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张明慧  苏华  季博文 《环境科学学报》2018,38(12):4831-4839
叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度是可以直接遥感反演的重要水质参数之一,常用来评价近岸水体的富营养化程度.为有效监测福建近岸水域中的叶绿素a浓度变化,本文利用MODIS时间序列影像数据,采用适用于小样本数据的机器学习方法随机森林(Random Forest, RF)和传统的特征波段比值(Band Ratio, BR)方法,结合时序浮标观测数据,在浮标观测站点有限的情况下,采用"以时间连续补空间稀疏"的建模策略,分别对福建近岸不同时相叶绿素a浓度进行遥感反演,并对反演结果进行验证与分析.结果显示RF、BR两种方法反演的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0.49、0.52μg·L~(-1),平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)分别为37.50%、50.20%,平均决定系数(R~2)分别为0.87、0.21.可见,基于MODIS时序影像的RF模型可较准确估测福建近岸叶绿素a浓度,且精度优于BR模型.在近岸水环境普遍恶化且浮标观测站点有限的情况下,本研究可提供一种有效监测叶绿素a浓度的方法,有利于福建近岸水环境(如赤潮)的遥感监测.  相似文献   
Based on the available toxicity data and the concentrations of DDTs and HCHs in surface water from the upper reaches of the Huaihe River, overlapping areas of probability density and margin of safety (MOS10) were used to estimate the risk levels of DDTs and HCHs to aquatic organisms. The overlapping areas of α-HCH, γ-HCH, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDT were found to be 9.3 × 10?5, 4.6 × 10?3, 4.3 × 10?2, 2.2 × 10?2, and 4.2 × 10?2, respectively. The risks from DDTs were higher than those from HCHs, the risk from α-HCH being the smallest. The MOS10 values of α-HCH, γ-HCH, p,p′-DDE, p,p′-DDD, and p,p′-DDT were 2.6 × 103, 97, 5.9, 15, and 8.6, respectively, i.e. greater than 1.0, indicating limited overlaps between the distributions of exposure concentrations and of toxicity data, and thus minimal ecological risk. Health risk calculations based on incremental lifetime risks for HCHs and DDTs were conducted to evaluate human cancer risk and non-carcinogenic hazard. The total cancer risks from organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the studied area were in the range of 10?8–10?7, lower than the baseline value of acceptable risk (10?6). Non-carcinogenic hazard indices of OCPs ranging from 10?6 to 10?5 were much lower than the threshold values (1.0). These results suggest that the water from the upper reaches of the Huaihe River does not pose any health risk for local residents using river water as a source for drinking water.  相似文献   
MacNally R  Bowen M  Howes A  McAlpine CA  Maron M 《Ecology》2012,93(3):668-678
Some species have disproportionate influence on assemblage structure, given their numbers or biomass. Most examples of such "strong interactors" come from small-scale experiments or from observations of the effects of invasive species. There is evidence that entire avian assemblages in open woodlands can be influenced strongly by individual species over very large areas in eastern Australia, with small-bodied species (< 50 g) being adversely affected. We used data from repeated surveys in 371 sites in seven districts across a region from Victoria to Queensland (> 2000 km). A series of linked Bayesian models was used to identify large-bodied (> or = 50 g) bird species that were associated with changes in occurrence and abundance of small-bodied species. One native species, the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala; family Meliphagidae), was objectively identified as the sole large-bodied species having similar detrimental effects in all districts, depressing occurrence of 57 of 71 small-bodied species. Adverse effects on abundances of small-bodied species were profound when the Noisy Miner occurred with mean site abundances > or = 1.6 birds/2 ha. The Noisy Miner may be the first species to have been shown to influence whole-of-avifauna assemblage structure through despotic aggressiveness over subcontinental scales. These substantial shifts in occurrence rates and abundances of small-bodied species flow on to alter species abundance distributions of entire assemblages over much of eastern Australia.  相似文献   
为了深入探究我国环境规制的政策效应及其区域差异,采用我国30个省区2004—2014年的面板数据(不含港澳台及西藏自治区数据,下同),分别以能源强度、产业结构和FDI(外商直接投资)作为门槛变量,以环境规制为核心解释变量,利用面板门槛模型分析我国环境规制对碳排放的门槛效应及其在东部、中部和西部存在的区域差异.结果表明:由于能源强度、产业结构、FDI这3个门槛变量的作用,环境规制对碳排放的影响体现出非线性特征,且环境规制的政策效应在东部、中部和西部3个区域内存在较为明显的差异.东部地区的环境规制在3个门槛变量的中低门槛区间均不能促进碳减排,处于高门槛区间时,能源强度会促进碳排放,而产业结构和FDI这两个门槛变量则对碳排放有抑制作用,其中能源强度跨过第2个门槛值(1.111 8)后仍表现出对碳排放的促进作用,产业结构(0.566 1)和FDI(1 159.40×108元)分别跨过第2个门槛值后,对碳排放表现出抑制作用;中部地区在能源强度的影响下,环境规制对碳排放一直为抑制作用,在产业结构和FDI的影响下则一直是促进作用;西部地区的能源强度与碳排放呈倒“U”型关系,两个门槛值分别为1.200 8与2.153 3,以产业结构和FDI为门槛变量时,环境规制均未能发挥碳减排作用,一直体现为促进作用.因此,政府在实施环境规制政策时不能采取一刀切的措施,要根据东部、中部和西部的不同情况针对性地实施相应的环境规制政策.   相似文献   
Mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region sequences were analyzed for 249 Atlantic and Mediterranean loggerhead turtles (Carettacaretta Linnaeus, 1758) to elucidate nesting population structure and phylogeographic patterns. Ten haplotypes were resolved among individuals sampled between 1987 and 1993, from ten major loggerhead nesting areas in the region. Two distinct phylogenetic lineages were distinguished, separated by an average of 5.1% sequence divergence. Haplotype frequency comparisons between pairs of populations showed significant differentiation between most regional nesting aggregates and revealed six demographically independent groups, corresponding to nesting beaches from: (1) North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and northeast Florida, USA; (2) southern Florida, USA; (3) northwest Florida, USA; (4) Quintana Roo, Mexico; (5) Bahia, Brazil; and (6) Peloponnesus Island, Greece. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes is consistent with a natal homing scenario, in which nesting colonies separated by a few hundred kilometers represent isolated reproductive aggregates. However, a strong exception to this pattern was observed in the first group defined by mtDNA data (North Carolina to northeast Florida), which included samples from four nesting locations spread across thousands of kilometers of coastline. These locations were characterized by a single haplotype in 104 out of 105 samples, providing inadequate resolution of population divisions. In view of the subdivisions observed elsewhere, we attribute the lack of differentiation between North Carolina and northeast Florida to recent colonization of these warm temperate coastlines (after the Wisconsin glaciation) not to ongoing gene flow among spatially distinct nesting locations. The relationships among observed haplotypes suggest a biogeographic scenario defined by climate, natal homing, and rare dispersal events. The redefined relationships among nesting aggregations in the western Atlantic region (southeastern USA and adjacent Mexico) prompt a reconsideration of management strategies for nesting populations and corresponding habitats in this region. Received: 28 October 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1997  相似文献   
Large areas of public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and located in arid regions of the southwestern United States are being considered for the development of utility-scale solar energy facilities. Land-disturbing activities in these desert, alluvium-filled valleys have the potential to adversely affect the hydrologic and ecologic functions of ephemeral streams. Regulation and management of ephemeral streams typically falls under a spectrum of federal, state, and local programs, but scientifically based guidelines for protecting ephemeral streams with respect to land-development activities are largely nonexistent. This study developed an assessment approach for quantifying the sensitivity to land disturbance of ephemeral stream reaches located in proposed solar energy zones (SEZs). The ephemeral stream assessment approach used publicly-available geospatial data on hydrology, topography, surficial geology, and soil characteristics, as well as high-resolution aerial imagery. These datasets were used to inform a professional judgment-based score index of potential land disturbance impacts on selected critical functions of ephemeral streams, including flow and sediment conveyance, ecological habitat value, and groundwater recharge. The total sensitivity scores (sum of scores for the critical stream functions of flow and sediment conveyance, ecological habitats, and groundwater recharge) were used to identify highly sensitive stream reaches to inform decisions on developable areas in SEZs. Total sensitivity scores typically reflected the scores of the individual stream functions; some exceptions pertain to groundwater recharge and ecological habitats. The primary limitations of this assessment approach were the lack of high-resolution identification of ephemeral stream channels in the existing National Hydrography Dataset, and the lack of mechanistic processes describing potential impacts on ephemeral stream functions at the watershed scale. The primary strength of this assessment approach is that it allows watershed-scale planning for low-impact development in arid ecosystems; the qualitative scoring of potential impacts can also be adjusted to accommodate new geospatial data, and to allow for expert and stakeholder input into decisions regarding the identification and potential avoidance of highly sensitive stream reaches.  相似文献   
This article presents a review of major empirical research on environmental justice. Forty-two empirical research studies spanning three decades were evaluated and categorized on the basis of how well they meet reasonable scientific standards. Twelve of those studies are described and critiqued in detail, and an overview of trends in the literature is presented. The author concludes that the empirical foundations of environmental justice are so underdeveloped that little can be said with scientific authority regarding the existence of geographical patterns of disproportionate distributions and their health effects on minority, low-income, and other disadvantaged communities. If environmental managers and policy-makers do not recognize the high levels of empirical uncertainty surrounding the issue, they are apt to attribute an empirically unwarranted level of concreteness to the empirical research findings, thus leading to poorly conceptualized and therefore potentially harmful policy and management decisions.  相似文献   
