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Surface soil (0-5 cm) samples from 17 sampling sites including different functional areas at Ji'nan city in Shandong Province of China were collected and analyzed for 16 EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The total PAH concentrations were in the range from 1.31 mg kg(-1) to 254.08 mg kg(-1) (dry weight), and the average level of total PAHs was 23.25 mg kg(-1). The highest total PAHs concentrations were found in steel and iron plant at industrial areas. The total PAHs concentrations in industrial areas were markedly higher than those in other different functional areas. According to comparing total PAHs concentration in Ji'nan city to that of other urban areas, it was found that total PAHs concentrations were 6 to 137 times higher than other areas because of some specific sampling sites such as steel and iron plant and one main roadside. The results showed that PAHs in topsoil of Ji'nan city were suffered from strong pyrogenic influence, especially in industrial areas. However about 52.9% soil samples were mainly originated from both pyrogenic and petrogenic mixed sources based on Flu/Pyr ratios and Phe/Ant ratios. Furthermore, It was found that all individual PAHs except Fle were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with LMW, HMW, total PAHs and SOM, and individual PAHs except Fle in soils were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with each other. The nemerow composite index to assess the environmental quality showed that the soil sample of steel and iron plant in industrial areas and one main roadside were heavy pollution of PAHs, and about 47% soil sampling sites were safety, about 53% soil sampling sites were got different grades of PAHs pollution.  相似文献   
The characteristics and sustainable management of water resources on a basin scale require that they should be managed using a holistic approach. In this study, a holistic methodology called the holistic approach in a basin scale (HABS) is proposed to determine the ecological water requirements of a whole basin. There are three principles in HABS. First, ecological water requirements in a basin scale indicate not only the coupling of hydrological and ecological systems, but also the exchange of matter and energy between each ecological type through all kinds of physical geography processes. Second, ecological water requirements can be divided into different types according to their functions, and water requirements of different types are compatible. Third, ecological water requirements are related to a multiple system including water quality, water quantity, and time and space, which interact with each other. The holistic approach in a basin scale was then used in the Yellow River Basin and it suggested that 265.0 × 108 m3 of water, 45% of the total surface water resources, should be allocated to ecological systems, such as rivers, lakes, wetlands and cities, to sustain its function and health. The ecological water requirements of inside river systems and outside river systems were respectively 261.0 × 108 and 3.65 × 108 m3.  相似文献   
采用农药三唑醇生产过程中产生的含铝酸性废水为原料,合成了聚合硫酸铝(PAS)液体混凝剂,并用于厂区污水站好氧池出水的混凝处理。考察了碱化剂用量、聚合温度、聚合时间等合成条件及PAS加入量、混凝pH等混凝条件对混凝效果的影响,并比较了PAS与商售聚合氯化铝(PAC)的混凝效果。实验结果表明:在n(碱化剂)∶n(硫酸铝)为2.1∶1、聚合温度为80℃、聚合时间为60 min的条件下,所得PAS液体混凝剂产品的w(Al2O3)为7.8%~9.0%,盐基度为45%~60%,pH为3.5~4.0,产量为0.75 t/t(以废水计);在PAS加入量为2.0 m L/L、混凝pH为10.0时,COD和SS的去除率则分别达到14.6%和83.0%;该PAS可替代厂区常规使用的商售PAC,日节约废水处理成本5 922元。  相似文献   
Industries that pollute the environment developed in the early 1990s in Dongguan City, especially those in the middle and lower valley of the Dongjiang River (waterside area) have seriously affected water and air quality and hence have affected soil quality through polluted water irrigation and precipitation. Investigation of the economic growth and environmental pollution in the 32 township units in the City from 1990 to 2000 also reveals that environmental pollution has affected the history of the development of the towns or townships in the waterside region in the delta of the River Dongjiang, especially the towns near the river mouth, and has prevented their industry from upgrading and hence has slowed down their economic growth. The impact of environmental pollution on economic growth is most severe in the towns along the lower valley, or in down-wind regions. In contrast, economic development in the protected area of the upper valley of the waterside region indicates that environmental protection that strictly controls the discharge of pollutants does not restrict the development of the local economy.  相似文献   
