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Activated carbons (ACs) were developed from bio-waste materials like rice husk and peanut shell (PS) by various physicochemical activation methods. PS char digested in nitric acid followed by treatment at 673 K resulted in high surface area up to ~585 m2/g. The novelty of the present study is the identification of oxygen functional groups formed on the surface of activated carbons by infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and quantification by using temperature programmed decomposition (TPD). Typical TPD data indicated that each activation method may lead to varying amounts of acidic and basic functional groups on the surface of the adsorbent, which may be a crucial factor in determining the adsorption capacity. It was shown that ACs developed during the present study are good adsorbents, especially for the removal of a model textile dye methylene blue (MB) from aqueous solution. As MB is a basic dye, H2O2-treated rice husk showed the best adsorption capacity, which is in agreement with the acidic groups present on the surface. Removal of the dye followed Langmuir isotherm model, whereas MB adsorption on ACs followed pseudo-second-order kinetics.  相似文献   
Based on worldwide works available in international literature, this paper describes the status of sewage sludge resulting from settleable solids in waste stabilisation ponds (WSP). This review presents, in detail, sludge characteristics, production and accumulation rates in order to provide background information to those who expect to advise or get involved with sewage disposal in situations where resources are limited. Knowing that several years are usually required for a sludge removal operation and that the long-term sustainability of WSP systems is dependent on the safe and effective management of their sludge, its cost must be estimated and taken into account in the annual maintenance costs of the processes. Thus, this paper intends to summarise desludging methods and their financial estimation. Even when ponds have been functioning for several years, most of the sediments are stabilised well, the final disposal is an issue in terms of risk due, for example, to their content in nematode eggs. More generally, the pathogen content in sludge from WSP ponds has to be known to define an appropriate management and to safeguard public health. Based on existing data, the rates and distribution of helminth eggs will be presented and practical treatment methods will be suggested. A number of sludge utilisation and disposal pathways will also be summarised. Sludge activity in terms of oxygen consumption is also discussed in order to gather more information to improve pond design and keep an economic and sustainable value of WSP. The objectives of the present review are to advance knowledge and gather scientific and technical information on all aspects of sludge management including production, characterisation, management, agricultural reuse and ultimate disposal.  相似文献   
Two non-parametric kriging methods such as indicator kriging and probability kriging were compared and used to estimate the probability of concentrations of Cu, Fe, and Mn higher than a threshold value in groundwater. In indicator kriging, experimental semivariogram values were fitted well in spherical model for Fe and Mn. Exponential model was found to be best for all the metals in probability kriging and for Cu in indicator kriging. The probability maps of all the metals exhibited an increasing risk of pollution over the entire study area. Probability kriging estimator incorporates the information about order relations which the indicator kriging does not, has improved the accuracy of estimating the probability of metal concentrations in groundwater being higher than a threshold value. Evaluation of these two spatial interpolation methods through mean error (ME), mean square error (MSE), kriged reduced mean error (KRME), and kriged reduced mean square error (KRMSE) showed 3.52% better performance of probability kriging over indicator kriging. The combined result of these two kriging method indicated that on an average 26.34%, 65.36%, and 99.55% area for Cu, Fe, and Mn, respectively, are coming under the risk zone with probability of exceedance from a cutoff value is 0.6 or more. The groundwater quality map pictorially represents groundwater zones as ??desirable?? or ??undesirable?? for drinking. Thus the geostatistical approach is very much helpful for the planners and decision makers to devise policy guidelines for efficient management of the groundwater resources so as to enhance groundwater recharge and minimize the pollution level.  相似文献   
Coastal tsunami amplitudes were calculated to identify areas susceptible to tsunami hazard at selected locations of the coast of Karnataka, west of India, due to earthquakes in the Makran Subduction Zone. This is the first time that the probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment along this study area has been attempted. A series of earthquake source scenarios with magnitudes of Mw 8.0, Mw 8.5, and a mega thrust of Mw 9.1 were modeled by using the Community Model Interface for Tsunami interface with the MOST model of Titov and Synolakis (J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 121(6), 308–316, 1995). As per the previous occurrences, the two least magnitudes are probable, while Mw 9.1 is a worst-case scenario as described by Heidarzadeh et al. (Ocean Engineering, 36(5), 368–376, 2009) and the same is reported by Burbidge et al. (Geoscience Australia Professional Opinion No. 2009/11) as high magnitude. These are not at all historical earthquakes or specifically from historical catalogues. The results of modeling show that all the seven coastal locations are inundated barely in our worst-case scenario with maximum water levels in the range of 100–200 cm. The first tsunami wave strikes the coast within 4–5 h of earthquake occurrence.  相似文献   
