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镇江市边坡地质灾害及其防治对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
镇江市边坡地质灾害分布广泛、发生频繁。在分析该市边坡地质灾害主要类型及基本特征 的基础上,对其成因机制进行了探讨。认为镇江市边坡地质灾害是各种自然因素和人类活动在一定环境条件下共同作用的结果。在此基础上,提出了防治原则和相应的对策。  相似文献   
O3 increment is mainly caused by changes in meteorology rather than emissions. Emission reduction is effective to reduce O3 nationwide, especially in summer. Strengthened NOx controls are necessary to meet the ambient O3 standard. We have quantified the impacts of anthropogenic emissions reductions caused by the Air Pollution Control Action Plan and changes in meteorological fields between 2013 and 2017 on the warm-season O3 concentration in China using a regional 3D chemical transport model. We found that the impact on daily maximum eight-hour (MDA8) O3 concentration by the meteorological variation that mostly increased O3 was greater than that from emission reduction, which decreased O3. Specifically, the control measures implemented since 2013 in China have reduced SO2, NOx, PM2.5, and VOC emissions by 33%, 25%, 30%, and 4% in 2017, while NH3 emissions have increased by 7%. The changes in anthropogenic emissions lowered MDA8 O3 by 0.4–3.7 ppb (0.8%–7.6%, varying by region and month), although MDA8 O3 was increased slightly in some urban areas (i.e. North China) at the beginning/end of warm seasons. Relative to 2013, the average 2 m temperature in 2017 shows increments in North, North-east, East, and South China (0.34℃–0.83℃) and decreases in Central China (0.24℃). The average solar radiation shows increments in North, North-east, and South China (7.0–9.7 w/m2) and decreases in Central, South-west, and North-west China (4.7–10.3 w/m2). The meteorological differences significantly change MDA8 O3 by -3.5–8.5 ppb (-8.2%–18.8%) with large temporal variations. The average MDA8 O3 was slightly increased in North, North-east, East, and South China. The response surface model suggests that the O3 formation regime transfers from NOx-saturated in April to NOx-limited in July on average in China.  相似文献   
Luoyang is a typical heavy industrial city in China, with a coal-dominated energy structure and serious air pollution. Following the implementation of the clean air actions, the physicochemical characteristics and sources of PM2.5 have changed. A comprehensive study of PM2.5 was conducted from October 16, 2019 to January 23, 2020 to evaluate the effectiveness of previous control measures and further to provide theory basis for more effective policies in the future. Results showed that the aerosol pollution in Luoyang in autumn and winter is still serious with the average concentration of 91.1 μg/m3, although a large reduction (46.9%) since 2014. With the contribution of nitrate increased from 12.5% to 25.1% and sulfate decreased from 16.7% to 