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不明原因肾病(CKDu)是斯里兰卡亟需解决的重要民生问题,其地下水源饮用水中的溶解性污染物可能是重要的致病原因。系统分析了北部中心省内高、低、非发病区及对照区 (HR、LR、NR、CR)干湿季地下水的水化学特征和DOM特性,结果表明:地下水主要呈Ca-Mg-HCO3型,硬度和F超标率较高,是地下水作为饮水安全保障最关键的指标;地下水中DOM主要为自生源,芳香性和腐熟化程度较低,主要为富里酸、腐殖酸和小分子蛋白质类物质;湿季DOM浓度较高,是Fe浓度增加的关键原因;而干季地下水中微生物活性较高,腐殖质和蛋白质发生分解,小分子络氨酸/赖氨酸的浓度增加。同时,发现不同区域地下水中DOM的生物利用性表现为HR−1,芳香性较高。有机无机的相互作用导致赋存形态、生物可利用性的变化可能是CKDu致病的重要原因。针对以上问题,提出“吸附-除F-软化-NF-消毒”的处理策略,通过有机物吸附处理、阴离子交换除F、软化除硬分离预处理及NF深度处理等技术有效解决地下水中DOM、F、Ca2+和Mg2+超标的问题,实现饮用水的供给。本研究全面分析了CKDu病区地下水中的污染物组成,并提出解决策略,可为斯里兰卡饮用水安全保障提供支撑。  相似文献   
• Bioaerosol emitted from farming and composting facilities may pose health risks. • We describe population characteristics around these sites and infer public concern. • Sites were mapped and overlaid with population, demographic and school data. • Approximately 16% of the population and 15% of schools are located near these sites. • More community health studies need to be conducted around these sites. Bioaerosol exposure has been linked to adverse respiratory conditions. Intensive farming and composting facilities are important anthropogenic sources of bioaerosols. We aimed to characterise populations living close to intensive farming and composting facilities. We also infer whether the public are becoming more concerned about anthropogenic bioaerosol emissions, using reports of air pollution related incidents attributed to facilities. We mapped the location of 1,257 intensive farming and 310 composting facilities in England in relation to the resident population and its characteristics (sex and age), area characteristics (deprivation proxy and rural/urban classification) and school locations stratified by pre-defined distance bands from these bioaerosol sources. We also calculated the average number of air pollution related incidents per year per facility. We found that more than 16% of the population and 15% of schools are located within 4,828 m of an intensive farming facility or 4,000 m of a composting facility; few people (0.01%) live very close to these sites and tend to be older people. Close to composting facilities, populations are more likely to be urban and more deprived. The number of incidents were attributed to a small proportion of facilities; population characteristics around these facilities were similar. Results indicate that populations living near composting facilities (particularly>250 to≤4,000 m) are mostly located in urban areas (80%–88% of the population), which supports the need for more community health studies to be conducted. Results could also be used to inform risk management strategies at facilities with higher numbers of incidents.  相似文献   
本文介绍了利用紫外光将单体接枝到聚合物表面的技术原理与条件 ,并介绍了分离膜表面进行光接枝聚合的研究进展及发展趋势  相似文献   
抗生素的大量使用和直接排放已引起环境耐药性的增加,村镇生活污水处理设施来源的抗生素尚未引起重视.本文以4类(喹诺酮类、四环素类、大环内酯类和β-内酰胺类)抗生素为研究对象,采用超高效液相色谱和串联质谱法,考察了不同规模村镇生活污水处理设施进出水中的抗生素浓度分布和去除情况,并与城市生活污水厂进行了比较.结果表明,村镇生活污水处理设施中喹诺酮类氧氟沙星的进水排入浓度最高,可达32663.5 ng ·L-1,随污水排放至环境的风险应引起重视.与城市生活污水厂的水质稳定性、处理工艺、排放要求及管理水平不同,仅有33%的村镇生活污水设施的检出抗生素去除率达到60%以上.村镇生活污水处理设施保持常规污染物的达标排放可以实现部分抗生素的有效去除.  相似文献   
