不同,出现多个DTG峰。利用Freeman Carroll法求出了各有机质的表观动力学参数,并建立了能较好反映各物料失重过程的表观多步反应动力学模型。针对混合物料无法直接求出表观动力学参数,建立了多组分反应动力学模型。  相似文献   
介绍了2种不同等离子体发生区和不同测量距离对等离子体发生区沿面蓝光中紫外光的波长和相对光强的影响,所测的臭氧发生量大的等离子体发生区的紫外光的相对光强高,测量距离与相对光强呈指数关系,并且等离子体发生区沿面蓝光具有光催化作用。  相似文献   
交联菌丝体吸附剂的制备及其对Cr^3+的吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入研究了交联菌丝体吸附剂的制备工艺及其对Cr^3+的吸附特性。交联菌丝体吸附剂制备工艺简单,但在制备过程中,活化剂NaOH和交联剂的用量对吸附特性影响较大。与纯菌丝体吸附剂相比,交联菌丝体吸附剂表观吸附容量提高48%,达到49.83mg/g(pH=2.53,水溶液中的Cr^3+浓度为600mg/L),同时其机械强度明显增强。交联菌丝体吸附剂对Cr^3+的吸附特点是将沉淀法与吸附法相结合,将沉淀与吸附两过程合二为一,从而简化了处理工艺,降低了处理成本。  相似文献   
钟甦  陈晓冰 《环境科技》2005,18(1):40-41
实施清洁生产是实现可持续发展战略的需要,是控制环境污染的重要手段,是促进循环经济、资源高效利用和循环再利用的有效途径,是促进经济发展,走新型工业化道路的必然选择。  相似文献   
菌丝体表面分子印迹壳聚糖吸附剂对Cr3+的吸附性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
菌丝体表面分子印迹吸附剂所保留的印迹对过渡金属离子有着良好的吸附作用,以Cr3 作为吸附离子,系统研究了该吸附剂的吸附特性和影响因素.结果表明:吸附剂对Cr3 的饱和吸附容量可达60 mg/g;其吸附行为满足Langmuir方程式.初始浓度为200 mg/L时,最佳吸附pH在3~4,吸附容量可达到50 mg/g左右,离子强度对吸附没有影响,用0.5 mol/L硝酸或硫酸解吸Cr3 ,解吸率在90%以上.  相似文献   
研究提出了用磷酸钕(NdPO4)作为共沉淀捕集剂分离富集环境水样中的痕量Pb2 ,用火焰原子吸收光谱(FAAS)测定的方法.共沉淀受pH、NdCl3和H3PO4溶液用量的影响.结果显示,在溶液pH为3.2时,20 mL水样中加入5 mg/L NdCl3 2 mL、0.5 mol/L H3PO4 3 mL条件下,铅的加标回收率为96.6%~104.2%,方法的检测限为5.7×10-3 mg/L,水体中常见碱金属、碱土金属离子及阴离子在一定范围内不影响测定.  相似文献   
重金属污染土壤植物修复研究进展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
土壤重金属污染是当今世界面临的主要环境问题之一.植物修复定义为利用绿色植物去除环境中的污染物或使其无害化的生物技术.与传统环境修复技术相比,植物修复技术具有治理成本的低廉性,环境美学的兼容性,治理过程的原位性.本文主要对超富集植物的概念和特征、土壤重金属污染植物修复的方法和原理以及土壤重金属植物修复技术的强化措施进行了综述,并对植物修复的近期研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   
广州帽峰山林区空气负离子动态及与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用定位连续观测方法,研究了广州帽峰山森林公园负离子含量近5年的年、季、月变化及不同天气的变化规律,并以此对帽峰山森林公园的空气质量进行了计量评价.分析了空气负离子含量与环境因子的相关关系.结果表明:林区不同观测区的负离子含量差异较大,山下瀑布空间负离子含量最高.平均水平达达2l 729 ions.cm-3;林内负离子含量年间及月间变化不大,沟谷小溪和山中部瀑布空间由于人为干扰,负离子含量年动态呈现降低趋势,山下瀑布空间年负离子含量维持在20000 iotis·cm-3左右;负离子含量的季节差异显著,春夏季大于冬秋季,夏季最高、冬季最低.空气质量评价系数CI的最低在2月份、最高在8月份.不同天气条件下负离子含量大小顺序为下雨>晴天>阴天.负离子含量与空气温度呈正相关,与空气湿度呈正相关.与空气气压呈负相关.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to establish an on-line controlling system for nitrogen and phosphorus removal synchronously of municipal wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The SBR for municipal wastewater treatment was operated in sequences: filling, anaerobic, oxic, anoxic, oxic, settling and discharge. The reactor was equipped with on-line monitoring sensors for dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and pH. The variation of DO, ORP and pH is relevant to each phase of biological process for nitrogen and phosphorus removal in this SBR. The characteristic points of DO, ORP and pH can be used to judge and control the stages of process that include: phosphate release by the turning points of ORP and pH; nitrification by the ammonia valley of pH and ammonia elbows of DO and ORP; denitrification by the nitrate knee of ORP and nitrate apex of pH; phosphate uptake by the turning point of pH; and residual organic carbon oxidation by the carbon elbows of DO and ORP. The controlling system can operate automatically for nitrogen and phosphorus efficiently removal.  相似文献   
Sharp boundaries typically separate the salinity tolerant mangroves from the salinity intolerant hardwood hammock species, which occupy the similar geographical areas of southern Florida. Evidence of strong feedback between tree community-type and the salinity of the unsaturated (vadose) zone of the soil suggests that a severe disturbance that significantly tilts the salinity in the vadose zone might cause a shift from one vegetation type to the other. In this study, a model based upon the feedback dynamics between vegetation and salinity of the vadose zone of the soil was used to take account of storm surge events to investigate the mechanisms that by which this large-scale disturbance could affect the spatial pattern of hardwood hammocks and mangroves. Model simulation results indicated that a heavy storm surge that completely saturated the vadose zone at 30 ppt for 1 day could lead to a regime shift in which there is domination by mangroves of areas previously dominated by hardwood hammocks. Lighter storm surges that saturated the vadose zone at less than 7 ppt did not cause vegetation shifts. Investigations of model sensitivity analysis indicated that the thickness of the vadose zone, coupled with precipitation, influenced the residence time of high salinity in the vadose zone and therefore determined the rate of mangrove domination. The model was developed for a southern Florida coastal ecosystem, but its applicability may be much broader.  相似文献   
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