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美国水资源的所有权属于各州 ,是一种公有的资源。法律上的水权 ,是水的使用权 ,主要包括私人所有的先占权水权、岸边权水权。在美国西部各州的水权系统中 ,有一种水权现在可以在私法框架中协调环境保护目标、各种取水权人的取水需求 ,这两者之间的冲突。这就是现在美国学术界广泛关注的内径流水权。内径流水权可以在私法领域保护水流的天然禀赋 ,并且排除政府以环境法为理由介入水事争端。随着环境主义在美国的破产[1] ,美国西部开始了大规模的水权裁决活动 ,通过水法院或者行政机构确认私有水权的优先权日 ,从而确立水权的优先权序列。这样水权就会真正成为属于分散的个体的、排他性的财产权。优先权日在先的水权将在枯水季节排除他人的取水权或者其他种类的用水权。因此 ,确立内径流水权在这个优先权序列中的地位 ,是环境保护目标在私法体系中 ,而不是在效率低下的各种环境保护法中 ,长久地得到维护的关键。内径流水权优先权日有 (1)判例法认定的日期 ;(2 )法律规定的日期 ;(3)转化生成的日期。在先占原则框架中扩张这种财产权可以更大程度地排除环境法的适用范围。  相似文献   
河北省水文地质环境变化及其脆弱性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河北省是我国乃至世界水文地质环境恶化最严重的地区之一。本文通过分析生态环境和水文地质环境变化的过程和致灾现状 ,指出了其脆弱性累进的原因 ,并提出了遏制环境恶化 ,减轻灾害影响与损失 ,调整人类行为的对策与建议  相似文献   
随着中国加入WTO和西部大开发战略的实施 ,依法治国无疑是改善投资环境、促进西部开发的最有效手段之一。本文根据WTO基本原则与法制经济的相互关系和影响深入浅出地论述了WTO对西部开发的影响、风险及机遇 ,并提出了针对性的策略  相似文献   
为了丰富人们对有毒鱼类的认知,结合8年的调查数据和已有资料对嘉陵江中有毒鱼类的种类、分布和食性进行研究。研究结果发现:在嘉陵江中有毒鱼类共计18种,隶属于4目6科17属,随着分类水平的变化(从目、科、属到种),有毒鱼类在不同分类级别下所占的比例逐渐降低。嘉陵江有毒鱼类中仅圆口铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)和鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)分布于中下游,其余16种有毒鱼类分布于整个嘉陵江干流。Jaccard’s相似性分析表明各江段有毒鱼类分布的相似性极高,卡方(χ~2)检验结果显示各江段有毒鱼类分布无显著性差异(p0.05)。嘉陵江分布的有毒鱼类共4类,包括卵毒鱼类2种,血清毒鱼类1种,胆毒鱼类9种以及刺毒鱼类7种,其中鲇(Silurus asotus)既属于卵毒鱼类也属于刺毒鱼类,胆毒鱼类全部来源于鲤科鱼类,暂没有发现皮肤黏液毒鱼类。这18种有毒鱼类共包含7种食性类型,主要以杂食性和肉食性类型为主,分别占有毒鱼类种类数的38.89%和33.33%。通过本研究可知,有毒鱼类在嘉陵江中分布广泛,有毒鱼类种类和类别较多。该研究促进了人们对嘉陵江有毒鱼类相关知识的了解,为进一步研究嘉陵江有毒鱼类奠定了基础。  相似文献   
As wildlife habitat is in constant evolution, periodic monitoring is essential to assess its quality. In this study, the change to the red-crowned crane habitat in the Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve was detected from multi-temporal remote sensing data from 1992 to 2008 in a geographic information system. Habitat fragmentation was derived from both physical constraints and human disturbance. The changing habitat quality was assessed against five landscape indices. The results obtained from Landsat TM images indicate that potential habitat shrank 37.9 % during 1992–2001, but recovered 99.4 % by 2008. Suitable habitat shrank by 4,329 ha to a level below that of 1992 despite an increase of 4,747 ha in potential habitat due to an increase of 9,075 ha in fragmented areas. Both landscape indices and the red-crowned crane population reveal that suitable habitat was the most fragmented in 2001, but the least fragmented in 1992. Therefore, it is inadequate to just restore wetland through artificial diversion of channel flow to the Reserve to preserve the crane habitat. Commensurate efforts should also be directed at improving habitat quality by minimizing human activities and spatially juxtaposing water and reed marshes harmoniously inside the Reserve.  相似文献   
Household consumption is one of the important factors that induce COL emission. Based on input-output model, this article calculated the intensity of CO2 emission of different income groups and seven provinces in China, and then estimated total CO2 emission induced by urban household consumption from 1995 to 2004 in China based on statistic data of household living expenditure. The results show that CO2 emission per capita induced by household consumption had increased from 1583 to 2498 kg CO2 during 1995-2004. The ratio of consumption-induced CO2 emission to total CO2 emission had risen from 19% to 30% in the past decade. Indirect CO2 emission accounted for an important part of the consumption-induced emission, the ratio of indirect emission to consumption-induced emission had risen from 69% to 79% during the same period. A significant difference