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A study was made of the pigment composition and ultrastructure of a unicellular cyanophyte living in symbiosis with colonial didemnid ascidians and encrusting sponges collected from the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, in 1981–1984. The ascidians were Trididemnum tegulum Kott and T. clinides. Kott; the sponges were Prianos aff. melanos de Laubenfels, Spirastrella aff. decumbens Ridley and an unidentified brown fleshy sponge (BFS). This cyanophyte seems to be identical with Synechocystis trididemni Lafargue et Duclaux. A phycoerythrin containing both phycourobilin and phycoerythrobilin chromophores was shown to be present; the urobilin was carried on and subunits, no subunit was found. A second phycoerythrin possessing only erythrobilin chromophores was also present. In thin-sections the cells showed no central DNA-containing nucleoid, and an unusual thylakoid arrangement with some thylakoids having greatly expanded lumens forming pseudo-vacuoles in the centre of the cell. Freeze-fracture showed 11 to 12 nm particles on both PF (protoplasmic face) and EF (exoplasmic face) faces of thylakoids. In many ways, the ultrastructure resembled that of the chlorophyll-b containing prokaryote Prochloron spp. 相似文献
Juveniles of the amphipod Allorchestes compressa Dana were exposed to sodium selenite and to seleniferous leachate from coal fly-ash. A maximum acceptable toxicant concentration (MATC) for selenite of >44<93 g Se l-1 is indicated by the results for growth and viability. Leachate:sea water mixtures produced effects which were consistent with selenite toxicity but quantitatively less drastic than expected from the pure selenite work, perhaps because of sulphate antagonism. The results are compared with selenium toxicity data for other aquatic species, and high-light the difficulties of using application factors as the basis for water-quality criteria. 相似文献
Productivity of bacteria and microalgae and the effect of grazing by holothurians in sediments on a coral reef flat 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
D. J. W. Moriarty P. C. Pollard W. G. Hunt C. M. Moriarty T. J. Wassenberg 《Marine Biology》1985,85(3):293-300
Bacterial productivity in sandy sediments on reef flats at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef was determined from the rate of incorporation of tritiated thymidine into DNA. The study was conducted during January 1982 and July 1983. A small diurnal increase occurred in sediments having a dense population of microalgae. Bacterial production was 120 to 370 mg C m-2 d-1 in summer on reef flats, which was equivalent to 30–40% of primary production by benthic microalgae. In winter, rates of primary production by benthic microalgae and secondary production by bacteria were about one-half to one-fifth of those in summer. There was much variation in production, due to patchiness in the distribution of benthic microbes, especially microalgae. Doubling times for the bacteria in surface sediment were 1 to 2 d in summer and 4 to 16 d in winter on the reef flats. These high productivity values for bacteria indicated that a net input of organic matter to the sediment was needed to support the growth of bacteria. Sediment bacteria thus have a very important role in transforming organic matter on the reef flats. Grazing by Holothuria atra depressed both primary production and bacterial production. It was estimated that these holothurians ate about 10 to 40% of bacterial carbon produced each day in summer, and thus have an important role in the carbon cycle. Harpacticoid copepods were numerically important components of the benthic meiofaunal community and probably had a significant impact on bacterial density as grazers. 相似文献
G. A. Henke 《Marine Biology》1985,87(2):181-183
The influence of a bacterial infection in Carcinus maenas both generally and with specific respect to hemolymph proteins is described. The infection shows severe effects upon the moulting cycle and general activity. The total protein concentration remains constant. Qualitative and quantitative differences between healthy and infected crabs appear, however, after electrophoretical separation (Disc-PAGE), indicating the importance of this method as an analytical tool in animal disease research. The protein pattern of the diseased crabs shows two new protein components. The origin of these additional fractions is discussed. Moreover, the levels of most other proteins, which are identified as hemocyanin subunits and a nonrespiratory protein, are higher in diseased crabs, thus indicating an elevated metabolic rate. 相似文献
Summary The vibratory courtship signal generated by abdominal and leg movements of male Cupiennius salei on plants consists of impulses, which in groups of about ten form syllables. A syllable together with the preceding silent pause is called a sequence. Up to 50 sequences chained together form a series. A series together with the preceding silent period is called an interseries. A complete courtship is built up from a row of successive interseries. An additional signal produced by palpal drumming only occurs between syllables. Females respond to ca. 40% of the male signal series with a single irregular signal produced by leg oscillations and lasting for 113–1790 ms. Their response reduces the duration of the male interseries significantly from an average of 27.9 s to 20.6 s. The female signal follows a male signal series within a narrow time frame of 0.89±0.53 s. Analysis over long periods of time and of complete courtships showed the male signalling to be highly structured in the time domain and to contain many cues potentially usable by the female for both such precise timing and conspecific recognition: (1) On average, the interval between the last two syllables is significantly longer than the preceding ones. (2) During the course of a series, syllable durations increase nearly linearly from 93 ms to 123 ms. (3) The twelfth sequence (T-12) prior to the final one (T) is outstanding since here, roughly 4 s before the end of a series, the duration of sequences and pauses, the signal amplitudes and the occurrence of palpal drumming abruptly start to increase. Also, the frequencies contained in the syllables shift to higher values. (4) Between sequences T-4 and T-6 pause duration and sequence duration reach their minimum whereas the values for signal acceleration and the occurrence of palpal drumming are highest. 相似文献
