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Triclocarban (TCC) is an antibacterial agent found in pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP). It is potentially bioaccumulative and an endocrine disruptor, being classified as a contaminant of emerging concern (CEC). In normal uses, approximately 96% of the used TCC can be washed down the drain going into the sewer system and eventually enter in the aquatic environment. UV photolysis can be used to photodegrade TCC and ecotoxicity assays could indicate the photodegradation efficiency, since the enormous structural diversity of photoproducts and their low concentrations do not always allow to identify and quantify them. In this work, the TCC was efficiently degraded by UVC direct photolysis and the ecotoxicity of the UV-treated mixtures was investigated. Bioassays indicates that Daphnia similis (48 h EC50 = 0.044 μM) was more sensitive to TCC than Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (72 h IC50 = 1.01 μM). TCC and its photoproducts caused significant effects on Eisenia andrei biochemical responses (catalase and glutathione-S-transferase); 48 h was a critical exposure time, since GST reached the highest activity values. UVC reduced the TCC toxic effect after 120 min. Furthermore, TCC was photodegraded in domestic wastewater which was simultaneously disinfected for total coliform bacterial (TCB) (360 min) and Escherichia coli (60 min).
Graphical abstract TCC degradation and ecotoxicological assessment
Not surprisingly it has been shown that there are higher accident rates and larger magnitudes in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) if compared with the case of the larger ones. Some studies suggest that SMEs have serious problems aggravated by limited access to human, economic and technological resources. Moreover, it is now acknowledged that methods developed specifically for Large Enterprises (LEs) cannot be simply transferred to smaller enterprises. Although the debate concerning essentially the size of the enterprises and their corresponding accident rates is ongoing, very little attention is paid to the difference between the Micro- (MiEs), the Small- (SEs), and the Medium-sized Enterprises (MEs). Indeed, in most of the cases, SMEs are bundled together and considered as a whole, in opposition to LEs. In some cases SEs and MEs are studied separately, but only the difference in terms of accident rates is highlighted. Instead, important information in terms of performance and organizational, cultural and economic differences between MiEs, SEs and MEs exist. Within the implementation of the E-merging project (financed by the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Occupational Accidents – INAIL), some differences have been identified on the basis of two existing data sources.  相似文献   
A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed to evaluate the competitiveness of seminatural Free Water Surface (FWS) wetlands compared to traditional wastewater-treatment plants. Six scenarios of the service costs of three FWS wetlands and three different wastewater-treatment plants based on active sludge processes were compared. The six scenarios were all equally effective in their wastewater-treatment capacity. The service costs were estimated using real accounting data from an experimental wetland and by means of a market survey. Some assumptions had to be made to perform the analysis. A reference wastewater situation was established to solve the problem of the different levels of dilution that characterize the inflow water of the different systems; the land purchase cost was excluded from the analysis, considering the use of public land as shared social services, and an equal life span for both seminatural and traditional wastewater-treatment plants was set. The results suggest that seminatural systems are competitive with traditional biotechnological systems, with an average service cost improvement of 2.1-fold to 8-fold, according to the specific solution and discount rate. The main improvement factor was the lower maintenance cost of the seminatural systems, due to the self-regulating, low artificial energy inputs and the absence of waste to be disposed. In this work, only the waste-treatment capacity of wetlands was considered as a parameter for the economic competitiveness analysis. Other goods/services and environmental benefits provided by FWS wetlands were not considered.
Daniel FrancoEmail:
Environmental Agencies require Decision Support Systems, in order to plan Air Quality Policies considering the cost of emission reduction measures and the human health effects (with related social costs). The use of Decision Support Systems is also useful to spread information to general public, explaining the effectiveness of proposed air quality plans. In this paper, a multi-objective approach to control PM10 concentration at a regional level is presented. The problem considers both the internal costs (due to the implementation of emission reduction measures) and the external costs (due to population exposure to high PM10 concentrations). To model PM10 concentrations, a single surrogate model is used for the entire domain, allowing the implementation of a very efficient optimization procedure. The surrogate model is derived through a set of 10 simulations, performed using a Chemistry Transport Model fed with different emission reduction scenarios. The methodology is applied to Northern Italy, a region affected by very high PM10 concentrations that exceed the limit values specified by the EU legislation.  相似文献   
To implement sound air quality policies, Regulatory Agencies require tools to evaluate outcomes and costs associated to different emission reduction strategies. These tools are even more useful when considering atmospheric PM10 concentrations due to the complex nonlinear processes that affect production and accumulation of the secondary fraction of this pollutant. The approaches presented in the literature (Integrated Assessment Modeling) are mainly cost-benefit and cost-effective analysis. In this work, the formulation of a multi-objective problem to control particulate matter is proposed. The methodology defines: (a) the control objectives (the air quality indicator and the emission reduction cost functions); (b) the decision variables (precursor emission reductions); (c) the problem constraints (maximum feasible technology reductions). The cause-effect relations between air quality indicators and decision variables are identified tuning nonlinear source–receptor models. The multi-objective problem solution provides to the decision maker a set of not-dominated scenarios representing the efficient trade-off between the air quality benefit and the internal costs (emission reduction technology costs). The methodology has been implemented for Northern Italy, often affected by high long-term exposure to PM10. The source–receptor models used in the multi-objective analysis are identified processing long-term simulations of GAMES multiphase modeling system, performed in the framework of CAFE-Citydelta project.  相似文献   
