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介绍了国内外浮顶原油储罐VOCs泄漏损耗形式。结合美国环保署(EPA)发布的AP-42中第7章储罐的VOCs相关排放公式,建立了外浮顶原油储罐VOCs排放量核算的方法,并对核算方法的应用进行了举例分析,有助于掌握现阶段原油外浮顶储罐的泄漏损耗量,为推进企业绿色低碳发展,控制原油储罐VOCs总量排放提供参考。  相似文献   
Global marine capture fisheries are undergoing serious stress, with overfishing as one of the major problems. In order to mitigate the overexploitation of capture fisheries, government regulation or fisheries management is necessary. Among various management approaches, vessel quantity control is being widely employed. To achieve effective governance of fisheries, the technical efficiency (TE) issue needs to be considered in the implementation of vessel quantity control. Using the Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) stick-held dip net fishery in Japan as a case study, this paper estimated the TE of sampled fishing vessels and explored the possible factors affecting the gap in efficiency. This paper aims to provide suggestions for a better implementation of vessel quantity control in global Pacific saury fishery, and also to serve as an empirical example of integrating TE analysis into management of overexploited fisheries for achieving satisfactory effects. Results show the TE score of the sampled fishery averaged around 0.7 from 2009 to 2014, and factors concerning owners/skippers’ motivation such as vessel ownership and specialization, vessel tonnage as well as skippers’ age show positive effects on the TE. Our findings in the present work provide important strategies for mitigating overexploitation in fisheries. Conducting technical efficiency analysis of targeted fisheries is a vital issue to be considered for designing and realizing an effective implementation of fisheries management approaches. The large vessels and the enthusiasm of vessel owners/skippers need to be particularly addressed when vessel quantity limit is considered to mitigate the problem of overfishing.  相似文献   
根据胜利油田采油废水达标治理工程的进展概况,分析了从中取得的经验与教训,并对今后的工作开展提出了建议。  相似文献   
金陵石化炼油厂第二污水处理场改造工程中对原有处理设施进行了工艺调整和优化,采用了均质,二级好氧生物处理及后浮选工艺,工程运行结果表明所采用的技术、设备是合理有效的。  相似文献   
长江中下游城市普遍存在排水系统提质增效问题,成为制约城市水环境长效改善的关键瓶颈.结合长江生态环境保护修复马鞍山驻点城市需求,围绕精准控源截污和雨天排放污染控制,以马鞍山市主要城市内河——慈湖河水系水质改善为案例,开展了4项关键技术研究:1)基于河流网格化水量水质监测的排污口溯源方法,结合反问题方法,确定慈湖河干流污染...  相似文献   
根据城市环境系统的内涵,从环境质量、资源利用、污染控制、生态建设四个方面构建了城市环境系统质量评价指标体系,并运用竞争性评价模型对十个沿海城市2012年的环境系统质量状况进行了综合评价和排序.为了判定竞争性评价模型的可靠性,采用传统的综合指数法进行验证性评价,结果表明:两种方法的评价结果具有较好的一致性,得分排在前6位的城市完全相同,其它城市的排序相差不大,因此,竞争性评价模型用于城市环境系统质量评价具有较好的可靠性.  相似文献   
简述了有关放射性样品衰变平衡及平衡时间的基本理论,运用碘化钠γ谱仪对衰变时间介于0~27 d区间内的三组陶瓷样品进行放射性比活度测定,采取t检验法分析了同一样品在0d~7d、7d~12d、15 d、21 d等不同衰变时间条件下,放射性核素226Ra、232Th、40K比活度测试结果之间的差异程度,通过实验验证陶瓷样品衰变时间对其放射性测定结果准确性的影响.研究表明,当每组检测结果数据的显著性差异水平为5%,若兼顾科学性和经济性,则陶瓷样品的最佳放射性衰变时间应为至少21 d.  相似文献   
推进生态文明建设、建设美丽中国成为社会主旋律.文章从生态资源、生态空间、生态产业、转型发展等方面分析了济宁生态文明建设的优势,从战略顶层设计角度出发,研究提出了生态文明建设的总体要求、生态功能分区定位和实施步骤,针对近期济宁市生态文明建设存在的问题,从体制创新、制度体系、转型升级、考核监督、大气治理、水污染防治、城乡绿化等方面提出了具体的对策建议.  相似文献   
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