11.2%, aerosol pollution has changed from sulfate-dominate to nitrate-dominate. High NO3/SO42− ratio and the increasing of NO3/SO42− ratio with the aggravation of pollution indicating vehicle exhaust playing an increasingly important role in PM2.5 pollution in Luoyang, especially in the haze processes. Secondary inorganic ions contributed significantly to the enhancement of PM2.5 during the pollution period. The high value of Cl/Na+ and EC concentration indicate coal combustion in Luoyang is still serious. The top three contributor sources were secondary inorganic aerosols (33.3%), coal combustion (13.6%), and industrial emissions (13.4%). Close-range transport from the western and northeastern directions were more important factors in air pollution in Luoyang during the sampling period. It is necessary to strengthen the control of coal combustion and reduce vehicle emissions in future policies.  相似文献   
选取2015年和2019年不同代表年份,结合外场观测和数值模拟,分析了天津地区不同季节不同天气(晴天、多云、霾)下,气溶胶辐射效应对整层大气透过率和地表入射太阳辐射的影响,以及这种影响在不同年份的差异.借助WRF-Chem模式模拟分析了重污染期间气溶胶辐射效应对垂直方向上气象要素廓线、边界层结构以及PM2.5浓度的反馈机制.结果表明:霾污染可导致大气透过率明显下降,春、秋、冬不同季节,霾污染导致中午大气透过率分别下降0.09,0.11和0.09.全年平均霾污染可导致大气透过率降低约15.5%.云量的增多也可导致大气透过率明显下降,多云天气下大气透过率相比晴天减小约22.4%.霾和云对大气透过率的影响还与太阳高度角有关,当太阳高度角>60°时,霾污染导致大气透过率下降8.6%.随污染等级提高,气溶胶对太阳辐射的衰减作用也越强,天津地区空气质量分别为Ⅰ~Ⅰ级时,中午地表入射短波辐射呈稳定下降趋势,依次为484,446,439,342,328和253W/m2.重污染期间,气溶胶辐射效应导致大气低层(250m以下)降温(0.8℃)增湿(3.8%...  相似文献   
为了选择适合小城镇潜流人工湿地的填料,选取小城镇较为常见的材料(废砖、卵石、碎石),结合物化性质,研究25℃下填料对磷的吸附效果,并分析了填料种类对野外潜流人工湿地运行的影响。结果表明:(1)25℃时,3种填料对磷的吸附量随着溶液中初始磷浓度的增加而增加,吸附能力依次为废砖>碎石>卵石;(2)野外潜流人工湿地运行过程中,随HRT的延长,组合填料湿地WL1和废砖填料WL2湿地对总磷的净化效果有所提高,且WL2湿地对总磷的去除效果略优于WL1。因此,可以选择废砖作为小城镇潜流人工湿地系统的填料。  相似文献   
"老龄期"填埋场渗滤液由于可生化性差而难于处理.采用常规蒸发、减压蒸发和载气蒸发处理不同pH值的"老龄期"渗滤液.实验结果表明,3种蒸发方式下,冷凝液COD下降过程中均存在明显的浓度转折点,转折点之后COD维持较低水平,为"老龄期"渗滤液的"三分处理法"提供理论依据.与常规蒸发相比,减压蒸发和载气蒸发的前期冷凝液COD较高,且浓度转折点偏后.  相似文献   
重庆主城区秋冬季逆温对空气质量影响的观测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年9—11月利用RPG-HATPRO地基多通道微波辐射计对重庆主城区大气进行连续探测,统计了大气逆温情况,并对典型重污染天气下大气逆温与空气质量状况进行综合分析。结果表明,逆温出现的频率为63.3%,基本为接地逆温类型,逆温层厚度为953 m,逆温强度为0.3℃/hm;逆温的存在为气溶胶的积聚和凝聚创造了有利条件。  相似文献   
针对台州湾水平流人工湿地处理河水时脱氮能力低且不稳定的情况,采用高通量测序技术进行脱氮微生物群落的结构解析,以便从微生物的群落结构和空间分布中寻求影响脱氮能力的因素.研究结果表明,水平流湿地中存在硝化和反硝化菌群,且硝化菌属主要为Nitrospira,反硝化菌属主要为Bacillus和Paracoccus.与脱氮系统较...  相似文献   
成都府南河叶绿素a和氮、磷的分布特征与富营养化研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对成都市府南河上中下游共21个断面叶绿素a和总溶解态氮(TDN)、总溶解态磷(TDP)含量的测定,绘制时空分布图,并应用SPSS 13.0统计软件分析了3个指标之间的相关性,初步评价了府南河的富营养化状况。结果表明,府南河叶绿素a含量不高,磷污染较为严重;相关性分析显示叶绿素a和TDP含量呈显著正相关关系,氮是河水富营养化的主要限制因子;按照叶绿素a的含量判定府南河基本属于贫营养化型,但按照氮、磷含量评价已达到富营养化水平。这对评价城市河流的富营养化状态及生态环境整治和恢复有着积极意义。  相似文献   
在城市发展中,人口增多和居民生活方式的变化都加大了城市污水量的增加,现代城市污水已经对地下水体产生了污染,人们的生活用水受到了严重影响。在国家环保要求下,利用先进污水处理式方法对城市污水进行处理至关重要,本文对城市污水特点进行了分析,并重点对生化法污水处理工艺进行了分析,希望能为行业内人士提供参考,提高城市污水的净化能力,促进城市的持续发展。  相似文献   
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