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Thermoplastic rejects are un-recyclable plastics that are either incinerated causing harmful emissions into the air or land-filled. A common problem associated with manhole covers is the theft of the cover made out of cast iron and then selling it on the black market leaving a large empty hole in the road causing many potential safety and health hazards. This paper investigates the reinforcement of un-recyclable thermoplastic rejects to be used in the application of a manhole cover. Foundry sand and steel were used with the thermoplastic rejects as reinforcement of the material. Foundry sand is a hazardous waste that may cause many potential health hazards. It was shown that with 10% foundry sand, 90% thermoplastic rejects, and a steel mesh of diameter size 12 mm reinforcement, the manhole cover could withstand an average load of 112 kN. This value exceeds Grades A, AA, AAA, and B of acclaimed standards BS EN 124 for manhole covers, which ultimately indicates that the manhole cover may be used in pedestrian precincts and areas with occasional vehicular access. This composite material is produced out of waste materials (foundry sand and un-recyclable thermoplastic rejects) thus not utilizing or depleting the earth's natural resources, and eliminating the safety hazards, health hazards, and pollution associated with these waste materials. Not only is this product a benefit to the environment, but also inexpensive due to the fact that the materials are un-recyclable waste materials, and thus do not attain any value or cost.  相似文献   
The coastal seawater of Mediterranean of Alexandria receives large amount of discharged waters containing industrial wastes, sewage, and agricultural and domestic drainage. Fluoride and some parameters were( chemical and physical) determined. The data gave indication that the content and the amount of the discharged water largely affect the chemical composition of the coastal water. Stepwise regression analysis was highly significant and the model was very fruitful, where the observed and calculated values were mostly concordant. This may indicated that there was a relation between fluoride content in cosslal seawater and its content in the discharged water.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results and conclusions from experimental investigations concerning filtration properties of nonwovens. The needled nonwovens were made from polyester fibres (PTE) with average fibre diameter 12 µm and polypropylene fibres (PP) with average fibre diameter 32 μm. Nonwovens were produced out of each of those fibres or out of a mixture of polyester and polypropylene fibres. This paper also presents investigations of nonwoven fabric made of polypropylene fibres (PP) with average fibre diameter 2.6 μm, which was formed according to melt-blown technology. Oil mist, as challenge aerosol, was used to evaluate the performance of filter media at various aerosol velocities. The average oil mist test aerosol particle diameter was 0.3 μm. Filter penetration was measured at oil mist concentration 0.24 g/m3.  相似文献   
In April-May 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) implemented, with local authorities, United Nations (UN) agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), an early warning system (EWS) in Darfur, West Sudan, for internally displaced persons (IDPs). The number of consultations and deaths per week for 12 health events is recorded for two age groups (less than five years and five years and above). Thresholds are used to detect potential outbreaks. Ten weeks after the introduction of the system, NGOs were covering 54 camps, and 924,281 people (IDPs and the host population). Of these 54 camps, 41 (76%) were reporting regularly under the EWS. Between 22 May and 30 July, 179,795 consultations were reported: 18.7% for acute respiratory infections; 15% for malaria; 8.4% for bloody diarrhoea; and 1% for severe acute malnutrition. The EWS is useful for detecting outbreaks and monitoring the number of consultations required to trigger actions, but not for estimating mortality.  相似文献   
A novel method was developed to suppress membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactors. The method is based on the dielectrophoretic (DEP) motion of particles in an inhomogeneous electrical field. Using a real sample of biomass as feed, the fouling-suppression performance using DEP with different electrical field intensities (60-160 V) and different frequencies (50-1000 Hz) was investigated. The fouling-suppression performance was found to relate closely with the intensity and frequency of the electrical field. A stronger electrical field was found to better recover the filtrate flux. This is because of a stronger DEP force acting on the biomass particles close to themembrane's surface. Above an intensity and frequency value of 130 V and 1 kHz, respectively the permeate flux was reduced due to an electrothermal effect.  相似文献   
通过对比研究尼罗河三角洲与长江三角洲重金属污染特征,结果发现前者多数重金属含量高于后者,且尼罗河三角洲富集指数EF值约为长江三角洲3倍。此外,两者重金属分布格局差异明显,尼罗河三角洲呈东西高、中间低的\"马鞍形\"分布。自阿斯旺建坝后,干旱气候条件和人类活动使得尼罗河三角洲泻湖演变为重金属沉积中心。与之相反,长江三角洲重金属含量向海沿程降低,季风降水和巨量水沙对污染物扩散能力较强,污染水平较低。与世界其他地区河口相比,尼罗河三角洲重金属污染属于中等水平,而长江三角洲属于中下水平。对比研究表明两三角洲重金属物污染分布规律差异与其独特的流域自然条件和人类活动方式有密切关系。  相似文献   
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The objective of this study is to assess the environmental sustainability of a large water treatment plant through life cycle assessment (LCA)...  相似文献   
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