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Requirements for static (prediction of L(den) and diurnal averaged noise pattern) and dynamic (prediction of 15 min and 60 min evolution of L(Aeq) and statistical levels L(A90,)L(A50) and L(A10)) noise level monitoring are investigated in this paper. Noise levels are measured for 72 consecutive days at 5 neighboring streets in an inner-city noise measurement network in Gent, Flanders, Belgium. We present a method to make predictions based on a fixed monitoring station, combined with short-term sampling at temporary stations. It is shown that relying on a fixed station improves the estimation of L(den) at other locations, and allows for the reduction of the number of samples needed and their duration; L(den) is estimated with an error that does not exceed 1.5 dB(A) to 3.4 dB(A) according to the location, for 90% of the 3 × 15 min samples. Also the diurnal averaged noise pattern can be estimated with a good accuracy in this way. It was shown that there is an optimal location for the fixed station which can be found by short-term measurements only. Short-term level predictions were shown to be more difficult; 7 day samples were needed to build models able to estimate the evolution of L(Aeq,60min) with a RMSE ranging between 1.4 dB(A) and 3.7 dB(A). These higher values can be explained by the very pronounced short-term variations appearing in typical streets, which are not correlated between locations. On the other hand, moderately accurate predictions can be achieved, even based on short-term sampling (a 3 × 15 minute sampling duration seems to be sufficient for many of the accuracy goals set related to static and dynamic monitoring). Finally, the method proposed also allows for the prediction of the evolution of statistical indicators.  相似文献   
The colloidal stability of dry and suspended carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the presence of amphiphilic compounds (i.e. natural organic matter or surfactants) at environmentally realistic concentrations was investigated over several days. The suspensions were analyzed for CNT concentration (UV-vis spectroscopy), particle size (nanoparticle tracking analysis), and CNT length and dispersion quality (TEM). When added in dry form, around 1% of the added CNTs remained suspended. Pre-dispersion in organic solvent or anionic detergent stabilized up to 65% of the added CNTs after 20 days of mild shaking and 5 days of settling. The initial state of the CNTs (dry vs. suspended) and the medium composition hence are critical determinants for the partitioning of CNTs between sediment and the water column. TEM analysis revealed that single suspended CNTs were present in all suspensions and that shaking and settling resulted in a fractionation of the CNTs with shorter CNTs remaining predominantly in suspension.  相似文献   
This study concerns the effects of various long-chain n-alkanes, n-alkane mixtures and Arabian Light crude oil on the fatty acid (FA) composition of a sedimentary marine bacteria (Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus strain 617), growing under aerobic conditions. The cultures with n-alkanes, as compared with soluble carbon sources, led to greater amounts of saturated and methyl branched FA (mainly belonging to a delta10 series). We observed the appearance or increase of saturated and unsaturated FA with the same carbon chain length (CCL) as the n-alkane carbon source (maximum for n-alkane CCL corresponding to the 'range' of the de novo synthesized fatty acids). We also observed a strong control of the oddness/evenness of the CCL of the FA by the oddness/evenness of the n-alkane. A n-alkane utilization index, (saturated + branched)/monounsaturated fatty acids (SAFA + BFA/MUFA) enabled discriminating between soluble carbon sources and hydrocarbons.  相似文献   
The improved in vitro bioremediation of Arabian Light crude oil in synthetic sea water by a mixed culture of bacteria is reported. Effects of fish meal, meat meal 80 % proteins and sophorolipids on the biodegradation were evaluated during a three-week incubation using GC/FID and GC/MS analysis of the remaining oil. Fish meal and more particularly meat meal 80 % proteins used at 0,5 mg.ml−1 involve no nitrogen and phosphorous limits when used as sole source of nutrients. Biodegradation processes in the first four days of the incubation supplemented with sophrolipids are accelerated two fold over controls.  相似文献   
Summary. Phoresy is an interspecific association where mobile organisms ensure small and/or wingless organisms to colonize patchy distributed environment. Macrocheles saceri (Acari: Mesostigmata) is a phoretic mite which specialized on Scarabaeus dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Variation for phoretic load and sites for mite fixation on beetle body has been tested according to Scarabaeus species. The number of setae on beetle body cannot explain the observed patterns in mite fixation. Evidence was provided that the semiochemicals of the host cuticle play a kairomonal role in the host finding behaviour of phoretic mites. In addition semiochemicals ensure host discrimination.  相似文献   
DNA was extracted from worker and drone pupae of each of five colonies of the dwarf honey bee Apis florea. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were conducted on DNA extracts using five sets of primers known to amplify microsatellite loci in A. mellifera. Based on microsatellite allele distributions, queens of the five colonies mated with at least 5–14 drones. This is up to 3 times previous maximum estimates obtained from sperm counts. The discrepancy between sperm count and microsatellite estimates of the number of matings in A. florea suggests that despite direct injection of semen into the spermatheacal duct, either A. florea drones inject only a small proportion of their semen, or queens are able to rapidly expel excess semen after mating. A model of sexual selection (first proposed by Koeniger and Koeniger) is discussed in which males attempt to gain reproductive dominance by increasing ejaculate volume and direct injection of spermatozoa into the spermatheca, while queens attempt to maintain polyandry by retaining only a small fraction of each male's ejaculate. It is shown, at least in this limited sample, that the effective number of matings is lower in A. florea than in A. mellifera.  相似文献   
