Abstract: To assess the genetic consequences for a Neotropical tree of the loss of its main seed disperser, we compared the genetic structure of Inga ingoides in a site where the spider monkey (Ateles paniscus) was abundant and a site where it had been eliminated by subsistence hunting. Gene flow should be reduced in the site where the spider monkey is absent, and there should be a corresponding subpopulation differentiation of seedlings within the spatial range of the movements of these primates in the absence of between-site differences in allelic frequencies. At the microhabitat ( family) scale, seedlings growing under parent plants should be genetically more related in the absence of the spider monkey than in its presence. Subpopulation differentiation was smaller where the spider monkey was present ( four loci, FST = 0.011) than where it was absent ( four loci, FST = 0.053) for the first year of study, but not for the second year (three loci, FST = 0.005 vs. 0.003). The number of alleles in common among seedlings growing under parent plants was smaller in the presence of the spider monkey than in its absence, showing family genetic structure in the first generation for both years of study ( Mann-Whitney, z = −2.17, p = 0.03 and z = −2.72, p = 0.006 for 1996 and 1997, respectively). This family genetic structure in the first generation should accelerate the development of population genetic structure. Development of genetic structure might result in demographic changes, one of which would be a fitness reduction if the species were self-incompatible, as suggested for Inga by available evidence. Large birds and mammals are the main targets of subsistence hunting in the Neotropics. Extinction of seed-dispersing frugivores may result in pronounced changes in the demographic and genetic structure of tree species in Neotropical forests. 相似文献
The present study aimed to improve the performance of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) by using an intermittent connection period without power output. Connecting two MFCs in parallel improved the voltage output of both MFCs until the voltage stabilized. Electric energy was accumulated in two MFCs containing heavy metal ions copper, zinc, and cadmium as electron acceptors by connection in parallel for several hours. The system was then switched to discharge mode with single MFCs with a 1000-Ω resistor connected between anode and cathode. This method successfully achieved highly efficient removal of heavy metal ions. Even when the anolyte was run in sequencing batch mode, the insufficient voltage and power needed to recover heavy metals from the cathode of MFCs can be complemented by the developed method. The average removal ratio of heavy metal ions in sequencing batch mode was 67 % after 10 h. When the discharge time was 20 h, the removal ratios of zinc, copper, and cadmium were 91.5, 86.7, and 83.57 %, respectively; the average removal ratio of these ions after 20 h was only 52.1 % for the control group. Therefore, the average removal efficiency of heavy metal ions increased by 1.75 times using the electrons stored from the bacteria under the open-circuit conditions in parallel mode. Electrochemical impedance data showed that the anode had lower solution resistance and polarization resistance in the parallel stage than as a single MFC, and capacitance increased with the length of time in parallel.
A laboratory experiment was conducted to test whether anti-predator responses could be induced in the green mussel, Perna viridis, on exposure to waterborne cues from two predators, the muricid gastropod, Thais clavigera, and the portunid crab, Thalamita danae, and from damaged conspecifics. There were five treatments in this study. Aquaria of two treatments housed either Thalamita danae or Thais clavigera. Another three treatments housed only intact mussels, broken and intact mussels, or no mussels. No significant differences were found among these five treatments in final shell weight and tissue dry weight. Induced defensive responses were predator-specific. Experimental mussels exposed to waterborne cues of T. clavigera had a higher percentage increase in shell length, height and width, whereas those exposed to waterborne cues of T. danae had a higher percentage increase in shell width and height. Mussels raised in the presence of crabs developed thicker shell at the umbo and lip margin, whereas mussels raised in the presence of gastropods had thicker shell lip. Predator preference for mussels from the control group and for those pre-exposed to waterborne cues of either of the predators was studied. T. clavigera preferentially selected mussels from the control group, whereas no prey preference was found for T. danae, although shell breaking time for mussels exposed to a crab was longer than that for the control. While the present results should be viewed with caution in the absence of a dietary control, this was the first time that prey handling was shown to be affected by defensive changes in the morphology of mussels.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate 相似文献