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为了调查疫情期间区域毒品滥用情况变化,采用污水流行病学方法,于2020年4月在辽宁省东港市污水处理厂和4个主要污水泵站以及泵站服务的9个居民小区采集了污水样品.通过气相色谱衍生化方法分析代表性毒品甲基苯丙胺的浓度,结合相关数学模型估算其滥用量、流行率、滥用人数,使用蒙特卡罗法分析不确定性,并与疫情前2019年6月的监测结果进行对比.结果表明,疫情期间辽宁省东港市污水中甲基苯丙胺的浓度范围为16-130 ng·L-1,平均值为68.7 ng·L-1,采样地点人均滥用量为73.4 μg·d-1(95% CI:58.1-91.4),流行率为0.25%(95% CI:0.18-0.33),滥用人数为1583人(95% CI:1159-2110);与疫情前2019年6月对比,疫情期间甲基苯丙胺的滥用量、流行率、滥用人数均下降79%.  相似文献   
肠道微生物与环境健康关系的研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
尽管肠道微生物群落在调节宿主多种生理功能的稳态以及抵抗环境污染物的毒性等方面至关重要,但是其在环境健康上的作用直到近几年才引起关注.本综述主要概述了环境污染物对肠道微生物的作用导致的健康效应的最新研究进展.发展迅速的高通量测序平台与合成生态学方法有助于快速确定肠道微生物组成,结合信息化综合分析方法可进一步探明肠道微生物对污染物的调节机制.本综述进一步重点举例,讨论了重金属、有机污染物、纳米颗粒、微塑料与肠道微生物群落相互作用的机制,及其对宿主健康产生的影响.目前对于肠道微生物群落介导环境污染物诱发环境健康效应的研究还不够成熟,存在诸多需要克服的科学技术难点.综述在最后从研究对象、技术方法和应用方面提出了对未来研究内容的展望.  相似文献   
• Implication of COVID-19 on medical waste and MSW generation is studied. • Challenges and effective strategy of solid waste generation is reviewed. • 2.9 million tons of COVID-19 related medical waste has been generated until Sep. 22. • The pandemic has postponed policies related to the reduction of plastic use. • Blockade resulted in a significant drop in waste generation in some regions. It has been over ten months since the beginning of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-2019), and its impact on solid waste management, especially medical waste, is becoming clearer. This study systematically reviews the potential influences of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical waste, personal protection equipment waste and municipal solid waste (MSW), and discusses the corresponding measures and policies of solid waste management in typical countries. The results show that the generation of medical waste from the pandemic increased significantly, with 18%‒425% growth. It is estimated that the daily output of COVID-19 medical waste increased from 200 t/d on Feb. 22 to over 29000 t/d at the end of September 2020 throughout the world. The use of personal protective equipment will continue to grow in the long-term, while the blockade and isolation measures greatly reduced the volume of commercial waste, especially for tourist cities, and part of this waste was transferred to household waste. Residents’ attitudes and behavior toward food waste have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the pandemic, international organizations and several countries have issued new policies and guidelines and adjusted their management strategies for medical waste and MSW treatment. The pandemic has brought specific challenges to the disposal capacity of medical waste worldwide. It has also brought about the stagnation of policies related to the reduction of plastic products and waste recycling. This study will provide some useful information for managers and governmental officials on effective solid waste management during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   
