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Abstract:  Climate change poses a challenge to the conventional approach to biodiversity conservation, which relies on fixed protected areas, because the changing climate is expected to shift the distribution of suitable areas for many species. Some species will persist only if they can colonize new areas, although in some cases their dispersal abilities may be very limited. To address this problem we devised a quantitative method for identifying multiple corridors of connectivity through shifting habitat suitabilities that seeks to minimize dispersal demands first and then the area of land required. We applied the method to Proteaceae mapped on a 1-minute grid for the western part of the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa, to supplement the existing protected areas, using Worldmap software. Our goal was to represent each species in at least 35 grid cells (approximately 100 km2) at all times between 2000 and 2050 despite climate change. Although it was possible to achieve the goal at reasonable cost, caution will be needed in applying our method to reserves or other conservation investments until there is further information to support or refine the climate-change models and the species' habitat-suitability and dispersal models.  相似文献   
International debate and economic literature on export earnings from trade in raw materials have focused on two main subjects: the ability to increase incomes arising from the exports and the possibility of stabilizing these incomes. One alternative that has been suggested and discussed with regard to the second issue is a buffer stock that would decrease the fluctuations in raw material prices. Two objections that have been made to this proposal are that, with stabilization, producers could lose their welfare benefits; and that financial costs are too great. In this article, market conditions required so that copper producers may be benefited by price stability are discussed, and the profitability of a copper buffer stock is measured. Depending on the characteristics of demand and supply curves in the copper market, the article concludes that producers may obtain welfare and income benefits from price stabilization and that for certain degrees of stability the management of the copper buffer stock can yield a positive internal rate of return close to that of alternative investments. Des discussions au niveau international et des ouvrages économiques en matière de recettes d'exportation provenant du commerce des matiêres premières ont mis l'accent sur deux sujets principaux: la capacité d'accroître les revenue de ces exportations et la possibilité de stabiliser ces revenue. Une option, suggérée et débattue au sujet du second point, consiste en l'établissement d'un stock régulateur qui tendrait à diminuer les fluctuations des prix des matiêres premières. Cependant, deux objections ont été soulevées, à savoir: la stabilisation pourrait avoir des repercussions néfastes sur les bénéfices des producteurs et les coûts financiers pourraient être trap élevés. L'article considère les conditions de marché requises pour permettre aux producteurs de cuivre de bénéficier de la stabilité des prix ainsi que la rentabilité d'un stock régulateur en matière de cuivre. En se basant sur les caractéristiques des courbes de l'offre et de la demande dans le marché du cuivre, l'article conclut que les producteurs peuvent bénéficier de la stabilisation des prix et que, à certains degrés de stabilité, la gestion d'un stock régulateur de cuivre peut engendrer un taux de rendement interne positif avoisinant ceux d'autres investissements. Los debates internacionales y la literature sobre los ingresos de exportatión de materias primas han enfocado dos temas principals: la habilidad de aumentar el ingreso resultante de estas exportaciones y la posibilidad de estabilizar dichos ingresos. La creación de una reserva de compensación para contrarrestar las fluctuaciones de los precios de materias primas ha sido propuesto y discutido. Las objeciones hechas a esta propuesta argumentan que los beneficios para los productores disminuiría con la estabilización y que los costos financieros serian demasiado grandes. En este artículo se discuten las condiciones de mercado que permitirían a los productores de cobre beneficiarse de la estabilidad de precios y se mide también la rentabilidad de la reserva de compensación para el cobre. Basándose en las características de las curvas de demanda y oferta en el mercado del cobre, el artículo concluye que los productores pueden salir gananciosos con la estabilización de precios y que para ciertos grados de estabilidad, la administración de la reserva de compensación del cobre puede producir una tasa interna de retorno positive, comparable a otras inversiones alternatives.  相似文献   
Response of Neotropical Bat Assemblages to Human Land Use   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neotropical bats are sensitive to human‐induced habitat changes, and some authors believe bats can be used as bioindicators. In the literature, however, the results are disparate. Some results show bat diversity deceases as disturbance increases, whereas others indicate no effect. Determining the general response patterns of bats when they encounter different degrees of human‐induced disturbance across the Neotropics would help to determine their usefulness as bioindicators. In a series of meta‐analyses, we compared the occurrence frequency of bat species between well‐preserved forests and human‐use areas. We obtained data through an extensive review of published peer‐reviewed articles, theses, and reports. The overall effect size indicated that human‐use areas harbored more bat species than well‐preserved forests. Different response patterns emerged when meta‐analyses were conducted separately by family, feeding habit, vegetation stratum, and conservation status. Our results suggest that bat assemblages display strong responses to forest loss and land‐use change and that the direction and magnitude of these responses depends on the bat group under study and the type of disturbance. Our results are consistent with the idea that bats are useful for assessing the effects of habitat changes in the Neotropics. However, with our meta‐analyses we could not detect fine differences in bat feeding habits, especially within Phyllostomidae, or elucidate the effect of landscape configuration. Respuesta de Ensambles de Murciélagos Neotropicales al Uso de Suelo por Humanos  相似文献   
