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Marco A. Aceves-Fernandez J. Carlos Pedraza-Ortega Artemio Sotomayor-Olmedo Juan M. Ramos-Arreguín J. Emilio Vargas-Soto Saul Tovar-Arriaga 《Environmental Modeling and Assessment》2014,19(2):139-152
The use of recurrence plots have been extensively used in various fields. In this work, recurrence plots investigate the changes in the non-linear behaviour of urban air pollution using large datasets of raw data (hourly). This analysis has not been used before to extract information from large datasets for this type of non-linear problem. Two different approaches have been used to tackle this problem. The first approach is to show results according to monitoring network. The second approach is to show the results by particle type. This analysis shows the feasibility of using recurrence analysis for pollution monitoring and control. 相似文献
This study quantifies metal concentrations in washed and unwashed feathers of feral pigeons (Columba livia). The material was collected in two different sites: Goiania (capital of Goiás State), with high anthropic activities, and Jataí (a city in Goiás), with low anthropic activities. Results revealed that metals such as Pb, Cr, and Cd were deposited in the feathers originating from air and soil (exogenous process). Other metals such as Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, which are part of the tissue constitution of a living being, were absorbed through the pigeons' diet (endogenous process). There was a statistically significant difference between mean values of Cd, Pb, and Cr in the three collection sites. The order of metal concentrations were Civic Square > Zoo > Jataí, which shows highest levels of metal contamination in anthropic environments. Significant differences between Cd, Pb, and Cr in washed and unwashed feathers suggest that metal concentrations are directly related to exposure time due to exogenous sources. We concluded that it is possible to quantify and monitor metal levels in the environment by analyzing the feathers of urban feral pigeons. Furthermore, unwashed feathers were especially efficient to investigate endogenous and exogenous absorption of the metals in our study. 相似文献
Galante-Oliveira S Oliveira I Ferreira N Santos JA Pacheco M Barroso C 《Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM》2011,13(2):304-312
Nucella lapillus (dog whelk) imposex levels were assessed along the mainland Portuguese coast in 2006 and 2008 and were compared with available data from 2003 for the same area. Given that specimen size has been described as a factor inducing variation in some of the imposex assessment indices, and thus resulting in less reliable results, new monitoring and data analysis procedures are described and applied to study change of imposex levels from 2003 to 2008. A significant decline in imposex intensity was observed in the study area during the study period, and the Portuguese coast ecological status (under the terms defined by the OSPAR Commission) notably improved after 2003, confirming the effectiveness of the Regulation (EC) No. 782/2003 in reducing TBT pollution. Nevertheless, N. lapillus populations are still extensively affected by imposex, and fresh TBT inputs were detected in seawater throughout the coast in 2006. These recent inputs are attributed to vessels still carrying TBT antifoulants applied before 2003, as their presence in vessels was only forbidden in 2008. Considering that Regulation (EC) No. 782/2003 is an anticipation of the IMO global ban entered into force in September 2008, a worldwide-scale decrease in TBT pollution can be expected in the near future. 相似文献
Rodríguez-Maroto JM García-Delgado RA Gómez-Lahoz C Vereda-Alonso C García-Herruzo F Muñoz MP 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2003,89(2):165-177
Lead and cadmium contamination of an agricultural soil has been studied using batch and column experiments. Thermodynamics of theretention phenomena may be represented by a Langmuir isotherm foran aqueous metal concentration up to 100 mg L-1. First order kinetics with respect to the solid phase yield good predictabilityfor both batch and column experiments. Kinetics and thermodynamics of lead retention predominate over those ofcadmium. As a consequence, lead is preferentially retainedand can even displace sorbed cadmium. In the event of anspill involving both metals, cadmium would move further inthe soil and its aqueous concentration downstream could beeven higher than that of the influent solution, increasingpotential risks. A two-region model has been used to fit all the experimental results. Satisfactory predictions for column experiments are obtained with parameters which are consistent with those obtained for the batch experiments, for which sorption is described by a Langmuir isotherm including competitive retention. 相似文献
Vanessa Santana Vieira Santos Karen Magalhães Arantes Ester Luiza Gonçalves Carlos Fernando Campos Edimar Olegário de Campos Júnior Antônio Marcos Machado de Oliveira Boscolli Barbosa Pereira 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2018,190(5):303
Phyllanthus niruri is a plant that is used to prevent calcium oxalate crystallisation and to block the stone formation in urolithiasis. Contaminants in the environment can be readily taken up by medicinal plants due to their ability to absorb chemicals into their tissues. If contaminated plants are ingested, they have the potential to negatively affect human and environmental health. The aim of this study was to assess contamination in the soil and the medicinal plant P. niruri by cadmium (Cd) in ceramic industrial areas of Monte Carmelo, Brazil. Soil samples and plant samples (divided in root, shoot and leaves) were collected from a contaminated monitoring site and from a rural area (which was used as a reference site for comparative purposes). The Cd concentrations of the samples were analysed with an atomic absorption spectrometer. P. niruri was found to be sensitive to soil contamination by Cd that was attributed to ceramic industrial emissions. The results revealed that Cd bioaccumulation in the roots and shoots of P. niruri was associated with a significant increase (p?<?0.05) in the concentration of active lignan compounds (phyllanthin and hypophyllanthin) in the leaves. The identification of high concentrations of Cd and active lignan compounds suggests a risk of contamination of the site and the risk of a high dose of Cd to people exposed at the site. 相似文献