• SMX was mainly degraded by hydrolysis, isoxazole oxidation and double-bond addition. • Isoxazole oxidation and bond addition products were formed by direct ozonation. • Hydroxylated products were produced by indirect oxidation. • NOM mainly affected the degradation of SMX by consuming OH rather than O3. • Inhibitory effect of NOM on SMX removal was related to the components’ aromaticity. Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) is commonly detected in wastewater and cannot be completely decomposed during conventional treatment processes. Ozone (O3) is often used in water treatment. This study explored the influence of natural organic matters (NOM) in secondary effluent of a sewage treatment plant on the ozonation pathways of SMX. The changes in NOM components during ozonation were also analyzed. SMX was primarily degraded by hydrolysis, isoxazole-ring opening, and double-bond addition, whereas hydroxylation was not the principal route given the low maximum abundances of the hydroxylated products, with m/z of 269 and 287. The hydroxylation process occurred mainly through indirect oxidation because the maximum abundances of the products reduced by about 70% after the radical quencher was added, whereas isoxazole-ring opening and double-bond addition processes mainly depended on direct oxidation, which was unaffected by the quencher. NOM mainly affected the degradation of micropollutants by consuming OH rather than O3 molecules, resulting in the 63%–85% decrease in indirect oxidation products. The NOM in the effluent were also degraded simultaneously during ozonation, and the components with larger aromaticity were more likely degraded through direct oxidation. The dependences of the three main components of NOM in the effluent on indirect oxidation followed the sequence: humic-like substances>fluvic-like substances>protein-like substances. This study reveals the ozonation mechanism of SMX in secondary effluent and provides a theoretical basis for the control of SMX and its degradation products in actual water treatment.  相似文献   
This study investigates the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and brand perception. It specifically examines how negative attitudes toward CSR activities and emotional contagion influence brand perception. The research focuses on young consumers as the sample population. The findings underscore the significance of CSR in shaping consumer attitudes and emotions toward brands. The results indicate that negative attitudes toward a company's CSR initiatives can exacerbate negative brand perception. Therefore, the study emphasizes the importance of companies demonstrating their dedication to sustainability and environmental stewardship to appeal to environmentally conscious customers. However, the research also acknowledges certain limitations include the geographical sampling size and sampling techniques, which should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   
