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The Cu polyester thin-sputtered layers on textile fabrics show an acceptable bacterial inactivation kinetics using sputtering methods.

Materials and methods

Direct current magnetron sputtering (DCMS) for 40?s of Cu on cotton inactivated Escherichia coli within 30?min under visible light and within 120?min in the dark. For a longer DCMS time of 180?s, the Cu content was 0.294% w/w, but the bacterial inactivation kinetics under light was observed within 30?min, as was the case for the 40-s sputtered sample.

Results and discussion

This observation suggests that Cu ionic species play a key role in the E. coli inactivation and these species were further identified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The 40-s sputtered samples present the highest amount of Cu sites held in exposed positions interacting on the cotton with E. coli. Cu DC magnetron sputtering leads to thin metallic semi-transparent gray?Cbrown Cu coating composed by Cu nanoparticulate in the nanometer range as found by electron microscopy (EM). Cu cotton fabrics were also functionalized by bipolar asymmetric DCMSP.


Sputtering by DCMS and DCMSP for longer times lead to darker and more compact Cu films as detected by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and EM. Cu is deposited on the polyester in the form of Cu2O and CuO as quantified by XPS. The redox interfacial reactions during bacterial inactivation involve changes in the Cu oxidation states and in the oxidation intermediates and were followed by XPS. High-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS)-sputtered films show a low rugosity indicating that the texture of the Cu nanoparticulate films were smooth. The values of R q and R a were similar before and after the E. coli inactivation providing evidence for the stability of the HIPIMS-deposited Cu films. The Cu loading percentage required in the Cu films sputtered by HIPIMS to inactivate E. coli was about three times lower compared to DCMS films. This indicates a substantial Cu metal savings within the preparation of antibacterial films.  相似文献   
基于我国农村特点提出采用清洁能源利用技术——低温空气源热泵采暖方式替代农村传统的散煤燃烧取暖方式。低温空气源热泵采用较为成熟可靠的补气增焓技术。研究表明:在蒸发温度为-30 ℃、冷凝温度为45 ℃、补气比为0.6的模拟工况下运行,低温空气源热泵理论制热性能系数(COP)大于2.25,系统能效比(EER)高于1.90。在实际应用过程中,低温空气源热泵机组可解决不同场合下需依靠不同介质(热风或热水)采暖的问题,预计全面推广后,我国农村地区每年可减少二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物和粉尘排放分别约3.86亿、0.115亿、0.057亿和1.05亿t,其可作为淘汰农村传统采暖方式的优先选择。  相似文献   
Dominance behavior in Polistes wasps is a composite trait consisting of various discrete behaviors such as darts, lunges, bites, and mounts. The majority of these behaviors are considered aggressive, and these aggressive behaviors are considered to form a continuum from mild (e.g., darts) to severe (e.g., falling fights). In this paper we focus on darts, the most common of the dominance behaviors, and investigate their function in un-manipulated post-emergent colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp P. fuscatus. Here we show that darts are correlated with the more severe dominance behaviors, and that dominance ranks do not change with the addition or exclusion of darts. We find no correlation, however, between receiving darts and receiving more severe dominance behaviors. This result suggests that darts are not indicative of aggressive reinforcement of dominance, but rather may serve a different function. Our data suggest that the function of darts is to regulate activity on nests. Both foundresses and workers dart inactive workers significantly more often than by chance, and workers respond to a foundresss (but not a workers) dart by becoming less inactive. We also found that active workers who receive a dart from either a foundress or worker respond mostly by switching from one activity to another. Thus, our data suggest that darts are not aggressive behaviors, that foundresses use this signal to initiate activity, and that foundresses and workers both use the signal to regulate worker activity.  相似文献   
New directions for wastewater collection and disposal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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