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It is necessary to identify the hydrogeochemical processes and analyze the causes of groundwater pollution due to the lack of knowledge about the groundwater chemical characteristics and the endemic diseases caused by groundwater pollution in the northern Ordos Cretaceous Basin. In this paper, groundwater chemical facies were obtained using the piper trilinear diagram based on the analysis of 190 samples. The hydrogeochemical processes were identified using ionic ratio coefficient, such as leaching, evaporation and condensation. The causes and sources of groundwater pollution were analyzed by correspondence analysis, and the spatial distribution and enrichment reasons of fluoride ion were analyzed considering the endemic fluorosis emphatically. The results show that leaching, evaporation and condensation, mixing, and anthropogenic activities all had significant impact on hydrogeochemical processes in the study area. However, cation exchange and adsorption effects were strong in the S2 and S3 groundwater flow systems, but weak in S1. Groundwater is mainly polluted by Mn and CODMn in the study area. The landfill leachate, domestic sewage, and other organic pollutants, excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture, and pyrite oxidation from long-term and large-scale exploitation of coal are the sources of groundwater pollution. The S1 has the highest degree of groundwater pollution, followed by S2 and S3. High concentration of fluoride ion is mainly distributed in the north and west of study area. Evaporation and condensation and groundwater chemistry component are the most important causes of fluoride ion enrichment. The results obtained in this study will be useful for understanding the groundwater quality for effective management and utilization of groundwater resources and assurance of drinking water safety.  相似文献   
Portuguese coastal areas are of current major concern due to the continuous expansion of a strong urbanization, accentuated development of economic activities, resilient land use and general population growth. A particular attention has been given to the shoreline evolution, pointing out evidences of critical coastal sectors that are prone to suffer adverse consequences of climate changes direct impacts. Areas where climate change and sea-level rise effects will be stronger include, among others, coastal sectors associated to soft rocky or mobile substrate shores and/or low morphological shores with recognized marked erosion trend. Within this context, the knowledge of the geological setting is imperative as different lithologies have distinct resistance and behavior against marine erosion. The available digital geological Portuguese cartography at 1:25000 scale is not suitable to well characterize the geology within the context of small geographic areas or within the perspective of costal management. Hence, the National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG) developed a prototype to evaluate the potential of the integrated “geological and coastal hazard mapping” at a 1:3000 resolution scale. The combination of detailed geology and historical coastline displacement information, in a single map, constitute a new and valuable cartographic product to support coastal managers and general users of littoral regions. The application of the prototype to the entire Portuguese coastal areas will be carried out by LNEG and digital information will be available at LNEG GeoPortal (http://geoportal.lneg.pt/).  相似文献   
C-glucosyltransferase (EC 2.4.1.X) is one of the key enzymes for the biosynthesis of puerarin. This paper describes the methodology in purification and assay of the enzyme for the first time in Puerarin lobata (Wild.) Ohwi. C-glucosyltransferase from roots of P. lobata was extracted and partially purified by (NH4)2SO4 saturation. The effects of pH, temperature, and substrate concentration on the activity of the enzyme were investigated. The properties of the puerarin produced by C-glucosyltransferase were studied by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The peak activity of C-glucosyltransferase was detected in fraction of by 80% saturation of (NH4)2SO4 and the optimal conditions for enzymatic reaction were 35.5 micromol l(-1) of isoliquiritigenin and 560 micromol l(-1) of UDP-G at pH 8.1, 28 degrees C for 1 h. Mn2+ at 1 mmol l(-1) and Al3+ at 1 mmol l(-1) increased the enzyme activity, while Mg2+ inhibited its activity. The enzyme activity in Nicotiana tabacum and P. lobata were detected under the above assay conditions. Higher activity was found in roots than in leaves and stems of P. lobata, while no enzyme activity was detected in leaves of N. tabacum. It was the first time that activity of C-glucosyltransferase, which transforms isoliquiritigenin to puerarin, was detected in P. lobata.  相似文献   