The impact of point (domestic and industrial effluents) and non-point (agricultural land runoff) pollution sources on the quality of the receiving waters of the Evrotas River (Laconia, Greece) was investigated during a monitoring study from August 1991 to August 1992. The part of the river which was located near the city of Sparta was seasonally influenced by the discharge of effluents from orange juice plants (operating during winter) and by the discharge of septage for the emptying of cesspools which are serving part of the city. The low dilution of incoming pollutants (septage) during the low water flow in summer lead to the decreasing self-purification capacity of the river and the development of septicity conditions in some of its parts. In the vicinity of intensively cultivated areas, the high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus which were detected in the river water during winter and spring may be partly attributed to the leaching of the applied fertilizers because of nirogen mobilization and soil erosion, following the season's precipitations. The protection of the Evrotas River water Quality must therefore include adequate treatment of the septage produced in the area, as well as the construction of wastewater treatment plants for the major industries of the area. The non-point pollution could be controlled by the restoration of the Evrotas riparian vegetation, together with a more rational use of fertilizers in the area.  相似文献   
Argillaceous formations are thought to be suitable natural barriers to the release of radionuclides from a radioactive waste repository. However, the safety assessment of a waste repository hosted by an argillaceous rock requires knowledge of several properties of the host rock such as the hydraulic conductivity, diffusion properties and the pore water composition. This paper presents an experimental design that allows the determination of these three types of parameters on the same cylindrical rock sample. The reliability of this method was evaluated using a core sample from a well-investigated indurated argillaceous formation, the Opalinus Clay from the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory (URL) (Switzerland). In this test, deuterium- and oxygen-18-depleted water, bromide and caesium were injected as tracer pulses in a reservoir drilled in the centre of a cylindrical core sample. The evolution of these tracers was monitored by means of samplers included in a circulation circuit for a period of 204 days. Then, a hydraulic test (pulse-test type) was performed. Finally, the core sample was dismantled and analysed to determine tracer profiles. Diffusion parameters determined for the four tracers are consistent with those previously obtained from laboratory through-diffusion and in-situ diffusion experiments. The reconstructed initial pore-water composition (chloride and water stable-isotope concentrations) was also consistent with those previously reported. In addition, the hydraulic test led to an estimate of hydraulic conductivity in good agreement with that obtained from in-situ tests.  相似文献   
The present study attempts to analyze the biosorption trend of biosorbent Caulerpa fastigiata (macroalgae) biomass for removal of toxic heavy metal ion Pb (II) from solution as a function of initial metal ion concentration, pH, temperature, sorbent dosage, and biomass particle size. The sorption data fitted with various isotherm models and Freundlich model was the best one with correlation coefficient of 0.999. Kinetic study results revealed that the sorption data on Pb (II) with correlation coefficient of 0.999 can best be represented by pseudo-second-order. The biosorption capacity (q e ) of Pb (II) is 16.11?±?0.32 mg g?1 on C. fastigiata biomass. Thermodynamic studies showed that the process is exothermic (ΔH° negative). Free energy change (ΔG°) with negative sign reflected the feasibility and spontaneous nature of the process. The SEM studies showed Pb (II) biosorption on selective grains of the biosorbent. The FTIR spectra indicated bands corresponding to –OH, COO?, –CH, C?=?C, C?=?S, and –C–C– groups were involved in the biosorption process. The XRD pattern of the C. fastigiata was found to be mostly amorphous in nature.  相似文献   
In this article, adsorption modelling was presented to describe the sorption of textile dye, Direct Red 75 (DR75), from coloured wastewater onto the natural and modified adsorbent, Posidonia oceanica. The formulation of the double-layer model with two energy levels was based on statistical physics and theoretical considerations. Thanks to the grand canonical ensemble in statistical physics some physico-chemical parameters related to the adsorption process were introduced in the analytical model expression. Fitting results show that the dye molecules are adsorbed in parallel position to the adsorbent surface. The magnitudes of the calculated adsorption energies show that the DR75 dye is physisorbed onto Posidonia. Both Van der Waals and hydrogen interactions are implicated in the adsorption process. Despite its simplicity, the model fits a wide range of experimental data, thereby supporting the underlying data that the grafted groups facilitate the parallel anchorage of the anionic dye molecule. Thermodynamic parameters, such as adsorption energy, entropy, Gibbs free adsorption energy and internal energy were calculated according to the double-layer model. Results suggested that the DR75 adsorption onto Posidonia was a spontaneous and exothermic process.  相似文献   
The population biology and life strategies of Chlorophthalmus agassizii were studied in the Ionian Sea (eastern–central Mediterranean) using the data collected during the experimental trawl surveys carried out from 1995 to 2000. Depth-related trends of both density and size were found. With depth the former decreased while the latter increased. A typical bigger–deeper phenomenon was detected: young-of-the-year individuals occur on the shelf during autumn–winter months and move towards bathyal bottoms as they grow. The sampled population was made up of several size–age groups. The maximum age of 8 years was identified by means of otolith readings. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated from the age–length key (L =189.04±5.401 mm; k=0.24±0.021; t o=−1.20±0.132; φ′=3.94) and modal progression analysis (L =218.33±18.397 mm; k=0.164±0.028; t o=−1.694±0.171; φ′=3.89). Reproduction of this monoecious fish was observed during summer–early autumn. Considering the female portion of the gonad, the size at attainment of 50% maturity was 115 mm TL. The corresponding age is within the third year of life. The simultaneous occurrence of oocytes in different development stages was shown in the ovary. Both the asynchronous ovary and oocyte size distribution indicate that C. agassizii spawns more than once during a reproductive season (batch spawner). Functional fecundity (on average 3,018 hydrated oocytes) was between 37 and 69% of the absolute fecundity and increased significantly with the individual size. Since adult specimens are mostly distributed on the slope, eggs and larvae develop in epipelagic waters and migrate in-shore where juvenile forms recruit on the shelf. Juveniles migrate ontogenetically towards deeper bottoms and after 2–3 years start to reproduce annually within a life span greater than 10 years.  相似文献   
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