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Human-induced habitat loss and degradation are major threats to wetland species as reflected in the fact that wetlands have declined by more than 50% in Europe and North America during the last century. Both current and historic land-use patterns are likely to be significant determinants of wetland species' distributions; however their relative importance is often unknown. We studied the importance of local (study pond) and landscape (current and 18th-century landscape) characteristics in explaining the occurrence and species richness of amphibians (Rana arvalis, Bufo bufo, and Triturus vulgaris) on the Swedish island of Gotland, where more than 40% of wetlands have been lost since the 18th century. Current local habitat characteristics were the strongest determinants of occurrence for all study species. Additionally, species occurrence was related to current and historic landscape characteristics, which generally explained equal amounts of the variation in species-occurrence data. The proportions of both current and historic arable land were negative determinants of amphibian occurrence and species richness, indicating that agricultural land use may have an overall negative impact on amphibians, and that amphibians may occur less frequently in areas with a long agricultural history. Likewise, historic forest area was positively related to B. bufo occurrence and species richness, whereas current forests had no significant effects, suggesting that there may be a lag in the response of amphibians to agriculture-mediated habitat loss. Our results suggest that historic land-use patterns may influence current amphibian populations and that inclusion of historic land-use information could be a valuable tool in future studies on amphibian-habitat relations.  相似文献   
We studied the phonotactic response of Alytes cisternasii females at different reproductive stages (before and after oviposition) toward two male call characteristics (call rate and frequency) differing in variability, as well as in the strength of female preference. We measured female phonotactic response over several repetitions by means of the frequency of selection of the population-preferred alternative, consistency of choice, frequency of reciprocal calling activity, frequency of null trials, and average approach time. Our results showed that female mating preferences in A. cisternasii are highly influenced by the variability of male call characteristics, while only female motivation is related to reproductive stage.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   
Biparental incubation is frequent among shorebirds and is expected when the survival prospects of offspring increase relative to uniparental incubation. To understand why this occurs, it is important to identify the factors that constrain uniparental incubation. It is assumed that birds choose nesting sites that provide an appropriate microclimate for incubation. Many shorebirds nest in sites with no or little cover, where ambient temperatures at ground level might be >50°C during very hot days. Shorebirds nest in exposed sites because predation risk on incubating adults is higher in covered sites. In hot environments, incubating shorebirds might experience heat stress in exposed sites, and this may compromise nesting success if adults are unable to attend their nests continuously, limiting the possibilities of uniparental incubation and thus the expression of a sexual conflict over incubation. The operative temperatures of Kentish plovers (Charadrius alexandrinus) were recorded in exposed and covered sites, and the thermal behaviour and incubating tactics of pair members were studied in a hot environment. During the hottest part of the day, there was a difference of 10–15°C in the operative temperatures of plovers between covered and exposed sites. Plovers in covered sites did not exhibit any thermoregulatory behaviour indicative of thermal stress, probably because the thermal range encountered by them in such places during most of the daytime was close to the thermo-neutral zone. The frequency with which plovers in exposed sites exhibited thermoregulatory behaviour was related to ambient temperature. Under very hot conditions, incubating birds were probably unable to maintain homeostasis for long periods and pair members resorted to shortening incubation bouts. Female Kentish plovers mainly incubate in the daytime and males during the night. However, the probability of diurnal incubation by males increased with ambient temperature in exposed nests, but not in covered ones. In fact, the frequency of participation in diurnal incubation by males was greater in exposed than in covered sites, suggesting that the participation of males in diurnal incubation may be related to the inability of females to stay at the nest during long periods when the ambient temperature is high. Even after resorting to shortened incubation bouts, the plovers may be unable to attend their nests continuously during heat waves, and the nests may be deserted. The propensity of plovers to desert their nests was affected by proximity to water, with nests located close to water being deserted less frequently. It seems likely that susceptibility to thermal stress changed in relation to proximity to water because in sites close to water it was possible to belly-soak, which would allow a more continuous nest attendance. Therefore, despite the adoption of behavioural solutions to face heavy heat loads, nesting success was vulnerable to these solutions because heat stress during extended periods may constrain parental nest attendance, and this may limit the opportunities for sexual conflicts over incubation.Communicated by J. Graves  相似文献   
In a recent review, Westneat and Stewart (2003) compiled evidence that extra-pair paternity results from a three-player interaction in which sexual conflict is a potent force. Sequentially polyandrous species of birds appear to fit this idea well. Earlier breeding males may attempt to use sperm storage by females to obtain paternity in their mates subsequent clutches. Later-breeding males may consequently attempt to avoid sperm competition by preferring to pair with previously unmated females. Females may bias events one way or the other. We examined the applicability of these hypotheses by studying mating behavior and paternity in red-necked phalaropes (Phalaropus lobatus), a sex-role reversed, socially polyandrous shorebird. Male red-necked phalaropes guarded mates more strongly than other shorebirds. Males increased within-pair copulation attempts during their mates fertile period, and maintained or further increased attempts towards the end of laying, suggesting an attempt to fertilize the females next clutch; these attempts were usually thwarted by the female. Paired males sought extra-pair copulations with females about to re-enter the breeding pool. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting showed that 6% of clutches (4/63) each contained one chick sired by a male other than the incubator, producing a population rate of these events of 1.7% (n=226 chicks). Male mates had full paternity in all first clutches (n=25) and 15 of 16 monogamous replacement clutches. In contrast, 3 of 6 clutches of second males contained extra-pair young likely fathered by the females previous mate. Previously mated female phalaropes may employ counter-strategies that prevent later mating males from discriminating against them. The stability of this polyandrous system, in which males provide all parental care, ultimately may depend on females providing males with eggs containing primarily genes of the incubating male, and not a previous mate.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   
