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选用0.1μm的PVDF中空纤维内压式微滤膜组件,在死端微滤工况下,研究了酵母(平均粒径5.3 μm)和高岭土(平均粒径0.7μm)体系在浓度和压力变化时的污染机理及过滤阻力、膜渗透通量的变化规律性.通过恒压堵塞定律积分式的具体形式与实验数据的拟合及根据堵塞过滤定律计算的结果都表明:死端微滤时,酵母体系和高岭土体系均符合滤饼过滤机理.  相似文献   
Abstract: To assess the genetic consequences for a Neotropical tree of the loss of its main seed disperser, we compared the genetic structure of Inga ingoides in a site where the spider monkey (Ateles paniscus) was abundant and a site where it had been eliminated by subsistence hunting. Gene flow should be reduced in the site where the spider monkey is absent, and there should be a corresponding subpopulation differentiation of seedlings within the spatial range of the movements of these primates in the absence of between-site differences in allelic frequencies. At the microhabitat (  family) scale, seedlings growing under parent plants should be genetically more related in the absence of the spider monkey than in its presence. Subpopulation differentiation was smaller where the spider monkey was present (  four loci, FST = 0.011) than where it was absent (  four loci, FST = 0.053) for the first year of study, but not for the second year (three loci, FST = 0.005 vs. 0.003). The number of alleles in common among seedlings growing under parent plants was smaller in the presence of the spider monkey than in its absence, showing family genetic structure in the first generation for both years of study ( Mann-Whitney, z = −2.17, p = 0.03 and z = −2.72, p = 0.006 for 1996 and 1997, respectively). This family genetic structure in the first generation should accelerate the development of population genetic structure. Development of genetic structure might result in demographic changes, one of which would be a fitness reduction if the species were self-incompatible, as suggested for Inga by available evidence. Large birds and mammals are the main targets of subsistence hunting in the Neotropics. Extinction of seed-dispersing frugivores may result in pronounced changes in the demographic and genetic structure of tree species in Neotropical forests.  相似文献   
吴殿廷  蔡国友 《灾害学》1995,10(2):21-25
本文以定量分析为主要手段,详细研究了吉林省农业病虫害发生的时间过程规律和空间分布规律,深入探讨了环境因子对农业病虫害的影响,综合评价了病虫害防治工作的效果。  相似文献   
吸烟气相物质引起的脂质过氧化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用吸烟气相物质作用于卵磷脂形成的脂质体及人多形核白细胞,用TBA法和共轭二烯法检测吸烟气相物质作用下的脂质过氧化水平,结果发现,随着吸烟气相物质作用时间的延长,MDA和共轭二烯的含量也随之增大。表明吸烟气相物质能够引起脂质过氧化反应。  相似文献   
依据田间实测资料,分析了南亚热带丘陵赤红壤-果树-大气连续体中的能量变化及其分布规律、结果表明,土壤基质势的年度变化特征说明南亚热带丘陵赤红壤存在明显的湿季和旱季.果树叶水势随土壤基质势、大气水势、气温及大气相对湿度的变化而变化,荔枝、龙眼叶水势的变化比芒果叶水势的变化大.以荔枝、芒果和龙眼作为供试植物,水分从土壤到达植物根表皮、进入根系并通过植物茎到达叶片,其能量降低分别约为0.9063~1.7428、0.2818~0.6979和0.2904~1.8707MPa;水分从叶部汽化扩散到大气中,其能量降低分别达15.1491~57.3669、15.4491~58.4036和14.5824~56.9536MPa,说明水流在南亚热带丘陵赤红壤-果树-大气连续体中运移时,其能量主要消耗在由叶部到大气这一环节上。  相似文献   
红壤丘陵脆弱生态环境的形成与整治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对我国东南部红壤丘陵区生态状况的历史回顾,分析了该区脆弱生态环境形成的主要原因,提出其整治应采取的生态、经济、社会诸方面的综合措施。  相似文献   
气相色谱法直接测定水中微量有机胺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯秀华  高明华  梁云  赵璞 《化工环保》2006,26(2):160-162