Molecular genetic surveys of marine fishes have revealed that some widely distributed species are actually a composite of multiple evolutionary lineages. This is apparent in the round herrings (genus Etrumeus), wherein a globally distributed taxon (Etrumeus sadina Mitchill 1814) has proven to contain at least seven valid taxa, with more likely awaiting discovery. Here, we survey evolutionary lineages of the nominal E. sadina (formerly E. teres, a junior synonym) across the southern temperate zone of Australia, a marine region divided into three biogeographic provinces based primarily on the distribution of intertidal faunas. Results from morphological and mitochondrial DNA data reveal two evolutionary lineages corresponding to eastern and southwestern provinces (d = 0.007 for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and d = 0.017 for cytochrome b), possibly initiated by the Bassian Isthmus between Australia and Tasmania during low sea-level stands. The Australian round herring is also genetically distinct from the nearest congeneric forms in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, with a corresponding modal difference in gill-raker counts in most cases. Based on these data, we resurrect the title Etrumeus jacksoniensis for the Australian round herring. While the Bassian Isthmus may have initiated the partition of evolutionary lineages within Australia, additional oceanographic and ecological factors must reinforce this separation in order to maintain diagnostic genetic differences along a continuous temperate coastline.  相似文献   
Current taxonomy indicates a single global species of the Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) despite differences in color and behavior between Atlantic and Pacific forms. To investigate these differences and qualify the dispersal characteristics of this unique coastal–pelagic teleost (bony fish), we conducted a global phylogeographic survey of 246 specimens from thirteen sampling locations using a 629-base pair fragment of mtDNA cytochrome b. Data indicate high overall gene flow in the Indo-Pacific over large distances (>16,500 km) bridging several biogeographic barriers. The West Atlantic population contains an mtDNA lineage that is divergent from the Indo-Pacific (d = 1.9%), while the East Atlantic (N = 23) has two mutations (d = 0.6%) apart from the Indo-Pacific. While we cannot rule out distinct evolutionary partitions among ocean basins based on behavior, coloration, and near-monophyly between Atlantic and Indo-Pacific subpopulations, more investigation is required before taxonomic status is revised. Overall, the pattern of high global dispersal and connectivity in S. barracuda more closely resembles those reported for large oceanic predators than reef-associated teleosts.  相似文献   
Gao  Xueping  Song  Qinglin  Sun  Bowen  Song  Huifang 《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》2019,19(4):1005-1024

Selective withdrawal is commonly implemented in nonlinearly stratified ambient, which typically has stratified ambient conditions, for purposes of controlling quality. A floating intake is applied as an effective facility of selective withdrawal. However, the outflow dynamics of a floating intake in a nonlinearly stratified ambient have been disregarded, which has a significant effect on the outflow water quality of a reservoir. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of thermal stratification on the flow characteristics using particle image velocimetry at three temperature distributions (no stratification, weak stratification and strong stratification). The flow fields upstream of the floating intake showed that the withdrawal layer was formed inhibited by the thermal stratification. And strong stratification produced the thinner withdrawal layer thickness, leading to a larger nonuniform coefficient of the velocity profile. To quantitatively describe the velocity profiles, formulas of dimensionless velocity profiles were proposed. The flow developments were analysed, and the virtual control points located 0.56d above the floating intake (where d is the straight pipe diameter of the floating intake) were obtained. The positions of virtual control points mainly depended on the withdrawal discharge. The decay rate of the velocity along the horizontal line passing through the virtual control point was inversely proportional to the stratification intensity.

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