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The Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis is an indigenous and economically important species in China, but can also be found as invasive species in Europe and America. Mitten crabs have been exploited extensively as a food resource since the 1990s. Despite its ecological and economic importance, the genetic structure of native mitten crab populations is not well understood. In this paper, we investigated the genetic structure of mitten crab populations in China by screening samples from ten locations covering six river systems at six microsatellite loci. Our results provide further evidence that mitten crabs from the River Nanliujiang in Southern China are a genetically differentiated population within the native range of Eriocheir, and should be recognized as a separate taxonomic unit. In contrast, extremely low levels of genetic differentiation and no significant geographic population structure were found among the samples located north of the River Nanliujiang. Based on the reproductive biology of mitten crabs and the geography of their habitat we argue that both natural and human-mediated gene flow are unlikely to fully account for the similar allele frequency distributions at microsatellite loci. Large population sizes of mitten crabs suggest instead that a virtual absence of genetic drift and significant homoplasy of microsatellite alleles have contributed to the observed pattern. Furthermore, a coalescent-based maximum likelihood method indicated a more than two-fold lower effective population size of the Southern population compared to the Northern Group and low but significant levels of gene flow between both areas.  相似文献   
利用衡水市环境监测站2005—2007年度大气例行检测的数据,对衡水市大气中主要污染物SO^2、NO^2、PM10体积质量值的逐日数据进行统计分析,得出了衡水市空气污染的现状和时间变化规律:(1)污染物体积质量值的月变化曲线呈槽型分布,非取暖期的空气状况明显好于取暖期,取暖期SO^2平均体积质量是非取暖期的2.45倍;(2)污染物体积质量值的日变化曲线基本为两高两低型,其中取暖期污染指数早晨出现极高值的时间比非取暖期明显偏晚;(3)污染物体积质量值的年变化表明了SO^2的体积质量在降低,而NO^2的体积质量却有了小幅增长。  相似文献   
污水处理中紫外消毒方法与传统消毒方法相比之下具有不需要投加化学药剂、不产生有毒有害副产物、消毒效率高、操作简单、便于运行管理等特点。本文着重介绍了目前用于消毒的紫外灯的种类,并阐述了浊度、微生物种类、光复活性能等影响紫外消毒效果的因素,最后对未来紫外消毒方法发展的前景做出了分析。  相似文献   
按8km×8km的网格将聊城市耕地分为137个采样点,调查砷、镉、铬、铜、汞、镍、铅、锌等重金属的污染状况。采用国家土壤环境质量标准、农产品安全质量标准和绿色食品产地环境条件作为评价标准,采用单因子指数和综合指数为评价方法进行污染评价。研究表明,聊城市土壤污染强度依次为铜〉镍〉锌〉砷〉铬〉镉〉铅〉汞,但均未超标。以GIS为操作平台显示聊城市重金属空间分布状况,并对区域耕地进行了功能的定位。聊城市西南部土壤质量最优,适宜种植绿色食品;无公害蔬菜和安全粮食种植区在各县市均有不同程度的分布。  相似文献   
提高高校档案利用的新途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前高校档案利用率不高的实际情况,为有效地提高档案利用率,充分发挥高校档案在高校发展建设、科学管理、提升教育教学水平中的作用,笔者通过多年的探索实践,提出了加大宣传力度、搞好基础建设、提高人员素质、拓展服务方式、创新服务内容等高校档案利用的新途径,与从事高校档案工作的广大同仁商榷。  相似文献   
崇明生态岛建设对科技创新的路径选择提出了很高的要求。崇明岛的生态科技创新,在解决资源、能源、环境等一系列与生态系统密切相关的问题中,发挥了重要的支撑和保障作用。在分析崇明生态岛建设过程中科技发展现状的基础上,提出了崇明生态岛建设中,利用科技创新规划生态建设和环境保护的思路:生态城镇的发展进程必须遵循生态学原则,重点发展低碳经济战略,节能减排,发展生态岛环境保护与资源循环利用技术体系。此外,还提出了崇明生态岛在新农村建设过程及生态文明建设中亟待解决的一些问题,进而使科技创新推动崇明岛生态建设的发展,实现人与自然的和谐。  相似文献   
建设项目竣工环境保护验收监测对于落实“三同时”制度、实现总量控制目标、为环境监督管理提供重要技术支持具有重要意义与作用。目前,验收监测在管理体制、收费标准、成果应用等方面存在的突出问题,可通过创新管理机制、健全管理制度、提高管理水平等具体措施解决。  相似文献   
苏里格气田试气队伍因涉及数家企业单位,节能减排工作有其特殊性和复杂性。通过调查试气过程中的排污状况,分析了其节能减排工作中出现的几个问题,如计量粗放、管理薄弱、措施简单等,提出了健全管理制度,完善计量系统,鼓励技术研究,加强自主创新,创建统一平台,依靠丙方监管等措施,以促进其节能减排工作健康有序地发展。  相似文献   
针对曙光油田稠油污水的特点,在原有工艺流程的基础上,根据实际处理能力,选择合适的设备,对不同的污染物采取优先强化处理和逐段处理方式,在曙四联进行了现场试验,确定了最佳运行参数及合理的加药量。结果表明:稠油污水深度处理后达到锅炉回用水指标,真正实现污水资源化。此项研究符合清洁生产和循环经济的核心理念,实现了污水的资源化,取得了良好的经济、环境和社会效益。  相似文献   
This study investigated the soil nematode community structure along the Yellow River in the Lanzhou area of China, and analyzed the impact of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, and Zn) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on the nematode community. Soil samples from five locations (named A–E), which were chosen for soil analysis, showed significant differences in their heavy metal content (p < 0.01), as well as in the variety of nematodes (up to 41 genera) and families (up to 20) that were present. The different samples also differed significantly in the total PAH content (p < 0.05), as well as the six types of PAH present. Sites A–C showed the most severe contamination with heavy metals and PAHs; these sites had the lowest abundance of fungivores and omnivore/predators, but the proportion of bacteriovores was the highest (p < 0.05). Site E, in contrast, showed only minor pollution with heavy metals and PAHs, and it contained the highest abundance of plant parasites (p < 0.05). Several nematode ecological indicators were found to correlate with concentration of soil pollutants at all the sites tested: the maturity index (MI, in addition to plant parasites), plant parasite index (PPI), ΣMI (including all the soil nematodes), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H′′), and Wasilewska index (WI). Disturbance to the soil environment was more severe when MI, ΣMI, and H′ values were lower. The results of the study show that the abundance and structure of the soil nematode communities in the sampling locations were strongly influenced by levels of heavy metals and PAHs in the soil. They also show that the diversity index H′ and the maturity index can be valuable tools for assessing the impact of pollutants on nematodes.  相似文献   
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