Leaves of the oak, Quercus cerris, and thalli of the epiphytic lichen, Parmelia caperata, from the Travale-Radicondoli geothermal area (central Italy) were analyzed for their trace elements (As, B, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Pb, Zn). the results showed that concentrations of arsenic and boron in leaf and lichen samples were higher than in remote areas. the mean concentrations of many trace elements were higher in lichens than in oak leaves, suggesting that these organisms can be used in similar biomonitoring studies. the levels of boron and manganese were higher in tree leaves, so that for these two elements, the higher plant foliage could constitute a better biomonitor than lichens. the correlations found between the concentrations of cadmium and manganese in leaves and lichens suggests foliar leaching and washing of the elements down the tree trunk, where lichens may intercept them.  相似文献   
Between 1990 and 2007, 15 southern white (Ceratotherium simum simum) and black (Diceros bicornis) rhinoceroses on average were killed illegally every year in South Africa. Since 2007 illegal killing of southern white rhinoceros for their horn has escalated to >950 individuals/year in 2013. We conducted an ecological–economic analysis to determine whether a legal trade in southern white rhinoceros horn could facilitate rhinoceros protection. Generalized linear models were used to examine the socioeconomic drivers of poaching, based on data collected from 1990 to 2013, and to project the total number of rhinoceroses likely to be illegally killed from 2014 to 2023. Rhinoceros population dynamics were then modeled under 8 different policy scenarios that could be implemented to control poaching. We also estimated the economic costs and benefits of each scenario under enhanced enforcement only and a legal trade in rhinoceros horn and used a decision support framework to rank the scenarios with the objective of maintaining the rhinoceros population above its current size while generating profit for local stakeholders. The southern white rhinoceros population was predicted to go extinct in the wild <20 years under present management. The optimal scenario to maintain the rhinoceros population above its current size was to provide a medium increase in antipoaching effort and to increase the monetary fine on conviction. Without legalizing the trade, implementing such a scenario would require covering costs equal to approximately $147,000,000/year. With a legal trade in rhinoceros horn, the conservation enterprise could potentially make a profit of $717,000,000/year. We believe the 35‐year‐old ban on rhinoceros horn products should not be lifted unless the money generated from trade is reinvested in improved protection of the rhinoceros population. Because current protection efforts seem to be failing, it is time to evaluate, discuss, and test alternatives to the present policy.  相似文献   
Chorionic villus sampling was performed between 7 and 12 weeks gestation in 1000 patients, 935 of whom intended to continue after fetal diagnosis. Transcervical and Transabdominal aspiration techniques were used providing a sampling success rate of 99 per cent. Anatomical and clinical contraindications to transcervical aspiration were pointed out, and the complementary role of the transabdominal approach evaluated. In the 615 concluded pregnancies an overall abortion rate of 4.1 per cent was observed. A significant association between fetal loss and number of catheter insertions was demonstrated. Bacterial inoculation by catheter insertion and colonization of uterine cavity was suspected as the cause of chorionamnionitis diagnosed in two cases (0.2 per cent) after CVS. Bleeding was the most frequent early complication (12.0 per cent) following chorionic aspiration, but was not significantly related to pregnancy wastage. Late complications, i.e. premature rupture of membranes (0.8 per cent), preterm delivery (6.3 per cent), perinatal losses (1.2 per cent), placental disorders (1.6 per cent), and congenital defects (2.6 per cent) did not exceed the expected values. Normal intrauterine growth patterns were ultrasonically estimated by cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, while the weight at birth was normally distributed in the range of the general population.  相似文献   
Humic substances are poorly known, though they represent a major pool of non-biotic organic carbon on earth. In particular, there is little knowledge on the formation of humic substances by irradiation of organic matter dissolved in waters. Specifically, it is known that humic substances can be formed from proteins by photochemical processes in surface waters, but the role of single amino acids and their transformation pathways are not yet known. Therefore, here we studied the phototransformation of aqueous l-tryptophan under simulated sunlight. Irradiated l-tryptophan solutions were analyzed by absorption, fluorescence, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies, chromatography, potentiometry and mass spectrometry (MS). The solutions appeared turbid after irradiation; therefore, nephelometry and dynamic laser light scattering were used to characterize the suspended particles. Results show that about 95% of l-tryptophan was degraded in 8-h irradiation, undergoing deamination and decarboxylation of the amino acidic moieties to release ammonium and formate. The MS signal at m/z 146 suggests the formation of 3-ethylindole, while pH-metric and NMR data revealed the presence of hydroxylated compounds. The phototransformation intermediates of l-tryptophan had fluorescence and absorption spectra similar to those of humic substances, they were able to produce ·OH upon irradiation and tended to aggregate by both ionic and hydrophobic interactions. Overall, our findings reveal for the first time the nature of products formed upon phototransformation of l-tryptophan. Interestingly, the transformation of l-tryptophan is quite different from that of the previously studied l-tyrosine, although both compounds produce humic-like materials under irradiation.  相似文献   
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