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水葱修复土壤镉污染潜力的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
野外观察与研究发现水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani G.)可以耐受土壤中高浓度的重金属污染,并对镉(Cd)有很高的生物富集量.实验室水培试验研究了两个主要因素,营养液pH与Cd含量,对水葱生物量以及Cd富集效果的影响.结果表明,它可耐受高浓度Cd (30 mg/L)和大范围pH变化 (3.7~7.7).当营养液pH为4.7, Cd为25 mg/L时,水葱富集的Cd达到最大值:地上部分264.71 mg/kg,地下部分234.39 mg/kg,平均转运系数1.13.这显示了它用于植物修复Cd污染土壤的潜力.  相似文献   
The concentrations of lead, zinc, copper and cadmium accumulated by 12 emergent-rooted wetland plant species including different populations of Leersia hexandra, Juncus effusus and Equisetum ramosisti were investigated in field conditions of China. The results showed that metal accumulation by wetland plants differed among species, populations and tissues. Populations grown in substrata with elevated metals contained significantly higher metals in plants. Metals accumulated by wetland plants were mostly distributed in root tissues, suggesting that an exclusion strategy for metal tolerance widely exists in them. That some species/populations could accumulate relatively high metal concentrations (far above the toxic concentration to plants) in their shoots indicates that internal detoxification metal tolerance mechanism(s) are also included. The factors affecting metal accumulation by wetland plants include metal concentrations, pH, and nutrient status in substrata. Mostly concentrations of Pb and Cu in both aboveground and underground tissues of the plants were significantly positively related to their total and/or DTPA-extractable fractions in substrata while negatively to soil N and P, respectively. The potential use of these wetland plants in phytoremediation is also discussed.  相似文献   
苏州市工业用地地表径流污染特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对苏州新区枫桥工业园湘江路段的10场有效降雨事件的地表径流污染特性进行了研究.研究表明.地表径流水质参数COD、SS、NH3-N、TN、TP均服从对数正态分布,在95%置信水平下,SS与COD、TP、TN之问存在线性相关性(R=0.45~0.72).统计了污染物事件平均浓度(EMC),COD、SS、NH3-N、TN、TP的EMC中值分别为213、491、2.65、5.19、1.07 mg/L,相对应的单位面积污染物负荷分别为1 898、4 375、24、46、10 kg/(hm2·a).与韩国Chongju工业区和上海市相比,SS负荷高是苏州新区枫桥工业园地表径流水质的主要特点,削减SS负荷对控制其非点源污染具有重要意义.  相似文献   
温度及外加碳源对生物脱氮除磷过程的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对污水处理厂普遍面临的进水碳源不足及冬季低温时出水氮磷不能稳定达标的问题,研究了温度(21、15和10℃)和外加碳源(乙酸)对活性污泥缺氧条件下反硝化及释磷过程的影响。结果表明,在缺氧条件下投加乙酸,释磷与反硝化反应可同时进行,且乙酸投量的增加仅延长快速碳源反硝化阶段及缺氧释磷阶段的反应时间;温度降低为15℃和10℃时,快速碳源反硝化阶段反硝化速率及缺氧释磷速率较21℃分别降低了约29.2%、42.2%和26.1%、32.3%。当硝态氮目标去除量与磷酸盐目标释放量之比超过5时,乙酸的最优投量以满足反硝化要求为准,计算得出21、15和10℃时常州某城镇污水处理厂乙酸最优投加量计算值约为30、39和46 mg/L。  相似文献   
模拟煤灰渣垂直潜流人工湿地的除磷性能分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为确定煤灰渣作为垂直潜流人工湿地基质的可行性,通过静态吸附实验和煤灰渣去除生活污水中的磷素实验,表明煤灰渣对污水中磷素的吸附平衡时间较短,吸附速率较快.当温度降低时,煤灰渣的磷素吸附容量对吸附平衡浓度依赖性和吸附强度随之降低,最大理论吸附容量亦降低 83.10% .在处理0.5 m 3 /(m2·d)的生活污水中,煤灰渣对TP的平均去除率达86.03%,吸附方式包括物理吸附和化学吸附,同时得出煤灰渣最大磷素解析量占最大理论吸附容量的0.73%,在实际人工湿地应用中应注意磷素解析而形成的二次污染.  相似文献   