There has long been doubt as to whether there are one or two British species of the sea anemone genus Urticina. In the present study, populations of both putative species, which occur sympatrically in the Isle of Man, have been compared by electrophoresis of isozymes and nematocyst analysis. The analysis of fourteen isozyme loci exhibited a high genetic identity between the two taxa (I=0.907), but four loci showed significant differences in gene frequencies; thus indicating reproductive isolation. The populations displayed highly significant differences in the sizes of the various nematocyst types. The individual analysis of data for each type of nematocyst revealed that the basitrics from the actinopharynx and from the tentacles contribute most to the observed difference. Consequently, U. felina (L.) and U. eques (Gosse) are assumed to be valid species, as suggested by Manuel (1981). The mean heterozygosities for each species (0.410 and 0.436, respectively) are the highest reported for cnidarians. 相似文献
In two temperate reef fish, Pseudolabrus celidotus (Bloch and Schneider) and Tripterygion varium (Bloch and Schneider) studied near Leigh, New Zealand, most spawning activity was concentrated during the first 2 months of spawning seasons which lasted about 5 months. In P. celidotus, maturation and spawning of first-year females (0+) was delayed with respect to older (1+yr) females. Within the 0+ age class, the minimum size of maturation declined as the spawning season proceeded. However, in all females of T. varium, ripening and spawning took place over the same time ranges. Observations on the seasonal patterns of female aggression suggested that larger female P. celidotus were socially inhibiting the maturation of small females. The level of interaction was high compared to that in T. varium, and reached a peak over the onset of the spawning season. This hypothesis was tested by the removal of larger (1+yr) female P. celidotus from a field population. The remaining 0+ females increased in ovary weight and matured earlier than those in an undisturbed area. We argue from this experiment that it is of advantage for P. celidotus females to spawn early in the season and of advantage to inhibit other females from doing so. Two possible reasons are suggested, the first applying to sexchanging species such as P. celidotus, the second to temperate-water fishes in general. 相似文献
The thelycum morphology of 7 species of the genus Nematoscelis, based upon observations with the scanning electron microscope, is described. The thelycum of N. megalops and N. difficilis did not differ either with respect to general morphology of the thelycum, or in spermatophore insertion. In the other 5 species, N. tenella, N. gracilis, N. atlantica, N. lobata, N. microps, the main thelycum structure consists of a central lobe of various forms, to which a filamentous spermatic mass is attached. Preliminary observations on the position of the genital pores of two species are reported briefly. 相似文献
Respiration and physiological state in marine bacteria 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The relationship between oxygen consumption (R) and respiratory electron-transport-system (ETS) activity was investigated in batch cultures of 5 species of marine bacteria, Vibrio adaptatus, V. anguillarum, a partially identified Vibrio sp. SA774, Serratia marinorubra, and Pseudomonas perfectomarinus. Although cellular levels of R and ETS varied widely among the species tested, the R:ETS ratios for growing or senescent populations were relatively constant among the species; these ratios were 5.02 in growth and 0.426 in senescence, with coefficients of variation of 29 and 20%, respectively. The lower senescent-phase R:ETS ratio was due to a depression of the respiration rates following growth termination. The regression log (R per cell) = 0.832 log (ETS per cell) + 0.727 for the growing populations was similar to that determined for marine zooplankton. The slight dependency of the R:ETS ratio on organism dry weight found for zooplankton was supported by our data. Planktonic respiration rates estimated from measured ETS-depth profiles in the eastern tropical North Pacific Ocean using the senescent-phase R:ETS ratio were similar to published oxygen consumption rates in the deep sea.Contribution No. M79-61 from the University of Washington's Department of Oceanography, and No. 79032 from the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences. 相似文献
John T. Mirenda Doug G. Eakins Karen Gravelle Howard Topoff 《Behavioral ecology and sociobiology》1980,7(2):119-127
Summary Colonies of Neivamyrmex nigrescens conduct extensive nocturnal raids on other ants and termites in the desert-grassland of Arizona-New Mexico. We collected quantitative data on several aspects of raiding to pinpoint differences due to colony size and behavioral phase. In the nomadic phase, colonies began raiding at sunset and continued until dawn. Larger colonies covered more area, discovered more prey sites, and collected more booty than smaller colonies, but there were no systematic changes in raid intensity over the course of the nomadic phase. In the statary phase, raiding occurred less frequently and was less intense when it occurred; however, at the end of this phase, raiding was similar to nomadic phase raids in extent, duration, and booty captured.
N. nigrescens preyed exclusively on termites and ants, and appeared to select certain species of Pheidole in preference to other ants. Pheidole was the most abundant genus, but was preyed upon twice as often as expected based on relative colony density. Pheidole attempted to avoid predation by fleeing or defending their nest, but rarely succeeded. Because they are about the same size as army ants and lack defensive chemicals, Pheidole made comparatively easy prey.
N. nigrescens ignored or was repelled by other ants (Pogonomyrmex, Novomessor, Iridomyrmex, Myrmecocystus) during the early summer, when Pheidole was abundant; however, in late summer when Pheidole was less available, the army ants preyed upon Novomessor cockerelli.
N. harrisi raided in close proximity to N. nigrescens, but preyed exclusively on Solenopsis xyloni. Selection of prey and partitioning of resources are now indicated in several army ant species; these processes have probably been important factors in the evolution of the ants' predatory behavior. 相似文献