The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of early life stage triclosan (5-chloro-2-(2,4, dichlorophenoxy)phenol, TCS) exposure on hatching, development, and survival in the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas. Embryonic minnows were exposed to TCS (50 and 100 µg L?1) for 10 days followed by 6 weeks depuration. Mortality and morphological deformities were recorded and quantified during exposure and at the end of depuration. No significant effects on embryonic survival, time to reach the eyed stage, or hatching were found. However, at the conclusion of the depuration period, survival was significantly reduced in TCS exposed fish depending on the concentration. Visual inspection of the exposed fish suggests that mortality is related to spinal deformities, emaciation, and reduced foraging ability. Triclosan exhibits deleterious effects in fish at lower concentrations over longer durations than previously reported. Further, mortality in exposed fish 6 weeks after exposure demonstrates the need for various exposure assays to evaluate effects of TCS. 相似文献
Increasing anthropogenic pressure on the largest remaining tracts of old-growth boreal forest in Europe necessitates additional conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity in northeastern European Russia. In a regional network comprising 8 % of the Nenets Autonomous District and 13.5 % of the Komi Republic, 248 areas have varying protected statuses as state nature reserves (zapovedniks), national parks, reserves/sanctuaries (zakazniks), or natural monuments. Due to increased natural resource extraction in this relatively pristine area, designation of additional protected areas is critical for the protection of key ecological sites. The history of ecological preservation in these regions is herein described, and recent recommendations for incorporating additional ecologically representative areas into the regional network are presented. If the protected area network can be expanded, the overall environmental stability in these globally significant ecosystems may remain intact, and can help Russia meet the 2020 Aichi conservation targets, as set forth by the Convention of Biological Diversity. 相似文献
Objective: Adaptive cruise control (ACC), a technology that allows for automated car following, is becoming increasingly prevalent. Previous surveys have shown that drivers generally regard ACC as pleasant but that they have to intervene when the ACC reaches its operational limits. The former research has been mostly concerned with specific car brands and does not fully reflect the diversity of ACC types in traffic today. The objective of the present research was to establish the determinants of pleasure in using ACC.
Methods: A 55-item online questionnaire was completed by Dutch users of diverse ACC systems.
Results: Respondents (N = 182) rated their ACC highly, with a mean score of 8.0 on a scale from 1 (extraordinarily negative) to 10 (extraordinarily positive) and were most pleased with ACC on high-speed roads and in low-density traffic. Moreover, the findings point to specific operational limits such as associated with cut-in situations. Pleasure was greater for the types of ACC that are able to decelerate to a full stop, according to 48% of our sample. An analysis of the free-response items indicated that respondents who were displeased with ACC mentioned its occasional clumsiness and the dangerous situations it may evoke, whereas those who were pleased with ACC valued the complementarity of human and machine and emphasized the roles of responsibility and experience in using ACC.
Conclusion: Pleasure in using ACC is a function of both technological advances and human factors. 相似文献
The Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality are a key document in the Australian National Water Quality Management Strategy. These guidelines released in 2000 are currently being reviewed and updated. The revision is being co-ordinated by the Australian Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, while technical matters are dealt with by a series of Working Groups. The revision will be evolutionary in nature reflecting the latest scientific developments and a range of stakeholder desires. Key changes will be: increasing the types and sources of data that can be used; working collaboratively with industry to permit the use of commercial-in-confidence data; increasing the minimum data requirements; including a measure of the uncertainty of the trigger value; improving the software used to calculate trigger values; increasing the rigour of site-specific trigger values; improving the method for assessing the reliability of the trigger values; and providing guidance of measures of toxicity and toxicological endpoints that may, in the near future, be appropriate for trigger value derivation. These changes will markedly improve the number and quality of the trigger values that can be derived and will increase end-users’ ability to understand and implement the guidelines in a scientifically rigorous manner. 相似文献
An investigation has been made of the suitability of a nondispersive infrared analyzer and two flame-ionization analyzers for measuring the total hydrocarbon concentrations of automobile exhaust gas. The investigation consisted of measuring relative responses of various hydrocarbons, checking for possible exhaust gas interferences and finally comparing exhaust hydrocarbon concentrations indicated by the flame-ionization analyzer to those indicated by the infrared analyzer. The infrared analyzer has high relative responses for parraffins and low responses for olefins, acetylenes, and aromatics. Also, the infrared indicated hydrocarbon concentrations must be corrected for exhaust water vapor interference. When the flameionization analyzers are operated at conditions that result in approximately uniform response to hydrocarbons and low oxygen interference, the exhaust hydrocarbon concentrations indicated by either flameionization analyzer are better approximations of the total hydrocarbon concentration than those indicated by the infrared analyzer. 相似文献
A study was conducted to evaluate performance and cost comparisons of fabric filters and alternate fine particulate control techniques. In relating the removal of fine particulate to costs, due to the lack of fractional efficiency data, it was found necessary to treat a specific application in order to make the study manageable. The case chosen is that of the coal fired industrial boiler since Enviro-Systems has a pilot program in this application area. 相似文献
As many of you know, I previously served as Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency at a time when the problem of air pollution control was reaching a peak of public awareness. The work of the Air Pollution Control Association in investigating facts and accelerating the development of solutions earned my high respect then and my continued admiration now. 相似文献