酵母生物转化生产2-苯乙醇的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要论述了利用酵母菌生物转化合成天然2苯乙醇的研究进展,从应用微生物学的角度介绍了2苯乙醇生产菌株的筛选,分析了2苯乙醇合成过程中几方面因素的影响和培养条件的选择,并对产物原位转移技术作了简要说明.并从分子生物学的角度出发,对生物转化的重点途径———艾利希途径在基因水平上作了诠释,且例举了利用从头合成途径进行的基因工程育种,旨在为利用微生物生产2苯乙醇的研究开发提供参考.图1参40  相似文献   
首次用国产YSA-Ⅲ型阴离子交换树脂色谱柱,以离子色谱/氢化物发生/原子吸收联用方法,测定天然淡水中4种主要砷形态:亚砷酸盐,砷酸盐,甲基胂酸盐和二甲基胂酸盐。检出限依次为0.28,0.50,0.12和0.18ppbAs,较低于同类方法。实际水样2ngAs/mL加标回收率为93.0%~107.8%。给出几种淡水样中砷形态的分析结果。  相似文献   
A new method for the degradation of bisphenol A (BPA) in aqueous solution was developed. The oxidative degradation characteristics of BPA in a heterogeneous Fenton reaction catalyzed by Fe3O4/graphite oxide (GO) were studied. Transmission electron microscopic images showed that the Fe3O4 nanoparticles were evenly distributed and were ~6 nm in diameter. Experimental results suggested that BPA conversion was affected by several factors, such as the loading amount of Fe3O4/GO, pH, and initial H2O2 concentration. In the system with 1.0 g L?1 of Fe3O4/GO and 20 mmol L?1 of H2O2, almost 90 % of BPA (20 mg L?1) was degraded within 6 h at pH 6.0. Based on the degradation products identified by GC–MS, the degradation pathways of BPA were proposed. In addition, the reused catalyst Fe3O4/GO still retained its catalytic activity after three cycles, indicating that Fe3O4/GO had good stability and reusability. These results demonstrated that the heterogeneous Fenton reaction catalyzed by Fe3O4/GO is a promising advanced oxidation technology for the treatment of wastewater containing BPA.  相似文献   
This study aims to investigate the influence of the coexistence of halogen ions (bromide/iodide) and biological source matters on the speciation and yield of trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) during the ozonation and subsequent chlorination of water. The results show that the concentrations of brominated THMs and iodinated THMs increased with increasing bromide and iodide concentration. These results may be attributed to the higher reactivity of hypobromous acid and hypoiodous acid generated from the ozonation and subsequent chlorination in the presence of bromide or iodide ions. The presence of bromide increased the species of brominated HAAs. There was a shift from chlorinated HAAs to brominated HAAs after increasing the concentration of bromide. The effect of iodide on HAA formation was more complex than bromide. For most samples, the concentration of total HAAs (T-HAAs) increased to the maximum and then decreased with increasing iodide concentration. The components of the organic precursors also significantly influenced the formation of brominated and iodinated disinfection by-products (Br-DBPs and I-DBPs). Humic acids produced more CHBr3 (596.60 μg/L) than other organic materials. Microcystis aeruginosa cells produced the most tribromoacetic acid (TBAA, 84.16 μg/L). Furthermore, the yield of NDMA decreased with increasing bromide concentration, indicating that the formation of NDMA was inhibited by the high concentration of bromide.  相似文献   
At present, the monitoring network of China cannot provide sufficient data to estimate land-based pollutant loads that enter the sea, and estimation methods are imprecisely used. In this study, the selection of monitoring stations, monitoring frequency, and pollutant load estimation methods was studied in Qingdao City, a typical coastal city in China, taken as an example. Land-based pollutant loads from Qingdao were estimated, and load distribution, density, and composition were analyzed to identify the key pollution source regions (SRs) that need to be monitored and controlled. Results show that the administrative land area of Qingdao can be divided into 25 sea-sink source regions (SSRs). A total of 14 more rivers and 62 industrial enterprises should be monitored to determine the comprehensive pollutant loads of the city. Furthermore, the monitoring frequency of rivers should not be less than three times/year; a monitoring frequency of five or more times is preferable. The findings on pollutant load estimation with the use of different estimation methods substantially vary; estimation results with the use of ratio-based methods were 10 and 22 % higher than those with the use of monitoring-based methods in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total nitrogen (TN), respectively. None-point sources contributed the majority of the pollutant loads at about 70 % of the total COD and 60 % of the total TN.  相似文献   
以聚乙烯醇与海藻酸钠为载体,包埋固定氨氧化细菌(AOB),研究温度、DO、初始游离氨(FA)、有机物等影响因素对其短程硝化稳定性的影响。结果表明,25~30℃时载体中氨氧化细菌占优势;DO宜控制在4.0~5.5 mg/L之间,既能满足细菌生长所需,又不至过度曝气,造成载体间的摩擦增大,减少其使用寿命;载体耐氨氮负荷能力强,同时可以抵御有机物对氨氧化细菌的伤害;当初始FA>6.5 mg/L时,氨氧化细菌的活性将受到抑制;富集氨氧化细菌的污泥包埋后氨氮去除率降低了7.5%;包埋载体在确保短程硝化作用的同时,在内部形成的缺氧区可实现反硝化脱氮,提高了系统氨氮的处理能力。  相似文献   
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