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Diurnal changes in abundance caused by vertical migrations have been examined in populations of copepods, ostracods, euphausiids, amphipods, decapods, chaetognaths, siphonophores and fish. The animals were taken in a series of hauls made over a 24 h period with an opening-closing midwater trawl system (RMT 1+8), consisting of a net of 1 m2 mouth area combined in the same frame as one of 8 m2 mouth area. The samples were taken at 250 m depth in a position 30°N; 23°W on 7/8 April 1972. The specific composition of the community and the numbers of individuals changed continuously with time. The numbers of fish, decapods and chaetognaths increased at night, but those of copepods, ostracods and euphausiids decreased. More species of fish, decapods and copepods were present by night than by day, whereas the numbers of species per haul for other groups remained fairly constant. The relative abundances of groups caught by the RMT 1 have been analysed, but similar treatment of the RMT 8 samples was impossible as only 3 groups were taken from this net. Non-migrants were a minority in every group except chaetognaths. Migrant species have been put into one of 6 transitory categories according to their patterns of abundance and hence migrations. Within each category, migratory behaviour varied both inter- and intraspecifically. The patterns of abundance of many species were smooth and continuous, suggesting slow migratory cycles of small amplitude. Conversely, extensive migrants had discontinuous patterns and presumably more rapid movements. Few migrants had a steady numerical plateau between their upward and downward migrations, and most apparently moved up or down continuously. The presence of migratory species in the sampled layer depended upon the time of day or night. It is concluded that, in a vertical series of hauls, the depths of occurrence of migrants will vary with the sampling time. Further-more, a vertical series will show a species minimum migration range but not necessarily its maximum. Individuals of some species were out of phase with the migrations of their main populations. There is evidence that the distributions and migrations of some species of decapods, euphausiids, copepods and fish could be related to the distribution of underwater light. Three pairs of congeneric copepod species were both spatially and temporally segregated for at least part of their diurnal cycles. Such an orderly arrangement could provide a means of reducing competition between species. Some species, however, overtook others on their migrations and the pattern of underwater light cannot, therefore, regulate the distribution of all species in the same way.  相似文献   
The global demand for agricultural products, including food, is rapidly increasing due to population growth and shifts in consumption patterns. The required increase in agricultural production is predominantly to be achieved in countries with relatively low agricultural production levels at present. These are mainly developing countries and countries in transition, the so-called non-Annex I countries of the UNFCCC. However, intensification of agricultural production systems is currently closely linked to high emissions of greenhouse gases notably nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). In this paper the relations between population growth, agricultural development and emissions of N2O and CH4 were assessed for 10 non-Annex I countries, viz. China, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Mongolia, Nigeria, Tanzania and South Africa. We combined FAO data on agricultural production levels, CENSUS data on population statistics and EDGAR data on N2O and CH4 emissions. The projected trends in agricultural production indicate that emissions of N2O and CH4 are expected to increase rapidly in the coming years and will level off from 2040 onwards. The results confirm the positive relation between population increase and increased emissions from agricultural activities for most countries. However, for some countries (South Africa, China and Mexico) this relation was weak or absent. Although numerous factors (e.g. changes in international trade) may have scattered the relation and we were unable to explain this decoupling, it suggests that population growth can be possible without additional emissions. The variation between the different countries and farming systems is however large and mitigation measures at farm-level should be tailored to the wide diversity in environmental conditions, regional customs and farming systems.  相似文献   
All California abalone species have been shown to be susceptible to infection with the bacterial agent of abalone withering syndrome (WS), although expression of signs of the disease may vary between species and with environmental conditions. We examined thermal modulation of WS expression in green abalone Haliotis fulgens at temperatures mimicking El Niño (18.0°C) and La Niña (14.2°C) events in southern California. In contrast to results obtained from previous experiments with red abalone, H. rufescens, the higher temperature did not result in higher infection intensities of the causative agent of the disease nor increase in clinical signs of disease. These results demonstrate clear differences in thermal regulation of disease expression between abalone species, and provide further data suggesting that green abalone should be a target species of recovery efforts in southern California, where WS is endemic.  相似文献   
