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目的 建立统一的飞行器隔热材料性能测试标准。方法 利用数值方法对飞行器隔热瓦1 200℃热环境性能测试中的传热模型进行计算。设计3种不同热导率和表面粗糙度的绝热材料隔热性能对比试验。在考虑接触面间凹凸点完全接触导热、接触间隙介质导热和相邻界面辐射传热联合作用时,能够获得与实测数据基本一致的计算结果。结果 试验证明,接触热阻是导致实测数据与理想传热结果相悖的主要原因。获得了接触热阻条件下热扩散系数随传热过程的变化关系,定量得到了相同测试条件下给定的3种不同热导率与粗糙度底部绝热材料对隔热性能测试结果的影响。结论 测试结果存在较大偏差的主要原因是表面粗糙度所致,两接触面在高温条件下更有利于热流传播。研究结果可为飞行器热防护系统设计与性能考核试验方案的确定提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   
红壤中Cu、Zn、Pb 污染对蔬菜根伸长的抑制效应   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采用盆栽试验,研究红壤中不同浓度Cu(0~400 mg/kg),Zn(0~750 mg/kg)和Pb(0~2000 mg/kg)对小白菜,包菜,萝卜,洋葱,番茄和黄瓜根生长的抑制与毒性效应.结果表明,蔬菜对金属的毒性响敏感程度依次是Cu>Zn>Pb.相同浓度下,Cu、Zn、Pb 对番茄和小白菜的根伸长抑制率最大,对黄瓜和萝卜的根伸长抑制率最小,表明番茄和小白菜对Cu、Zn、Pb 的毒性响应最敏感,黄瓜和萝卜则不敏感.蔬菜根长与土壤Cu有效态含量呈显著或极显著负相关(P<0.05, P<0.01),与土壤Zn 有效态含量或土壤Pb 有效态含量呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),表明土壤中重金属有效态含量是影响蔬菜根伸长的重要因素,重金属对蔬菜生长的抑制响应主要是通过有效态来实现.  相似文献   
Amniotic fluid cultures from two patients showed trisomy-20 mosaicism. No trisomy-20 cells were found in a normal full term infant and in multiple tissue biopsies and fetal blood from a fetus after a termination of pregnancy. No definitive advice is yet possible for parents where trisomy-20 amniotic cell mosaicism is detected. Fetoscopy and fetal blood sampling are of no value and termination of pregnancy is not indicated by empirical evidence. Preferential trophoblastic non-disjunction (Kalousek and Dill, 1983) is discussed as a possible partial explanation for the variable occurrence and distribution of this type of mosaicism.  相似文献   
为探究心智游移在倦怠和注意执行功能间的作用机制,有效减少由负性心理状态引起的不安全行为,降低人因事故发生率。在文献研究的基础上,引入心智游移,采用SART范式和AX-CPT范式,以问卷筛选出的100位国有煤炭企业高危岗位作业人员为研究对象,讨论倦怠、心智游移和个体注意执行功能之间的关系。研究结果表明:高频AX试次会引起惯性反应偏向,被试者需要更多的时间来维持线索字母A和解决无效线索B与有效探针X之间的冲突;高倦怠矿工比低倦怠矿工的注意执行控制功能更易受到高频心智游移的影响;心智游移在倦怠与注意执行功能间起到调节作用。  相似文献   
选取野外采回的芒苞草种子为材料,研究无菌水和不同状态Ms培养基以及不同激素种类和浓度对芒苞草种子萌发的影响,并初步探讨了芒苞草幼苗的生长情况.结果表明:经4℃的低温春化处理2 mo后,播种在无菌水中的芒苞草种子萌发率可达95%,比同样条件下MS液体(25.1%)和固体(10.4%)培养基中的萌发率高;在有关激素影响的实验中,无菌水中6-BA和GA,对种子萌发没有促进作用,液体MS培养基中的1.0 mg/L GA,明显促进种子萌发,而固体MS培养基中0.5 mg/L 6-BA对种子萌发的促进作用较明显,1.0 mg/L 6.BA有利于从生芽的诱导.将无菌水和液体MS培养基中已发芽的芒苞草种子转移至固体MS培养基中培养可长成小植株.  相似文献   
A method intercomparison study of analytical methods for the determination of neutral, volatile polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) was carried out in March, 2006. Environmental air samples were collected in triplicate at the European background site Mace Head on the west coast of Ireland, a site dominated by ‘clean’ westerly winds coming across the Atlantic. Extraction and analysis were performed at two laboratories active in PFAS research using their in-house methods. Airborne polyfluorinated telomer alcohols (FTOHs), fluorooctane sulfonamides and sulfonamidoethanols (FOSAs/FOSEs) as well as additional polyfluorinated compounds were investigated. Different native and isotope-labelled internal standards (IS) were applied at various steps in the analytical procedure to evaluate the different quantification strategies. Field blanks revealed no major blank problems. European background concentrations observed at Mace Head were found to be in a similar range to Arctic data reported in the literature. Due to trace-levels at the remote site, only FTOH data sets were complete and could therefore be compared between the laboratories. Additionally, FOSEs could partly be included. Data comparison revealed that despite the challenges inherent in analysis of airborne PFAS and the low concentrations, all methods applied in this study obtained similar results. However, application of isotope-labelled IS early in the analytical procedure leads to more precise results and is therefore recommended.  相似文献   