Haemosporidian parasites in the genus Plasmodium were recently detected through molecular screening in the Galapagos Penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus). We summarized results of an archipelago‐wide screen of 3726 endemic birds representing 22 species for Plasmodium spp. through a combination of molecular and microscopy techniques. Three additional Plasmodium lineages were present in Galapagos. Lineage A–infected penguins, Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia aureola), and one Medium Ground Finch (Geospiza fortis) was detected at multiple sites in multiple years. The other 3 lineages were each detected at one site and at one time; apparently, they were transient infections of parasites not established on the archipelago. No gametocytes were found in blood smears of infected individuals; thus, endemic Galapagos birds may be dead‐end hosts for these Plasmodium lineages. Determining when and how parasites and pathogens arrive in Galapagos is key to developing conservation strategies to prevent and mitigate the effects of introduced diseases. To assess the potential for Plasmodium parasites to arrive via migratory birds, we analyzed blood samples from 438 North American breeding Bobolinks (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), the only songbird that regularly migrates through Galapagos. Two of the ephemeral Plasmodium lineages (B and C) found in Galapagos birds matched parasite sequences from Bobolinks. Although this is not confirmation that Bobolinks are responsible for introducing these lineages, evidence points to higher potential arrival rates of avian pathogens than previously thought. Linajes Múltiples de Parásitos de Malaria Aviar (Plasmodium) en las Islas Galápagos y Evidencia de su Arribo por Medio de Aves Migratorias  相似文献   
Abstract: The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) may be the first charismatic felid to become extinct in a high‐income country, despite decades of study and much data that show extinction is highly probable. The International Union for Conservation of Nature categorizes it as critically endangered; about 200 free‐ranging individuals remain in two populations in southern Spain. Conservation measures aimed at averting extirpation have been extensively undertaken with 4 of the former 10 Iberian lynx populations recorded 25 years ago. Two of the four populations have been extirpated. The number of individuals in the third population have declined by 83%, and in the fourth the probability of extirpation has increased from 34% to 95%. Major drivers of the pending extinction are the small areas to which conservation measures have been applied; lack of incorporation of evidence‐based conservation, scientific monitoring, and adaptive management into conservation efforts; a lack of continuity in recovery efforts, and distrust by conservation agencies of scientific information. In contrast to situations in which conservation and economic objectives conflict, in the case of the Iberian lynx all stakeholders desire the species to be conserved.  相似文献   
This paper explores the effect of the perception of externalities (PE) on residential water consumption. Externalities occur when individuals make decisions that harm others, without concern for the impact or feeling a need to compensate for the harm. The aim of this study was to investigate whether PE affects people's motivation to conserve water, and, consequently, the practice of residential water consumption. Two hundred eighty Mexican citizens responded to a questionnaire investigating how they perceived that other individuals in their community wasted water. Respondents were also asked about their motives to conserve water, and direct observations of individual water consumption were recorded. Results were processed within a structural equations model, which revealed that motives to conserve water significantly inhibit water consumption. Since the perception of externalities also inhibits conservation motives, the resulting effect of PE on water consumption is positive. This result means that the more people perceive that others waste water, the less their conservation motives, and, therefore, the more their own water consumption.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to determine the transformation kinetic of methylparathion (O, O, -dimethyl O-4 nitrophenylphosphorotioate) in the presence of Fe(III) between pH 2 and 7. The Fe(III) was not electroactive under the conditions used in this study, and polarographic signals were exhibited by methylparathion and main degradation product only. Data suggest that hydrolysis of methylparathion in an acid medium is catalyzed by Fe(III) and the pesticide did not degrade in this medium without this cation. Methylparathion degradation was observed at all the pHs studied and was independent of the predominant chemical form of Fe(III) in the aqueous medium. The reaction was first-order with pH-dependent rate constant (k) values ranging from 3.3 × 10? 3 h? 1 to 7.0 × 10? 3 h? 1. The k values increased as pH decreased, suggesting that Fe(III) acted as an electrophile in the reaction mechanism.  相似文献   
Indigenous Heavy Metal Multiresistant Microbiota of Las Catonas Stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Las Catonas stream (Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area) receives a complex mixture of pollutants from point and diffuse sources because of the agricultural, industrial and urban land uses of its basin. Widespread detection of heavy metals exceeding aquatic life protection levels has occurred in monitoring reconnaissance studies in surface and pore water. As a result of the screening of Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb resistant/tolerant and culturable microbiota, B101N and 200H strains (Pseudomonas fluorescens or putida) were isolated and selected for further studies. They showed 65% Cd and 35% Zn extraction efficiency from aqueous phase. The potential use of these strains in wastewater treatment is currently investigated in order to contribute to decrease heavy metal pollution, a problem affecting every stream of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.  相似文献   
Abstract: Searching for indicator taxa representative of diverse assemblages, such as arthropods, is an important objective of many conservation studies. We evaluated the impacts of a wide gradient of disturbance in Gabon on a range of arthropod assemblages representing different feeding guilds. We examined 4 × 105 arthropod individuals from which 21 focal taxa were separated into 1534 morphospecies. Replication included the understory of 3 sites in each of 4 different stages of forest succession and land use (i.e., habitats) after logging (old and young forests, savanna, and gardens). We used 3 complementary sampling methods to survey sites throughout the year. Overall differences in arthropod abundance and diversity were greatest between forest and open habitats, and cleared forest invaded by savanna had the lowest abundance and diversity. The magnitude of faunal differences was much smaller between old and young forests. When considered at this local scale, anthropogenic modification of habitats did not result in a monotonous decline of diversity because many herbivore pests and their associated predators and parasitoids were abundant and diverse in gardens, where plant productivity was kept artificially high year‐round through watering and crop rotation. We used a variety of response variables to measure the strength of correlations across survey locations among focal taxa. These could be ranked as follows in terms of decreasing number of significant correlations: species turnover > abundance > observed species richness > estimated species richness > percentage of site‐specific species. The number of significant correlations was generally low and apparently unrelated to taxonomy or guild structure. Our results emphasize the value of reporting species turnover in conservation studies, as opposed to simply measuring species richness, and that the search for indicator taxa is elusive in the tropics. One promising alternative might be to consider “predictor sets” of a small number of taxa representative of different functional groups, as identified in our study.  相似文献   
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