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应用流式细胞仪监测太湖藻类初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
流式细胞仪在海水微型浮游生物监测领域应用较为广泛,但在淡水藻类定量研究以及生物监测中应用仍较少。探讨了应用便携式浮游植物流式细胞仪CytoSense监测太湖藻类的可行性和时效性。结果表明,为了提高检测结果的准确性,流式细胞仪的应用过程中最好是现场采样、现场分析。流式细胞仪对藻细胞密度的检测下限为100万个/L,大于100万个/L时检测结果与人工镜检结果相吻合;在悬浮物含量小于108 mg/L的水体中,流式细胞仪检测结果具备较高的准确性。另外,流式细胞仪操作简单、分析速度快、便携性好、无污染,在太湖藻类监测中具有一定应用前景。  相似文献   
A highly efficient demulsifying strain, LH-6, was isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil and identified as Bacillus cereus by 16S rDNA gene analysis. It achieved 95.61 and 95.40 % demulsifying ratios within 12 h for water-in-oil (W/O) and oil-in-water (O/W) model emulsions, respectively. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and thin-layer chromatography (TLC) detections indicated that the LH-6’s extracellular biodemulsifiers were different types of lipopeptides for the W/O and O/W emulsions. Optimization of the culture medium composition was conducted to improve the biosynthesis and demulsifying efficiency of the biodemulsifier. The optimal carbon source was liquid paraffin, while waste frying oil could also be an alternative carbon source. The optimal nitrogen sources were ammonium sulfate and yeast extract. To further enhance the biodemulsifier efficiency, the optimal cultivation conditions were determined using response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite rotation design (CCRD). Using the optimized cultivation conditions, the demulsifying ratios increased to 98.23 and 97.65 % for the W/O and O/W model emulsions, respectively.  相似文献   
Characterizations of Ag/ZnO hollow sphere by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectra, and UV–vis absorption spectra have been made after its synthesis. The results showed that the composite was hollow structure with diameters of about 1–4 μm. The samples synthesized were tested and identified as silver doped ZnO, which have extended and boosted the spectral absorption. The photocatalytic activity of Ag/ZnO hollow spheres was assessed using 17α-ethinylestradiol aqueous solution under UV irradiation. It has been observed that the 17α-ethinylestradiol absorption efficiency and degradation rate is higher for Ag/ZnO hollow spheres. As reusable photocatalysts, Ag/ZnO hollow spheres which could be easily separated from a suspension will facilitate their application in wastewater treatment with enhanced photostability.  相似文献   
基于对湘潭锰矿红旗矿区土-水界面重金属污染流的采样分析,通过相关性和主成分分析法,研究了锰矿区土-水界面重金属污染流中的锰、镍、铜、锌、镉、铅重金属的来源以及同源性。结果表明:6种重金属的差异性、离散程度、变异性较大;锰—镍、锰—锌、锰—镉、锰—铅、镍—锌、铜—锌、铜—铅、锌—镉、锌—铅、铅—镉呈极显著正相关,镍与锰以外的其他重金属相关性都较低;3个主成分的贡献率分别为58.300%、16.628%、11.115%,累积贡献率达到了81.543%,并且6种重金属在主成分1的载荷非常高。结合矿区的周边环境和自身特点,表明6种重金属的主要共同来源为矿区内的矿业活动,并且工业活动、交通运输、农业活动等也对矿区造成了一定程度的重金属污染。  相似文献   
Direct decomposition of N2O by perovskite-structure catalysts including La2NiO4, LaSrNiO4, and La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 was investigated. The catalysts were prepared by the Pechini method and characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), BET, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and O2-TPD. Experimental results indicate that the properties of La2NiO4 are significantly improved by partially substituting La with Sr and Ce. N2O decomposition efficiencies achieved with LaSrNiO4 and La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 are 44 and 36%, respectively, at 400ºC. As the temperature was increased to 600ºC, N2O decomposition efficiency achieved with LaSrNiO4 and La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 reached 100% at an inlet N2O concentration of 1,000 ppm, while the space velocity was fixed at 8,000 hr?1. In addition, effects of various parameters including oxygen, water vapor, and space velocity were also explored. The results indicate that N2O decomposition efficiencies achieved with LaSrNiO4 and La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 are not significantly affected as space velocity is increased from 8,000 to 20,000 hr?1, while La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 shows better tolerance for O2 and H2O(g). On the other hand, N2 yield with LaSrNiO4 as catalyst can be significantly improved by doping Ce. At a gas hour space velocity of 8,000 hr?1, and a temperature of 600ºC, high N2O decomposition efficiency and N2 yield were maintained throughout the durability test of 60 hr, indicating the long-term stability of La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 for N2O decomposition.