利用三室根箱装置获得玉米生长室土壤(S I)、根际土(SⅡ)、非根际土(SⅢ)3个不同根区土壤,采用传统平板计数培养与变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术相结合的方法,研究了转基因玉米Btll及其非转基因亲本在播种后40、50、60 d各根区土壤细菌数量及多样性的变化.结果表明,转Bt基因玉米播种后50、60 d S I根区土壤可培养细菌数量显著低于非转基因亲本,播种后40、50 d SⅡ根区土壤可培养细菌数量较亲本玉米显著增加,而在其他时期和根区与亲本玉米之间均无显著差异.DGGE图谱显示,3个采样时期各根区DGGE图谱条带数、土壤细菌多样性指数和均匀度指数均无显著差异(P>0.05).  相似文献   
Estimation of population size has traditionally been viewed from a finite population sampling perspective. Typically, the objective is to obtain an estimate of the total population count of individuals within some region. Often, some stratification scheme is used to estimate counts on subregions, whereby the total count is obtained by aggregation with weights, say, proportional to the areas of the subregions. We offer an alternative to the finite population sampling approach for estimating population size. The method does not require that the subregions on which counts are available form a complete partition of the region of interest. In fact, we envision counts coming from areal units that are small relative to the entire study region and that the total area sampled is a very small proportion of the total study area. In extrapolating to the entire region, we might benefit from assuming that there is spatial structure to the counts. We implement this by modeling the intensity surface as a realization from a spatially correlated random process. In the case of multiple population or species counts, we use the linear model of coregionalization to specify a multivariate process which provides associated intensity surfaces hence association between counts within and across areal units. We illustrate the method of population size estimation with simulated data and with tree counts from a Southwestern pinyon-juniper woodland data set.  相似文献   
采用化学品对藻类毒性测试的标准试验方法,分别研究了己烯雌酚和四溴双酚A单组分对小球藻生长及光合色素含量的影响,并用相加指数法评价了己烯雌酚和四溴双酚A双组分对小球藻的联合毒性效应.结果表明,藻细胞密度和光合色素含量随己烯雌酚和四溴双酚A浓度增加而明显下降,且均表现出较好的浓度-效应关系,其对小球藻的96h-EC50值分别为0.0248mg·L-1和0.0455mg·L-1;两者对小球藻96h的联合毒性效应为拮抗作用.  相似文献   
Weight specific rates of oxygen consumption carbon dioxide production, and ammonia-N excretion, measured for a Florida population of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians concentricus between May and September, 1982 and October and November, 1983 were significantly correlated (P<0.0005) to environmental factors that co-varied seasonally with metabolic shifts related to reproduction. Mean O/N and CO2/O2 (RQ) molar ratios indicates that scallop energy metabolism varied over the course of the reproductive cycle. Resting stage individuals (May-early June) had RQ values close to 0.7, indicative of a predominantly lipid-based metabolism. During the initial stages of gametogenesis (late June-early July) scallops catabolized primarily carbohydrate, as evidenced by maximum O/N (>22) values and RQ values close to 1.0 RQ values >1.0 indicated a possible carbohydrate to lipid conversion during the period of cytoplasmic growth (late July-early September). As gametes matured and spawning commenced (late September-November), metabolism became primarily protein based, as indicated by O/N and RQ values around 9.0 and 0.8, respectively. This pattern of substrate catabolism supports existing data on the storage and utilization of specific energy reserves with respect to reproduction in this species.  相似文献   
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