Partial migration is thought to be a critical step in the evolution of avian migration, but data on the life history correlates of alternative migratory strategies are extremely limited. We have studied a partially migratory population of American Dippers since 1999. This population is composed of sedentary individuals (residents) that maintain the same territory year round and altitudinal migrants that share winter grounds with residents, but move to higher elevations to breed. We used seven years of data on individually marked birds to (1) determine if individuals consistently use the same migratory strategy, (2) determine if offspring have the same strategy as their parents, and (3) estimate reproductive and survival rates of the two migratory strategies. We evaluate hypotheses for the persistence of partial migration and discuss their implication for the evolution of migration in sedentary populations. Individual American Dippers rarely switched migratory strategy (4/169 monitored more than one year). An individual's strategy, however, was not always that of its parents, indicating that, while migratory behavior may have a genetic component, environmental or social conditions probably influence the migratory strategy that an individual adopts. Sedentary dippers consistently had higher annual productivity (approximately 1.4 more fledglings/year) than migratory dippers, but mark-recapture models suggested that migratory dippers may have slightly higher survival than residents (approximately 3.4%). Migrants were estimated to have lower lifetime reproductive success than residents because their higher survival was insufficient to offset their lower productivity. Our data suggest that alternative migratory strategies in American Dippers are unlikely to be a fixed genetic dimorphism that persists because the two strategies have equal fitness, or because the relative fitness of the two strategies fluctuates over time. Migratory strategies in American Dippers are more likely to be condition dependent, and the two strategies persist because migrants "make the best of a bad job" by moving to higher elevations to breed. Because migrants obtained no fitness benefits by moving to seasonal breeding territories, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that migration could evolve in sedentary populations if competition for limited resources forces some individuals to seek breeding opportunities outside their initial range.  相似文献   
In this study we investigated the cometabolic oxidation of six cyclic ethers by alkane‐grown Mycobacterium vaccae JOB5. These ethers include, among others, tetrahydrofuran (THF), 1,4‐dioxane (14D), 1,3‐dioxolane (13DO), and tetrahydropyran (THP). Cells grown on propane, n‐butane, n‐pentane, isobutane, or isopentane oxidized all six ethers. Ether‐degrading activity was inhibited by acetylene in alkane‐grown cells and was largely absent from cells grown on dextrose‐containing media. Propane competitively inhibited THF oxidation. γ‐Butyrolactone (γBL) accumulated and was also further oxidized during THF oxidation by propane‐grown cells. In contrast, no products were detected during 14D oxidation. Propane‐grown cells also rapidly oxidized 3‐hydroxytertrahydrofuran and exhibited strong hemiacetal‐oxidizing activity in an assay following methyl formate production from mixtures of methanol and formaldehyde. These observations suggest γBL is likely generated during THF oxidation through further oxidation of 2‐hydroxytetrahydrofuran. Limited growth of strain JOB5 was supported by several cyclic ethers and the corresponding lactones and diols potentially derived from these compounds. However, strain JOB5 grew more readily on 4‐hydroxybutyrate, the product of γBL hydrolysis. The ability of strain JOB5 to productively assimilate THF‐derived metabolites during growth on n‐alkanes was examined in carbon‐limited batch cultures. Relative to C‐limited growth on n‐pentane alone, culture growth increased up to twofold in the presence of THF while no stimulation of growth was observed in comparable experiments conducted with n‐pentane and 14D. Our results are discussed in terms of their significance to our understanding of cyclic ether cometabolism and their potential impact on approaches for cyclic ether biodegradation in the environment. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Salmonella and Escherichia coli are two bacteria that are important causes of human and animal disease worldwide. Chlorate is converted in the cell to chlorite, which is lethal to these bacteria. An HPLC procedure was developed for the rapid analysis of chlorate (ClO(3)(-)), nitrate (NO(3)(-)), and nitrite (NO(2)(-)) ions in bovine ruminal fluid samples. Standard curves for chlorite, nitrite, nitrate, and chlorate were well defined linear curves with R(2) values of 0.99846, 0.99106, 0.99854, and 0.99138, respectively. Concentrations of chlorite could not be accurately determined in bovine ruminal fluid because chlorite reacts with or binds a component(s) or is reduced to chloride in bovine ruminal fluid resulting in low chlorite measurements. A standard curve ranging from 25 to 150 ppm ClO(3)(-) ion was used to measure chlorate fortified into ruminal fluid. The concentration of chlorate was more rapidly lowered (P < 0.01) under anaerobic compared to aerobic incubation conditions. Chlorate alone or chlorate supplemented with the reductants sodium lactate or glycerol were bactericidal in anaerobic incubations. In anaerobic culture, the addition of sodium formate to chlorate-fortified ruminal fluid appeared to decrease chlorate concentrations; however, formate also appeared to moderate the bactericidal effect of chlorate against E. coli. Addition of the reductants, glycerol or lactate, to chlorate-fortified ruminal fluid did not increase the killing of E. coli at 24 h, but may be useful when the reducing equivalents are limiting as in waste holding reservoirs or composting systems required for intense animal production.  相似文献   