Several cetacean species exhibit fine-scale population structure despite their high dispersal capacities and the apparent continuity of the marine environment. In dolphins, most studies have focused on coastal areas and continental margins, and they revealed differentiated populations within relatively small geographic areas, sometimes in conjunction with a specialisation for different habitats (ecotypes). We analysed the population genetic structure of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the Azores and Madeira, the two most isolated archipelagos of the North Atlantic. The archipelago of the Azores is divided into three groups of islands and stands 900 km away from Madeira. It is not known whether individuals migrate between groups of islands and archipelagos, nor whether distinct ecotypes are present. These questions were investigated by genetic analyses of 343 biopsy samples collected on free-ranging dolphins. The analyses consisted in sequencing part of the mitochondrial hyper-variable region, screening up to 14 microsatellite loci, and molecular sexing. Results did not unravel any population structure at the scale of the study area. Lack of differentiation matches expectations for spotted dolphins, which are transient in both archipelagos, but not for common dolphins, which are present year-round in the Azores and potentially resident. Absence of genetic structure over hundreds and even thousands of kilometres implies the existence of gene flow over much larger distances than usually documented in small delphinids, which could be achieved through individual movements. This finding indicates that population structure in oceanic habitat differs from that observed in coastal habitat.  相似文献   
A long-term pilot-scale H2-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) was tested for removal of nitrate from actual groundwater. A key feature of this second-generation pilot MBfR is that it employed lower cost polyester hollow fibers and still achieved high loading rate. The steady-state maximum nitrate surface loading at which the effluent nitrate and nitrite concentrations were below the Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) was at least 5.9 g·N·(m2·d)?1, which corresponds to a maximum volumetric loading of at least 7.7 kg·N·(m3·d) ?1. The steady-state maximum nitrate surface area loading was higher than the highest nitrate surface loading reported in the first-generation MBfRs using composite fibers (2.6 g·N·(m2·d)?1). This work also evaluated the H2-utilization efficiency in MBfR. The measured H2 supply rate was only slightly higher than the stoichiometric H2-utilization rate. Thus, H2 utilization was controlled by diffusion and was close to 100% efficiency, as long as biofilm accumulated on the polyester-fiber surface and the fibers had no leaks.  相似文献   
土壤生物的学习行为是一种综合性的神经高级活动,对土壤中的神经毒性污染物生态风险监测具有重要价值。本研究设计了一套试验装置,基于蚯蚓对白光刺激的厌恶本性,通过振动-白光配对刺激,对蚯蚓进行学习训练,使蚯蚓领会借助加速移动阻止白光刺激的策略,通过蚯蚓到达移动位移阈值的时间测定,对蚯蚓的学习行为进行测试,建立了蚯蚓的学习行为测试方法。采用建立的测试方法,对土壤中东莨菪碱和毒死蜱诱导下蚯蚓的学习行为进行了测试,结果表明,1~3 mg·kg-1东莨菪碱与4~12 mg·kg-1毒死蜱污染处理均对蚯蚓的学习能力造成了损伤,污染浓度越高,蚯蚓的学习能力损伤越严重。该测试方法可以快速有效地检测土壤污染导致的蚯蚓学习行为变化,有望用于低浓度神经毒性农药污染土壤的神经毒性快速诊断。  相似文献   
为准确评估多环芳烃(PAHs)污染土壤对人体的健康风险,解决目前基于总量风险评估导致土壤PAHs修复目标值过严的问题,采用德国标准研究院颁布的生物可给性测试方式研究了石家庄某焦化厂土壤中苯并荧蒽(BBF)、苯并荧蒽(BKF)、苯并芘(BAP)、茚并芘(IPY)和二苯并蒽(DBA)共5种PAHs的生物可给性,并基于考虑和不考虑生物可给性计算了场地PAHs经口摄入途径下的人体健康致癌风险及修复目标值。结果表明,(1)调查研究区域BBF、BAP、IPY和DBA浓度超出《土壤环境质量建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行)》(GB36600-2018)规定的第一类用地筛选值;(2)土壤中PAHs的生物可给性范围为14.71%~56.42%;(3)在考虑生物可给性后,4种超标PAHs的健康风险均有所降低,其中BBF的风险值已低于国家导则规定的人体可接受水平;(4)引入生物可给性后BAP、IPY和DBA的修复目标值(95% UCL)为2.83、34.63和1.95 mg·kg-1,分别提高了2.6倍、3.4倍和1.5倍。对焦化场地典型污染物PAHs进行精细化健康风险评估,可以在一定程度上克服现有技术导则计算土壤PAHs修复目标值过于严格的问题。  相似文献   
城市污水成分复杂,含有多种有毒有害物质,使其能对生物体产生各种不良生物效应,其中,内分泌干扰物,尤其是雌激素类物质以及具有雌激素活性的污染物,因能影响生物的生殖系统并造成受纳水体鱼类性别转变等危害而备受关注,城市污水的雌激素活性也一直是污水处理领域的研究热点。当前,城市污水回用是缓解全球水资源危机的重要途径之一,在此背景下开展污水雌激素活性毒性评估、致毒物解析及毒性削减研究对于保障其回用过程中的安全性至关重要。笔者围绕这一条研究主线,以城市污水为研究对象,对污水雌激素活性表征方法、雌激素活性关键致毒物解析以及污水处理过程中雌激素活性削减的相关研究成果进行回顾和总结,为今后城市污水安全排放和回用提供参考。  相似文献   
为明确75%戊唑·嘧菌酯可溶性粉剂对意大利蜜蜂、玉米螟赤眼蜂和家蚕的急性毒性和初级风险.采用国标《化学农药环境安全评价试验准则》(GB/T 31270—2014)中的4种方法,包括饲喂法(蜜蜂经口)、点滴法(蜜蜂接触)、药膜法(赤眼蜂)和浸叶法(家蚕),分别测定了该农药对上述3种非靶标昆虫的急性毒性,并根据国标《农药登记环境风险评估指南》(NY/T 2882—2016)把这些结果用于该药的初级风险评估.结果表明,75%戊唑·嘧菌酯可溶性粉剂对意大利蜜蜂的急性接触毒性48 h半致死剂量(48 h-LD50)为>105μg·蜂-1,急性经口毒性48 h-LD50为65.9μg·蜂-1,对蜜蜂的风险可接受(风险商(RQ)=0.135≤1).对玉米螟赤眼蜂的急性毒性24 h半致死用量(24 h-LR50)为2.81×10-6 mg·cm-2,对玉米螟赤眼蜂的农田内和农田外喷雾场景风险均不可接受(危害商HQin=1199>5,HQoff=24.2>5).对家蚕的急性毒性96 h半致死浓度(96 h-LC50)为596 mg·L-1,对家蚕的喷雾场景下的最外围桑树风险不可接受(RQ=7.47>1),次外围桑树风险可接受(RQ=0.457≤1).对不可接受的风险,宜采取风险减轻措施,如喷雾施药期间禁止释放赤眼蜂,避免在桑园周围喷雾法施药等,以达到保护非靶标环境生物的目的.  相似文献   
砒砂岩区不同留茬高度及坡向下沙棘根系分形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高内蒙古砒砂岩区沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)人工林根系的生长能力,对东(E)、南(S)、西(W)、北(N)不同坡向沙棘植株进行了距地表0、10、15、20 cm(即a、b、c、d)留茬高度处理,而根系分形特征是植物根系构型应对环境异质性的表型可塑性,为反映沙棘根系对不同坡向不同留茬生长环境的适应...  相似文献   
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