A case of 45,X/46,X,+mar mosaicism was detected in a male fetus (27 weeks' gestation) referred for karyotype analysis following the observation of a short femur at the ultrasound scan. Analysis of 12 Y-chromosome loci by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) demonstrated that the marker chromosome is of Y origin and corresponds to an authentic isochromosome for the short arm of the Y chromosome, i(Yp). The breakpoint on this marker is in YQ11·1 close to the centromere. The present report illustrates the importance of FISH and PCR techniques as a complement to cytogenetic methods for accurate identification and characterization of chromosome rearrangements in prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   
Stomach content analyses are commonly used to study both fish feeding behaviour and trophic conditions. However, the interpretation of such data depends on fish foraging behaviour for a given environment and how representative the stomach contents are to the prey distribution. Tuna feeding behaviour was studied within the context of a research programme conducted in French Polynesia. Tuna prey distribution was characterised using acoustic measurements and pelagic trawls; thereafter, this distribution was compared with the stomach contents of tuna caught using an instrumented longline. Acoustic, pelagic trawling and stomach content analyses give complementary elements to describe the pelagic trophic habitat and to better understand tuna-prey relationships. The classic concept of a reduced food availability for tunas in the tropical pelagic environment seems relative. Tunas able to dive enough during daytime to exploit the migrant micronektonic species secure a source of regular food. This is particularly true of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), which have ecophysiological capacities for this purpose. The behaviour of albacore tuna (T. alalunga), which dive >400 m in depth, remains less clear, as little is known about their vertical behaviour. Lastly, yellowfin tuna (T. albacares), which are distributed in more superficial waters, can better exploit the biomass of juvenile fish and crustaceans exported from the reefs. Analysis of the stomach fullness of tuna caught by longline, a passive gear, generally showed an empty state. This result suggests that most tuna foraging on large prey aggregations present in the study area are quickly satiated and escape longline capture and sampling. A consequence is that studies of tuna feeding behaviour based on longlining may be biased, particularly when large aggregations of prey are present such as in convergence zones. Another potential consequence is that longline tuna catch rates could differ according to prey richness. Longline tuna catch rates may sometimes reflect the relative abundance of prey rather than relative tuna abundance. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-001-0776-3.  相似文献   
Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Part I: Hydroecological status and trends   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) include valuable ecosystems such as springs, wetlands, rivers, lakes and lagoons. The protection of these systems and services they provide is highlighted by international agreements, i.e. Ramsar convention on wetlands, and regional legislation, i.e. the European Water Framework Directive. Groundwater provides water, nutrients and a relatively stable temperature. However, the role of groundwater in surface ecosystems is not fully understood. The ecosystem can depend on groundwater directly or indirectly, and the reliance can be continuous, seasonal or occasional. This has implications for the vulnerability of ecosystems, as some may be easily affected by external pressure. Conceptual models and quantitative assessments of how groundwater interacts with the environment are needed. GDEs are also threatened by different land use activities and climate change. Hence, we need to understand how GDEs are affected by changes in groundwater quantity and quality, as severe groundwater changes have been observed in many regions. This study examines key aspects of GDEs (hydrogeology, geochemistry and biodiversity) in order to improve conceptual understanding of the role of groundwater in such ecosystems. The status and baseline of different types of GDEs are discussed, with particular emphasis on past evidence of environmental change and potential thresholds and threats in GDEs in various parts of Europe with different land use, climate and geology.  相似文献   
Several environmental factors have been shown to shape the pattern of investment of carotenoids into the expression of sexual signals. Surprisingly, the impact of the social environment has been neglected. If a carotenoid-based sexual trait is used by females to choose a mate or by males to assess the quality of potential competitors for mates, males, in the presence of females, should upregulate expression of the trait. We tested this hypothesis in male zebra finches that were housed either with females or in a male-only social environment. Additionally, to investigate whether the social modulation of the expression of a sexual trait depends on the physiological need of carotenoids, we challenged half of the males with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). We found that the social environment modulated the expression of bill color, with males kept in the presence of females harboring a redder bill at the end of the 3 weeks that the experiment lasted. Males injected with LPS showed duller bill color regardless of the presence of females, and social interactions with females result in upregulated bill color similarly for phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and LPS males. Thus, social environment and immune activation had an additive effect on the expression of bill color. The effect of social environment on plasma carotenoids was less clear. Indeed, a first replicate of the entire experiment showed that both immune challenge and social context affected bill color, with a negative effect of immune challenge and a positive effect of the presence of females on circulating carotenoids. However, a second replicate of the experiment showed only a negative effect of the immune challenge. These results, therefore, suggest that the social environment can affect the expression of carotenoid-based sexual traits under both benign and carotenoid-demanding conditions. Whatever the signaling function of bill color (female mate choice or male–male competition for mates), the observed flexibility may be adaptive because the expression of the signal can be modulated depending on the expected rewards or costs associated with the presence or absence of females. Nevertheless, the mechanisms underlying such an effect are still unknown.  相似文献   
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