太湖梅梁湾富营养化相关问题探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
太湖水体富营养化问题已严重威胁着太湖流域社会经济发展,特别是梅梁湾湖区尤为严重。以实测资料为基础,分析了太湖富营养化的环境影响因子,得出以下结论:磷为梅梁湾湖区主要的限制性因子;光照、水温为该区富营养化重要影响因素,但不是主要的限制性因子。CODMa与富营养化关系密切,但需进一步探讨其影响实质。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the pollution characteristics of typical veterinary antibiotics in manure and soil of livestock farms in Jiangsu province. This investigation employed solid-phase extraction (SPE) coupled with ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). A total of 53 manure and 50 amended soil samples from 16 livestock farms in Jiangsu province were collected for analysis. In the manure samples, the highest detected frequencies and concentrations were those of tetracyclines (TCs, 54.1 ± 5775.6 μgkg?1), followed by fluoroquinolones (FQs, 8.4 ± 435.6 μgkg?1), sulphonamides (SAs, 3.2 ± 5.2 μgkg?1) and macrolides (MACs, 0.4 ± 110.5 μgkg?1). Statistical analysis was used to illuminate the pollution characteristics of 23 veterinary antibiotics for various animal types and different regions in Jiangsu province. The results showed that the pollution level in cow manure was relatively lower compared with pig and chicken manure due to the relative restriction of medication. Furthermore, contamination was serious in amended soil from chicken farms. The pollution level in manure among different regions was higher to the south and north compared with the centre of the region. The same outcome was found for soil. Antibiotic residues in organic fertilizer were also investigated in this study. We found that although the detected concentration was lower in organic fertilizer than in fresh manure, detection frequencies (10–90%) were high, especially for roxithromycin (90%) in MACs (30–90%). This finding suggests attention should be paid to the pollution levels in organic fertilizer. This study is the first extensive investigation of the occurrence and distribution of many kinds of typical veterinary antibiotics in manure and soil from livestock farms of Jiangsu province. This investigation systematically assesses veterinary antibiotics usage and related emissions in southeast China.  相似文献   
对测定水中乙醛和丙烯醛的3种方法——2,4-二硝基苯肼衍生化法、顶空气相色谱法和吹扫捕集一气相色谱质谱法进行概述和总结,并对各方法的试验条件、方法原理、测定影响因素以及效能验证等分析、比对,突出表现各自的优势和特点。用3种方法同时测定实际水样,结果无显著差异,精密度、准确度满足监测要求。  相似文献   
针对中小学砌体结构教学楼的受力特点,提出横墙和开洞纵墙的等代框架模型,分析了模型的抗弯、抗剪和轴向刚度计算方法;结合国内外对钢筋混凝土结构性能水平的划分标准,将砌体结构的性能水平划分为正常使用、中等破坏和生命安全三个阶段,并通过对大量砌体墙片试验数据的统计,得出其各性能水平对应的层间位移角限值。最后利用所提模型对一砌体结构教学楼进行Pushover分析,将其实际层间位移与所提性能指标进行比较,结果表明结构在不同地震水平下均满足预定的性能目标。  相似文献   
复合填料由废铸砂、粉煤灰、聚苯乙烯(EPS)颗粒、水泥和水按一定质量比例混合制成,具有低导热性、抗冻胀和轻质特性。根据热阻力法则和比等效导热系数相等法则,将材料视为由大量正方形单元体组成,其中心为一个球形EPS颗粒,这种单元体与总体的导热系数相等。运用AN SY S软件对复合填料单元体的传热过程进行了有限元模拟,根据瞬态法导热系数测试原理,推求不同EPS掺入比情况下的复合填料导热系数,分析EPS颗粒与导热系数的关系,发现材料导热系数随着EPS掺入比的增加而快速降低。将材料导热系数数值模拟与实测结果作比较,发现有限元模拟值与实测值接近,说明采用有限元方法可以实现对材料传热过程的模拟。  相似文献   
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