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本文在界定耕地总量动态平衡是由耕地数量、耕地质量和耕地生态环境三者组成的整体平衡的基础之上 ,对耕地总量的评价方法进行了初步研究 ,并以启东市为例 ,构建了耕地生产力总量动态平衡规划模式。  相似文献   
近10年海南岛大气NO2的时空变化及污染物来源解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用OMI卫星反演的NO2柱浓度数据,分析了近10年海南岛对流层NO2柱浓度(Tro NO2)和总NO2柱浓度(Tot NO2)的时空变化,同时结合地面风向、SO2排放资料,以及HYSPLIT模式等探究其大气污染物来源.结果表明,海南岛地区大气NO2呈北半部高于南半部、中部山区低于四周沿海的分布特征,其季节变化表现为冬季高、夏季低的特点,其中夏季浓度偏低和雨水的冲刷作用有关,而冬季浓度偏高与珠江三角洲地区的外源输送作用有密切联系.近10年海南岛大气NO2冬夏季有相反的变化趋势,冬季逐年下降,夏季则有弱的上升趋势.其原因可能是夏季大气污染物以本地排放为主,冬季外源输送起主要贡献作用.海口市Tro NO2与珠江三角洲地区的有利风向日数相关系数为0.84,通过了99%的信度检验.后向轨迹分析表明,2013年12月影响海口市的3条气流移动路径,均不同程度的经过珠江三角洲地区,进一步表明海南岛冬季大气污染物主要以珠江三角洲地区的外源输送为主.  相似文献   
县域土地资源可持续利用研究——江苏启东市的实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
启东市土地资源具有后备资源丰富,开发复垦潜力大,土地利用率较高、土地利用经济效果区域差异较大,农村居民点布局分散、土地整理潜力较大的特点,但随着进一步的开发利用,启东市土地资源将发现出以下若干非持续性的特征:人口不断增加,人均耕地逐年减少,土地污染严重,耕地质量进一步下降;土地利用区域差异较大,发展不平衡;土地养用矛盾突出,滩涂围垦难度加大等。在上述分析的基础之上,提出了启东市土地资源可持续利用的战略目标,然后提出了启东市土地资源可持续利用的对策与措施,包括科学编制规划,建立土地利用规划实施体系;加强非农用地管理,建立严格的农地保护制度;充分利用丰富的水面资源,加强滩涂开发;优化土地利用结构。调整用地布局;激励农民对耕地的投入,制定多种“用”“养”结合的措施。  相似文献   
填埋是西藏城乡生活垃圾处理处置主要方式.受垃圾填埋场渗滤液的影响,垃圾填埋场周边环境污染问题越来越引起社会关注.本文于2018年3月22日对拉萨市渗滤液处理站正南50 m和西南200 m处进行土壤采样,分析土壤酸度及Cd、Hg、As、Ni、Cu、Pb、Cr、Zn等8种重金属含量水平,采用Hakanson潜在生态风险危害法对垃圾填埋场周边土壤生态风险进行分析评价.结果表明,受垃圾渗滤液的影响,垃圾渗滤液处理站周边土壤酸度降低;Cd、As和Zn等3种重金属在两个监测点的含量均高于拉萨城市土壤元素背景值和中国土壤元素背景值,其中污染贡献率最大的是Cd,分别是拉萨城市土壤背景值的6.67倍和中国城市土壤元素背景值的8.25倍;根据两个监测RI值可知,150≤RI300为中等生态危害,其危害程度为西南200 m正南50 m.  相似文献   
Abstract:  Few demographic models for any species consider the role of multiple, interacting ecological threats. Many forest herbs are heavily browsed by white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) and a number of these are also harvested for the medicinal, floral, or horticultural trades. Previous studies of the viability of American ginseng ( Panax quinquefolius ) have separately examined the effects of harvesting and deer herbivory. We followed individually marked ginseng plants in 6 populations for 8 years and documented deer browse levels, conducted helicopter surveys to estimate the deer herd size, and documented 2 ginseng harvests. We used this long-term data set to develop a stochastic demographic model that quantified the separate and interactive role of these threats to ginseng viability. Although harvesting and deer herbivory negatively affected ginseng population growth, their effects were not additive. Deer herbivory negatively affected population growth in the absence but not in the presence of harvesting. Life table response experiments revealed that in the presence of harvesting, deer herbivory had some positive effects on vital rates because browsed plants were less apparent to harvesters. Ginseng populations that were harvested responsibly (i.e., planting seeds from harvested individuals) had higher growth rates than those that were harvested irresponsibly. We concluded that both deer populations and harvesting must be managed to ensure sustainable populations of American ginseng. Our findings underscore the importance of long-term monitoring to assess threats to viability and the need for a broad ecological understanding of the complexity of ecosystem management.