Summary. Dufour gland secretions of the harvester ants Pogonomyrmex barbatus, P. rugosus and P. maricopa were investigated. The glandular blends exhibit species specific patterns, but more importantly, based on indiviual profiles of Dufour gland contents of colony members it is possible to separate the colonies from each other in each species. It is possible that these collective colony specific cues serve as longer lasting trunk route markers. Behavioral tests demonstrate that workers of P. rugosus prefer homing routes marked by members of their own colony to routes marked by a foreign conspecific colony.  相似文献   
Vocalisations of many songbirds, anurans, and insects are shaped by sexual selection. Males acoustically compete for territories, and females choose their mates by means of male courtship songs. In courtship, richness and complexity of elements are often favoured characters. Only a few examples of complex songs are known in mammals. Males of the harem-polygynous sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata, Emballonuridae) have an uncommonly complex vocal repertoire, and different song types of males are used in the context of territorial defence and in courting females. We classified the daytime vocalisations of 16 male S. bilineata from a colony in Costa Rica, both on the basis of their acoustical properties and the social context in which they occurred. Seven vocalisation types were differentiated: echolocation pulses, barks, chatter, whistles, screeches, territorial songs and courtship songs. Territorial songs were short, rather stereotyped and not obviously directed towards a certain conspecific. They appear to be of importance in male competition for harem territories, in which females roost during the day. Courtship songs were exclusively observed when males displayed towards a female; they were long and complex, and consisted of highly variable elements (calls). We classified the calls in courtship songs of six males into call types, based on acoustical properties, mainly spectral purity and duration. Four call types are described in detail: trills, noise-bursts, short tonal calls, and quasi constant frequency calls. Twelve parameter values were extracted from the most common call type, the trill. Discriminant function analysis of trills showed that different males had different repertoires. This could allow females to use trill parameters for recognition of individual males and thus for mate choice.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   
In sexually dimorphic ungulates, males generally spend less time foraging than females, possibly because of difference in body mass or because of the energetic requirements of lactation. The relationship between body size and foraging time has received little attention at the intra-specific level, because few studies have documented activity budgets for individuals of known size. Bighorn rams are a good model to explore how body mass affects foraging time, because they range in mass from 55 to 140 kg. We examined how the foraging time of bighorn rams varied according to individual characteristics. We observed rams in a marked population and constructed time budgets during the 3 months preceding the rut. We determined ram social rank based on agonistic encounters and collected fecal samples to count lungworm larvae. Time spent foraging was negatively correlated with body mass. After accounting for age differences, larger rams spent less time foraging and more time lying than smaller rams. Among rams aged 6–12 years, dominants spent less time feeding than subordinates, while fecal output of lungworm larvae was negatively correlated with foraging time for rams of all ages. Body mass accounts for much of the individual variation in foraging time, suggesting that sexual dimorphism is important in explaining differences in feeding time between males and females.Communicated by P. Heeb  相似文献   
It is still unclear why females in many bird species pursue extra-pair copulations. Current hypotheses focus mainly on indirect benefits such as obtaining particular good genes for their offspring or maximizing genetic compatibility between themselves and the father of their offspring. Supporting the latter, a recent study of shorebirds suggests that extra-pair matings may function to avoid the negative effects of genetic similarity between mates. Here, we further investigate genetic parentage in the Kentish plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, a shorebird with a highly variable social mating system. DNA fingerprinting revealed that most pairs were genetically monogamous: 7.9% of the broods (7/89) contained extra-pair young, comprising 3.9% of all chicks (9/229). These cases represented, however, three alternative reproductive behaviors: extra-pair paternity, quasi-parasitism (extra-pair maternity) and intraspecific brood parasitism. This is the first study showing the occurrence of all three behaviors in one shorebird species. We also found that extra-pair fertilizations (extra-pair paternity and quasi-parasitism) were more frequent later in the breeding season. There was no consistent relationship between genetic similarity of mates and laying date; the pattern, as well as the degree of genetic similarity, differed among breeding sites within the study population.Communicated by M. Webster  相似文献   
Perhaps the most common form of cooperation among primates is the formation of coalitions. Competition among males within a group concerns a constant quantity of the limiting resource (fertilizations). Contest competition over fertilizations is known to produce payoffs that are distributed according to the priority-of-access model, and hence show an exponential decline in payoff with rank. We develop a model for rank-changing, within-group coalitions among primate males. For these coalitions to occur, they must be both profitable (i.e. improve fitness) for all coalition members and feasible (i.e. be able to beat the targets). We assume that the value of the coalition is the sum of the payoffs of the partners in their original ranks. We distinguish three basic coalition configurations, depending on the dominance ranks of the coalition partners relative to their target. We predict five basic coalition types. First, all-up, rank-changing coalitions targeting individuals ranking above all coalition partners; these are expected to involve coalition partners ranking just below their target, concern top rank, and be small, just two or three animals. Second, bridging, rank-changing coalitions, where higher-rankers support lower-rankers to rise to a rank below themselves; these are expected to be most common where a high-ranking male in a despotic system can support a low-ranking relative. Third, bridging non-rank-changing coalitions; these are expected to be common whenever high-ranking males have low-ranking close relatives. Fourth, non-rank-changing coalitions by high-rankers against lower-ranking targets; these are expected to serve to counteract or prevent the first type. Fifth, non-rank-changing, leveling coalitions, in which all partners rank below their target and which flatten the payoff distribution; these are expected to be large and mainly involve lower-ranking males. Bridging, rank-changing coalitions are expected in situations where contest is strong, all-up rank-changing coalitions where contest is intermediate, and leveling coalitions where contest is weak. We review the empirical patterns found among primates. The strong predictions of the model are confirmed by observational data on male-male coalitions in primates.
Carel P. van SchaikEmail:
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