Summary. The European plant Thlaspi caerulescens hyperaccumulates zinc in its leaves to concentrations exceeding 2 %. This may represent a defense against herbivory, as shown by reduced feeding on plants grown in high-zinc versus low-zinc substrates. However, the more evolutionarily relevant comparison involves plants whose metal content differs due to genetic rather than environmental causes. In our study, plants were grown in a uniform hydroponic solution containing 10 mg/l Zn. Foliar Zn concentrations were measured, and plants of contrasting Zn concentration were chosen for feeding trials using Pieris napi oleracea larvae. Comparisons revealed no statistically significant preferences when young larvae were used, but highly significant avoidance of high-Zn leaves by later-instar caterpillars, suggesting that hyperaccumulation could evolve in response to the selective pressures of herbivory.  相似文献   
The pulmonate limpet Siphonaria gigas, a simultaneous hermaphrodite, lives in the mid- to upper-intertidal zone on rocky shores in the tropical Eastern Pacific. Samples along five transects taken in June–July, 2004, on Culebra Point (8º54′N to 79º31′W), Republic of Panama, showed that 71 % of the population occurred in fissures, a significant preference for this habitat. Of 200 adults in 27 fissures, 150 lived side by side in pairs with their shells touching or nearly so, a significant deviation from the number of pairs expected given a random arrangement. Pair frequency did not increase with limpet density suggesting pairing was not an incidental consequence of crowding. Pair living was unknown in the genus Siphonaria, and is very uncommon among simultaneous hermaphrodites. Reproductive synchrony and restrictions on movement due to predation and environmental stress may limit opportunities for encountering and mating with multiple partners favoring pair living in S. gigas.  相似文献   
The problems posed by adaptive management for improved ecosystem health are reviewed. Other kinds of science-informed ecosystem management are needed for those regions of conflict between rapid human population growth, increased resource extraction, and the rising demand for better environmental amenities, where large-scale experiments are not feasible. One new framework is threshold-based resource management. Threshold-based resource management guides management choices among four major science and engineering approaches to achieve healthier ecosystems: self-sustaining ecosystem management, adaptive management, case-by-case resource management, and high-reliability management. As resource conflicts increase over a landscape (i.e., as the ecosystems in the landscape move through different thresholds), management options change for the environmental decision-maker in terms of what can and cannot be attained by way of ecosystem health. The major policy and management implication of the framework is that the exclusive use or recommendation of any one management regime, be it self-sustaining, adaptive, case-by-case, or high-reliability management, across all categories of ecosystems within a heterogeneous landscape that is variably populated and extractively used is not only inappropriate, it is fatal to the goals of improved ecosystem health. The article concludes with detailed proposals for environmental decision-makers to undertake “bandwidth management” in ways that blend the best of adaptive management and high-reliability management for improved ecosystem health while at the same time maintaining highly reliable flows of ecosystem services, such as water.  相似文献   
In sexually promiscuous mammals, female reproductive effort is mainly expressed through gestation, lactation, and maternal care, whereas male reproductive effort is mainly manifested as mating effort. In this study, we investigated whether reproduction has significant survival costs for a seasonally breeding, sexually promiscuous species, the rhesus macaque, and whether these costs occur at different times of the year for females and males, namely in the birth and the mating season, respectively. The study was conducted with the rhesus macaque population on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. Data on 7,402 births and 922 deaths over a 45-year period were analyzed. Births were concentrated between November and April, while conceptions occurred between May and October. As predicted, female mortality probability peaked in the birth season whereas male mortality probability peaked in the mating season. Furthermore, as the onset of the birth season gradually shifted over the years in relation to climatic changes, there was a concomitant shift in the seasonal peaks of male and female mortality. Taken together, our findings provide the first evidence of sex differences in the survival costs of reproduction in nonhuman primates and suggest that reproduction has significant fitness costs even in environments with abundant food and absence of predation.  相似文献   
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