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This paper presents a case study in which integrated forensic oil fingerprinting and data interpretation techniques were used to characterize the chemical compositions and determine the source of the 2009 Sarnia (Ontario) oil spill incident. The diagnostic fingerprinting techniques include determination of hydrocarbon groups and semi-quantitative product-type screening via gas chromatography (GC), analysis of oil-characteristic biomarkers and the extended suite of parent and alkylated PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) homologous series via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), determination and comparison of a variety of diagnostic ratios of "source-specific marker" compounds, and determination of the weathering degree of the spilled oil, and whether the spilled oil hydrocarbons have been mixed with any other "background" chemicals (biogenic and/or pyrogenic hydrocarbons). The detailed chemical fingerprinting data and results reveal the following: (1) all four samples are mixtures of diesel and lubricating oil with varying percentages of diesel to lube oil. Both samples 1460 and 1462 are majority diesel-range oil mixed with a smaller portion of lube oil. Sample 1461 contains slightly less diesel-range oil. Sample 1463 is majority lubricating-range oil. (2) The diesel in the four diesel/lube oil mixture samples was most likely the same diesel and from the same source. (3) The spill sample 1460 and the suspected-source sample 1462 have nearly identical concentrations and distribution patterns of target analytes including TPHs, n-alkane, PAHs and biomarker compounds; and have nearly identical diagnostic ratios of target compounds as well. Furthermore, a perfect "positive match" correlation line (with all normalized ratio data points falling into the straight correlation line) is clearly demonstrated. It is concluded that the spill oil water sample 1460 (#1, from the water around the vessel enclosed by a boom) matches with the suspected source sample 1462 (#3, from the vessel engine room bilge pump). (4) From the n-alkane and PAH analysis, it appears that the oil in the spill sample 1460 is slightly more weathered in comparison with sample 1462. The minor differences in fingerprints of two samples were most likely caused by weathering effects. (5) Sample 1461 (#2, from the vessel engine room bilge) and sample 1463 (#4, from the vessel bilge waste collection tank) demonstrated significantly different fingerprints and diagnostic ratios of target compounds from that of spill sample 1460. This was caused most likely by percentages of diesel to lube oil in these two samples different from that in spill sample 1460.  相似文献   
Reports on the occurrence and intake assessment of mercury for Korean seafood are currently not available. This is the first report to estimate the intake of methyl (Me-Hg) and total mercury (T-Hg) from seafood consumption in Korea. The concentrations of Me-Hg and T-Hg in seafood ranged from 1.02 to 780 (mean: 55.6) ng g(-1) wet weight and 4.89 to 1008 (mean: 100) ng g(-1) wet weight, respectively. The residue levels of Me-Hg and T-Hg in Korean seafood were moderate compared with those found in other countries. The methylation ratios of fish, cephalopods and crustaceans were similar, but shellfish had lower values compared with other species. The intakes of Me-Hg and T-Hg from seafood consumption for the general population were estimated to be 38.8 and 73.8 ng kg(-1) body weight per day, respectively. Mackerel, tuna and squid made the highest contributions to the total intake of these contaminants. Among eight age groups, 30-49 year and 3-6 year age groups had the highest exposure to Me-Hg and T-Hg. The concentrations and intakes of Me-Hg and T-Hg from Korean seafood were less than the allowable residue levels and threshold intake levels suggested by Korean and international authorities. The present study may be useful for risk management of mercury in Korean seafood.  