Thais Cristina de Oliveira Souza Rafael Coll Delgado Iris Cristiane Magistrali Gilsonley Lopes dos Santos Daniel Costa de Carvalho Paulo Eduardo Teodoro Carlos Antônio da Silva Júnior Rodrigo Hotzz Caúla 《Environmental monitoring and assessment》2018,190(11):688
This study aimed to analyze the spectral trend of vegetation with rainfall in El Niño-Southern Oscillation events (ENSO) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Monthly rainfall data were collected from 85 conventional meteorological stations (EMC), data from the Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 (EVI2) and ENSO events (El Niño, La Niña, and Neutral) in the period from 2001 to 2013. Afterwards, state cluster analysis was performed using the results of non-parametric tests. The Mann-Kendall (MK) non-parametric test did not identify a trend pattern in rainfall distribution in the Atlantic Forest. The results for EVI2 by state and region showed that the trend is decreasing in the Northeast Region, except for the states of Alagoas and Pernambuco. Southeast region showed an increasing trend of EVI2 (except for Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), while the South region showed a decreasing trend. In the Midwest, the trend was significantly decreasing. In the prognosis elaborated for the future, the regions with significant declines of the vegetation were the Northeast and Midwest. This study shows that the Atlantic Forest in some regions of Brazil has been suffering from the growing urbanization process and there is a trend of soil degradation. 相似文献
We studied some aspects of the population dynamics of the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides (Deshayes, 1854) which inhabits the eastern sandy beaches of Uruguay. Observations were made from March 1983 through March 1985 (harvesting season), and additional data from January 1988 to December 1989 (closed season) were also included in the analyses. Parameters of growth and mortality were estimated by methods that make use of age or length information. An age/length relationship was constructed by counting growth rings. Results were consistent with those obtained with modal class progression analysis and other length/frequency methods. The growth curve obtained from the age/length relationship did not account for seasonality in growth rate, and a seasonal growth model explained growth oscillations in a better way. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality (M) estimated for the closed season was 1.64, whereas an increase in fishing mortality (F) was observed during 1984. Age composition did not change during the 2 yr of study, and the first 6 mm class accounted for over 50% of the population. The main contribution of recruits was observed between late summer and early fall (February to April), and the recruitment pattern suggested one main settlement period per year. Growth and recruitment success appeared to be regulated by density-dependence processes. Some implications for management are considered in this context. Methodological aspects concerning the reliability of empirical equations and programs for estimating growth and mortality are discussed. 相似文献
Effects of Subsistence Hunting on Vertebrate Community Structure in Amazonian Forests 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Carlos A. Peres 《Conservation biology》2000,14(1):240-253
Abstract: Subsistence hunting affects vast tracts of tropical wilderness that otherwise remain structurally unaltered, yet distinguishing hunted from nonhunted tropical forests presents a difficult problem because this diffuse form of resource extraction leaves few visible signs of its occurrence. I used a standardized series of line-transect censuses conducted over a 10-year period to examine the effects of subsistence game harvest on the structure of vertebrate communities in 25 Amazonian forest sites subjected to varying levels of hunting pressure. Crude vertebrate biomass, which was highly correlated with hunting pressure, gradually declined from nearly 1200 kg km−2 at nonhunted sites to less than 200 kg km−2 at heavily hunted sites. Hunting had a negative effect on the total biomass and relative abundance of vertebrate species in different size classes at these forest sites, but it did not affect their overall density. In particular, persistent hunting markedly reduced the density of large-bodied game species (>5 kg), which contributed a large proportion of the overall community biomass at nonhunted sites (65–78%) and lightly hunted sites (55–71%). Nutrient-rich floodplain forests contained a consistently greater game biomass than nutrient-poor unflooded forests, once I controlled for the effects of hunting pressure. Conservative estimates of game yields indicate that as many as 23.5 million game vertebrates, equivalent to 89,224 tons of bushmeat with a market value of US$190.7 million, are consumed each year by the rural population of Brazilian Amazonia, which illustrates the enormous socioeconomic value of game resources in the region. My cross-site comparison documents the staggering effect of subsistence hunters on tropical forest vertebrate communities and highlights the importance of considering forest types and forest productivity in game management programs. 相似文献