Implications:Nitrous oxide (N2O) not only has a high global warming potential (GWP100 = 310), but also potentially destroys ozone in the stratosphere. Pervoskite-type catalysts including La2NiO4, LaSrNiO4, and La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 are applied for direct N2O decomposition. The results show that N2O decomposition can be enhanced as Sr and Ce are doped into La2NiO4. At 600ºC, N2O decomposition efficiencies achieved with LaSrNiO4 and La0.7Ce0.3SrNiO4 reach 100%, demonstrating high activity and good potential for direct N2O decomposition. Effects of O2 and H2O(g) contents on catalytic activities are also evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   
Soil conservation planning often requires estimates of the spatial distribution of soil erosion at a catchment or regional scale. This paper applied the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) to investigate the spatial distribution of annual soil loss over the upper basin of Miyun reservoir in China. Among the soil erosion factors, which are rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), slope length (L), slope steepness (S), vegetation cover (C), and support practice factor (P), the vegetative cover or C factor, which represents the effects of vegetation canopy and ground covers in reducing soil loss, has been one of the most difficult to estimate over broad geographic areas. In this paper, the C factor was estimated based on back propagation neural network and the results were compared with the values measured in the field. The correlation coefficient (r) obtained was 0.929. Then the C factor and the other factors were used as the input to RUSLE model. By integrating the six factor maps in geographical information system (GIS) through pixel-based computing, the spatial distribution of soil loss over the upper basin of Miyun reservoir was obtained. The results showed that the annual average soil loss for the upper basin of Miyun reservoir was 9.86 t ha(-1) ya(-1) in 2005, and the area of 46.61 km(2) (0.3%) experiences extremely severe erosion risk, which needs suitable conservation measures to be adopted on a priority basis. The spatial distribution of erosion risk classes was 66.9% very low, 21.89% low, 6.18% moderate, 2.89% severe, and 1.84% very severe. Thus, by using RUSLE in a GIS environment, the spatial distribution of water erosion can be obtained and the regions which susceptible to water erosion and need immediate soil conservation planning and application over the upper watershed of Miyun reservoir in China can be identified.  相似文献   
大兴安岭西坡中生代火山岩形成机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据火山喷发特点、火山岩岩石组合及火山岩的同位素年代学证据,大兴安岭西坡地区发育的大量中生代火山岩可分为三个放回,自早而晚依次为:晚侏罗世的塔木兰沟族回、上库力旋回和早白垩世的伊列克得旋回。不同旋回火山岩具有不同的地质、地球化学特征。在岩浆起源、源区性质和演化过程等方面,不同族回火山岩既有相似之处,也存在明显差别。火山岩为深部作用和过程的产物,对其形成机制的研究,有助于理解本区中生代发生的剧烈的火山岩浆作用和成矿作用的构造背景及演化过程。  相似文献   
控制燃煤污染建设山西清洁能源区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
山西空气污染是典型的烟煤型污染,造成这种严重污染恶果的原因主要有:几乎人武部依靠煤炭的能源结构,高能耗的工业结构,原始粗放的煤炭利用转化方式,落后的生产工艺和企业管理,以及单一的传统思维发展模式和滞后的环境监督,腑决的办法只能是走可持续发展道路,包括努力调整能源结构,包括努力调整能源结构,实施清洁煤技术,淘汰落后产品、工艺和设备,改变经济增长方式,实施规模生产、集约经营。同时,大力绿化茺山,提高植  相似文献   
简介了660MW超超临界燃煤机组袋式除尘器的技术性能参数;阐述了袋式除尘器的设计方案及系统组成,以及除尘器除尘室间的气流分配、除尘室内的气流分布以及气流分布合理的重要性;引用运行数据说明除尘器工艺参数、结构参数、气流分配及气流分布设计的合理性.  相似文献   
川西亚高山针叶林土壤硝化作用及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用BarometricProcessSeparation(BaPS)技术对川西亚高山针叶林土壤总硝化作用速率的季节动态进行了研究,并分析了各影响因素与总硝化速率的关系.通过土壤温度和水分含量的控制实验,对温度和水分含量与总硝化速率之间的关系进行了一次线性和曲线模拟.结果表明,6至10月各月份之间的总硝化速率存在显著差异(P<0.01),在7月总硝化速率达到最大值;土壤温度和水分含量与总硝化速率显著正相关(P<0.05),对总硝化速率的影响存在明显的交互作用,水分含量可能对总硝化速率的影响更大,在季节变化中温度和水分含量可能对硝化过程产生直接和间接两种作用;pH值与总硝化速率之间的相关性不明显;森林凋落量与总硝化速率间没有显著相关性,但若仅考虑6至9月,森林凋落量与总硝化速率极显著相关(P<0.01).总之,土壤温度和水分含量很可能是影响总硝化速率的两个最主要的因素.图6表2参31  相似文献   
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