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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous organic pollutants that are toxic to human and nonhuman organisms. Dietary intake of PAHs is a dominant route of exposure for the general population because food crops are a major source of dietary PAHs. The mechanism for crop root uptake of PAHs remains unclear. Here we reveal that wheat root uptake of PAHs involves active and passive processes. The passive uptake is mercury and glycerol dependent. Mercury and glycerol inhibit uptake, indicating that aquaglyceroporins sensitive to mercury contribute to passive uptake. Active uptake is mediated by a phenanthrene/H symporter. The electrical response of wheat roots triggered by phenanthrene consists of two sequential phases: depolarization followed by repolarization. The depolarization is phenanthrene concentration dependent, with saturation kinetics that have an apparent of K(m) 10.8 μmol L(-1). As uptake proceeds, external solution pH increase is noticed. Lower pH favors the uptake. Vanadate and 2,4-dinitrophenol suppress the electrical response to phenanthrene and phenanthrene uptake, suggesting that plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase is involved in the establishment of an electrochemical proton gradient acting as a driving force for active uptake. Therefore, it is suggested that aquaglyceroporin and phenanthrene/H symporter are implicated in phenanthrene uptake. Our results provide insight into PAH uptake mechanism in wheat roots that is relevant to strategies for reducing PAH accumulation in wheat for food safety, improving phytoremediation of PAH-contaminated soils or water by agronomic practices and genetic modification to target remedial plants for higher PAH uptake capacity.  相似文献   
淄博市污染聚集,环境质量易受外来因素影响,产业结构不合理,污染物排放量大,排放强度高。但其充分发挥环保的倒逼作用,通过建立健全环保政策法规体系,严格执行高于省及国家标准的地方环保标准,大力发展高新技术和现代服务业,加快改造传统产业,极大地促进了产业结构升级和经济发展方式的转变。  相似文献   
通过建立香根草人工湿地系统,研究该系统对生活污水的COD、TP、TN的处理效果以及系统的耐污性。在水力停留时间(HRT)为6h的条件下,COD、TP、TN的去除率分别为63.5%、88.3%、72.4%。研究表明,香根草人工湿地系统对城镇生活污水具有较好的净化效果,且系统在该试验条件下耐污性良好。  相似文献   
近年来,随着经济的发展,高压输变电工程和移动通信基站越来越多地落户于大型居民小区,由此引发的环境投诉和纠纷呈快速上涨趋势。电磁辐射污染投诉产生的原因主要是:电磁辐射环境管理法制不健全,思想上不重视,项目环保审批环节脱节,环保与规划部门信息交流不畅,公众维权意识增强,寻求其他经济利益;针对原因提出的预防和解决办法为:加强法制建设、强化现场监管,理顺项目审批和监管程序,建立与规划部门的联动机制,加强宣传,引导司法解决。  相似文献   
应用硝酸微波消解土壤样品-冷原子吸收法测定土壤中的汞。通过正交试验,优化了土壤中汞的微波消解条件。并对干扰消除、方法精密度、加标回收、检出限进行了试验研究。在0~10μg/L范围内线性关系良好,方法测定下限为0.20μg/L,土壤中汞的检出限为0.005μg/g。该优化条件对汞含量为0.02—0.46μg/g的土壤样品,汞提取完全。建立了一种简便、成本低、干扰少、灵敏度高的方法。  相似文献   
本文通过采用问卷调查和走访调查的方法,对南充市两县三区的城郊农村居民进行了抽样调查。调查结果发现,当地城郊农村居民环境法律“知”的水平中等、个体差异较大,环境法律“行”的水平偏低,“知”与“行”之间存在脱节现象。这与当地城郊农村居民的文化程度和所处地域有关。为此,提出了从“知”和“行”上加强当地城郊农村居民的环境法律知识教育和环境维权意识教育的建议,这也是提高城郊农村居民环境法律意识的途径所在。  相似文献   
A deterministic linear programming model which optimizes the abatement of each SO2 emission source, is extended into a CCP form by introducing equations of probabilistic constrained through the incorporation of uncertainty in the source-receptor-specific transfer coefficients. Based on the calculation of SO2 and sulfate average residence time for Liuzhou City, a sulfur deposition model has been developed and the distribution of transfer coefficients have been found to be approximately log-normal. Sulfur removal minimization of the model shows that the abatement of emission sources in the city is more effective, while control cost optimization provides the lowest cost programmes for source abatement at each allowable deposition limit under varied environmental risk levels. Finally a practicable programme is recommended.  相似文献   
~(134)Cs在水-萍-底泥系统中的消长遵循指数回归形式;萍能从水体中吸收~(134)Cs,并富集在其体内.萍种间的富集能力有差异,其中,小叶满江红>满江红>蕨状满江红>浮萍>卡州满江红,底泥对水体中的~(134)Cs有很强的吸附能力,从而减少萍对水体中Cs的吸收量;在适当的土水比下,底泥能有效地去除水体中的~(134)Cs;钾离子能抑制萍对~(134)Cs的吸收.  相似文献   
The effects of solution pH on adsorption of trace metals to different types of natural aquatic solid materials have been studied extensively, but few studies have been carried out to investigate the effect of pH at which the solid materials were formed on the adsorption. The purpose of present study is to examine this effect of culture pH on metal adsorption to natural freshwater biofilms. The adsorption of Pb and Cd to biofilms which were developed at different culture pH values (ranging from 6.5 to 9.0) was measured at the same adsorption pH value (6.5). The culture pH had considerable effects on both composition and metal adsorption ability of the biofilms. Higher culture pH usually promoted the accumulation of organic material and Fe oxides in the biofilms. The culture pH also affected the quantity and species of algae in the biofilms. The adsorption of Pb and Cd to the biofilms generally increased with the increase of culture pH. This increase was minor at lower pH range and significant at higher pH range and was more remarkable for Cd adsorption than for Pb adsorption. The notable contribution of organic material to the adsorption at higher culture pH values was also observed. The profound impacts of culture pH on adsorption behavior of biofilms mainly resulted from the variation of total contents of the biofilm components and were also affected by the alteration of composition and properties of the components.  相似文献   
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