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富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浮游植物是水生态系统中物质循环和能量流动的基础,作为初级生产者,浮游植物的群落结构直接影响着水生态系统的结构和功能。在水产养殖生产中,如何根据养殖生物对生活环境的需求开展精准培水、定向培水,培养养殖生物所需要的浮游植物,在维持养殖水域生态平衡的同时又能为养殖生物提供一定的饵料资源,这一直是摆在水产科技工作者面前的重要难题和研究热点。已有的资料大都是通过添加磷的方式研究磷改变对浮游植物生长的影响,而有关富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构影响的研究尚未见报道。为此,试验通过向取自富营养化湖泊的水体中加入磷去除剂,采用Pielou均匀度指数、Mcnaughton优势度指数和Shannon多样性指数,研究自然水体中的磷被降低后水体浮游植物群落结构的变化情况。结果表明,所取富营养化水体中共检出绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta)、裸藻(Euglenophyta)、隐藻(Cryptophyta)、甲藻(Pyrrophyta)6门29种(包括变种和变型);其中绿藻、蓝藻、硅藻、隐藻、裸藻、甲藻分别有7、4、2、1、1种,分别占总种数的24.13%、13.79%、6.90%、3.45%、3.45%。富营养化水体降磷后,虽然试验组和对照组在浮游植物种类组成上没有差异,但浮游植物群落结构特征发生了很大变化,浮游植物数量明显降低,由13 238.8×104cells·L-1降低至3 997.5×104cells·L-1,下降了69.8%;浮游植物优势种从1门(蓝藻(Cyanophyta))6种增加到3门(绿藻(Chlorophyta)、硅藻(Bacillariophyta)、蓝藻(Cyanophyta))12种,优势度指数从97.29%降低至86.30%,优势种门数和优势种种数远远高于对照组,优势度明显低于对照组;同时,浮游植物多样性指数和均匀度分别从1.85和0.38升高至2.60和0.54,显示出试验组浮游植物多样性和均匀度优于对照组。研究表明富营养化水体降磷对浮游植物群落结构产生了明显影响,使群落结构处于更加复杂、完整和稳定的状态。  相似文献   
在单因素试验的基础上,通过正交试验对CgSO1、CgSB2、CgO5和SPOP2这4株土生空团菌[Cenococcumgeophilum Fr.(Cg)]的培养基配方分别进行了优化.结果发现,来源不同的Cg菌株对培养基组分需求存在一定差异,碳氮源、微量元素、无机盐以及维生素都不相同,CgSO1、CgSB2、CgO5对葡萄糖和麦芽汁的混合C源以及牛肉浸膏利用最好,SPOP2对麦芽汁以及酒石酸铵的利用最好,适量的微量元素、无机盐以及维生素B1会促进Cg的生长.经平板培养基优化后的培养基配方可应用到液体培养中,这4株Cg菌经液体培养后菌丝产量分别达到了13.2、12.4、18.9和15.1g/L,均可满足液体发酵的生产要求.  相似文献   
铁还原菌介导的氧化铁还原与硝酸盐还原的竞争效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中性厌氧条件下,脱色希瓦氏菌Shewanella decolorationis(S12)能够使用多种电子受体进行厌氧呼吸,包括溶解态的硝酸盐以及难溶态的氧化铁基质。因此,本文通过构建"脱色希瓦氏菌/铁氧化物/硝态氮"的交互反应体系,研究这一体系中铁还原与硝态氮还原的相互作用过程,并对相互作用机制进行初步探讨。结果表明,交互反应体系中氧化铁还原与硝酸盐还原存在明显的竞争关系;随着氧化铁比表面积、可利用态铁含量的增大,硝酸受抑制作用逐渐增强;通过不同温度煅烧而得到的不同结晶度的赤铁矿对硝态氮的抑制作用也被研究。结果还表明,氧化铁结晶度越高,S12对硝态氮的还原抑制作用越小。循环伏安电化学测试结果发现,加入硝酸条件下,铁氧化峰几乎完全消失,表明硝态氮存在条件下,铁还原受到明显抑制。针对以上结果,初步探讨了铁还原与硝态氮还原竞争的原因,即:(1)Fe(Ⅲ)与NO3–同时作为电子受体,因竞争电子而受到抑制;(2)吸附态Fe(Ⅱ)物种还原NO3–,导致Fe(Ⅱ)累积减少,NO3–还原因产生的Fe(Ⅱ)的低速率而被抑制。  相似文献   
A simple solvothermal method was used to prepare monodisperse magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles attached onto graphene oxide (GO) sheets as adsorbents to remove tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) from an aqueous solution. These Fe3O4/GO (MGO) nanocomposites were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The adsorption capacity at different initial pH, contact duration, and temperature were evaluated. The kinetics of adsorption was found to fit the pseudo-second-order model perfectly. The adsorption isotherm well fitted the Langmuir model, and the theoretical maximum of adsorption capacity calculated by the Langmuir model was 27.26 mg?g-1. The adsorption thermodynamics of TBBPA on the MGO nanocomposites was determined at 303 K, 313 K, and 323 K, respectively. The results indicated that the adsorption was spontaneous and endothermic. The MGO nanocomposites were conveniently separated from the media by an external magnetic field within several seconds, and then regenerated in 0.2 M NaOH solution. Thus, the MGO nanocomposites are a promising candidate for TBBPA removal from wastewater.  相似文献   
采用丝网印刷电极,通过同位镀铋膜阳极溶出伏安法对工业废水中重金属Pb2+和Cd2+进行了快速测定,考察并优化了镀铋膜及测定金属离子的实验条件.实验结果表明,Pb2+和Cd2+在铋膜电极上可得到灵敏的溶出峰,在优化的实验条件下Pb2+和Cd2+在50—500μg.L-1范围内呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数分别为0.9947、0.9969,检测限分别为4.45μg.L-1和2.98μg.L-1.测定了工业废水中的Pb2+、Cd2+,结果与ICP-MS方法一致.  相似文献   
为了探讨全氟辛烷磺酸(PFOS)的发育神经毒性,寻找PFOS发育神经毒性作用的敏感期,利用水迷宫和组织病理切片技术,研究了胚胎期和哺乳期暴露于PFOS后新生大鼠发育情况、学习记忆能力、抓力以及海马组织病理学改变。结果显示:PFOS导致仔鼠发育迟缓,睁眼期延迟。仔鼠出生后体重与对照组相比出现显著性降低。同一PFOS暴露浓度下,胚胎期暴露组体重低于哺乳期暴露组,抓力差异不显著。水迷宫实验结果显示,TT15(胚胎期和哺乳期均暴露于15 mg·L-1 PFOS)和TC15(仅胚胎期暴露于15 mg·L-1 PFOS)暴露组仔鼠逃避潜伏期显著高于对照组,且TC15暴露组仔鼠逃避潜伏期显著性高于CT15(仅哺乳期暴露于15 mg·L-1 PFOS)暴露组。空间探索实验中,TT15暴露组仔鼠在目标象限的游泳时间显著性低于对照组,其他组无显著性差异。组织病理切片结果显示暴露组海马组织细胞数量减少,出现细胞凋亡现象。结果表明,PFOS造成仔鼠的发育延迟以及学习记忆能力下降的关键作用时期可能是胚胎期。  相似文献   
