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Cr(Ⅲ) adsorption by biochars generated from peanut, soybean, canola and rice straws is investigated with batch methods. Adsorption of Cr(Ⅲ) increased as pH rose from 2.5 to 5.0. Adsorption of Cr(Ⅲ) led to peak position shifts in the FFIR-PAS spectra of the biochars and made zeta potential values less negative, suggesting the formation of surface complexes between Cr^3+ and functional groups on the biochars. The adsorption capacity of Cr(Ⅲ) followed the order: peanut straw char 〉 soybean straw char 〉 canola straw char 〉 rice straw char, which was consistent with the content of acidic functional groups on the biochars. The increase in Cr^3+ hydrolysis as the pH rose was one of the main reasons for the increased adsorption of Cr(Ⅲ) by the biochars at higher pH values. Cr(llI) can be adsorbed by the biochars through electrostatic attraction between negative surfaces and Cr^3+, but the relative contribution of electrostatic adsorption was less than 5%. Therefore, Cr(Ⅲ) was mainly adsorbed by the biochars through specific adsorption. The Langumir and Freundlich equations fitted the adsorption isotherms well and can therefore be used to describe the adsorption behavior of Cr(Ⅲ) by the crop straw biochars. The crop straw biochars have great adsorption capacities for Cr(Ⅲ) under acidic conditions and can be used as adsorbents to remove Cr(Ⅲ) from acidic wastewaters.  相似文献   
微波无极紫外光催化-内电解协同降解活性艳红X-3B   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用微波无极紫外光源,以活性炭作为光催化剂TiO2的载体,与外加铁屑构成内电解反应,处理活性艳红X-3B模拟废水.实验结果表明,微波无极紫外光催化-内电解法对活性艳红X-3B的降解速率是微波无极紫外光催化和微波-内电解法单独作用时降解速率之和的2倍.在活性艳红X-3B模拟废水初始pH为7、空气曝气量为0.50 L/min、铁屑加入量为5 g/L、反应温度为40~45℃的最佳条件下,微波无极紫外光催化-内电解法的活性艳红X-3B模拟废水色度去除率达100%,TOC和可吸附有机卤化物的去除率分别为69.5%和81.8%.  相似文献   
混凝法深度处理印染废水中试研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用高效混凝沉淀-过滤深度处理工艺处理印染废水二级生化出水,并将混凝沉淀污泥回流.实验结果表明,混凝剂聚合氯化铝加入量为160 mg/L时,COD去除率平均可达34.6%,TP去除率平均达到87.9%,平均出水TP为0.3 mg/L.气相色谱-质谱分析和元素分析结果表明混凝沉淀工艺对有机物和TP的去除效果良好.  相似文献   
NaCl和KCl对厌氧污泥抑制的动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在厌氧颗粒污泥和厌氧絮状污泥系统中,进行盐质量浓度(NaCl或KCl质量浓度,下同)对厌氧污泥抑制动力学的研究,得到不同拟合的COD降解动力学方程及参数.实验结果表明:当盐质量浓度为10~30 g/L时,KCl对厌氧污泥的COD比降解速率的抑制程度大于NaCl;当盐质量浓度由0 g/L增至10 g/L时,半速率常数逐渐增加;当盐质量浓度由10 g/L增至30 g/L时,半速率常数逐渐减小;在厌氧污泥系统中,NaCl抑制作用下的盐抑制常数高于KCl,且颗粒污泥的盐抑制常数高于絮状污泥.  相似文献   
为研究天然黏土联合磷肥对农田土壤镉铅污染的原位钝化修复效应,在天津市某地开展了田间示范实验,以油麦菜、油菜和萝卜为模式作物,以海泡石、膨润土和磷肥等作为钝化修复材料,研究其对蔬菜可食部位生物量、镉铅含量和土壤中镉铅形态分布的影响,考察其对土壤镉铅污染的原位钝化修复效果.结果表明:磷肥、海泡石/磷肥复配、膨润土/磷肥复配...  相似文献   