The prevailing hypothesis, which states that the uptake of HOCs by phytoplankton is controlled by the compound's lipophilicity (Kow) was tested. The approach taken was to determine the factors that controlled the uptake of PCBs by phytoplankton under controlled laboratory conditions, and to develop a model that would describe bioaccumulation of PCBs in phytoplankton.The results demonstrate a relationship of BAF to Kow and to phytoplankton surface properties, as well as the data presented here, support the hypothesis that the mechanism of HOC uptake is a rapid surface sorption followed by a slower transfer into lipids in the cell matrix. The work on the kinetics of uptake indicates that equilibrium is reached slowly and that the rate of uptake is of similar magnitude as phytoplankton growth under normal field conditions.Thus a critical factor that controls the bioaccumulation of HOCs reach equilibrium in phytoplankton itself.  相似文献   
亚太区各国已共同做出坚决承诺。矢志迈向可持续发展的目标。我们希望区内所有人民均可拥有更美好的生活,与此同时维护地球拥有的支援万物生长的能力,尊重地球自然资源的极限。面对今日亚太区以至全世界人口持续增长。消费模式不断改变,我们怎样才能实现这个目标?  相似文献   
为探究超大城市居民在中心城区公交车站候车的颗粒物暴露情况,使用Grimm Aerosol 11-A型便携式气溶胶光学粒径谱仪对广州市越秀区和天河区共7个典型公交车站的颗粒物污染暴露进行平行监测.结果表明:①各公交车站的平均PM1、PM2.5和PM10暴露浓度分别为(33.35±15.96)(46.97±22.94)和(89.70±67.07)μg/m3,休息日公交车站的暴露浓度约为工作日的2倍,高峰期颗粒物暴露浓度略高于平峰期.②候车乘客数、道路车流量和相对湿度是影响PM1、PM2.5暴露浓度的主要因素,纯电动公交车停靠次数虽对细颗粒物暴露浓度无明显贡献,但其制动、轮胎与路面摩擦以及扬尘产生的粗粒径排放成为PM10污染的主要因素之一.③粗粒径模态(1~10 μm)颗粒物是颗粒物浓度的主要贡献源,其浓度占比高达63%,但数浓度占比不足1%;而积聚模态(0.25~1 μm)颗粒物数浓度占比在99%以上,部分车站积聚模态颗粒物质量浓度占比超过40%,说明细颗粒污染严重.④单位时间内公交车站候车乘客PM1、PM2.5和PM10总暴露剂量分别为(241.80±82.85)(342.59±112.11)和(681.17±226.89)μg/h,表现出工作日高于休息日、工作日高峰期高于平峰期、休息日高峰期低于平峰期的特征,部分车站(如DF和LS站)老人总暴露剂量占比超过40%,成为公交车站主要暴露对象之一.研究显示,广州市中心城区公交车站颗粒物暴露特征时空差异明显,道路车流量、相对湿度、候车乘客数和公交车停靠次数是影响颗粒物暴露浓度的主要因素.   相似文献   
采用乙酸对厌氧污泥进行逐步驯化,以富集乙酸营养型产甲烷菌群,解决厌氧发酵过程中的酸抑制问题.对驯化前后污泥中的微生物群落结构及其在高酸浓度和低p H值条件下的发酵特性进行了研究.结果表明:驯化后污泥中乙酸营养型产甲烷菌中的甲烷八叠球菌属(Methanosarcina)得到了明显富集,其相对丰度由原始的4.2%提高到58.1%,成为耐酸污泥中的主导优势古菌群;氢营养型产甲烷菌属的丰度则都有不同程度的下降.污泥中产甲烷菌群由氢营养型为主导转为乙酸营养型和氢营养型共同主导.驯化前后污泥中细菌的优势菌门均为主要降解纤维素和半纤维素的厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)和降解蛋白质的拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),其中驯化后Firmicutes的丰度由48.8%提高到61.7%,而Bacteroidetes的丰度则由30.1%降低至16.9%.驯化后的污泥对高VFA浓度和低pH值的耐受性均有较大程度的提高,其在VFA浓度为7500 mg·L~(-1)及pH 6.0条件下仍可以快速产气.  相似文献   
国家非常重视海岛保护工作,对被破坏的海岛进行生态修复对于维护生态安全、改善岛民生活环境、促进海岛可持续发展具有非常重要的意义。我国海岛生态修复的研究相对滞后,特别是有关海岛整治修复前评估方法的研究较少。本文在梳理海岛生态修复发展现状和PSR模型在生态评价领域应用现状的基础上,从海岛生态胁迫、海岛周边海域健康状态和海岛资源环境管理机制三个层面介入,提出生态保育海岛评估指标体系,旨在为此类海岛生态整治修复与管理的目标制定提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   
聚砜中空纤维超滤膜动态法表面光接枝改性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以二苯甲酮 (BP)为光引发剂 ,丙烯酰胺 (AAM)为接枝单体 ,以先用紫外光照射引发剂 ,然后将引发剂和单体分步输送到膜上的方法对聚砜单内皮层中空纤维超滤膜的内表面进行接枝改性。实验表明 ,改性后膜的表面亲水性有所上升 ,膜孔径也有一定程度的减小。证明该方法具有可行性 ,并有进一步发展的潜力。  相似文献   
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