相似文献   
The transport behaviors of a suite of contaminants released from electronic waste (e-waste) recycling operations, including polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and heavy metals, were evaluated by analyzing the contaminant residues in surface soils sampled in the surrounding area of an e-waste recycling site in South China. Concentrations of PBDEs and PCBs in the soil samples ranged from 0.565 to 2908 ng g(-1) dw and from 0.267 to 1891 ng g(-1) dw, respectively, while soil residues were 0.082-2.56, 3.22-287, and 16.3-162 μg g(-1) dw for Cd, Cu, and Pb, respectively. Concentrations of PBDEs and PCBs in soil decreased with increasing distance from the source of pollution, indicating possible PBDE and PCB contamination in the surrounding areas due to the short-range transport of these compounds from the e-waste recycling site. Although no significant difference in the short-range transport potential among PBDE and PCB congeners was observed, reductions in concentrations of the highly-brominated-BDEs and highly-chlorinated-CBs were slightly quicker than those of their less-halogen-substituted counterparts. Conversely, heavy metals showed the lowest transport potential due to their low vapor pressure, and results showed metals would remain near the pollution source instead of diffusing into the surrounding areas. Finally, mass inventories in areas near the e-waste site were 0.920, 0.134, 0.860, 4.68, 757, and 673 tons for BDE209, PBDEs (excluding BDE209), PCBs, Cd, Cu, and Pb, respectively.  相似文献   
本文就我国“三同时”制度实施中存在的问题进行了较全面的剖析,并针对这些问题提出了解决的办法,为我国进一步完善“三同时”制度,拓展“三同时”管理的内涵,制订有关“三同时”管理细则提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
郑州市固体废物现状及控制对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对基准年(1998年)郑州市固体废物污染现状调查及存在问题分析,预测了2000~2015年固体废物的产生量,提出郑州市固体废物远景规划目标,并明确实现这一目标的污染控制对策及具体投资项目。  相似文献   
战略环境评价及其应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了战略环境价的概念、产生原因、研究现状及其工作程序,结合川南矿肥工程项目对它进行了应用初探,提出了计划、规划层次SEA的方法和指标,并对我国环评工作提出了建议。  相似文献   
吉林克拉通广泛出露的粗粒黑云长英片麻岩是以英云闪长岩为主的TTG深成侵入体 ,原始岩浆来自幔源物质的部分熔融作用 ,同源岩浆不同演化阶段形成多种岩石类型 (Gnbd、GnblⅠ、GnblⅡ ) ,后经变质构成统一古陆。古陆隆升 ,边缘滑脱和裂解并接受元古宙地层沉积。层间滑动和韧性剪切达上地幔 ,使部分太古宙黑云长英片麻岩被卷进地层 ,幔源物质加入成矿。这使人们打破原层控金矿的认识 ,将整个古陆边缘金矿床统归于构造 -成矿系统 ,依构造动力学特征的不同划分为三类 :离散型陆缘构造 -成矿系统 ,以中型金矿和Fe、Al、P、B为主 ;会聚型陆缘构造 -成矿系统 ,以金矿化和Ni、Cr为主 ;走滑型陆缘构造 -成矿系统 ,以大型金矿和Cu、Pb、Zn为主 ,该系统有助于全面认识构造特征和矿床分布规律 ,为区域成矿预测和勘查提供科学依据。  相似文献   
运用氢化物发生-原子荧光法测定废气中锡的含量,选择了更高效、安全的硝酸-双氧水电热板消解体系对样品进行前处理,调节最佳仪器参数进行测定。研究表明:在0-10μg/L线性范围内,曲线相关系数可以达到0.999 6,方法检出限为0.003μg,加标回收率在92.7%-95.9%之间,RSD≤2.1。氢化物-原子荧光法测定废气中的锡,方法灵敏度高,干扰少,线性范围宽,操作简单、快捷。  相似文献   
2011年教育部一号文件明确规定要把思想政治理论课(以下简称"思政课")实践教学纳入正式教学环节。只有对思政课实践教学进行科学定义,厘清思政课实践教学与其他教学的区别和联系,找准当前存在的问题和不足,提炼出思政课实践教学的特点,进而建立科学规范的教学内容、教学方法、教学形式和考评机制,才能使其落到实处。  相似文献   
秦皇岛作为著名的沿海旅游城市,外语语言环境作为旅游软环境的一个重要因素直接影响着整个旅游产业的综合竞争力。鉴于此,对秦皇岛市外语语言软环境进行调查摸底。调查结果表明,旅游景区标示语及城市公示语的翻译存在不同程度的问题,旅游从业人员总体素质不高,市民的外语能力普遍偏低。以调查结果为依托,从政府导向、行业把关、全民参与三方面提出了优化秦皇岛市旅游业外语语言软环境的建议。  相似文献   
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