为了考察水力停留时间(HRT)对炭纤维载体固定床厌氧反应器运行效果的影响,在进水COD分别为20 000~25 000 mg/L和40 000~45 000 mg/L2个浓度范围下,研究了不同HRT对反应器运行效果的影响。结果表明,通过HRT的调整,在达到相同有机负荷(OLR)下,进水COD为20 000~25 000 mg/L的COD去除率和产气量,明显比进水COD为40 000~45 000 mg/L的运行效果好;进水COD为20 000~25 000 mg/L,HRT为14 h,相应的OLR为41.09 kgCOD/(m3.d)时,COD去除率仍然维持在68%以上,沼气容积产气率达到14.55 m3/(m3.d)。炭纤维载体固定床厌氧反应器具有较高的COD去除率、产气效率以及抵抗低pH、高负荷冲击的能力,运行过程中没有发生反应器堵塞的现象。  相似文献   
Considering some advantages of Rana nigromaculata as an experimental species, we propose that this species, like Xenopus laevis, could be used to assay thyroid hormone(TH) signaling disrupting actions. To validate the utilizability of R. nigromaculata, we investigated the responsiveness of R. nigromaculata to a TH receptor(TR) agonist(T3) and antagonist(amiodarone) by analyzing expression, based on characterizing TR cDNA and developmental expression patterns. With high levels of identity with the corresponding genes in X. laevis, both TRα and TRβ in R. nigromaculata exhibited roughly similar developmental expression patterns to those of X. laevis, in spite of some species-specific differences. Both TRα and TRβ expression had greater changes in the liver and intestine than in the tail and brain during metamorphosis. T3 exposure for 2 days induced more dramatic increases of TRβ expression in stage 27 than in stage34 tadpoles but not in stage 42 tadpoles, showing that the responsiveness of R. nigromaculata to TH decreased with development and disappeared at the onset of metamorphic climax.Corresponding to greater changes of TRβ expression in the liver and intestine than in the tail and brain during metamorphosis, the liver and intestine had higher responsiveness to exogenous T3 than the tail and brain. Amiodarone inhibited T3-induced TRβ expression. Our results show that R. nigromaculata can be used as a model species for assaying TH signaling disrupting actions by analyzing TRβ expression, and intestine tissues at stage 27 are ideal test materials due to high responsiveness and easy accessibility.  相似文献   
新疆油田公司稠油污水处理普遍采用成熟的离子调整旋流反应水处理技术,污水处理后达到回用锅炉水质标准SY/T 0097-2000《稠油油田采出水用于蒸汽发生器给水处理设计规范》,供给油田专用高压注汽锅炉用水。采用相同技术建成的采油一厂稠油处理站污水回用锅炉处理工艺投用后,处理后污水回用锅炉,减少了含油污水的外排,充分利用了稠油污水的热能,取得了良好的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   
区域(城市)水体中主要有机毒物的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究发展了区域(或城市)水体中主要有毒化学品的筛选方法。 在城市下游采集大体积水样,用CH_2Cl_2洗脱,再用有机溶剂萃取,用硅胶柱把有机物分成许多馏分,馏分最终变为水溶液。每个馏分中有机物浓度比原水大1000倍。用这种馏分水溶液进行溞的急性毒性试验和Ames试验。只对毒性大的馏分进行色谱/质谱/数据系统的鉴定和定量分析,然后根据各个化合物的急性毒性、降解难易和“三致”物质的资料及原水样中有机物的浓度资料,就可筛选出一个区域(城市)水体中的主要有毒化学品。  相似文献   
在室内模拟条件下,进行了热冲击及其与盐度、铜、氨联合对对虾仔虾和光滑河兰蛤的急性影响研究。结果表明,两种动物的起始致死温度(TL50)和最高临界温度(CTM)随驯化温度的升高而增大;随盐度的降低,仔虾的耐高温能力明显降低,而兰蛤对盐度变化反应不明显;高温明显提高铜、氨对仔虾的毒性。也提高铜对兰蛤的毒性,但降低氨对兰蛤的毒性影响。仔虾对高温、低盐、铜离子及非离子氨反应敏感。  相似文献   
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