针对快速城镇化区域产业快速发展、人口高度密集与排水设施建设滞后间的突出矛盾,以苏州官渎里区域的典型重污染河道——官渎花园内河为研究对象,在分析区域排污特征的基础上,系统总结点污染源、面污染源和内污染源在该类区域的具体表现形式和影响因素,对各类污染物入河量进行调查测算.根据测算结果,官渎花园内河的CODcr、NH3-N、TN和TP年入河量分别为222.54、11.16、16.63和2.56t·a-1.对各污染源贡献率的分析结果表明,工业污染和生活污染为主要污染源,其次为降雨径流污染.在上述测算分析的基础上,结合苏南快速城镇化区域发展特点,提出了若干河道污染控制的对策与建议.  相似文献   
将矿产资源和生态环境要素纳入常规的柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数,构建资源-环境-经济综合诊断方法,并应用于以煤炭经济为主的鄂尔多斯市.结果显示,2001~2015年该市综合产出弹性为0.8158,呈规模报酬递减趋势;全市工业路径依赖于2001~2007年处于综合边际收益(MRKLME)上升过程,2008~2015年进入MRKLME下降过程.工业增长的生态环境成本明显升高,对MRKLME起到显著减降作用,导致MRKLME曲线拐点较常规C-D函数法提前约2~4a.对此,建议加大生态环境保护与治理力度、实施煤炭资源开发总量和强度“双控”等路径依赖破解措施.该方法可纠正由于未考虑资源和环境效应所产生的诊断偏差,有助于更加合理、准确地诊断特定资源型城市工业发展路径依赖的演化特点,并可据此提出有针对性的破解对策.  相似文献   

The drive range of electric vehicle (EV) is one of the major limitations that impedes its universalism. A great deal of research has been devoted to drive range improvement of EV, an accurate and efficiency energy consumption estimation plays a crucial role in these researches. However, the majority of EV’s energy consumption estimation models are based on single motor EV, these models are not suitable for dual-motor EVs, which are composed of more complex transmission mechanisms and multiple operating modes. Thus, an energy consumption estimation model for dual-motor EV is proposed to estimate battery power. This article focuses on studying the operating modes and system efficiency in each operating mode. The limitation of working area of each mode ensures the vehicle dynamic performance, then PSO algorithm is adopted to optimize the torque (speed) distribution between two motors to improve the system efficiency in the coupled driving mode. Finally, the energy consumption estimation model is established by multiple linear regression (MLR). The result shows that the proposed model has a high precision in energy consumption estimation of dual-motor EV.  相似文献   

Refrigerant pressure drop and temperature change in pipes are normally ignored in the thermodynamic analysis of traditional vehicle air conditioning system, this will result in serious errors. In this Paper, pressure drop and temperature difference are simulated in different pipes of electric vehicle (EV) heat pump system to analysis the effects of pipes in the actual EV heat pump system. The results indicate that the greater the mass flow, the faster pressure drop increases, the temperature difference decreases. Pressure drop of saturated liquid refrigerant is smaller than that of saturated gas refrigerant at the same saturation pressure and mass flow rate. The higher the refrigerant pressure (no phase change), the slower pressure drop decreases, the faster the temperature difference decreases. Pressure drop decreases with the increment of bending angle of the pipe. For EV heat pump system, suitable valves and less branches are helpful for energy saving of the system. Shortening the pipe between compressor and condenser can reduce temperature change obviously. Pressure drop per unit length in the pipe between evaporator and compressor is large especially in heating mode because of lower refrigerant density. It even reaches to over 100 times of that in the pipe between condenser and throttle valve in heating mode and has negative effects on the performance of the system. If the evaporator is closer to the compressor and the number of branches is less, then pressure drop will decrease a lot, which will be advantageous for energy saving of the heat pump system.  相似文献   
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