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, an area almost the size of Japan, has a new network of no-take areas that significantly improves the protection of biodiversity. The new marine park zoning implements, in a quantitative manner, many of the theoretical design principles discussed in the literature. For example, the new network of no-take areas has at least 20% protection per "bioregion," minimum levels of protection for all known habitats and special or unique features, and minimum sizes for no-take areas of at least 10 or 20 km across at the smallest diameter. Overall, more than 33% of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is now in no-take areas (previously 4.5%). The steps taken leading to this outcome were to clarify to the interested public why the existing level of protection was inadequate; detail the conservation objectives of establishing new no-take areas; work with relevant and independent experts to define, and contribute to, the best scientific process to deliver on the objectives; describe the biodiversity (e.g., map bioregions); define operational principles needed to achieve the objectives; invite community input on all of the above; gather and layer the data gathered in round-table discussions; report the degree of achievement of principles for various options of no-take areas; and determine how to address negative impacts. Some of the key success factors in this case have global relevance and include focusing initial communication on the problem to be addressed; applying the precautionary principle; using independent experts; facilitating input to decision making; conducting extensive and participatory consultation; having an existing marine park that encompassed much of the ecosystem; having legislative power under federal law; developing high-level support; ensuring agency priority and ownership; and being able to address the issue of displaced fishers.  相似文献   
三亚市位于海南岛最南端,旅游资源丰富,生态环境良好,是海南建设国际旅游岛和国家生态文明试验区的重要城市之一。2019年秋季三亚市出现的一次臭氧(Ozone,O3)污染过程,为科学认识三亚市此次O3污染特征及气象学成因,也为进一步开展O3污染预警预报和科学治理提供技术支撑,利用2019年11月1—6日三亚市生态环境局对外发布的大气污染物数据,以及地面常规观测数据,结合ECMWF发布的第5代资料(the fifth generation ECMWF reanalysis data,ERA5),采用相关分析和后向轨迹模型对其进行分析。结果表明,11月4日和5日O3-8 h(臭氧最大8 h滑动平均)分别为162μg·m-3和180μg·m-3,超标百分比为101.25%和112.50%。5日O3-1 h(臭氧最大1 h平均)达到了203μg·m-3,超标百分比为101.50%。14:00—19:00是O3  相似文献   
通过在拉萨市垃圾填埋场周边布设4个监测井,于2017—2018年采样分析24项地下水水质指标,并运用单因子指数、综合评价法、污染指数P_(ki)法、等标污染负荷比法等对地下水污染状况进行评价。结果表明:地下水水质在良好—优良范围内;单项污染指数1的有pH值、铅,相比背景井地下水水质有所下降;填埋场周边地下水污染程度呈轻污染,主要受到影响的指标为pH值、高锰酸盐指数、阴离子表面活性剂、铅、氟化物。  相似文献   
藻源型溶解性有机氮的产生及不同时期藻类有机物的特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了铜绿微囊藻藻细胞全生命周期中氮的转化过程以及藻类有机物的性质,结果表明:溶解性有机氮(DON)在藻类生长周期中总体呈现上升趋势,藻细胞在其生长初期释放量小于0.05mgDON/107cells,衰亡期释放能力约为0.40mgDON/107cells;胞外有机物(EOM)中分子量分布在对数期和衰亡期以100kDa为主,稳定期以100kDa范围内.三维荧光光谱分析表明,EOM中荧光物质主要为类腐植酸和溶解性微生物代谢产物;而IOM主要由类芳香蛋白和溶解性微生物代谢产物组成.  相似文献   
清洁生产技术从源头削减污染物的产生量,是清洁生产的核心。目前,国家将减排措施分为结构减排、工程减排和管理减排,但仅考核清洁生产中高费方案的减排效果,按清洁生产改造费用高低核算清洁生产减排效果的做法,削弱了清洁生产技术在减排中的重要作用。准确客观评价长周期条件下工业行业清洁生产技术的削污贡献,对认识清洁生产的长期减排规律和作用具有重要意义。通过建立清洁生产技术削污效果模型,计算火电行业1950—2013年清洁生产技术削污和末端减排技术减排效果。结果表明:64年间清洁生产技术削减SO2累计达3.17亿t,是末端治理的2.3倍。从发展趋势看,中国火电行业末端减排技术的减排潜力已接近极限,而未来通过清洁生产技术的削污作用仍将持续增加。因此,强化清洁生产技术的研发、推广力度,是我国实现污染减排长期目标的必然选择。  相似文献   
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