生态环境导向的开发模式是解决传统生态治理项目公益性强而经济效益较差的重要手段。本研究总结了“EOD+PPP”模式、投资人+EPC模式、ABO模式、政府专项债券和创新型贷款模式等五项模式的特点与应用案例,并从地方政府支出角度剖析了各种模式的适用条件。本文认为,当前 EOD模式的运行难点包括:产业培育周期较长,投资回报不确定性较大;开发存在诸多风险因素,缺少标准化制度体系;金融机构缺乏积极性,配套投融资考评体系建设不足。最后提出 EOD模式创新的政策建议,通过关联产业一体化实施、协同生态价值实现机制、强化风险管控评估、规范应用投融资模式为完善EOD投融资模式创新提供思路。  相似文献   
夏瑞  贾蕊宁  陈焰  王璐  马淑芹  张远 《环境工程》2022,40(6):241-252
水生态系统完整性变化模拟是流域水生态退化诊断、风险预警和修复重建的基础。受到多种环境压力的叠加影响,水生态系统完整性状态具有累积性、复合性和滞后性的响应特征,难以采用常规静态实验和水质模型进行表征和预测。梳理了国内外该领域最新进展,按照水生生物、生态系统动力学、栖息地适宜性、统计经验、流域水系统耦合等5类模型,阐明了不同类型模型的基本原理、适用性和应用案例。结果表明:我国环境管理亟需水生态系统完整性模拟工具支撑,应围绕该领域开展重大科学基础研究,突破河湖水生生物模拟预测和多尺度耦合关键技术,加快构建具有自主知识产权的水生态系统完整性模型库和参数库,推动建设我国流域水生态系统模拟器大科学装置,支撑构建长江、黄河等重点河流水生态系统综合管理体系。  相似文献   
碳质气溶胶作为大气气溶胶的重要组成部分,对大气环境质量、人类健康及全球气候变化有着重要的影响.为探究贵阳市花溪城区大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)中碳质气溶胶的变化特征及来源,于2020年不同季节开展大气PM2.5原位观测研究,利用热/光学碳分析仪(DRI Model 2015)测定大气PM2.5的碳质组分.结果表明,观测期间大气ρ(PM2.5)、ρ[总碳质气溶胶(TCA)]、ρ[有机碳(OC)]、ρ[二次有机碳(SOC)]和ρ[元素碳(EC)]的平均值分别为:(39.7±22.3)、(14.1±7.2)、(7.6±3.9)、(4.4±2.6)和(2.0±1.0)μg·m-3,OC/EC的平均值为(3.9±0.8).ρ(PM2.5)、ρ(TCA)、ρ(OC)、ρ(SOC)和ρ(EC)呈现冬季最高[(52.6±28.6)、(17.0±9.6)、(9.1±5.2)、(6.1±3.9)和(2.4±1.2)μg·m-3],夏季最低[(25.1±7.1)、(11.6±3.6)、(6.3±1.9)、(3.7±1.2)和(1.6±0.6)μg·m-3]的季节变化特征.OC/EC季节变化呈现:夏季(4.2±0.8)>冬季(3.8±0.9)>秋季(3.8±0.5)>春季(3.7±0.9),表明花溪城区各季节均存在SOC生成.SOC与OC呈现显著相关(R2=0.9),且随着大气氧化性增强,SOC浓度呈增加趋势.OC与EC各季节均呈现较好相关性,其中秋季最高(R2=0.9),其他3个季节偏低(R2为0.74~0.75),表明二者具有共同来源.通过OC/EC值范围初步判断碳质气溶胶来源于机动车尾气排放、燃煤排放和生物质燃烧排放.为了进一步定量解析主要排放源对碳质气溶胶的贡献,利用PMF模型对碳质气溶胶来源解析,结果表明贵阳市花溪城区碳质气溶胶主要来源为燃煤源(29.3%)、机动车排放源(21.5%)和生物质燃烧源(49.2%).  相似文献   
油脂作为餐厨废弃物中的成分,对餐厨废弃物堆肥有着重要影响。在餐厨废弃物中添加0(T1)、3%(T2)、6%(T3)、12%(T4)的植物油进行好氧堆肥,油脂添加量以堆肥添加的餐厨废弃物干重为基准,通过表征堆肥过程中理化性质、腐植酸组分、腐植酸前体变化规律,研究了油脂对餐厨废弃物好氧堆肥过程中腐殖化过程的影响。结果表明:添加不同浓度油脂的餐厨废弃物,经过30 d好氧堆肥后,T1—T4处理组堆肥均达到腐熟要求,最高温度分别为70.9,64.8,65,67.2℃,堆肥高温期均达到7 d以上,种子发芽率分别为119.22%、113.50%、114.03%和120.52%。T2、T3、T4处理组在堆肥高温期油脂发生累积,油脂含量最高时为初始油脂含量的1.66,1.99,1.76倍。堆肥第30天时,T1—T4处理组的胡富比(HA/FA)分别为0.55、0.70、0.80、1.30,含油量为12%时,胡富比最高,说明含油量为12%时,堆肥腐殖化程度最强。添加12%油脂可以延长堆肥高温期,促进前体物质形成,从而促进堆肥腐殖化过程。冗余分析结果表明,油脂含量与腐植酸前体物质和腐殖质组分形成含量呈显著正相关。综上,当油脂含量为餐厨废弃物干重的12%时,油脂降解对餐厨废弃物好氧堆肥腐殖化过程的促进作用最好。  相似文献   
在气候变化和人类活动的双重作用下,海湾富营养化及其导致的季节性低氧成为近海生态安全风险评估的核心指标之一。本文根据2020年夏季渤海中部现场调查的结果,分析了渤海中部夏季DO的分布状况及其影响因素。监测结果表明,2020年夏季在黄河口东北部底层海域(38°N)出现约1300 km2的低氧区,DO最低浓度为2.18 mg/L。分析结果表明,2020年夏季渤海中部底层低氧区的形成受水体层化和富营养化的共同影响,富营养化导致了底层有机物的累积,有机物分解消耗了大量DO,而夏季层化作用阻碍水体的垂直混合,导致底部消耗的DO得不到及时补充,从而产生低氧区。本文对2020年夏季渤海中部底层水体低氧现象的研究,可为将来渤海生态环境监测和生态安全风险评估提供资料,具有一定的科学意义。  相似文献   
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