用配有氢火焰离子化检测器(FID)的气相色谱仪直接测定水中多种微量有机胺。试样经过滤后直接进样,在气相色谱仪上使用CP7448毛细管柱,用外标法测定水中微量甲胺、二甲胺、一乙胺、二乙胺的含量。在所选择的色谱操作条件下,甲胺、二甲胺、一乙胺、二乙胺的质量浓度分别在一定范围内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系。4种组分的回收率分别为96.7%,99.0%,101.2%,99.2%;精密度分别为4.3%,3.7%,5.5%,3.1%;检出限分别为2.0,2.0,1.5,1.5mg/L。该方法操作简便,回收率、精密度高。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to improve the performance of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) by using an intermittent connection period without power output. Connecting two MFCs in parallel improved the voltage output of both MFCs until the voltage stabilized. Electric energy was accumulated in two MFCs containing heavy metal ions copper, zinc, and cadmium as electron acceptors by connection in parallel for several hours. The system was then switched to discharge mode with single MFCs with a 1000-Ω resistor connected between anode and cathode. This method successfully achieved highly efficient removal of heavy metal ions. Even when the anolyte was run in sequencing batch mode, the insufficient voltage and power needed to recover heavy metals from the cathode of MFCs can be complemented by the developed method. The average removal ratio of heavy metal ions in sequencing batch mode was 67 % after 10 h. When the discharge time was 20 h, the removal ratios of zinc, copper, and cadmium were 91.5, 86.7, and 83.57 %, respectively; the average removal ratio of these ions after 20 h was only 52.1 % for the control group. Therefore, the average removal efficiency of heavy metal ions increased by 1.75 times using the electrons stored from the bacteria under the open-circuit conditions in parallel mode. Electrochemical impedance data showed that the anode had lower solution resistance and polarization resistance in the parallel stage than as a single MFC, and capacitance increased with the length of time in parallel.

A laboratory experiment was conducted to test whether anti-predator responses could be induced in the green mussel, Perna viridis, on exposure to waterborne cues from two predators, the muricid gastropod, Thais clavigera, and the portunid crab, Thalamita danae, and from damaged conspecifics. There were five treatments in this study. Aquaria of two treatments housed either Thalamita danae or Thais clavigera. Another three treatments housed only intact mussels, broken and intact mussels, or no mussels. No significant differences were found among these five treatments in final shell weight and tissue dry weight. Induced defensive responses were predator-specific. Experimental mussels exposed to waterborne cues of T. clavigera had a higher percentage increase in shell length, height and width, whereas those exposed to waterborne cues of T. danae had a higher percentage increase in shell width and height. Mussels raised in the presence of crabs developed thicker shell at the umbo and lip margin, whereas mussels raised in the presence of gastropods had thicker shell lip. Predator preference for mussels from the control group and for those pre-exposed to waterborne cues of either of the predators was studied. T. clavigera preferentially selected mussels from the control group, whereas no prey preference was found for T. danae, although shell breaking time for mussels exposed to a crab was longer than that for the control. While the present results should be viewed with caution in the absence of a dietary control, this was the first time that prey handling was shown to be affected by defensive changes in the morphology of mussels.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   
郝广才  张全  赵由才 《环境污染与防治》2006,28(11):834-836,858
分析了上海市区生活垃圾收运处理现状与问题,借鉴国外特大城市生活垃圾收运处理管理经验和教训,提出了将现有垃圾水运系统升级改造为集装化水陆联运系统、将现有老港废弃物处置场扩建为生活垃圾分类、生化处理、焚烧发电、填埋等多种技术有机组合的综合型处理基地的方案,为改善上海市生活垃圾收运与处理处置系统提出可行的对策建议.  相似文献   
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