in consumption-induced CO2 emission across different income groups and different regions has been observed. COs emission per capita of higher income groups and developed regions increased faster than that of lower income groups and developing regions. Changing lifestyle has driven significant increase in CO2 emission. Especially, increases in private transport expenditure (for example, vehicle expenditure) and house building expenditure are key driving factors of growth in consumption-induced COL emission. There are big differences in the amount of CO2 emission induced by change in lifestyle across different income groups and provinces. It can be expected that lower income households and developing regions will increase consumption to improve their livings with income growth in the future, which may induce much more CO2 emission. A reasonable level of CO2 emission is necessary to satisfy human needs and to improve living standard, but a noticeable fact is that CO2 emission per capita induced by household consumption in developed areas of China had reached a quite high level. Adjustment in lifestyle towards a low-carbon society is in urgent need.  相似文献   
PCB levels in fish (collected from local rivers), atmosphere and human milk samples have been studied to determine the exposure levels of PCBs for local residents and e-waste workers in Guiyu, a major electronic waste scrapping center in China. The source appointment and correlation analyses showed that homologue composition of PCBs in 7 species of fish were consistent and similar to commercial PCBs Aroclor 1248. PCB levels in air surrounding the open burning site were significantly higher than those in residential area. Inhalation exposure contributed 27% and 93% to the total body loadings (the sum of dietary and inhalation exposure) of the local residents, and e-waste workers engaged in open burning respectively. Total PCB concentrations in human milk ranged from N.D. to 57.6 ng/g lipid, with an average of 9.50 ng/g lipid. The present results indicated that commercial PCBs derived from e-waste recycling are major sources of PCBs accumulating in different environmental media, leading to the accumulation of high chlorinated biphenyls in human beings.  相似文献   
生态位适宜度是对经典生态位理论和方法的深化与发展,在合理优化和发挥作物、环境最大共生效应,及农业结构调整和布局中具有重要的理论和实际意义。以宜昌市夷陵区园地为研究对象,将生态位适宜度模型引入到适宜性评价研究中,构建了5个因素12个因子的指标体系并提出了语言型、阈值型和空间型指标的量化方法,采用加权求和与限制因子模型对各评价单元柑橘的生态位适宜度值及限制因子进行了定量分析。结果表明:研究区生态位适宜度值整体较高,最大值达0.893,生境条件基本能满足柑橘的生长发育需求;园地适宜性评价结果以2级为主,所占面积达41.34%,1级地也达到21.58%;限制该地区园地生产潜力的生态因子主要为:土壤质地、冷月平均气温和道路通达度。同时,丰富了土宜评价的理论和方法体系,能直接指导农业生产实践、促进园地的合理开发利用与管理  相似文献   
中国建设用地扩张的变化路径识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在耕地库兹涅兹曲线理论研究的基础上,本文提出了建设用地库兹涅兹曲线假说,并选用1999-2008年期间30个省级区域的面板数据,实证研究了我国建设用地库兹涅兹曲线的存在性。研究结果表明:在全国范围内,建设用地扩张与经济发展之间存在着单调递增的关系,本文所构想的建设用地库兹涅兹曲线假说没有能够得到我国经验数据的支持;无论是否将相关变量纳入到回归模型之中,东部地区和中部地区目前都处于建设用地持续扩张的阶段,这将为经济发展和农用地(特别是耕地)保护的权衡带来两难选择,而西部地区具体情况的识别则有待后续的深入研究;耕地资源禀赋、土地财政、土地违法及土地市场发育等相关变量对建设用地扩张发挥着不同程度和不同作用方向的影响。根据以上研究结论,本文认为我国急需改变现阶段严重依赖自然资源投入,特别是土地要素投入的粗放型经济增长方式,以缓和"吃饭"与"建设"之间的尖锐矛盾。  相似文献   
常熟市耕地资源时空演变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于卫星遥感影像数据,GIS空间分析技术和统计分析方法相结合,利用耕地面积缩减强度指数、空间叠加等方法分析了常熟市耕地资源的时空演变特征,揭示了苏南经济发达地区耕地资源减少的规律。研究发现,随着经济发展,常熟耕地资源逐渐减少,且因城区和工业用地扩张引起的耕地非农转化指向十分强烈,居民点空间的指向呈逐渐减弱的态势。从空间演变规律看,常熟耕地非农化主要表现在:1)经济增长越快,发展水平越高,耕地减少越快;2)在城市、港口区的镇耕地减少更快;3)港区和工业区的建设,使其周边耕地非农化速度加快;4)道路交通的扩张是耕地非农转化的一个稳定因素;5)不同时期,耕地非农占用的空间指向不同:从20世纪80年代被居民点用地占用逐渐变迁为2000年以后的被工业用地、城镇用地、港口用地占用为主。城市发展、港区建设、交通建设、农村居民点建设、工业化推进和经济发展是耕地资源缩减的主导影响因子.  相似文献   
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